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大量初小英文故事書 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 15-12-15 18:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Learning Media
1. Along Came Greedy Cat
2. I'm the king of the mountain
3. With My Hands (Pelangi)
4. It's Pink, I Think (Addison-Wesley)

5. Chicken rice ( 全新)
6. Big fat finger (全新)
7. Uncle Wong
8. Autumn Festival (全新)

9. Cookie's Week (Scholastic)

Creative Teaching Press (CTP)
10. All through the week with cat and dog(全新)
11. Bears, bears, everywhere
12. What time is it?
13. Where are you going?
14. Mr. Noisy's helpers
15. Cat and dog at school
16. Mr. Noisy
17. There's a monster in the tree
18. where's your tooth?
19. good choices for cat and dog (全新)
20. What's in my pocket?
21. Cinderella dressed in yellow (全新)

Sunshine Books
22. What would you like?
23. Mr. Grump (全新)
24. When Itchy Witchy sneezes (全新)
25. Noise (全新)
26. I love my family
27. Cat's party
28. Open your mouth! (全新)
29. Birthdays (全新)
30. The dancing fly

Mcgraw Hill
31. The Jigaree
32. Dan, The flying man
33. The hungry giant
34.Smarty pants
35. Mrs. Wishy-Washy
36. The hungry giant's soup (全新)
37. What's next (全新)
38.The meanies came to school (全新)
39. Dishy-Washy (全新)

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