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教育王國 討論區 香港華人基督教聯會真道書院 有無人知今年 IB 成績如何?
樓主: BB144

有無人知今年 IB 成績如何?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-10 01:28 |顯示全部帖子
big-boy 發表於 13-7-9 23:34
我們大部份都是 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 13-7-10 03:01 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:有無人知今年 IB 成績如何?

本帖最後由 Nozomi 於 13-7-10 03:20 編輯


2010年11月,小妹曾在此版看到真道的負面報導,審計報告,翻來覆去,在此平心討論一下,卻錯被有心人以為我偏幫真道,教訓幾句,十分可笑,曾有真道家長在此說我仗義執言,小妹感激不盡。2011年4月真道獲得IB accredited ,小妹討論幾句,又引來有心人教導我什麼是IB?

今回IB 放榜,取得不錯成績,那年的一口烏氣,隨著IB 放榜今回一次過吐了出來。

我是局外人,未必知道你們學校什麼,祇是本著多些關愛,少一點指責的心態在此理性討論,那時狂轟貴校的人的帖文,刻意中傷貴校的人的帖文,今回在你們兒女IB 成績的鐵證下,已經變成笑話。



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-10 09:54 |顯示全部帖子
回復 Nozomi 的帖子

Yes, we remember your support and fair and good words. Thanks again!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-12 22:58 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 BB144 於 13-7-12 23:07 編輯

Just come back from the Parents' Evening.

Logos decided that, starting from the new IBDP Year 1 this September, students can choose either  English B(Higher Level) or English A(Standard Level). This is a good move and remedy the present weakness of the IB curriculum.

School's representative said that they have read the web information.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-7-13 00:02 |顯示全部帖子
BB144 發表於 13-7-12 22:58
Just come back from the Parents' Evening.

Logos decided that, starting from the new IBDP Year 1 thi ...
Those lower forms 師弟 should thank you as you did raise a good argument to the school with significant supporting regarding the weakness of ENG B.

I never though this informal internet channel is also powerful.

Anyway, it is a great move.  parents need choices!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-13 03:31 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 BB144 於 13-7-13 04:08 編輯

One more observation from the Parents' Evening last night.

The list of offers (universities + degree programmes) was shown to the parents. To be honest, with the excellent results achieved by our boys and girls this year, the list is not so appealing.

Maybe it is due to the actual choices of the students and parents, or the limitation of the English Language subject itself.

Vice-Principal did ask our IB students (at the previous Parents' Evening held in April this year) to take IELTS as the UK universities may not consider English B to meet their English language proficiency requirement.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-13 03:46 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 BB144 於 13-7-13 04:11 編輯
武航 發表於 13-7-13 00:02
Those lower forms 師弟 should thank you as you did raise a good argument to the school with signific ...

But some big guy just thinks that I am criticising the school and ask me to get out.


In fact, I am getting out (but not due to his cruel remarks above) and last night will be my last attendance to Logos' parents' evenings.

Good-bye and good luck to all Logosians!

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-7-13 14:08 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 武航 於 13-7-13 20:46 編輯

回復 BB144 的帖子

All the best anyway.

For the offers the MS4 made, they are not the most prestige programs for sure.  However I believe it is not the matter of their competences but their interests.  In fact, 40+ should have high chance for those prestige, aren't they?  I suppose both of us watch the film '3 idiots', we respect and support what our children really like! For my child, he opt. for Econ rather than GBUS (application of GBUS is still pending at the moment)and I am happy with his choice.


BB144  For your information, GBUS normally takes 41 or above and
GBUS students can also be Major in Economics.  發表於 13-7-14 17:19

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-7-13 14:14 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 武航 於 13-7-13 20:59 編輯

One more remark for IELTS.  Even the students with ENG A like those from LPC take the IELTS.  It is not strictly because of taking Eng A or B.  FYI, IELTS is needed for GBS CUHK no matter taking Eng A or B.


Besides, I do agree Eng A is harder than B but I don't agree an Eng B is 2 marks inferior than Eng A.  Let's use IELTS be the standard benchmark, our student with "7" in Eng B got "8" in IELTS, students with "6" in Eng B got "7.5" in IETLS which are not bad at all.  It's not talking about 1 or 2 candidates in Logos but almost the whole class.  So, there should be a difference, but is it really significant?

I personally appreciate your points raise to the school and accelerate the set up of Eng A in Logos.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-14 02:30 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 BB144 於 13-7-14 02:37 編輯
武航 發表於 13-7-13 14:08
回復 BB144 的帖子

All the best anyway.

