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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 香港兒童音樂劇團 CMT
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香港兒童音樂劇團 CMT

Rank: 2

發表於 10-7-12 14:59 |顯示全部帖子
我想比女女參加. 聽講要面試.
是否很容易便可入團呢? 係咪真係有人不獲取錄o架?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-12 22:23 |顯示全部帖子
zukijoey, my son attended the interview and he was rejected.

The interview lasted for around 20 minutes.  Around 20 kids were sent to a room (no adult accompany) and then there were three to four staff sitting behind a long table (interview setting).  The kids were asked to "play together" according to instructions provided during the interview.  When I sent my kid to the interview room, he looked worried and seemed not willing to stay there.

We parents were outside the inteview room, in a waiting area.  During the interview, I could hear some kids in there laughing and playing.

When my kids came out, he did not look good and then the staff told me my kid was not willing to play and so he was rejected.  I asked my kid whether he played, he said so since he did not want.

My kid is an observer, he is always nervous the first time that he joins an activity, especially when he is alone.  However, he can relax and enjoy activities after some trials.

I think this interview is fair enough.  If your kid has a relax and outgoing personality, then she should be able to get through the interview.  Just not for my kid who cannot relax the first time that he is alone attending activity.  Good luck for you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-13 11:45 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 zukijoey 於 10-7-12 14:59 發表
我想比女女參加. 聽講要面試.
是否很容易便可入團呢? 係咪真係有人不獲取錄o架?

joined 3 years, 剛剛停左.

小朋友開心, 推介.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-13 22:06 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-13 22:12 |顯示全部帖子
As small as two years old can join.  Check out the website and call them for details.  


原帖由 Freesia_cat 於 10-7-13 22:06 發表

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-13 22:15 |顯示全部帖子
No need to have 音樂底子, even the 4 year old class does not need 音樂底子.  For the 2 year old class, I recall that kids can attend the class with parent.  One centre is very close to Olympic MTR station.

原帖由 hoihoima 於 10-7-13 22:12 發表
As small as two years old can join.  Check out the website and call them for details.  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-13 22:33 |顯示全部帖子

我明天打電話去問下,因為個course timetable好似係3月的,我想情況有變了吧!

發表於 10-7-14 01:39 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-14 10:50 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# ha! 的文章

ha!  There is no interview required for summer courses.  This should be a good way to get in if you really want your kid to get in there.  I did not enrol for my son since there is time clash with other summer activities.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-14 14:14 |顯示全部帖子
上了一兩堂已覺得唔好, 看完表演甚至覺十分後悔, 就沒有再參加, 連最後一堂都唔上免得浪費埋時間.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-14 15:11 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 YYML 於 10-7-14 14:14 發表
上了一兩堂已覺得唔好, 看完表演甚至覺十分後悔, 就沒有再參加, 連最後一堂都唔上免得浪費埋時間.

可否講下, 你小朋友上邊組呀? 看完邊個表演呀? 仲有覺得有咩問題呀?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-16 12:13 |顯示全部帖子
首先是分班的問題, 原本說會就年齡, 但我的小朋友6歲了但同班的大部分是3‘4歲。上堂時常玩紅綠燈等遊戲, 連我的小朋友也說為何不是學戲劇, 而是同BB玩。到表演時, 他就同他的BB同學一齊唱做了首歌。整個表演我覺得太兒戲(連其他班別的), 若是這水準和規模,我覺得只需於課堂請家長進課室觀看便可,不用收$400還要連飯都沒有時間吃提早4’5小時到會堂rehearsal。整体而言, 我覺得課程和表演在時間和金錢上均物非所值, 公平一點來說可能當初分班恰當,課程方面會充實一點,但表演部分真是難以認同。

rabbitpiggy, 我認得你小朋友(因我們以前一齊上過tomlee) 我們是同一場表演的。

原帖由 rabbitpiggy 於 10-7-14 15:11 發表

可否講下, 你小朋友上邊組呀? 看完邊個表演呀? 仲有覺得有咩問題呀?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-16 23:24 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# YYML 的文章

YYML, your kid attended which centre?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-17 21:17 |顯示全部帖子
My kid attended the Tin Hau Centre

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-19 12:20 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 YYML 於 10-7-16 12:13 發表
首先是分班的問題, 原本說會就年齡, 但我的小朋友6歲了但同班的大部分是3‘4歲。上堂時常玩紅綠燈等遊戲, 連我的小朋友也說為何不是學戲劇, 而是同BB玩。到表演時, 他就同他的BB同學一齊唱做了首歌。整個表演我覺得太兒戲 ...

