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發表於 10-9-28 18:32 |顯示全部帖子









第四點,請不要說我勢利,(雖然我係)這是我後來發現的 BONUS
香港局長級,國際出版界 CEO,北京十大首富,物流業鉅子 英國外交高官…..


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發表於 10-9-28 19:17 |顯示全部帖子

由路器有限度開啟.而且不是無線的.宿舍配有一指導老師輔導功課,另外還有一位學生自選導師.有新措施是發現學生成績下滑,晚上會收走學生能上網的電話及 NOTEBOOK,明早才歸還,直到成績改善.






[ 本帖最後由 joenjac 於 10-9-28 22:24 編輯 ]

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發表於 10-9-28 20:31 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# joenjac 的文章

中三 = year 10?

igcse =中四中五?year11/year12?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-28 20:37 |顯示全部帖子
中三= year 9


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-28 21:01 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 joenjac 於 10-9-28 20:37 發表
中三= year 9


F.3 in HK should equal year 10 in UK as UK kids start year 1 at 5 years old and they finish secondary by year 13 at age 17 to 18.  If study year 9 after F.2, that means repeat one year.

[ 本帖最後由 WYmom 於 10-9-28 21:03 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-28 21:13 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 WYmom 於 10-9-28 21:01 發表

F.3 in HK should equal year 10 in UK as UK kids start year 1 at 5 years old and they finish secondary by year 13 at age 17 to 18.  If study year 9 after F.2, that means repeat one year.

yr12/lower 6=中六
因為 lower 6 是 a-level upper 6 之後就升大學,和香港舊制同

而我大女兒是中二那一年考入學試,二女兒今年中二,也是剛考 入學試.


Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-9-28 21:19 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 WYmom 於 10-9-28 21:01 發表

F.3 in HK should equal year 10 in UK as UK kids start year 1 at 5 years old and they finish secondary by year 13 at age 17 to 18.  If study year 9 after F.2, that means repeat one year.

year 9係等如香港F.3,
year 10 & 11等如香港F.4 & F.5.
跟住到lower sixth & upper sixth.

有啲英國學校會執着學生年齡(哩啲學校為數不多 ~ 因佢哋係5歲開始讀小1, 比香港學生早一年, 香港學生過到去好多時會比本土同級學生大一年)而要求香港學生跳級(如果學生程度夠), 有見過例子喺香港讀完F.1, 過去讀F.3, 即係year 9.

[ 本帖最後由 DoReMi媽媽 於 10-9-28 21:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-28 21:56 |顯示全部帖子
Most high ranking state schools would insist age requirements and refuse application due to over-age. My son has been refused by two state schools notstanding that they said the profile of my son was good. They added that it was unfair to local students if they admitted my 15-year old son for Grade 10.

Eventually, I just applied public boarding school for him.

原帖由 DoReMi媽媽 於 10-9-28 21:19 發表

有啲英國學校會執着學生年齡(哩啲學校為數不多 ~ 因佢哋係5歲開始讀小1, 比香港學生早一年, 香港學生過到去 ...

[ 本帖最後由 CPU1995 於 10-9-29 06:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-28 22:30 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 4# WYmom 的文章

I just thought the education agents would adjust now with the new 334system, but looks like not.

Gcse's o level course are two years, normal age for this course is 15/16 old,

After that it is Gce a level, two years For age 17/18.

So a if student starting at F3 goes to uk but takes 3 years before finishing GCE O level, it is like repeating a year.

[ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 10-9-28 22:47 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-29 05:57 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 DoReMi媽媽 於 10-9-28 21:19 發表

year 9係等如香港F.3,
year 10 & 11等如香港F.4 & F.5.
跟住到lower sixth & upper sixth.

有啲英國學校會執着學生年齡(哩啲學校為數不多 ~ 因佢哋係5歲開始讀小1, 比香港學生早一年, 香港學生過到去 ...

No, according to the cirriculum standard which is set based on age, UK year 9 in fact equals to HK F.2.  HK students are always older than UK students by 1 year as they in fact study for one more year, that's why they always said that studying in UK is easier for them.  When my kid transferred from local school to UK international school in HK, she has to "jump" one year as you said according to age requirement.  She is now 14 years old and studying GCSE at year 10, but her friends at her year in local school are studying in F.3.

Now with the new 334 local system, HK students study the same no. of years as other kids overseas.  Yet students going to study in UK still follow the old way.  HK local students in fact are studying one year more than the UK students.

Just clarify the illusion due to difference in the two systems.

[ 本帖最後由 WYmom 於 10-9-29 06:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-29 10:01 |顯示全部帖子
There seems to be some confusion here regarding the year group.
The UK system is actually exactly the same as the old system in Hong Kong (before 334):
Year 1-6 is equivalent to the corresponding primary 1-6.
Year 7 = F1
Year 8 = F2
Year 9 = F3
Year 10 = F4
Year 11 = F5 - GCSE O-level year
Year 12 (or lower 6th form) = F6
Year 13 (or upper 6th form) = F7 - A-level year
The only difference is that Hong Kong kids started local primary school 1 year later (at age 6 rather than age 5).
If you don't count kindergarten (which is termed pre-school & is not compulsory), HK & UK kids study for exactly the same number of years before university, which means that HK kids are 1 year older than UK kids when they enter university.
Most top schools will insist on kids entering school with the appropriate age group which means HK kids need to jump one year if they go to UK secondary schools.
If you don't jump a year, you are not actually repeating a year, you are just following on as your counterpart in HK.
Sure, you'll be a year older than your UK friends when you enter university, but that has been the norm.
Now the new 334 system has put the HK system out of sync with the UK system.
HK kids will enter university after F6 whereas UK kids will still enter university after F7 (Year 13).
If you only count primary & secondary school years, HK kids actually will have studied 1 year less than UK kids (12 years vs 13), but they will have to spend an extra year in university (4 years vs 3).
So even though HK kids in future (under 334) will enter university at the same age as UK kids, they will still graduate one year older.
Of course you can shorten that by applying to UK universities with the new HK diploma!
One other confusing point is that HK schools accept kids with a wider age spread (from September to December of the following year - 15 months rather than 12 months).
So kids who are particularly small in their year in HK will have no need to jump one year when they go to UK secondary school.
Also international schools in Hong Kong generally start 1 year younger than local schools so there is also no need for international school kids in HK to jump one year when they go to the UK.

