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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 ucas 選校策略
樓主: yoyo2103

ucas 選校策略   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-4 20:15 |只看該作者
回覆 HHHR 的帖子

HHHR, thanks a lot for your valuable sharing and view.  Appreciated

It would be hard to tell now whether she will apply Oxbridge. Actually, Her school had arranged her to attend the Oxbridge Conference last year.  It was a good experience to let her listen to those tutors/Admission people from Oxbridge.  What is the student life, qualifications, advice..........My daughter has not yet thought about getting into at this moment.  But my friend's DD is studying at Cambridge mentioned the U life is very demanding.  

I am not sure if barrister is her preference.  She called me last week and said the A level subjects are more challenging and a bit hard.  After one month of studying, her test results are still in top grades.  I am glad to hear that.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-6 20:21 |只看該作者
回覆 HHHR 的帖子

Hi HHHR ...... my daughter, a HK student to take HKDSE in 2017 aims at architecture and is about to submit her UCAS application.  Her 5 choices are UCL, Sheffield, Manchester, Bristol and Newcastle.  Any feedback about these choices?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-6 21:57 |只看該作者
回覆 MsSleepy 的帖子

Dear Ms Sleepy,
Is it possible for me to know her expected levels or description of her results in schools? That will make the recommendation closer to reality.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-6 22:43 |只看該作者
回覆 HHHR 的帖子

HHHR , thanks for your swift reply.  Unfortunately the school does not tell us her predicted grades.  The school only let us know that she meets the requirements for all the UK universities that she plans to apply.  Hope this helps.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-6 23:21 |只看該作者
回覆 MsSleepy 的帖子

Well, in that case just comment on the universities.
First, to clarify, I guess the 'Manchester' you pick should be Manchester School of Architecture (MSA), and the 'Bristol' should be University West of England, Bristol (UWE, Bristol). I guess you know MSA is jointly administered by the University of Manchester and the Manchester Metropolitan Univeristy, and many people view it as part of the famous University of Manchester, while UWE is an independent university near Bristol, and not part of the University of Bristol.

All 5 you have picked of top schools of architecture in UK. Studying at any one of them should be fine.

UCL and Sheffield should be the best two. UCL is rather demanding, while Sheffield is relatively less. So if your daughter is confident of her results, and wants to be a bit more aggressive, pick UCL. If not, Sheffield is in no way less prestigeous than UCL, but slightly less demanding in entry requirements. Personally, I will put both in my 5 UCAS choice.

MSA and Newcastle are still the top tier schools of architecture, but slightly lower than Sheffield and UCL. The difference is minimal, so graduates from these two may protest against me. The two are pretty much equal, and I suggest picking1 for your daughter's UCAS choice. Personally I will pick MSA as it is more renowned in the professional field, though the University of Newcastle is more famous as a university.

UWE is more lenient in entry requirments, and I will pick it as an insured choice.

For the remaining 1 choice, I recommend University of Kent or University of Liverpool for your consideration. Both are famous universities with very good school of architecture, but less demanding than UCL, Sheffield, MSA and Newcastle. According to my impression, it seems that Kent is a bit more well known than Liverpool in the study of architecture, so my personal choice is Kent.

I am no expert in the field of architecture, and the above is just my personal view based on my research and impression.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-6 23:52 |只看該作者
回覆 HHHR 的帖子

Thank you for your great help.  I will discuss with my daughter again.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-7 11:41 |只看該作者
MsSleepy 發表於 16-10-6 20:21
回覆 HHHR 的帖子

Hi HHHR ...... my daughter, a HK student to take HKDSE in 2017 aims at architectur ...
For choices of UK Architecture program, you may refer to Complete Ranking Table which quite reflect the reality.

Applying and studying Architecture is not just about academic. On admission, all University will look at candidates' creativity and art ability. Most require art portfolio, and other will look at your past experience in Art. Each Top architecture school does have their own characteristic, streight and weakness. There are 3 architecture school are commonly considered the top 3 in UK for many years. For Cambridge, it has the biggest name but is very academic and theoretic, lack of creative and practical skill. Bath is very academic and practical while not as creative as UCL. UCL is very artistic and creative, but not lack of practical skill in job setting.

Out of your choice, UCL is the best but they are very demanding in artistic skill. If your daughter is not that type, she will have a very very difficult time in UCL. And they require portfolio and interview. Your daughter should have a very very good drawing skill.

Bristol does not have architecture program. Sheffield and Manchester are better than Newcastle. For other one choice, may consider Edinburgh which is also very good.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-7 16:01 |只看該作者
回覆 manning2014 的帖子

Hi Manning2014

Thanks for your detailed information and sharing, much appreciated.  

We are aware of the requirement for art portfolios for most of the UK architecture school. The only school that does not require an art portfolio is Bath.  Although my daughter does not take Visual Art in HKDSE, she has a good foundation of drawing skills and is in the progress of preparing the art portfolio.  She looks for artsy and creative architecture school and her first choice is UCL.  She knows UCL is very competitive and its difficult to get admitted even you have very good academic result.  Many candidates failed the task and being rejected.   Hope that she can pass the task and proceed to interview.  

