密      碼:
教育王國 討論區 初中教育 可以自製外國遊學/交流團(日本/Canda/USA/UK/NZ local S ...
樓主: 小時了了

可以自製外國遊學/交流團(日本/Canda/USA/UK/NZ local Summer School)   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-10-20 07:40 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 19-10-27 18:42 編輯
chilokbb 發表於 19-10-19 17:27
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

我對concord summer school 的courses 也有興趣比小朋友試,請問要自己報,還是可以 …

提一提機場接送 Airport Transfers, 你可以睇吓學校網頁機場接送安排及收費。 https://concordcollegeuk.com/summer-school/general-information/airport-transfers-summer-school/
- Manchester Airport (MAN)
- London Heathrow Airport (LHR)

我今年暑假時幫阿女買咗國泰 CX 有 UM Service 去 Manchester Airport (MAN) 嘅機票,因為 CX 每日只有一班機去Manchester,呢班機到達英國時係朝早6點機,超過學校 Summer 免費有職員接送時間,所以去程去英國呢個機場接送要額外收費。


香港去London Heathrow Airport (LHR) 多好多時間及航空公司選擇。

P.S. 阿女話去英國嗰程香港學生幾乎全部搭 Manchester Airport ,當時成班機有廿幾個 Concord summer school 學生,90% 學生用UM Service 空姐/空少帶過關,阿女係機場"職員專用通道" 入閘 (當時係佢哋前面係啲機師/空姐入閘),當時阿女表現興奮,因為特別通道入閘覺得好 "特別" 嘛!

Rank: 4

發表於 19-10-20 13:45 |只看該作者


宜家先見到樓主個post ,要即刻收藏。

唉~今年7月參加咗Ex果間真係好後悔。雖然係國際班,但都係同香港學生一起,總之各方面不如人意。 如果想去summer school就真係慎重啦~

今次見到樓主post 下年都準備自己卑個女去   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 19-10-22 00:03 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 19-10-20 07:19
2020 年加咗價 , 2019 年價 £3990 https://concordcollegeuk.com/summer-school/courses/dates-fees/
Se ...


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-10-22 06:20 |只看該作者
wingwantze 發表於 19-10-22 00:03
Chem & Bio

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-10-22 08:28 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-1-20 17:10 編輯
wingwantze 發表於 19-10-22 00:03

見妳開 post 問 英國Or加拿大, 妳可以考慮升 S2 及升 S3 兩個暑假去兩個國家, 等阿女親身體驗後佢想去邊個國家留學.

英國 summer school 前面我 post 咗好多間學校及香港好多 agent 做
加拿大公立學校 school board summer school 以下少少資料俾係參考吓

加拿大 summer course https://summer.bodwell.edu/programs/programs-at-ubc/ & 呢間 agent 代理呢個summer course 及報名 http://www.myfindschools.net/canadadetails2.php?nodeid=9

Summer Learning - Surrey Schools(Surry Canada)https://www.surreyschools.ca/K-12Schools/SummerSchool/Pages/default.aspx

Summer Camps (Richmond Canada) https://studyinrichmond.sd38.bc.ca/programs/summer-camps

Summer Programs (York Canada) http://www.yrdsb.ca/Programs/international/admissions/Pages/Admissions-SELA.aspx &  http://www.yrdsb.ca/Programs/international/programs/Pages/SummerPrograms.aspx

Summer School – Non-Diploma Courses (Edmonton Alberta Canada)https://www.metrocontinuingeducation.ca/summer-school/ & https://www.metrocontinuingeducation.ca/summer-school/summer-school-fees/#gotostudentunder20
Partner Sites: If you are a current or prospective student at one of the following schools, we encourage you to take your summer school course(s) at your school or the corresponding host site listed below. Please register with Metro Continuing Education.

