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港大同學會書院(HKUGAC)交流區   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-5 02:25 |顯示全部帖子
如果資料是正確,歡迎在這forum大家交流下。不過好像閣下的資料掉轉晒喎。你肯定誰是創校校長,誰是現任校長? 現任校長曾是燿中校長,你說那一間死谷的學校是哪一間, 耀中嗎? 很多老師走晒? ! 更莫名奇妙,大部份老師包括外籍老師都是由開校一直任教到現在。請不要再歪曲事實吧!
原帖由 UNLeung 於 10-12-4 19:57 發表
本來攪IB 後來又NSS PLUS 和本地國際
現在是NSS Local
創校教師也很有經驗  當中很多外籍老師  創造一個不錯学習英語的環境
創校校長和老師群箣群力  很有活力
現任校長  集决箣權力如一身
現任老 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-5 23:04 |顯示全部帖子

無錯我們不能抺殺創校校長為學校付出很大努力和心血。而她離任不多不少因當年收回小學部學生的風波所致。自陳校長加入後,反而得到更多家長支持,對正﹑副校長同時給予正面評價。校長亦開放渠道(Principal meeting with parents)與家長直接溝通,不見得有"死谷"老師或學生的情況。不竟以一間新校她有必要不斷調節各方面質數以求達到每位家長不同的要求。I am not trying to create conflict but telling my view of point and the fact I have known.
原帖由 UNLeung 於 10-12-5 10:23 發表
Mr Hairness, Mrs Pearson, Mr Hurst, Ms Caroline Chan, Mr superman (Music Teacher), Mr Lazanli (Math teacher) ......
他也曾是粉嶺救恩校長 一間由brand 3 變brand 1的学校
Thank you for your  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-12-7 10:33 |顯示全部帖子
I feel sorry for your feeling and grievance against Principal Chan KW. In fact I am not an irrational fan of whoever. I admit I knew very little about principal's personal history as I trust the Organization could get a right school leaders for its primary and secondary. Thanks for adivising us to find the fact. Yet I could find him a caring principal with vision. Please check out here http://www.habakkuk.biz/forum/viewthread.php?tid=1090&sid=Wg34tg (I did not prove if the press got it wrong), it is one of those and easily to find more.

Different people have different views. Yours is not wrong. So did you address your concern to school management? I hope you can find your way out to end your suffering here soon. Good luck!

原帖由 UNLeung 於 10-12-6 08:35 發表
The fact is he is not the founding principal.
The fact is there are quite a significant number of native english teachers who have already left the school for VARIOUS REASONS....
The fact is he worked ...
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