Complete Exam Practice for the HKDSE(Core)Sets1-4 ,2015Edition(with Exam Guide) Sarsh Rigby,Kitty Wong Longman (已售)
$100 CH1鉛筆做過5頁,當中1頁紅筆過85%新,其餘無做過
Longman Elect NSS Listening Skills Book 2010edition Jane Short,Paula Siddle Longman (已售)
$130 9成新 有3課鉛筆做過(9,5,3頁) 其餘無過做
Longman Elect NSS Reading Skills Book 2010edition Gary Hill,John Potter Longman (已售)
$90(無附件) 9成新 1課原子筆過做 其餘無做過
Star Summit Electives Poems and Songs H.A.Jones Star (已售)
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Matilda (Penguin Readers Level 3) ISBN 9781405876766 Roald Dahl Penguin
$30 7成新 有鉛筆跡 原子筆寫名
Stories of Courage (Penguin Active Level 3) ISBN:9781405852166 Clare Swain. Penguin
$30 7-8成新 5頁原子筆跡
The Last Polar Bears Harry Horse Puffin
$30 7成新小量瑩光筆 內頁原子筆寫名已塗改
NSS Mathematics in Action(Compulsory Part)(第一版) 4A,4B (with Revision Handbok,CD ROM 4A, Bridge Programme s3 to s4) Man &Yeung et al Pearson
$50本 75%新 少量鉛筆
NSS Information and Communication Technology Compulsory (Volume 2) Lai Cheng et al Pearson
2)$150 7-8成新 有鉛筆,原子筆和瑩光筆highlight
NSS Information and Communication Technology Elective D Software Development (Volume 1,2)Henry C H Ha Pearson
1)$140 83%新有鉛筆跡和瑩光筆highlight(with CD) (已售)
2)$90 7-8成新 有鉛筆,原子筆和瑩光筆highlight
NSS Exploring Economic 1- Demand and Supply (Compulsory Part)with CD,Study Gudie 1(Enriched Version) Lam & Wong Pearson
$95 85%新 只有原子筆寫名
NSS Exploring Economic 2 - Firm and Production (Compulsory Part) with CD Lam & Wong Pearson
$85 7成 有鉛筆,原子筆和瑩光筆highlight
NSS Business, Accounting and Financial Studies:Business Environment and Introduction to Management(Compulsory Part) 2009 Pak & Lam Pearson
$75 7成新 有原子筆跡和highlight
NSS Business,Accounting and Financial Studies:Frank Wood's Introduction to Accounting(Compulsory Part) 2009 Eric Lo Chi Chung & Frank Wood. Pearson
$55 7成新 有鉛筆跡,少量原子筆和highlight
NSS Business,Accounting and Financial Studies:Basics of Personal Financial Management(Compulsory Part) 2009 Louis Cheng Pearson
$45 7-8成新 有鉛筆跡和highlight(不多)