Open Sites: The following sites are open to all students registering in non-diploma courses

Summer Explorer 2019 (Ottawa Canada) https://summerexplorer2019.wordpress.com/ & http://www.studyottawa.ca/website/page/show/summer-english-explorer?lang=en&docID=142 & http://www.studyottawa.ca/website/upload/documents/OTTAWA_summer_brochure_2018.pdf
How to Apply Program Dates
Summer programs will run between June 29th and August 7th, 2020.  The following days will be the start dates for most programs – note that Monday, July 1st is Canada Day and therefore school is closed on that day.
Following are the start dates for each week:
Monday, June 29th   Monday, July 6th   Monday, July 13th   Monday, July 20th (2, 3 week programs only)   Monday, July 27th (2 week programs only)

Wynchemna https://www.wynchemna.com/courses

Short- Term Exchange Program e.g. 1 week - 1 month
Golden Hills School Division http://www.ghsd-international.com/Short-Term%20Programs.php

Edmonton Public Schools http://internationalprograms.epsb.ca/admissions/tuitionfees/ & http://internationalprograms.epsb.ca/homestay/homestayfees/

Summer English Adventure Camp https://www.pacificacademy.net/summer-english-adventure-camp

Public School in BC 省 https://bcforhighschool.gov.bc.ca/en/tile/questions-key-contact-information/
School District 84 - Vancouver Island West Summer school http://www.sd84.bc.ca/international-program-schooldistrict84 & http://www.sd84.bc.ca/sites/default/files/Vancouver%20Island%20West%20Summer%20Programs.pdf

Victoria International Education is part of the Greater Victoria School Districthttps://www.studyinvictoria.com/future-students/prices-and-fees/summer-camp-prices-and-fees

UT https://future.utoronto.ca/academics/pre-university-programs/enrichment-summer-program-for-high-school-students/

UBC https://extendedlearning.ubc.ca/programs/future-global-leaders

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 19-10-22 22:26 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 19-10-22 08:28
見妳開 post 問 英國Or加拿大, 妳可以考慮升 S2 及升 S3 兩個暑假去兩個國家, 等阿女親身體驗後佢想去邊個 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-27 18:33 |只看該作者


小時了了,睇漏呢個post否則阿女也會報 明年暑假會再去嗎?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-10-31 11:18 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 masterunion 於 19-10-31 11:22 編輯
小時了了 發表於 19-7-27 09:46


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-1-16 11:12 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-1-31 23:54 編輯
sumyee 發表於 19-10-27 18:33
小時了了,睇漏呢個post否則阿女也會報  明年暑假會再去嗎?

嗯! 前日加拿大間公立學校終於出咗 offer 俾阿女 (我哋等呢間等咗3個月先至有offer!). 而紐西蘭間寄宿學校上星期覆我預留宿位明年俾阿女可以去讀.

如果阿女決定留係香港讀 GCEAL 課程的話, 今個暑假我會要佢試吓搵暑期工. 點解要阿女去試吓做暑期工? 呢個帖前輩有分享: Strategy get into hot professional programs in the University https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2239381&fromuid=1539350

如果阿女決定去加拿大 或 紐西蘭留學, 今年暑假唔會去 Concord 了.

P.S. 個人感覺及體驗, 如果打算及計劃安排仔女將來去海外讀中學, 我極之建議小朋友去吓其他國家 summer camp / short stay 幾星期, 當事人(孩子) 真係可以初嘗親身體會及感受到, 如果將來佢自己一個去海外留學所要面對嘅情緒/精神/周圍環境等等一切一切事情. 如果一個人獨自去海外 summer camp / short stay 幾星期當事人(孩子) 都頂唔順、克服唔到、面對唔到.... 咁作為父母及當事人(孩子)要再深思及考慮將來仲去唔去到海外留學

PS:最後又有變改,幫阿女申請咗4星期紐西蘭中學 Short stay

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 20-1-16 15:12 |只看該作者
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

Congrats 呀! 亦多謝你一直以黎無私分享。

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-1-21 09:00 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-4-2 15:28 編輯


1) University of Toronto -- Enrichment & Summer Programs for High School Students https://future.utoronto.ca/academics/pre-university-programs/enrichment-summer-program-for-high-school-students/
Summer Programs, Fee and All Inclusive Program https://internationalprograms.utoronto.ca/international-summer-programs/pre-university-programs/dates-fees/

Learn to Lead https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/language-studies/education-studies-summer-programs
Global Competence Program
Campus & Department: UTM – Department of Language Studies
Age Group: High School
Program Dates: 2 weeks, July 26 – Aug 8
Residence component: Yes
Financial assistance/Scholarship: Yes
Email contact: Liz Coulson (director)
[email protected] Wing Lu (coordinator) [email protected]
Learn to Lead is a two-week pre-university program for secondary students on the University of Toronto Mississauga campus https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/about-us/fact-sheet
A key goal is to support teens in developing the capacity to examine local, global and intercultural issues and appreciate the perspectives and world views of others. They will engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions with people from different cultures and develop action-oriented networking and communication skills (OECD, PISA 2018 Global Competencies).

