密      碼:
教育王國 討論區 小一選校 DBS 有結果了!
樓主: MrsLaw

DBS 有結果了! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-12-13 22:42 |只看該作者
Hi Firework
Congratulation on getting the place in the two top schools of HK.  You must be very proud of your son.  Could you please share with me which DSS you are referring to?  As you might agree to avoid the wrong school is equally important as choosing the right school.  You may pm me or email to [email protected]
Once again, congratulation and well done.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-12-13 22:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 fireworks 於 10-12-13 22:22 發表
hi ANCHAN 59 !

Thanks for your valuded comments.   You're a very very fair person to judge the both schools.  I will have a deep consideration before making any decision.   Thank you very very much! ...

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-13 23:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 lovetotoro 於 10-12-13 22:26 發表
please also pm me too.  I have to find a school for my daughter too.  

I removed some personal content and quote the major chunk here. No right or wrong answer or which one better than other.......

Pls take the considerations as a checklist, you may have your own comments and considerations.....

Back to your question, I first declared my boy's situation. We didn't apply both SPCC and DBS when he was 6; as we preferred him to study in a local Christian and caring school due to he might be a slow learner. ...... He applied both SPCC and DBS in P6, both were in waiting list, finally he got in DBS through written examination in July. Our cases and experience may not match your expectation, but I can share some of my observations and my son's view with you.

My wife and I are highly regard both schools are excellent in most dimensions, if we set aside the DSS Audit Commission Report (It's a joke to me). As we live in HK side, personally we prefer SPCC which is near and our friends' kids are very polite and presentable. it's our dream school. But my son doesn't like SPCC kids, his ground was they are not so street smart as DBS boys and too upper middle-class compared with DBS..........

My son was in Stanford UnIversity .......EPGY summer school before P6. In the program, total 80 students from all over the world and 4 from HK included my son ..........2 of them are DBS boys. My son's comment is they are "play hard, work hard", smart but a bit arrogant and fit his style. So DBS becames his dream school over QC.

Non-systematic comparison:

Religious                               DBS = SPCC
Academic results                   DBS < SPCC
Extracurricular Activities         DBS > SPCC
Network                               DBS = SPCC
We prefer co-edu over single gender school
Teaching                                DBS < SPCC
Languages                             DBS < SPCC
IBDP                                    DBS =/> SPCC
Facilities                                DBS = SPCC
Transportation                       DBS < SPCC
(assume live HK side)
Exposure                               DBS = SPCC
School fee                             DBS =/> SPCC
(the fee included overseas exchange and trips in SPCC)
Boarding facilities                  DBS > SPCC

The comparison included both primary and secondary sections.

Over all, I will opt for...........

My last suggestion, take a day, bring him to both schools as site visit on Saturday. let him moves around and has gut feeling which he likes most. Is there any his close friends also admitted into said school(s)? This may be more important than the criteria I listed above. Just for your info, my son picked his primary and secondary school after family discussion.

I hope my views can provide some useful view and or double confirm your views so that you make a wise choice for your boy.


[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 10-12-25 11:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-13 23:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 fireworks 於 10-12-13 22:34 發表
I will release the place before X'mas & hope that every parents have a warm & wonderful X'mas !

I know you will....

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-13 23:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 fireworks 於 10-12-13 20:27 發表
I was saying the NEW DSS....  Please email me to talk about this topic as I don't want to say somethings that may or may not to make the the parents upset here.  

From the telltale, I know the answer. No point to stir up any unnecessary fight or debate here.
Your 1st priorty is your son's choice.......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-14 00:21 |只看該作者
We had the same situation 6 years ago, and it was really difficult to choose. Finally, we gave this 'job' to my son and let him choose the school he like. He has been enjoying the school life for 6 years.

原帖由 fireworks 於 10-12-13 22:22 發表
hi ANCHAN 59 !

Thanks for your valuded comments.   You're a very very fair person to judge the both schools.  I will have a deep consideration before making any decision.   Thank you very very much! ...

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-14 00:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 Rachethew 於 10-12-14 00:21 發表
We had the same situation 6 years ago, and it was really difficult to choose. Finally, we gave this 'job' to my son and let him choose the school he like. He has been enjoying the school life for 6 ye ...

I totally agreed, it's a smart move.
His choice and not our choice, he has motivation and no excuses, no matter how tough the progress.

發表於 10-12-14 00:56 |只看該作者

回復 83# ANChan59 的帖子

Agree with your comparison.

[ 本帖最後由 星歷仔ccsclh 於 11-1-5 00:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-12-14 07:25 |只看該作者
Hi ANchan
I am only a bypasser here as my boy is still in K2 this year.  But like to see and hear your analysis here as it is fair and objective.  Thank you.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-14 08:46 |只看該作者

回復 88# 星歷仔ccsclh 的帖子

You have an easy and obvious choice.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-12-14 08:50 |只看該作者

回復 89# GIPW 的帖子

Fair and fact-based discussion are welcomed here.

One more year to go, be prepared.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-14 09:39 |只看該作者
Hi fireworks,


發表於 10-12-14 10:41 |只看該作者
Yes, as we live in Kowloon side.
DBSPD stars school late late 8:40am. The choice is easy to make. We are now priming our son's mind to change from SPCC to DBSPD
原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-12-14 08:46 發表
You have an easy and obvious choice.

[ 本帖最後由 星歷仔ccsclh 於 11-1-5 00:17 編輯 ]

發表於 10-12-14 10:44 |只看該作者
I have to thank my Philipino maid for her help in tuoring in general knowledge, Maths & English since my child's birth.
Also Parent & grandparents' effort are moe imprtant.
原帖由 cy664 於 10-12-14 09:39 發表
Hi fireworks,

見到你說你的小朋友都是老人家湊的,真羨慕你的小朋友沒有因此比老人家縱壞,小朋友考到咁多間好學校,我相信不是幸運咁簡單,可否分享你用什麼方法教小朋友及怎樣為小一面試的準備?而你又覺得你的小朋友有什 ...

發表於 10-12-14 10:51 |只看該作者
Can you explain more why you drop  LS?

原帖由 fireworks 於 10-12-13 17:30 發表
收到信了!  家住港島區.
今天寫信巳放棄 RC, St Paul boy, 聖芳濟.  La Salle (自行20分抽到因爺爺.嫲嫲住41 net, 小朋友也只有六.日才接回家)
Ying Wah 2nd Inc. 不會去了
陳守仁及蔡繼無考 !
SPCC and DBSPD 還在 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-12-14 12:23 |只看該作者

回覆 35# fireworks 的文章

Wa Fireworks,

You boy must be very smart!

Can you share with us how your prepare the way to DBS?

For example, what kind of activities he learnt or on tutoring or does he got some medals?

Which Kinders are you studying in?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-12-14 13:14 |只看該作者
we received the offer too, so happy ar!!!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-14 16:15 |只看該作者

回覆 71# Kingkong123 的文章

我們其中一個如何忙也會回家陪他們吃飯. 他們也很明白的.  其實我們也打算把爺爺嫲嫲接過來, 不然我們就搬往九龍.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-14 16:21 |只看該作者

回覆 95# 星歷仔ccsclh 的文章

LS is definitely a good school but my boy loves SPCC and DBSPD more than LS.  This is only his personal choice.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-12-14 16:44 |只看該作者

回覆 96# GAT 的文章

hi !

We're an ordinary family so my boy didn't take many supplementary tutoring except English, PTH,  Math & Drawing.   No certificates at all.   

He is from KV.
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