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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 Missing 0.5marks for one unit in IELTS
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Missing 0.5marks for one unit in IELTS

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-11 16:12 |顯示全部帖子
阿仔剛得到results, overall 有8 但 writing 只得6.5, 但係佢想考嘅英國Uni 要求overall and every unit 都有7 or above, 想問佢係咪一定要考過?

阿仔響該Uni 的website 又見到以下一段,唔知道係咪可以exempt? (因為佢自少讀香港嘅國際學校,中四開始響英國讀boarding school)

Exemptions from this requirement will be considered for applicants who have been educated full-time in the medium of the English language throughout the two most recent years before the 15 October application deadline, and who remain in full-time education conducted in the English language until the end of the school year in their home country.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 17-8-11 21:44 |顯示全部帖子
如果係咁樣,可以先 send qualifications 去大學,證明自己讀 Boarding School 已經超過 2 年 before the day you applied to Oxford (before that deadline mentioned)。

Rank: 4

發表於 17-8-11 22:00 |顯示全部帖子
Ruby1219 發表於 17-8-11 16:12
阿仔剛得到results, overall 有8 但 writing 只得6.5, 但係佢想考嘅英國Uni 要求overall and every unit 都 ...

My daughter got exactly yr son's mark last year the first time she took the exam. She got it done in the second time but she had to take the exam in London.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-11 22:22 |顯示全部帖子
1998Ruby1998 發表於 17-8-11 21:44
如果係咁樣,可以先 send qualifications 去大學,證明自己讀 Boarding Scho ...

唔係呀, 佢諗住報Oxford 咋,十劃未有半撇㗎。

佢學校個oxbridge advisor 好fast回覆咗叫佢打去oxford 問。阿仔話唔想嘥錢考過,如果真係無得exemption, 就不如等真係有offer 先考喎。因為其他大學包括imperial 6.5 分都ok 啦。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-11 22:23 |顯示全部帖子
WeiSB 發表於 17-8-11 22:00
My daughter got exactly yr son's mark last year the first time she took the exam. She got it done i ...

I remember your daughter got offer from Cambridge? Is Cambridge also requiring 7 for every unit? Do they have the same exemption clause though?

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 17-8-11 22:25 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

喔,原來如此咁樣一定要打電話去問,講明話自己讀國際學校同 Boarding School,有證明可以提供。IELTS 唔平,儘量要一擊即中。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-11 22:30 |顯示全部帖子
1998Ruby1998 發表於 17-8-11 22:25
回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

喔,原來如此咁樣一定要打電話去問,講明話自己讀國際學校同 Boarding School,有證 ...


佢好唔抵呀,其他units 考得好好,listening 有9, reading 有8.5 speaking 7.5
佢話考writing 時佢急尿喎


1998Ruby1998    發表於 17-8-11 22:37

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-8-11 22:46 |顯示全部帖子

https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk ... =2615768&page=3

Some similar discussion threads...可以的話,重考似乎好D

Rank: 4

發表於 17-8-11 23:00 |顯示全部帖子
Ruby1219 發表於 17-8-11 22:23
I remember your daughter got offer from Cambridge? Is Cambridge also requiring 7 for every unit? Do ...

Yes. Cambridge requires all 7 at least. We didnt look at the exemption coz she was studying in local school in hk.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-11 23:34 |顯示全部帖子
HSMOM 發表於 17-8-11 22:46

Some similar discussion threads.. ...

but the thread is about Cambridge not Oxford, while Oxford has the exemption clause which Cambridge doesn't.
My son will email/call Oxford to get a confirmed answer for the exemption first, if not, he may consider retake if he gets conditional offer.

發表於 17-8-12 13:27 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-12 14:13 |顯示全部帖子
papaof2 發表於 17-8-12 13:27

要呀,考大學要,GCSE ENG 唔計。
通常lower or upper six 時考

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 17-8-12 14:17 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 nintendo 於 17-8-12 14:20 編輯
Ruby1219 發表於 17-8-11 16:12
阿仔剛得到results, overall 有8 但 writing 只得6.5, 但係佢想考嘅英國Uni 要求overall and every unit 都 ...