Students learn in state-of-the art classrooms with world class University of Toronto professors and student mentors who support and deliver academic planning, leadership skill and language development workshops. Participants select a subject area of interest including medicine and health, entrepreneurship, finance, business, technology, innovation or environmental sustainability. In their subject classes they tackle problems, think critically working and learning in a research intensive setting with University of Toronto faculty.

Participants in the Learn to Lead program live on campus where they will make connections and build relationships with students their age from around the world. They will enjoy a variety of educational tours of local sites along with outdoor activities, sports, music and cultural experiences.
A University of Toronto Certificate is awarded upon completion of the program.

UC Summer Drama for International Students
Campus & Department: St. George – University College
Age Group: Ages 15 – 18
Program Dates: 3 weeks, July 11th to August 1st
Residence component: Yes (single or double rooms)
Additional items: Evening events, Weekend trips, extracurricular excursions to professional theatre productions, opportunities to work with technical equipment
Email contact: [email protected]
UC Summer Drama for International Students introduces participants to training that is offered in a post secondary theatre program.  
Intensive workshops in voice, movement, performance, improv, stage combat or electronic sound/music design begin each day.  During afternoon sessions, students participate in “Embodied English” classes.  A unique ESL program developed at the University of Toronto that uses theatrical techniques to improve intonation, vocabulary and articulation.  For native English speakers, additional theatrical workshops would be provided in the afternoons. Evenings and weekends allow members of our team to take the students out to explore Toronto’s rich and diverse cultural and artistic scene.
Our program culminates in a Closing Ceremony where students present what they’ve worked on during their stay with us.

Pre-University Programs – Global Citizenship Program (GCP)
Campus & Department: St. George – New College International Programs
Age Group: Ages 15-18
Program Dates: 3 weeks, 2 sessions, July 27 – July 27, July 28 – August 17
Residence component: Yes
Financial assistance/Scholarship: Yes
Email contact: [email protected]
The Pre-University programs are designed to prepare students and expose them to the skills and critical thinking required at the university level. The GCP in particular is modelled using project-based learning, where students will tackle a Global Challenge over the course of three weeks, working in small teams to research and address world issues, formulate a solution, culminating in a final project presentation at the end of the program.
Students will take morning Communication Classes and afternoon Global Citizenship Workshops, learning about different methods of critical thinking and analysis, as well as practical application of those skills. As an all-inclusive residential program, students will also participate in evening activities and weekend excursions during the program. This program accepts both international and domestic students, and has a minimum English level requirement (students are asked to self-assess, but an EPT result is not mandatory) as there will be no English language support during the program.

Pre-University Programs – Advanced Academic Program (AAP)
Campus & Department: St. George – New College International Programs
Age Group: Ages 15-18
Program Dates: 4 weeks, 2 sessions, June 30 – July 27, July 28 – August 24
Residence component: Yes
Financial assistance/Scholarship: No
Email contact: [email protected]
Similar to the GCP, the AAP is designed to prepare students and expose them to the skills required at the university level. However, where GCP is project-based, AAP is lecture-based, focusing on the reading, writing, note-taking, and discussion skills that students will need during their university studies.
Students will need to take both a morning course and an afternoon course of their choosing. These courses are experiential and will not have any credit associated. Since the AAP is designed for international students with English as a Second Language, there will be English language support throughout the program – however, given the course content covered, we students will need at least a high-intermediate level of English in order to be eligible for the program (students are asked to self-assess, but an EPT result is not mandatory).
Morning Courses: World Economics / Language & Literature
Afternoon Courses: Law, Ethics & Society / Film & Cinema Studies / Critical Thinking in Statistics

Youth International English Program (Youth IEP)
Campus & Department: St. George – New College International Programs
Age Group: Ages 12-18
Program Dates: 3 or 4 week programs, 2 sessions,
3 week: June 29, 2019 – July 19, 2019
July 6, 2019 – July 26, 2019
July 28, 2019 – August 17, 2019
4 week: June 29, 2019 – July 26, 2019
July 28, 2019 – August 24, 2019
Residence component: Yes
Financial assistance/Scholarship: No
Email contact: [email protected]  
The Youth IEP is a 3 or 4 week summer camp aimed at helping international ESL students improve their English. The program is designed for students with all English language abilities, from beginner to advanced levels. Students will take a mandatory morning course, and have the option of taking an afternoon course. Students who do not take an afternoon course will participate in afternoon activities. All students will participate in evening activities as well as weekend excursions.
Morning Courses (Mandatory): General English Course / Academic Preparation Course
Afternoon Courses (Optional): Extended English Course / TOEFL Preparation / IELTS Preparation

