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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Montessori Playgroup - Best Concept or Bambino?
樓主: minirat

Montessori Playgroup - Best Concept or Bambino? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-4-24 13:16 |只看該作者
唔好意思, 想問下你地講既bambino 即係邊間?? 可唔可以pm 個網址我?? 我只係揾到bambini republic 咋!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-24 13:46 |只看該作者

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-27 10:56 |只看該作者
minirat 發表於 12-4-16 15:20
Of coz not!  Yes, my hubby is a HKger.  We have thought of relocating back to S'pore for my boy's e ...
the most important thing is your spouse's support, and you should be faithful in what you believe. there would be lots of talks around you, families from your home town and those from your in-laws, and friends. As i stressed again and again, the monte training is really a slow process, one would easily quit before seeing any benefits from the training...

my boy adapted quite ok for the first few days in BC, but then after a long weekend or holiday, he was a bit reluctant to separate from his mum. i guess the key points is more than his panic in separation. if a toddler feels much better at home than in the school or training center, why bother he would like to go to places making him less pleasure?  nowadays most ppl would have only one child. we are too often so kind to our kids. they do not need to share their toys, to take turns nor follow any routine at home.  Recently i declared some of the toy cars belong to daddy. I want my boy to understand not everything at home belong to him. he is required to ask before act, and we will not always go with his willing. He also needs to take turns and wait even at home.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-4-30 11:16 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-4-30 11:16 編輯

我想回應一下之前一位媽媽post montessori幫唔到內向小朋友呢個問題.  我唔係專家, 所以都唔敢話自己立場對與否, 只可用我自己個仔做example.  

我個仔係BC返左就來3年, 之前做toddler仔時都係Ms Ellen教, 佢冇返過其他幼稚園, 一直都係返montessori, 九月我地會轉去IMS, 因為我為佢入IMS小學準備. 可能因為有個家姐, 所以佢不嬲都比較怕羞, 因為唔洗同人玩都得, 幾時都有家姐.  但係呢半年, 佢係班上變左大仔, 多左機會照顧細仔, 個人自信心大左, 冇以前咁怕羞.  其實中段我轉過佢去另一間所謂montessori學校讀左兩個幾月, 佢係開朗左d, 但係個人秩序感同脾氣都差左, 於是我即刻返返去bc.  所以我覺得小朋友外向與否, 同信心有關, 而呢樣野係唔可以急, 唔係話比佢人多熱鬧, 團體多d就一定改善到, 又或呢樣好左, 另一樣就會差左.  我相信montessori, 但係要比時間先睇到效果, 唔三五個月就得.  不竟一個人成長都需時.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-4-30 11:25 |只看該作者
我個仔四歲四個月, 農曆年時, 老師話佢係學校削蘋果, 老師鼓勵佢問其他小朋友食唔食, 再分出去 (全程都係佢自己做). 由於佢個班比佢細嘅小朋友都有幾個, 老師亦鼓勵佢幫/教細小朋友, 同同齡小朋友, 佢地會一齊做工作.  想參加其他小朋友嘅工作, 佢一定要問人比唔比, 其實呢D都係教佢地互動同禮貌, 我覺得好好.  只係大仔班人數太少, 再加上返學小朋友唔定, 冇物人返五日, 所以可以做朋友嘅選擇唔多.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-4-30 15:19 |只看該作者
elmostoney 多謝分享, 另想問吓你嘅見解.  你認為幼稚園讀montessori, 升上傳統小學是否令小朋友好難適應 ?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-4-30 16:27 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-2 10:11 |只看該作者
我個仔而家跟ms nina, 之前跟過宥語.  細仔班時, 就跟ms ellen同ms emily, 佢剛升上大仔班冇耐, ms ellen就走左.

kwansara, 我唔敢講montessori轉傳統學校會點, 我個大女本身好outgoing, 所以佢讀物野system, 基本上都ok (至於學習程度就因人而異).  我諗視乎小朋友本身adaptibility.  我上網睇過, 多數情況下, 小朋友適應能力都好強, 但每個人要幾多時間就好難講.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-5-2 13:45 |只看該作者

回覆:Montessori Playgroup - Best Concept or Bambino?

請問有冇讀過infinity children?想知道三間之中邊間好D?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-5-2 14:39 |只看該作者
其實我囝囝依家跟緊Ms Ellen, 而我現在正諗緊升學問題, K1應該讀montessori or 一般傳統幼稚園 ??

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-2 16:41 |只看該作者
retriever 發表於 12-4-27 10:56
the most important thing is your spouse's support, and you should be faithful in what you believe. t ...

i share the same sentiments.  I foresee it will be a tedious process for us.  As you have mentioned, it is difficult not to give him the best of everything since he is the only child in the family.  We need to be firm and consistent.  I hope we are able to achieve that when the time comes.  It is never easy, I know.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-2 16:43 |只看該作者
elmostoney 發表於 12-4-30 11:16
我想回應一下之前一位媽媽post montessori幫唔到內向小朋友呢個問題.  我唔係專家, 所以都唔敢話自己立場對 ...