我強力建議考多次,好多可以拿 exemption 的人都會 send 埋 IELTS 成績。
我個人意見, 對於去咗 boarding 兩年的人,或在香港讀 IS 的人,要每 part 都拿 7 分真係唔難,第一次唔得二次多數得,考咗唔駛煩。
我識人,申請某大學,application status 不停問拿 IELTS 分,其實佢自細在香港一間 IS 讀。其他同學又唔駛 provide IELTS 。佢費事煩,費事解釋,反正考咗就 send 埋 IELTS 成績。
另外有人,放榜後 meet 唔到 condition ( IB 英文要求 5 分,佢只有 4 分 ),佢叫校長寫信求情,自己又用 IELTS 成績求情 (IELTS 有 8.5 )。
其實話貴,都係約 $2000,考咗有用。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-12 16:14 |顯示全部帖子
nintendo 發表於 17-8-12 14:17
我強力建議考多次,好多可以拿 exemption 的人都會 send 埋 IELTS 成績。
我個人意見, 對於去咗 boarding ...

多謝你詳細回覆。可能因為今次蠢咗,thru IDP book IELTS, 成個由報名到改期到考試到攞results 嘅過程好煩,呀仔又好唔鍾意考英文(佢take science 考試就無乜怨言)。考ielts 純粹為咗meet 大學要求,目標為本,如果oxford 回覆可以exempt 就最好,如果唔得先考慮retake.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-8-12 16:51 |顯示全部帖子
Ruby1219 發表於 17-8-12 16:14
多謝你詳細回覆。可能因為今次蠢咗,thru IDP book IELTS, 成個由報名到改期到考試到攞results 嘅過程好煩 ...


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-12 17:22 |顯示全部帖子
Ruby1219 發表於 17-8-11 16:12
阿仔剛得到results, overall 有8 但 writing 只得6.5, 但係佢想考嘅英國Uni 要求overall and every unit 都 ...

本帖最後由 ricetaster 於 17-8-12 17:25 編輯

比較建議申請 exemption 及考多次 IELTS, 首先 exemption 唔係一定批,考多次IELTS亦未必Writing 一定有7, 但時間有限,要全方位辦事,面對升學咁大嘅目標,二千蚊考試費應該比,亦無得話鍾唔鍾意重考,仲要留意愈近報校dealine去考IELTS, 心理壓力愈大,屆時好易會失準,要考第三次都唔出奇,如果重考嘅决定拖得太後,最後連想考多次嘅機會都無。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-12 18:19 |顯示全部帖子
ricetaster 發表於 17-8-12 17:22
本帖最後由 ricetaster 於 17-8-12 17:25 編輯

比較建議申請 exemption 及考多次 IELTS, 首先 exemptio ...

thanks and agree 如果exempt 唔到最好retake, 阿仔已經send email to Oxford general admission 同 想報嘅department 度問,如果唔得,咁就等一月中真係咁好彩有oxford conditional offee sin 再響英國考,應該仲有時間。as mentioned, 佢嘅成績meet 到哂其他大學要求,包括另一dream choice Imperial College London, 要考過嘅唯一原因係Oxford ,而Oxford 的offer 真係超級難。。。到時可大機會無offer,真係未必需要retake.
而家問定exemption 都係諗住問題無壞咋。

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 17-8-12 18:21 |顯示全部帖子


Oxbridge 十月中截止,時間有D緊,可能要 查詢 exemption and retake 兩手準備

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-8-12 18:28 |顯示全部帖子
poonseelai 發表於 17-8-12 18:21
Oxbridge 十月中截止,時間有D緊,可能要 查詢 exemption and retake 兩手準備

本帖最後由 Ruby1219 於 17-8-12 18:28 編輯

Ielts 成績唔洗十月中時報㗎,只要下年final A level results 時同其他成績一齊meet 到CO/english requirements. 佢講明如果報名時無ielts 成績,佢會加埋落CO 度。
我覺得因為阿仔係報science 科,應該writing 6.5 唔會影響佢好大?佢同學想報law 應該難啲攞exemption.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 17-8-12 19:54 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 1998Ruby1998 於 17-8-12 19:55 編輯

回覆 Ruby1219 的帖子

我覺得 Science 同 Law 一樣難攞 exemption,因為我見好多大學可以降低 Law IELTS 要求,但係 Science 就一定企硬 7.0 in all bands。