2) University of British Columbia (UBC)
Pre-University Experience for High School Students - https://extendedlearning.ubc.ca/study-topic/pre-university-experience-high-school-students
At UBC Future Global Leaders pre-university summer program, high school students ages 15-18 can spend an unforgettable summer experiencing university life. Discover your passions and challenge yourself in university-level academic and English language courses taught by UBC professors and instructors.

Each UBC Future Global Leaders course runs for two weeks, and includes class time, workshops, information sessions and a full calendar of after-class and weekend activities. You can combine more than one course at one or both campuses to create a 4- or 6-week program.
Session 1: Sunday, June 28 – Saturday, July 11, 2020 (UBC Vancouver | UBC Okanagan)
Session 2: Sunday, July 12 – Saturday, July 25, 2020 (UBC Vancouver)
Session 3: Sunday, July 26 – Saturday, August 8, 2020 (UBC Vancouver)
Whether you are ambitious, motivated or just curious about university life, come learn with like-minded students from more than 45 countries around the world. You can live on one of two breathtaking campuses – UBC Vancouver or UBC Okanagan – in a supervised student residence for the full experience, or commute daily.

Download the 2020 UBC Future Global Leaders program information flyer in English, Chinese - Traditional, Chinese - Simplified, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Turkish or Vietnamese.

Interested in UBC Future Global Leaders 2020? Subscribe now for news and registration updates.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-1-22 09:03 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-4-2 15:53 編輯

今年,幫阿女申請咗以下呢間紐西蘭女校 4 星期暑期 Short Stay Summer Exchange

1) St Hilda’s Collegiate School Short Stay 4 Weeks Fee http://www.sthildas.school.nz/
Period: Term 3 from 19 July, 2020 Sunday (Arrival in homestay) to 17 August 2020, Monday (Departure in homestay) (4 weeks)
Tuition Fees: Term 3 NZ 2,100.00
School Administration: NZ 300.00
Homestay Fees: NZ 960.00
Homestay Administration Fees: NZ 100.00
Student Disbursement: NZ 1,000.00
Insurance: NZ 50.00
Uniform Hire: NZ 340.00

TOTAL NZD: 4,850.00 (HKD 24,598.08)

2) Air Ticket: HKD10,430

3) Air New Zealand Children travelling alone Airband (UM Service ) : NZ 80 (HKD414.24 )
https://www.airnewzealand.hk/special-assistance-children-travelling-alone-airband#airband & https://www.airnewzealand.hk/children-travelling-alone-age-chart

4) New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) Fee
NZeTA web site: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/about-visa/nzeta &https://nzeta.immigration.govt.nz/
New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority fee*12.00 NZD + International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy35.00 NZD = TOTAL $47.00 NZD (HKD241.93)

**All Total Cost: HKD24,598.08 + HKD10,430 + HKD414.21 + HKD241.93
= ~HKD35,684.22 (4 Weeks) + 零用錢**

若果暑假計劃去紐西蘭中學自製 exchange 交流,可以係以下嘅討論帖內,自己揀心儀Boarding (寄宿學校 ~100間)或 Homestay (寄宿家庭學校 ),當中有2千間學校學校俾大家慢慢研究慢慢揀,揀啱學校家長自己 email 俾學校申請就可以,學校有寄宿位/寄宿家庭位就接受申請的,大家不妨申請吓。
廿萬英國公立政府預科學校&新西蘭/紐西蘭GCEAL課程留學 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3699273&page=2

PS: 最後因COVID-19疫症纽西蘭封關無了期,無飛機飛而被學校取消 short stay

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-2-16 11:02 |只看該作者
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St Francis Methodist School 亦有 short-term programmes and experience
https://www.sfms.edu.sg/index.php/downloads/ Join our short-term programmes and experience the
Please download the Application Form below.