I want to ask both retriever and elmostoney, what makes you a fan of Montessori?  Like we have been discussing, Montessori is a really slow process and it might take years to see results.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-5-4 16:31 |只看該作者
minirat 發表於 12-5-2 16:43
I want to ask both retriever and elmostoney, what makes you a fan of Montessori?  Like we have been ...
we have long term and short term goals. a nos of parents would like monte to train their kids self care skills... what really appealing to me is that monte kids are trained to work independently, to focus and to resolve problems by themselves.

for short term, cuz mine is a boy.. there are not many options of "thro train" school for boys, and the most famous one is Pui Ching. if you read the postings in this forum, the candidates will be interviewed alone without the accompany of their parents.. most of the kids will cry out in the interview... so, if a kid could keep not crying in the  interview, he/she will be near BINGO!!! I thought monte could help my boy at least used to be separated from parents... haha... wishful thinking?!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-7 11:56 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-5-7 12:01 編輯

minirat, I believe in montessori because:

1.  training a child to be independent and focused
2.  good understanding through learning by manipulatives instead of rote memorization
3.  good sense of logic and strong math if the child finishes casa (6 years old)
4.  learn discipline through freedom (唔係物野都係老師叫先做, 係佢明白有rules之下, 可以自由學習)
5.  foster life long curiosity and love of learning
6.  confidence and believe in one's choice.  it is not the teacher or parent who calls the shots.  I want the child to understand - learning is fun.  leaning is for his/her own benefit.  It's not about getting good grades.

I see a lot of u grads nowadays who are unable to make decisions or who cannot solve problems on their own since they have always lived  the style of life in which the professors/parents/teachers have told them what to do.  Grades come first so they don't need to understand - just need to perform well on test.  Unfortunately, in the real world, this type of employees don't make much headway.  Nobody puts a score on a person's career - a career is not about getting 100 points on a test.  

Montessori is what I want to give my child as a foundation to his life-long journey.  It goes beyond the academics of education because life is more than just about grades, about which school one comes from, about what competition he/she enters, or about the certificates one gets.  I hope he has passion in life and believes in himself.

That's why if he fits in IMS, I plan to let him finish primary school there.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-5-11 13:17 |只看該作者
回復 minirat 的帖子

Hi Minirat 5月份開始小b班都開始要做separation lu....除左試堂

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-14 18:01 |只看該作者
retriever 發表於 12-5-4 16:31
we have long term and short term goals. a nos of parents would like monte to train their kids self c ...

retriever, my mentality is very close to yours, as in both short and long term goals, even though i'm still not 100% confident that i will be persistent enough, coz i do need supports from the family in this aspect.  my son just recovered from a rare disease called kawasaki recently.  it is treatable and we are lucky that he was treated on time.  however he went through the painful process and is still on medication.  when the kids are sick, parents especially first timers like us, really feel very helpless and heartache.  suddenly i realised nothing is more important than for him to be a happy and healthy kid.  of coz being happy should also come with the correct values.  hence this incident does not change my initial mindset to train him to be independent and disciplined, coz i know it's for his own benefits in long term.  i think no one method is perfect and fits well for everyone.  as parents, we try and error and learn as we move on with our kids.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-14 18:05 |只看該作者
elmostoney 發表於 12-5-7 11:56
minirat, I believe in montessori because:

1.  training a child to be independent and focused

elmostoney, as i mentioned before, u really know what u want for ur kids and ur directions are so clear.  ur kids are so blessed.  i hope i will have a better idea and plan for my boy in time to come.  like i mentioned to retriever above, i hope that any plans that come along will not be at the expense of my boy's happiness or health, which are top priorities for me at all time.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-14 18:07 |只看該作者
vivianlym 發表於 12-5-11 13:17
回復 minirat 的帖子

Hi Minirat 5月份開始小b班都開始要做separation lu....除左試堂

真系? 知唔知點解?
我帶BB上trial class時會同老師了解下
可能真系越細越train separation會易d

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

發表於 12-5-15 09:58 |只看該作者
elmostoney 發表於 12-5-2 10:11
我個仔而家跟ms nina, 之前跟過宥語.  細仔班時, 就跟ms ellen同ms emily, 佢剛升上大仔班冇耐, ms ellen就 ...
i thought your boy was attending KLT center... is Ms. Ellen you mentioned now working in TST center?! she is my class teacher of my boy!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-5-15 10:12 |只看該作者
minirat, i have a relative whose twins had kawasaki.  it's a bit scary at times, but as they grow older, they will grow out of it.  They will be attending university in a year or two.  time flies.

do what is comfortable for you.  there is no right or wrong.  I guess one needs to do what is suitable for herself and her child.  With my son, I can lay down a clear path - at least for the time being.  I am still struggling with my older daughter and it's not easy.  But I feel blessed already.  At least she is healthy.  Just her learning habits are very bad.
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