[ 本帖最後由 mow-mow 於 10-9-29 11:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-9-29 12:32 |顯示全部帖子
我沒有小孩就讀香港國際學校, 對於香港國際學校學制如何?(但國際學校又是否等同英國本土學校?) 不能置評亦沒資格評論未經切身的事情, 就分享一下切身的經驗和所知吧!

2-5 yrs
private nursery(非強制)
5-11 yrs
primary education
私立學校統稱pre school
11-16 yrs
secondary education

小一至小六 = year 1 to year 6
中一至中五 = year 7 to year 11

香港F.3就係英國的year 9, 清楚不過!
差別只在英國入讀小學年齡比香港學生早一歲, 但其實所讀時間無論中小學都跟香港舊制一樣(小學六年, 中學五年, 不明何解會有重讀之謬誤), 此為吸引香港學生前往就讀的誘因之一.

至於而家香港行的334制, 所知不多, 不妄語了!

[ 本帖最後由 DoReMi媽媽 於 10-9-29 12:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-9-29 12:43 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 CPU1995 於 10-9-28 21:56 發表
Most high ranking state schools would insist age requirements and refuse application due to over-age. My son has been refused by two state schools notstanding that they said the profile of my son was good. They added that it was unfair to local students if they admitted my 15-year old son for Grade 10.

Eventually, I just applied public boarding school for him.

我諗state schools對年齡規限會嚴格過public boarding school, 由其是會注重對本土學生是否公平着眼, 畢竟佢哋係攞緊政府資源嚟辦學, 反而public boarding school我會覺得佢哋對學生的年齡冇咁執着, 大一年都係可以接受的, 就算係high ranking o既high school, 唔一定要香港學生跳班, 有啲學生跳班係自己要求的, 可能係基於finance方面諗的都有.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-29 17:33 |顯示全部帖子
old        334        UK
k3        k3        y1/p1
p1        p1        y2/p2
p2        p2        y3/p3
p3        p3        y4/p4
p4        p4        y5/p5
p5        p5        y6/p6
p6        p6        y7/s1
f1        f1        y8/s2
f2        f2        y9/s3
f3        f3        y10/s4
f4        f4        y11/s5  
f5         f5        y12/L6
f6        f6         y13/U6
f7         u1        u1
u1        u2        u2
u2        u3        u3
u3        u4         -

[ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 10-9-29 18:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-29 18:46 |顯示全部帖子
Your table here only reflects the age of the kids.
But the reality is that under the old system, F7 is equivalent to Year 13 as that was the year for university entrance.
The correct table therefore should be:

old        334        UK
p1        p1        y1/p1
p2        p2        y2/p2
p3        p3        y3/p3
p4        p4        y4/p4
p5        p5        y5/p5
p6        p6        y6/p6
f1         f1         y7/s1
f2         f2         y8/s2
f3         f3         y9/s3
f4         f4         y10/s4  
f5         f5         y11/s5
f6         f6         y12/L6
f7         u1        y13/U6
u1        u2         u1
u2        u3         u2
u3        u4         u3

I don't understand why there should be such confusion as this has been the system since I went to UK boarding school some thirty years ago!

原帖由 mattsmum 於 10-9-29 17:33 發表
old        334        UK
k3        k3        y1/p1
p1        p1        y2/p2
p2        p2        y3/p3
p3        p3        y4/p4
p4        p4        y5/p5
p5        p5        y6/p6
p6        p6        ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-9-29 19:21 |顯示全部帖子
我都唔係好明, 明明都識得做個表闡明P1-P6(小學6年), S1-S5(中學5年), 同香港舊制完全一樣, 只不過係入學歲數相差1年罷了, 對學制完全冇影響, 冇唔同, 點會有誤解? 真難明?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-29 19:54 |顯示全部帖子
唔明点解洋人早一年读完O level,唐人就比人大一年才读完O level.

[ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 10-9-29 20:12 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-29 20:30 |顯示全部帖子
This should be a historical issue dating back to the time when Hong Kong was a British colony.
Guess the British wanted the Chinese kids to start school one year later beause their English language ability was too far behind then.
School fees has absolutely nothing to do with this as it has already been pointed out by others that the number of years spent in primary & secondary school is the same for both Hong Kong & British kids.

原帖由 mattsmum 於 10-9-29 19:54 發表
唔明点解洋人早一年读完O level,唐人就比人大一年才读完O level.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-9-29 20:37 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 mattsmum 於 10-9-29 19:54 發表
唔明点解洋人早一年读完O level,唐人就比人大一年才读完O level.

很多洋人讀完 A-level后,都会休学一年,叫做gap year,到外地工作半年或旅行半年才正式上大學,所以他們大学畢業年齡應該和hk student 一样

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-9-29 21:09 |顯示全部帖子
gap year有啲人會去旅行, 有啲會去做義工, 我囡想去印度tim! 之前已有同學到印度醫院做義工.

[ 本帖最後由 DoReMi媽媽 於 10-9-29 21:10 編輯 ]