SFMS Short Term Immersion Application Form https://www.sfms.edu.sg/newsfms2014/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Application-for-Admissions-Test-FORM-A-Editable.docx 香港中學暑假不妨可以申請 St Francis Methodist School 親身體驗當地中學生活

茗溪學園 https://www.meikei-inter-twn.com/ & https://www.meikei-inter-twn.com/留學生課程

澳洲中學各地區排名及申請公立學校政府官方網站及資料 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3845673&fromuid=1539350

1) Canberra Government Schools (坎培拉) https://www.education.act.gov.au/public-school-life/international_students/secondary_exchange_program

2) New South Wales Government Schools (新南威爾士省) https://dings-web.squiz.cloud/study-options/study-programs/study-abroad

3) Queensland Government Schools (崑士蘭省) https://eqi.com.au/study-options/study-tours

4) South Australian Government Schools (南澳省) https://www.internationalstudents.sa.edu.au/en/students/high-school-student/hs-program-fees/

5) Tasmanian Government Schools (塔斯曼尼亞) https://www.education.tas.gov.au/students/international-students/international-full-fee-paying-students/

6) Victorian Government Schools (維多利亞省) https://www.study.vic.gov.au/en/international-student-program/study-abroad-program/Pages/default.aspx

7) Western Australian Government Schools (西澳省) https://www.tafeinternational.wa.edu.au/your-study-options/study-at-school/study-tours / https://www.tafeinternational.wa.edu.au/your-study-options/study-at-school/short-term-study-programs

8) Northern Territory Government Schools (達爾文) https://nt.gov.au/learning/international-education / https://education.nt.gov.au/

Rank: 4

發表於 20-2-19 17:09 |只看該作者
謝謝你一直無私的分享, 原本我也想俾小女(F.1)今年去見下世面, 但一個COVID-19, 暑假好大機會遲放(班主任估計7月尾), 所以要睇定D.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-7-10 20:57 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-7-10 20:57 |只看該作者

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-11-12 14:46 |只看該作者
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2021年愛爾蘭著名大學舉辦的STEM及英語課程 https://www.afs.hk/summer-program/

兩星期課程將於愛爾蘭著名大學  Trinity College Dublin 舉辦,學生除了有機會參與專家帶領的STEM課堂,例如學習製作機器⼈、 認識微電⼦學及⽜頓運動定律等,更會透過參與每天2小時的英語課,提升英語表達能力。

•課程⽇期: 2021年7⽉18⽇ – 8⽉1⽇
•課程費⽤: HK$34,000
•適合年齡: 15 – 17歲
費⽤包括 Trinity Hall Apartments ⻝宿 (主要為獨⽴單⼈房)、當地活動及交通、證書
注意事項: 報名後需通過英⽂測試

單張: https://d22dvihj4pfop3.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/2020/11/12131931/Chinese-flyer.pdf

報名表: https://d22dvihj4pfop3.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/2020/08/12135951/2021-22-Sending-Application-Form.pdf



北愛爾蘭⾸都 Belfast 旅⾏


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-11-12 15:23 |只看該作者
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The University of St Andrews Summer Academic Experience Courses
Start date: Saturday 10 July 2021
End date: Saturday 31 July 2021
The course fee for 2021 entry is £4,100. This is an all-inclusive fee

All of the courses on offer feature teaching from current academic staff (faculty) from the University and offer students the opportunity to experience academic life in one of the UK’s oldest and highest-ranking institutions.
Academic courses:

Typical day
Breakfast: 7:30 to 9:00
Lectures or tutorials: 9:30 to 12:00
Lunch: 12:00 to 13:30
Lectures or tutorials: 14:00 to 17:00
Dinner: 18:30 to 19:45
Evening activities: from 20:00
Check in and roll call: 22:00
Students in their own rooms: by 23:00

Social and cultural activities
All courses are complemented by a vast array of extracurricular activities. Students can participate in a number of cultural excursions to places of historic importance or scientific interest, including a full day trip to the city of Edinburgh. Other optional excursions may include, but are not limited to:
•castle visits (Glamis, Stirling, Falkland)
•the Cupar Deer Centre
•various art galleries
•Dundee and the famous RRS Discovery
•Byre Theatre evenings.
There is also an ongoing programme of informal activities provided in the evening and on weekends:
•a talent show
•quiz nights
•movie nights
•slam poetry evening
•readings by famous Scottish poets
•ceilidh (traditional Scottish dancing)

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-11-12 15:32 |只看該作者
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Warwick Pre-University Summer School https://warwick.ac.uk/study/summer-with-warwick/pre-university-summer-school & https://warwick.ac.uk/study/summer-with-warwick/pre-university-summer-school/courses

