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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 德望及聖保祿幼稚園
樓主: 螞蟻兵團


Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 16-3-1 11:47 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 hkpapa852 於 16-3-1 12:07 編輯
螞蟻兵團 發表於 15-11-6 09:45
知道兩間學校都很難入,可能大家見到呢個Topic心入面都會諗人地收你先算,不過我仍然很想了解這兩所學校多 ...

坦白講, 住港島既, 除了St Catherine, 真係未識過人會考慮九龍區既幼稚園. 尤其一心想入St Paul Convent既, 根本唔會攞佢嚟同其它龍校vs.

St Paul Convent小學, 一般人如果入唔到幼稚園, 都無乜機會入到呢間小學, 所以如果你好心儀佢間小學, 你一定要諗辦法入到佢間幼稚園

至於德望小學, 街外位雖然唔算多, 但一定叫機會高過入St Paul Convent小學.

St Paul Convent幼稚園既學術, 可能比一般學券幼稚園還要淺, 因為佢係預咗俾小朋友一讀15年既安排

St Paul Convent小學著重語文訓練, 中英文教快至少半年; 小學部不設升中呈分 (但照樣有參與TSA), 升中想走就蝕底D

話時話, 最近幾年, 我都只係見過讀SPK既學生自己考到其它名小(如DGS)唔讀小學部, 或者抽到灣仔英文女子津小而放棄, 未見過有學生係話唔俾升上小學部

箴言4:23 - 你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。
箴言22:6 - 教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不會偏離。

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 16-3-1 11:52 |顯示全部帖子


如果地點不是問題, 呢兩間我會揀SPK。


hkpapa852  你竟然揀SPK  發表於 16-3-1 11:56

發表於 16-3-23 01:12 |顯示全部帖子


提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 16-3-23 07:28 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 hkpapa852 於 16-03-01 發表
本帖最後由 hkpapa852 於 16-3-1 12:07 編輯

Rank: 4

發表於 16-3-23 12:03 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:siden 的帖子

me too

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-3-23 16:42 |顯示全部帖子
1)        老師有沒有愛心
大家分清楚點為之有愛心,SPK老師是嚴的,屬於有話直說,對小朋友家長嚴格,但老實說,佢地真係專業,幫到小朋友改善行為性格弱點。我朋友囡讀good hope,相反呢方面唔太強,但通常老師都係溫文有禮,笑容可加,普遍家長認為呢種係有愛心。
2)        中文課程及英文課程程度
SPK是淺的,有英文CLASS應該係25MINS,係ENGLISH ROOM只可說英文,但應該唔係天天有。早會有中英文歌,但唔覺得GOOD HOPE深好多,就算係淺,但係要求都係嚴
3)        有沒有校車到美孚,就算無校車都有NANNY BUS-黎太車
4)        升上自己小學的百份比,SPK都無統一數字,有聽過第一ROUND85%、有聽過70%,有聽過80%,所以呢個係一個謎究景數字係點黎
5)        兩間英文都強
6)        一定係BRAND 1A
7)        一定GOOD HOPE,因為SPC重讀書,但個人時間空間都好些,兩間學習風氣都好



但不能不承認,其實兩間都係TOP 10的女校,成績永遠係首要,無論家長俾唔俾佢補,都要有捨命陪讀書的心態,無論精神加金錢都要付出。

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 16-3-23 16:50 |顯示全部帖子

引用:1) 老師有沒有愛心大家分清楚點為之有愛心

本帖最後由 siden 於 16-3-23 16:58 編輯
原帖由 Happy_Charles 於 16-03-23 發表
1)        老師有沒有愛心
大家分清楚點為之有愛心,SPK老師是嚴的,屬於有話直說,對小朋友家長嚴格,但老實說, ...




大家分清楚點為之有愛心,SPK老師是嚴的,屬於有話直說,對小朋友家長嚴格,但老實說,佢地真係專業,幫到小朋友改善行為性格弱點。我朋友囡讀good hope,相反呢方面唔太強,但通常老師都係溫文有禮,笑容可加,普遍家長認為呢種係有愛心。

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 16-3-23 17:13 |顯示全部帖子


本帖最後由 siden 於 16-3-23 17:30 編輯




個人覺得,忙碌的雙職家長跟SPK會比跟GH吃力。有人會問,GH 學術要求比SPK高,點解會跟得比SPK輕鬆?因為GH要你跟的東西,有一兩日太忙可以假手於人,SPK要跟的,是除了父母,工人或老人家很難跟得周全。

