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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Small World小學 Island Christian Academy正式入學申請 ...
樓主: elmostoney

Small World小學 Island Christian Academy正式入學申請於2月15日截止   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 12-6-15 09:37 |只看該作者
I went to the cocktail last night. I was deeply impressed by Mrs Roper's passion and experience in nurturing kids. I was also impressed by the writeups (Cheung Chau trip) of her class. They exhibited some student assignments, artwork, etc. at the venue.
We are Little, but Not Less.
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-6-15 16:31 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 12-6-15 16:43 編輯


我冇去到, 因為我打電話去問左, 其實佢地要講d野, 我都知道, 但係對唔清楚佢地小學program嘅新家長會比較informative.  

冇錯, mrs. roper is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! 我仲未決定我個仔何去何從, 但係如果入ICA, 我同mrs roper講左, 希望入返佢個班.  新校請老師, 面試小朋友, 教材等佢都有非常大嘅程度參與, 而且佢有經驗, 所以我相信佢請老師唔會睇錯人, 再加上 (聽聞, 但未證實) 佢將來會兼埋做副校長 , 我相信ICA會run得好好.  不過我prefer阿仔跟佢, 始終我都識左佢成個學年, 大家都建立左關係, 了解同互信, 如果阿仔跟第二個老師, 不論幾好, 我作為家長,都要從新認識.

我今朝都去同佢傾左阿仔嘅情況, 佢都好有point, 只係montessori真係我嘅夢想, 難得阿仔學習上咁fit, 但係我個仔最大weakness係非常非常怕羞, 反影出佢自信心不足.  mrs roper都講得啱, 佢自己一個做得更好都係一個人, 出來係要同人合群, 如果佢繼續留係montessori, 只會更助長佢個人獨立性, 但係對佢全人發展唔係幾好.  雖然我未正式返過IMS, 但係聽朋友講, 另外好多次參觀學校, 面試等, 我都可以肯定, ICA一定係一間更有愛心, 更能照顧小朋友情感發展嘅學校, 所以我都好大機會會放棄我嘅蒙特梭利夢, 因為我都同意, 學術唔係人生嘅全部.  而我欣賞mrs roper講, 學術係一個小朋友有左自信同快樂後就會跟住來, 唔好心急.

學術上佢地都好有信心會做得好, 亦同我舉左不同例子, 我亦睇左阿女d功課, 真係好有heart.  佢地中文堂, 定期有水墨畫 (係普通話老師兼任).  如畫竹,就寫個竹字.  今日我睇左幅畫, 好細好細, 最初以為係佢地打印左個copy, 再比小朋友跟住寫字, 後來先知, 係小朋友自己畫.  我唔識睇水墨畫, 佢地比小朋友用科學毛筆, 但係老師真係有教d technique, 我好impressed, 因為真係幾靚, 起碼足夠令我以為係打印出來.  老師話希望小朋友可以感受下中國文化, 再而喜歡中文.


eneresnat  I SEE! 父母幫小朋友做好多決定, 有時真係唔知咩先係好。平常心啦, 你仔仔聰明專注, 兩間學校任選其中都應該會讀得好 :)  發表於 12-6-18 12:07

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-9-27 18:14 |只看該作者
Finally I read all the comments la!!! 你們的COMMENT 好重要! 我個女依家9個月, 好CHI SIN, VICOTORIA hopeless and super commerical. Tutor time comment is just so-so. SWCK is my dream school. I like the tailor-made, flexibility, non-pushy and whole-hearted kinder and primary school. HK education is sucks, my hubby hates doing those useless interviews and self-introduction. My 99 wants her to study CIS and I think CIS is no gd anymore. I must apply SWCK for my daughters kinder coz happiness is most important. About Chinese, I studied from traditional LS. If you don't like reading chinese novel, the standard of chinese is also sucks. My classmates also wrote chinese with super wrong grammar mistake..The school fee is quite expensive but reasonable, comparable to CKY...
Add oil to all mama =)
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