The Pre-University Summer School academic content includes:
◾An introduction to the Summer School
◾19 hours of academic teaching and professional skills development
◾A guest lecture with Simon Gilbert, award winning author and political reporter
◾A campus tour with current students
◾Advice and guidance on applying to study at university and personal statements
◾A visit to a top London University
◾A chance to see the University City of Oxford and see inside a college
◾A talk from Anisha Bhavnani, a Communication and Change Analyst and Warwick Alumni (EPAIS)
◾Chance to live alongside and be mentored by current Warwick students
All students will receive a certificate of attendance from the University of Warwick.

Time Table: https://warwick.ac.uk/study/summer-with-warwick/pre-university-summer-school/courses/timetable

Date: 6 - 16 July 2020
6 July
◾Airport Pick-up
◾Welcome BBQ and Games
◾Settling in to Halls

7 July
◾Welcome Talk
◾Campus Tour with Pre-University Ambassadors
◾Optional Sports Centre Induction
◾Introductory Lecture and Skills Session
◾Buffet lunch with icebreakers
◾Introductory lecture
◾Team building and dinner experience

8 July
◾Lectures, Seminar and Skills Sessions
◾Guest Lecture by Simon Gilbert, Author and Journalist

9 July
◾Trip to London
◾London University Visit
◾Covent Garden, Street Entertainment and Shopping
◾Pre Theatre Dinner and West End Show
◾Overnight stay

10 July
◾Houses of Parliament, London Eye and River Cruise
◾Dinner on the Southbank
◾Return to Campus

11 July
◾Free time and activities with Ambassadors
◾BBQ Lunch

12 July
◾Lectures and Seminar
◾Applying to study with Warwick and Q&A with current students
◾Bowling and Dinner

13 July
◾Lectures and Seminar
◾Skills Session and Presentations
◾Writing your Personal Statement

14 July
◾Day Trip to Oxford

15 July
◾Final Lectures and Seminar
◾Pizza Lunch with Alumni Guest Speaker, Anisha Bhavnani
◾Farewell Presentation and Drinks Reception
◾Curry, Quiz and Karaoke Farewell Night

16 July
◾Departure/Check out

Warwick Pre-University A Taste of Social Sciences

Warwick Pre-University Introduction to Economics and Finance https://warwick.ac.uk/study/summer-with-warwick/pre-university-summer-school/courses/economics-and-finance/

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

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University College London Pre-University Summer School for International High School Students

In 2021, students should arrive in London on Sunday 25 July and depart on Saturday 7 August.

The cost of the UCL Pre-University Summer School for International High School Students for 2021 is still to be confirmed. As an indication, the 2020 fee was £4,120 per student. It is expected to be slightly higher for 2021.

The course fee includes:
•All tuition, course materials and course certificate
•Sample university lectures
•Class-related excursions (including travel and entrance costs)
•13 nights accommodation in a single bedroom with an ensuite bathroom (check in: Sunday 25 July, check out: Saturday 7 August 2021)
•Breakfast and evening meal in the residence
•Use of selected facilities on the UCL Bloomsbury campus
•Full social programme, including weekend excursions
•London airport pick-up and drop-off (Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted only).
Examples of items not included in the course fee include:
•Travel to and from London at the start and end of the Pre-University Summer School
•Insurance (e.g. travel, possessions or medical/dental)
•Any associated costs (e.g. visas)
•Spending money
•UCL Bloomsbury gym
•Lunch and snacks.

English language requirements
Please see below acceptable English language certification for application to the Pre-University Summer School:
Language Certification    Minimum Grade                   Maximum Grade
IELTSOverall score of 5.5  Speaking and writing sub-scores should not be higher than 7.0
IGCSE English as a Second LanguageC                                              No maximum grade
Cambridge FirstBNo maximum grade
Cambridge AdvancedCB
TOEFL PBTOverall minimum score of 513Overall maximum score of 587
TOEFL iBTOverall minimum score of 65Overall maximum score of 95
TOEICOverall minimum score of 605Overall maximum score of 780
EIKENPre-1No maximum grade
If you do not have an English language qualification, but meet the other entry requirements (e.g. you'll be 16 or 17 years old for the duration of the course, English isn't your first language, you are an international high school student about to start your final year), you are invited to apply, and will be sent a test to evaluate your level of English.

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