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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 時光倒流回到初小時
樓主: Rainy

時光倒流回到初小時   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-6 14:24 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-7 02:43 編輯

Not necessarily volunteer work at church or social service agencies. Sometimes these agencies are doing "superficial" services, or carrying out a concept that "you need to help", "we are going to help you".

I don't want my children to see himself or herself "higher" than those being "helped". Some churches or social service agencies can create this kind of "helping culture" unconsciously though their intention to help people is good. But still, that's not a real helping, no good to children.

My understanding of helping kids to know about the world in everyday life:

1) Respect your parents
2) Talk to elders in the bus or giving seats to them
3) Be polite to people different from your race, talk to them and to understand their food or culture
4) Be helpful to kids within same class, even those who are "naughty", who are "emotionally unstable", or whose academic standard different from them.
5) Respect teachers
6) talk to taxi drivers, asking questions
7) talk to bus drivers, asking them questions
8) go to the markets, see how people work there, talk to them, asking questions.
9) go to the public toilet, observe and talk to people working there
10) Be tolerate to people with different religion with you.
11) Be tolerate to people with different sexuality with you
12) Be tolerate to people with different political stands with you.
13) Respect people with different class and socio-economic background (Years ago, two universities in HK did not allow construction site workers to have lunch in their canteen, what kind of education they have for their students?

Personally I don't believe in tutoring centres with too strong "advertisements that students will be on the top of the world", schools with too strong "culture" that they are the only "elites" of the world, or religious organizations with too strong "teachings" .Basically I am not comfortable with strong "teachings" or "cultures" or "experts" or "authorities" I teach my kids to have doubts on how these strong "teachings", as I believe that they have unconsciously excluded someone else.


c_fun_all_c    發表於 14-7-21 10:07
kaychung    發表於 12-3-8 14:56
csy_ma  您說的這些守則,希望我自己先能做到~得常提醒自己呵  發表於 12-3-7 12:02
csy_ma  7) talk to bus drivers, asking them questions~~這是違法的!  發表於 12-3-7 11:58

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-6 14:35 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-6 14:38 編輯

Just have lunch with my co-worker today, she has two young people working together in her team:

1) Hong Kong boy graduated from famous local university
2) Hong Kong girl graduated from famous university in New York

1) Boy: working within structure only, fear to explore new ideas, work within boundary, very boring and very narrow minded, though with good academic results, connecting with people only with practical reasons, very rigid to work within his own worldview, such as Chinese and religious and his own academic worldview

2) Girl: Very creative, comfortable to explore new ideas, connecting with people naturally, genuinely want to know and to understand people, though some of the areas or people are different from her experiences, she is able to connect them genuinely, not only because of "practical" reasons.

I am not saying that education in NY is absolutely better than in HK, but just a part of reflections.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 12-3-6 14:48 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ZZdaphne 於 12-3-6 14:49 編輯
motherotk 發表於 12-3-6 14:24
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-6 14:25 編輯

Not necessarily volunteer work at church or social service agencies. Sometimes these agencies are doing "superficial" services, or carrying out a concept that "you need to help", "we are going to help you".

I don't want my children to see himself or herself "higher" than those being "helped". Some of the agencies can create this kind of culture. That's not a real helping.

good points.
所以我不強調佢怎樣幫人, 反而係佢响過程中有什麼得著, 學會什麼, 觀察到什麼..........

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-6 14:54 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-8 16:03 編輯

响過程中有什麼得著, 學會什麼, 觀察到什麼

That's really wonderful! Observation skills are really important!

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-3-6 15:00 |只看該作者
motherotk 發表於 12-3-6 14:35
Just have lunch with my co-worker today, she has two young people working together in her team:

1)  ...


:verycold: :verycold: :verycold:

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 12-3-6 15:00 |只看該作者
motherotk 發表於 12-3-6 14:24
Not necessarily volunteer work at church or social service agencies. Sometimes these agencies are do ...

