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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 The Little Gym
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The Little Gym

Rank: 1

發表於 11-8-16 16:40 |顯示全部帖子
我有一個參加The Little Gym的不快經歷.我在團購網上用了$149買了4堂小朋友課程,並收到The Little Gym透過email確認哪4天上課的確認信.在上了第一課後(第一課只有兩位導師,但卻有20多位小朋友,他們輪候練習的時間很長), The Little Gym的職員致電說,明天的課程因re-schedule的關係取消,問我可否上phonics,我回應說你們的信上已確認日期,無理由取消及要求我改上其他課程, The Little Gym的職員便推搪說哪封不是確認信,只是通知我已收到我的日期預約,但我回應說email上明明寫著”confirmation booking”, The Little Gym的職員又再重覆以上的說話,並說其餘兩日的課程唔知有否空額給我的小朋友、等日後通知.

發表於 11-8-16 17:04 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-16 17:41 |顯示全部帖子
我付200元一堂跟你們一起上堂, 我才不愉快
還好, 我馬上改在星期六上, 才變回11人一堂

Rank: 2

發表於 11-8-24 10:21 |顯示全部帖子
I heard that they have mix class recently..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-24 15:02 |顯示全部帖子
I completed there online enrollmetn form for trial class.  They sent me an email few days later saying that they couldn't reach me by phone; however, I HAD NO missed call which I'm 100% sure.  In the email, I was told to reply their email or call them back to let them know my preferred schedule. I chose to call them back, but they asked me to complete the form and check the schdeule online instead (gosh, I had many questions to ask, but the CS just told me to browse their website which I already had and couldn't find what I wanted!!).  Anyhow, I completed the form, and still no reply from them, so a week later, I sent another email to them saying that i had not received any feedback, and the finally received a call from the CS on the same day.  I guess they have LOTS of customers already so doesn't bother to entertain the new/walkin customers.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-25 10:24 |顯示全部帖子
係呀, 我家姐都受騙....每次電話去都唔答, 叫你email 去, email 又唔覆, 頂!
跟住打多幾次去就終於回覆個template email 比你話好多人, 要xxx (個幾月後) 先有機會.... 喂, 當初買果陣無話會無位喎, 如果知就唔比錢買啦... 投訴當食生菜

我超級覺得佢呃人, 你無咁大個頭就唔好戴咁大頂帽, 無位未唔好再收人lor!!!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-8-26 11:54 |顯示全部帖子
oh no! 我之前都帶過囡囡去試堂,成20幾人一班, 輪到我個BB做個activity都天光囖。 我冇join佢地個program啊,後來join了Kiddy Gym。都幾好, 不過都幾遠 (因為我住沙田)。 上個月比我發現沙田開了間新的Baby Gym 叫 The Jazzy Gym, 超興奮! 沙田終於有了。 試完堂,環境同導師都好好,囡囡好喜歡,所以join jor 啦!