教育王國's Archiver

angel_laam 發表於 13-11-28 00:14



HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-11-29 22:08

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HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-11-29 22:08

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Tests almost three times a week


WaffleWa 發表於 13-12-4 02:33

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For my understanding is only one test on each semester, are you clearing on this school?? Please don't blur your picture or non informative for other parents.

HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-12-4 10:58

i mean continuous assessment, dictations ... that is the truth...  so bascially need to study almost everyday

HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-12-4 12:05

you may check these on the internet:
dated 10/15 TUE

MATH: CA ON 10/18
GS: 10/16 CA[img=3648,2736]http://scps.school.hk/system/data/netroom/1/private/fckdata/calendar/10597/1L(14).jpg[/img]

HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-12-4 12:06


HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-12-4 12:08

NOT SAYING St clare not a good school, but if you say it is not stressful, i am lieing to you. we  have tests (dictations, CA...) almost 3 times or 4 times a week. good or bad, you can decide. good coz student needs to study everyday, so it won't be too difficult for them in exam, bad, coz they also have lots of homeworks. my girl has no time to play at all

TB 發表於 13-12-4 15:07

回覆:angel_laam 的帖子

可能今年遲左個多星期開學,大測(uniform test) 前,課程係教得好急,但Uniform Test之後就正常返。通常兩三個星期CA一次,中,英默就每星期都有。


TB 發表於 13-12-4 15:10

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HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-12-4 15:44

but one things which is good, is if you study, you should be fine in most tests. but you really need to study everyday

WaffleWa 發表於 13-12-5 03:14

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Well, I would said that all primary students under HK syllabus was normal. Please let us know if you can find other government subsidary's homework website to compare....it's more terrible. She is not heavy homework at all compare to others. I wonder your girl is studying primary or not. If I were you on this matters,  you should  better let your girl to study international school. Not but the least, please don't 沬黑this school. Thanks!!

HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-12-5 09:48

i dont think this is  沬黑 but the truth

HELLOKITTY2013 發表於 13-12-5 09:56

perhaps you have misunderstood the question of the post master: 如題,功課多唔多,學校谷唔谷,有無分精英班,我擔心囡囡讀得辛苦有壓力。 i focus the question on "學校谷唔谷", agree that maybe most hk school are  谷, but post master is asking if this school is 谷 or not. so i said yes.  you can't say it is not 谷 right? my girl is currently studying in this school, you might be a die hard fans of st clare, so do i. but i won't say ST Clare is perfect. please be objective to everything, not just blind love!

CounteSs 發表於 13-12-5 14:29

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可以上網睇功課咁好? 我小朋友果間冇的只靠自己寫。每天都有7-8樣功課, 知道身邊朋友又有8-10樣, 每星期默書、每月復習、除了一般測驗還有突撃測驗。係香傳統學校讀書不會壓力小, 只有大或更大或更大大。

TB 發表於 13-12-5 15:22

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WaffleWa 發表於 13-12-5 15:50

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Most of the traditional schools are heavily academic focus. That's all.

Miumiulab 發表於 14-1-2 09:00

回覆:TB 的帖子

請問你小朋友是由st Clare kindergarten升上去嗎?我擔心佢地係學卷幼稚園,上到英文小學會好吃力,在幼稚園時你有在外邊補英文嗎?謝謝!


TB 發表於 14-1-4 18:39

回覆:Miumiulab 的帖子

我女不是在St Clare讀幼稚園的。在讀幼稚園時亦沒有補習。但佢果間幼稚園係比比St Clare 幼稚園深嘅。讀幼稚園不用補習吧!


Miumiulab 發表於 14-1-6 09:32


[quote][size=2][color=#999999]原帖由 [i]TB[/i] 於 14-01-04 發表[/color][url=http://www.edu-kingdom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=37909243&ptid=2717867][img]http://www.edu-kingdom.com/static/image/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size]
我女不是在St Clare讀幼稚園的。在讀幼稚園時亦沒有補習。但佢果間幼稚園係比比St Clare 幼稚園深嘅。讀幼 ...[/quote]謝謝!

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