你知道上次我去完女女學校既親子活動日之後, 我得著係咩嗎?
1. 有個又盲又聾既弱智人士, 佢對手既接觸就係靠摸, 社工話你唔好介意佢鐘意摸人, 佢摸完我會笑得好開心, 我知道呢D就係最純真既信任
2. 有個盲既院友, 佢話自己好幸運, 因為父母無拋棄佢, 佢有屋企人錫, 於是佢要將福氣分俾其他無咁幸運既人, 佢去大陸做義工

其實陪左佢地一日, 我唔係真正幫到D咩, 應該話係佢幫到我上左心靈既一課, 生命教育就應該係咁樣


lingan    發表於 17-11-6 15:09
vinvin901    發表於 17-8-14 15:06
mandyk105  agree.  係自覺自己身在福中不知福, 才會感動起來.  發表於 13-3-13 15:26
Jackieson  好有共嗚, 以前亦曾做義工探訪聾啞學校, 學手語... 其實陪左佢地一日, 我唔係真正幫到D咩, 應該話係佢幫到我上左心靈既一課, 生命教育就應該係咁樣!!  發表於 13-3-13 10:24
bb@wonderland    發表於 12-3-7 11:46

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 12-3-6 15:18 |只看該作者
Charlotte_mom 發表於 12-3-6 14:13
我覺得呢樣野, 家長要帶頭做, 學校亦要做 (靠自己搵, 唔夠架, D福利機構其實未必樂意俾D人單次去服務, 因 ...


中學嗎....我唔贊成太involve their school life...


Charlotte_mom  中學....唔到我地理喇(被子女獨留在家中, 嘿嘿)  發表於 12-3-6 17:34

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-6 15:21 |只看該作者
家長們心目中的"一條龍"包括那些有附屬小學的中學嗎? 其實真正一氣龍的學校很少也很難入。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-6 15:54 |只看該作者
ohnono 發表於 12-3-6 14:19
咁咪可以出來食飯.......>>> ...

但係學校又好喜歡這班讀書叻的人,有冇自理能力,有冇common sense, 唔關佢地事


cocokan2004  就係要呢D人, 一D威脅性都無.  政府容易控制社會秩序.  發表於 15-11-23 02:47
ZZdaphne  所以對有些中學標榜學生會考成績100%合格,有點抗拒, 但卻好受家長歡迎.... 唔合格的學生去了哪????  發表於 12-3-8 18:18
csy_ma  "學校的目標就係識考試拿成績"因為家長最受既係呢樣野,咁至招徠相同理念既家庭  發表於 12-3-7 12:27
ohnono  係呀!學校的目標就係識考試拿成績。其他真係要由父母身教,由同學感染。  發表於 12-3-6 20:05

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-3-6 18:52 |只看該作者
Another news reflecting the education effectiveness:

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... amp;art_id=16129486

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-7 02:23 |只看該作者
回復 Charlotte_mom 的帖子

that's wonderful..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-7 02:29 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-3-7 02:38 編輯

學校又好喜歡這班讀書叻的人,有冇自理能力,有冇common sense, 唔關佢地事

these kind of training - may have bring about "career success" in their life, but in certain time of their life, they may get lost if these are not their career goals, but their parents' goals or goals from the mainstream..

I knew few boys from famous boys' schools, when we share about the life goals, quite a few of them said: "earn money, buy the house", not really know...as most of their time spending in school to achieve sports talent and other special kinds of "talents" for their mums, or for their schools... I felt really sad...

where am I? who am I after I fulfill my parents' wish or earn my school great honour after all? All their secondary school life has been filled with other people's expectations....

besides sadness, I felt angry sometimes..


ZZdaphne  quite a few of them said: "earn money, buy the house",  因為他們的爸媽已經擁有了  發表於 12-3-8 17:49
ZZdaphne  同意csy_ma所寫的...   發表於 12-3-8 17:46
csy_ma  Motherotk:很高興在我能出現的初中交流版看到您,您的回應總是讓人學到很多  發表於 12-3-7 11:26

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-3-7 07:47 |只看該作者
Motherotk, good sharing

My child is still in the primary session but this topic give me some reflection and also point for me to think back if there is anything I could do better.  