She loves Bath, unfortunately, she did not take any science subjects and sounds like she does not meet the requirement of applying Bath.

Edinburgh is a good choice, the point to consider is the undergraduate takes 4 years which is a consideration.

She considers to put UWE Bristol (not U of Bristol, sorry for confusion) as an insurance.  

Now she will put UCL, Sheffield, MSA, UWE Bristol and is still struggling what to be put for the final choice.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-7 16:23 |只看該作者
回覆 MsSleepy 的帖子

That is good. As long as student set their goal on it, go for it. Architecture is a very tough and demonding course and career, no matter where she will study in the end. It is so tough that it really need student having true passion and determination to go through and finish the whole 7+ years training. I once read this article which is still true nowadays.

Good luck to your daughter on her way in pursuing her dream.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-8 15:10 |只看該作者
回覆 manning2014 的帖子

Hi Manning2014, my daughter would like to include Liverpool as one of the 5 choices for UCAS.  Would like to hear your feedback as well.  Much appreciated.

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-8 23:57 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-9-29 16:42
回覆 Cutemum16 的帖子

Need to know the expected grades / marks of your daughter before any concrete ...

HHHR,我仔想去英國讀business,econ,finance有關學系,佢4core之外仲有econ,physics,M1,project 4 core應該至少有 5 5 5 4,econ 5,physics 4,M1 5。
咁既成績應該可以點揀呢?UCL,Exeter 有無希望?報oxford是否太大想頭?

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-9 21:40 |只看該作者
jitjitma 發表於 16-10-8 23:57
HHHR,我仔想去英國讀business,econ,finance有關學系,佢4core之外仲有econ,physics,M1,project 4 co ...

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-9 22:35 |只看該作者
888iphone4s 發表於 16-10-9 21:40


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-10-9 22:36 |只看該作者
jitjitma 發表於 16-10-9 22:35

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-10 01:07 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 HHHR 於 16-10-10 01:08 編輯

回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

Core 5554中的4是甚麼科?如果係中文或通識問題不大,英文或數學就有麻煩,請說明清楚。暫時當英數都係5

正如etoile所言,Oxford 1015日截止報名,如果未準備好(例如寫起personal statement)應該趕唔切!

所問學科太闊,單是Economics都有4-5programs,更唔好講Business。在此只好當係BSc EconomicsBSc Accountingand FinanceBSc Business Management來回答。(請留意,Business不同programs收生要求差異頗大,同一間大學可以有2-3grade嘅分別,即5*55-554)

Economics3科中要求最高,因為係英國及歐洲學生熱選之一。OxfordWarwickLSEUCLBathEconomics top tier大學,沒有5*55 (數學一定5*M15)機會不大,5554/554 Topschool tier 2ExeterNottinghamBristol仍有機會,可以一試。買保險可考慮ManchesterBirminghamLiverpool,一般入學要求為英數44及選修554

BSc Accounting and Finance要求略低,你兒子的成績Exeter應該有機會,同級可考慮NottinghamDurhamQueen MaryUCL 就有D難度。買保險可考慮SheffieldKent

BScBusiness and Management
相對前兩科要求較低,你兒子考入Exeter的機會應該幾好,同級有LeedsSurreyDurhamUCLBusiness,只有Management Science;大學名氣響競爭大,不是一定無機會但好難講。保險同樣係SheffieldKent


最後一句,請囝囝盡力考好英文同數學,如果其中一科(最好係數學)可以upgrade5*,咁就機會大好多,亦可選多D top tier嘅大學。

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-10 22:49 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-10-10 01:07
回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

Core 5554中的4是甚麼科?如果係中文或通識問題不大,英文或數學就有麻煩,請說明清 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-11 00:14 |只看該作者
回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

多謝ivanissue嘅提醒,UCL Economics同Management Science要求M2,所以jitjitma可把UCL從選校名單剔除。

Rank: 4

發表於 16-10-11 08:32 |只看該作者
HHHR 發表於 16-10-11 00:14
回覆 jitjitma 的帖子

多謝ivanissue嘅提醒,UCL Economics同Management Science要求M2,所以jitjitma可把 ...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-10-14 17:20 |只看該作者
問問大家, physiotherapy 應如何選擇?我諗住同亞女報KCL, Birmingham, Nottingham, Southampton, East Englia, 好嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 16-10-16 16:29 |只看該作者
Very informative for above all forum.
My daughter, predicated grade A*AA (Math/Phy/Chem), (AS: AAAA, IGCSE English first language - A) choose Civil Engineering, want to put 5 UK university: Imperial/Bath/UCL/Birmingham/Leeds.
However, she just told want to give up Imperial as Imperial website did mention M2 is desirable and she hasn't have this subject.
Any comment on her chosen university? Is it too aggressive?
Is any chance to HKU, if she apply throu non- jupas?
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