有音樂或朗誦等talent的孩子在GHKsupport 明顯較好。GHK有合唱團,有恒常練習並參加比賽。甚至揀有能力天份的孩子訓練獨唱。SPK並無任何由老師主導或訓練的training。話又說回來,如果冇乜特別talent, 咁讀兩間都冇乜分別。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-3-23 17:39 |顯示全部帖子


Rank: 2

發表於 16-3-24 12:30 |顯示全部帖子
但SPC是沒有呈分試給教處的,如果升唔返上SPC中學會好大問題。 有沒有前輩知道小學升上中學的%是多少? 我有聽過如要升上中學,只要學生乎合升中要求(各科合格)就可以,但不知道是否事實?! 學校會否另有篩選? 另外SPC中學有公開收生嗎?
可能有人質疑我太早問這些問題,但大家如選入SPK 都希望是一讀15年的。 知清楚會好D。 謝謝!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-3-24 13:25 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 hklvboss 的帖子

呈分試用途只作中央派位用以spc 程度及別校對她的認識

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-3-24 19:33 |顯示全部帖子
To be honest, my girl is studying in Spcs now.  She will promote to Spcs secondary in coming Sept. In her class, all students are being offered F1 and nobody get rejected.  Also, my girl was not from their kindergartens.  My girl was admitted in Spcs P2 many years ago.  I can tell you that as long as you like this school, then do not give up even you fail to get entrance to their kindergartens.  For my case, we are foreigner and we missed the normal application to their kinder many years ago.  I only learnt about this school from friends at work that Spcs is a very traditional school but their teaching style is quite like an international school which say less homework and more time for their girls to build up their interest in reading or others.  Every years, their girls are welcomed or accepted by the so-called 神校。 although my elder girl did not study at their kinder but my younger girl who was lucky to get an offer to be a Spk student.  I attended their talks on how Spk will conduct their teaching and sharing before parents will accept their offer.  This orientation did give me some info of how they operate Spk.  My elder studied at ESF school before, and I knew the international operation well.  After attending SPK orientation, I knew it - Spk - is a Chinese version of ESF school.  They uses the similar method to teach their students.  The only think is that Spk is a Chinese traditional kindergarten with a notable history in HK.  Therefore, my younger girl has chosen Spk and I knew this school can help develop a confidence, presentable and creative girl for me.  The only drawback I see from Spk is their English standard is not high at kinder level.  So parents must support in this.  Most outstanding girls from Spk got Dgjs offer .. Those parents are either professionals or at least a popular overseas graduates.  Though my girls did not seek many tuition centers outside, but my family is well English speaking family.  I guess this could give you better idea now.

Hope these help much ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-3-24 22:57 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Monghar 的帖子

Thanks for yr sharing!  Becoz of its history,  I could not associate SPK with the ways of international school method before.  It should be suitable for most children.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-3-24 23:27 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 sugarbun 於 16-3-24 23:31 編輯
Monghar 發表於 16-3-24 19:33
To be honest, my girl is studying in Spcs now.  She will promote to Spcs secondary in coming Sept. I ...

thanks for your sharing, is your girl in the French stream?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-3-26 11:19 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 sugarbun 的帖子

My girl is not in French stream.  She is at local stream as I want her to do more Chinese and this is the reason why we moved from ESF to SPCS.

They do like girls with good reading skill.

At my girl year, there were several GH students got admitted to SPCS as well.  Those top at GH will leave GH for SPCS or DGJS.  

At SPCS Secondary, their results are much better than GH.  Especially science subjects.  I am amazed that usually only boys are better in science subjects and hardly find girls are.  However, SPCS keeps proving to us they do good job in the past and well in the history of their graduates.

I am NOT to say GH is a bad school.  I thinks SPCS teachers to teach science subjects are better and they offer IGCSE.  Which blends well into their teaching syllabus.  The school really helps and think of their students at first hand.  

Though their primary school is very tradition but they train up independent and outspoken girls every year.  I like discipline and independent training for my girls.  So, at least they know their value and tradition at primary period.  They will have more constraint themselves in secondary school or go overseas after all.

Truly their kindergartens are applying international teaching style.  Amazing to see a Chinese based ESF kinder.  But more Chinese instead of English.  I think this is why DGJS likes about their girls.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-3-27 00:50 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Monghar 的帖子

wow, your girl did a good job, chinese in SPCS is not easy