Just to share some of my experience
I avoid to use the word "stupid" instead I will say tell me and I will help you to excel.  My child is more willing to share in this manner no matter how she score.  She scored bad she will ask me for help and we go thru the paper together, if she score good then she will get satisfaction from her hardwork.
Establish a bondage is from their childhood and with this I hope she would share with me again when she is in the secondary.

I would now like to encourage her to understand the world, to be more open-minded and more important to RESPECT OTHERS, starting with some of the advice above.  


motherotk  You are such a good mum to be there for her, that's really important for the relationship and bonding....to influence her with your relationship and love for her...  發表於 12-3-7 17:04

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 12-3-7 09:44 |只看該作者
回復 motherotk 的帖子

You mentioned the career and life goals of a few "famous boys school" boys. Along the line, I would like to expand a bit for the discussion:
1. Do you observe the same phenomenon for non-famous boys school and co-edu schools boys? I guess more or less the same.

2. A few is 1,2...... 10?

3. Girls are better than boys? Sharing and discussion, girl is better than boy.

4. How about "famous girls school" ? More focus or aggressive goals?

5. In most international schools have more training and exposure in life and career goals, I wish the OLE in local school can patch up. In another post, I described how to nurture my son in career exploration, I won't blame school if as parents  we did so little or none (I am not talking about you.)

6. Walk the walk, talk the talk. An excellent "water blower" in career goals not necessar a high-flyer. Any follow up of your observations?

7. In the new generation, they may need more training and education portfolio than us, our economies also changed rapidlyy, they will change careers are not uncommon nowadays. Even an adult like me, I face the same challenges somewhere sometime.


motherotk  sorry, I am not very scientific, only case studies, definitely not cover other experiences as well.  發表於 12-3-7 18:50
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-3-7 09:56 |只看該作者
gigivinda 發表於 12-3-6 18:52
Another news reflecting the education effectiveness:

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple/a ...

Yup, read that piece of news - I actually think about how I should be treating this 拍拖 stuff when it comes to teenage.  I want my child to let me know rather than hiding from me


Yanamami  The news also reflects the bonding and relationship between parents and the kid.  Being so strict to our kids doesn't do any good at all some time.  發表於 12-3-7 10:01

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-3-7 10:01 |只看該作者
嘆. 煩完學業又要煩思春反叛期


霖霖B媽咪  真係好煩, 唔知點handle !!!  發表於 12-3-8 14:04
Yanamami  唔係咩叫長憂99 o丫?   發表於 12-3-7 10:26

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 12-3-7 10:10 |只看該作者
GIPW 發表於 12-3-7 09:56
gigivinda 發表於 12-3-6 18:52
Another news reflecting the education effectiveness:

O係我女P4時, 我同社工傾個WORKSHOP俾高年班家長, 準備迎接子女青春期, 我同社工講: 我個FOCUS係"如何避免做一個討子女厭既家長"獲益良多呢! 同仔女溝通真係一門學問, 做父母要早D去準備"接招", 攪WOR左就有排煩了

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-3-7 11:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 csy_ma 於 12-3-7 11:50 編輯
motherotk 發表於 12-3-6 14:35
1) Hong Kong boy graduated from famous local university
2) Hong Kong girl graduated from famous university in New York



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-3-7 11:56 |只看該作者


kaychung  不用太神化浸过咸水的学生   發表於 12-3-8 15:04
motherotk  不用太神化浸过咸水的学生 agree  發表於 12-3-7 18:47
csy_ma  "英文讲写都非常好,言辞逻辑到位",好明顯,大家既關注唔同,語文能力同個人視野胸襟似乎係兩回事??  發表於 12-3-7 12:32

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 12-3-7 12:24 |只看該作者


motherotk  吹水都咁需要正軌講創意咪盞, yes, agree on your point! a lots of ideas come out of 吹水  發表於 12-3-7 18:49
csy_ma  Ohnono:假如您是老師,有創意而未學曉駕馭自己創意既學生響您手上,肯定冇運行……連響討論區吹水都咁需要正軌,講創意咪盞  發表於 12-3-7 12:37
:verycold: :verycold: :verycold:
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