For the offers the MS4 made, they are not the most prestige programs for sure.  However I believe it is not the matter of their competences but their interests.  In fact, 40+ should have high chance for those prestige, aren't they?  I suppose both of us watch the film '3 idiots', we respect and support what our children really like! For my child, he opt. for Econ rather than GBUS (application of GBUS is still pending at the moment)and I am happy with his choice.

Well, it is sure that we need to respect the choices of the students. My point is English B, even with a score of 40+, will limit the choices of the students. None of them want to enter a prestige program and try to make an application??

My comment is 40+ should have a high chance for a prestige program, but with only English B, some universities may made a devaluation. I am not aware of this limitation before until Vice-Principal reminded all the students to take IELTS. After that, I did some investigations and confirm the worry is valid.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-14 02:33 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 BB144 於 13-7-14 02:42 編輯
武航 發表於 13-7-13 14:14

One more remark for IELTS.  Even the students with ENG A like those from LPC take the IELTS.  It is not strictly because of taking Eng A or B.  FYI, IELTS is needed for GBS CUHK no matter taking Eng A or B.

As a general rule, English A to take IELTS is "additional", while English B to take IELTS is a "must".

I noted GBS(CUHK)’s admission requirement before, but the fact is they did intake some EAS students without IELTS.

By the way, “7.5” in IELTS is not such high actually.

I am afraid I have talked too much, especially people know that I am leaving Logos. I have to end my comments on Logos here.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 13-7-14 08:42 |顯示全部帖子
As the admission talks by HKU / CU made last year in school emphasized they accept ENG B for all their programs (until you show to us it is not for LLB HKU), so I suppose the ENG B is not a factor for our children for their program selection.

I am not saying "7.5" in IELTS is high, I am using IELTS as a benchmark compare the standard between A & B.   A "6" in ENG B is roughly equal to "7.5" in IELTS, so the student with ENG A can make a fair comparison.

Well, nice to discuss with you.  Let's end here.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-7-15 21:50 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 big-boy 於 13-7-21 17:02 編輯

回復 BB144的帖子

呵呵! 實力才是王道。一間新校最能得到外界認同和支持的方法就是良好的學生成績,有實力就要爭取相應的教學資源,這樣學校就能良性發展。如果成績失準,你相信外界那些批評學校的人不會落井下石嗎?不要天真的講甚麼謙虛和厚道,這是教小孩子的課文。

你自己把在真道讀書的子女,轉去Li Po Chun,本來無可厚非。但、你卻在此評論甚麼才是真道精神,請問你有甚麼資格?



Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 13-7-16 08:49 |顯示全部帖子
版主按: 請會員能冷靜及理性討論, 請勿在版面作出挑釁言詞, 如會員漠視版主/管理員警告, 違規會員會被禁言/封戶, 敬請注意!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-22 11:44 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 BB144 於 13-7-22 11:51 編輯

回復 big-boy 的帖子


        首先,我不是因為女兒轉校,便開始向真道的課程安排作出批評和建議。在這幾年間,當我覺得校政有不足之處或有改善空間,我都會在家長晚會及Parents’ Forum 作出建議或批評。反之,當發現有家長在BK Forum 向真道作出無理攻擊,我都會和其他家長(KenBaBa, deniset, 武航,等等)聯手捍衞校譽。但大家都是採取「擺事實,講道理」的態度,不會盲目反擊及惡言相向。對所有批評是「有則改之,無則加勉」。我們知道若下下惡言相向,反而損害學校形象,引來更多批評和指責。

        所以,當我見到你那句「(20#) 對所有…..和其他開辦同類課程的名校的最有力反擊」,我便立刻叫停,就是不想引起無謂爭端。若有開罪,對你的感受有損,敬請原諒。

        至於我引用你之前叫我「get out」的留言,牽引出我真的要離開真道大家庭,本意原是作一個小小的自我幽默。但可惜技術粗疏,可能又一次激怒了你,深表遺憾。

        說回我當初為何要向HKU Law Faculty 提問他們對IB English Language B 睇法,是源於彭副校在家長晚會建議IB 同學要報考IELTS(這事件我在另一留言已經講述)。當我知道HKU的要求後,因LAParents’ Forum已經closed,便在BK Forum 留言,通知其他真道家長,目的是讓大家知道有關資訊,大前提都是以真道學生利益出發。至於你懷疑有關e-mails是作假,我的回應是「真的假不了,假的真不了」,有HKU Law Facultye-mail address 和日期不難查証,還我公道,所謂真金不怕洪爐火,你可向HKU 舉報我冒名行騙。



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-7-22 13:55 |顯示全部帖子
BB144 發表於 13-7-22 11:44
回復 big-boy 的帖子

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 13-7-22 15:24 |顯示全部帖子
回復 BB144 的帖子


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-7-22 15:53 |顯示全部帖子
JoJo 發表於 13-7-22 15:24
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