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Piano Class with Tom Lee [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-8-2 16:51 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My son just finished Tom Lee JMC Book 1 and will proceed on Book 2.  Just called Tom Lee and confirmed that he could join the 1:1 piano class with 30% discount.

On enquiry, I was given to know, instead of experiences with other moms whose kids would receive TL piano class with conventional books (such as a dozen a day, Everybody, Leila Fletcher, John Thompson Easiest Paino Courses, etc.), the receptionist informed me they will provide a separate set of Yahama piano books.

Did any moms have such experience?  Please kindly advise -
(1) Can you share about the content of those "Yahama Piano Books" and the effectiveness and efficiency of those books?
(2) Can I request for switching back to conventional books instead?
(3) Does TL's piano class good to train up all, particularly on sight-reading?  Any good teachers to recommend for early piano learning (we are with TKO Metro City/Megabox)

P.S.  I am a formally trained ex-piano teacher myself and want to give a good start for my son before sending him to my 師妹/弟 for training with serious discipline.   I just want to keep him interested and practise more from being lazy and too rely on his "stupid clever head".  Thanks all.
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