係呀, 咁真係唔好喎.  唔緊要啦, 算啦, 唔好再angry.  

你小朋友不是讀c 組嗎? 唔知係咪因為班和小朋友的age 分配出問題, 所以搞到分班亂晒龍.

我仔可能比較好彩, 佢果班age 好似大家都差不多, 同埋同班的好幾個小朋友都一齊上左幾年, tutor 都好.  

我好小同我仔去tom lee 架, 所以都唔知你小朋友係邊個tim, 真係不好意思.  你小朋友係男or 女呀?  你好勁喎,  知我係邊個小朋友的ma ma, 其實你點知架?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-19 14:12 |顯示全部帖子
我小朋友是囡囡, 在CMT是讀C組的. 和你仔仔以前在尖沙咀TOMLEE 做了一段時間同學, 後來我轉了中心. 我十分記得你的囝囝, 因為他好可愛,之前 在某些TOPIC見過你,由發言內容+你囝囝(或是細佬? 他們好似的) 張BB相估到你是誰. 上次CMT表演一見到你囝囝我己經立即認出他, 他仍然十分可愛, 見他還懂"氹"哭了的同學, 好主動好叻仔. 他也是今年升小一, 是嗎? 會在哪區讀呢? 我的囡囡在灣仔區, 可能下次又會在某些活動再遇上呢!

原帖由 rabbitpiggy 於 10-7-19 12:20 發表

係呀, 咁真係唔好喎.  唔緊要啦, 算啦, 唔好再angry.  

你小朋友不是讀c 組嗎? 唔知係咪因為班和小朋友的age 分配出問題, 所以搞到分班亂晒龍.

我仔可能比較好彩, 佢果班age 好似大家都差不多, 同埋同班的好幾個 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-19 14:51 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 YYML 於 10-7-19 14:12 發表
我小朋友是囡囡, 在CMT是讀C組的. 和你仔仔以前在尖沙咀TOMLEE 做了一段時間同學, 後來我轉了中心. 我十分記得你的囝囝, 因為他好可愛,之前 在某些TOPIC見過你,由發言內容+你囝囝(或是細佬? 他們好似的) 張BB相估到 ...

你認BB + 推斷能力好強呀.

張大頭相係細佬呢架, 當時只得幾個月, 你都認到, 真係好西利呀.  細佬E+都3歲幾啦.

我很小去TOM LEE, 不過我成日聽到老公返呢話個仔上堂嘈住晒, 搞亂當, 冇聽指示, 總之一肚氣.  多謝你的美言, 但事實上哥哥真係並不可愛.   當時仲有另一個小朋友同佢一齊玩的, 跟住果位小朋友可能都轉左CENTER.

你囡囡讀完JMC 後仲有冇升上去讀其他TOM LEE 的COURSE 呀? 我地冇啦.  

係呀, 哥哥9月升小一, 會讀鑽石山音樂小學.  希望你囡囡開開心心咁升小一

我地都剛剛停左CMT 啦.

如果下次在其他活動你見到我地, 記得叫下我地呀.  因為我認人實在太差, 好多時都睇唔到.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-19 16:35 |顯示全部帖子
I have the same feeling with YYML.  My boy (4.5 yrs old) just completed the course from Apr ~ Jun and attended one performance.  I think the quality and the content of the course did not worth such high school fee.  The performance almost same as kindergarten 's music class,  just simply sing a song.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-19 21:10 |顯示全部帖子

音小好啱你仔仔, 他上TOMLEE時是有點坐唔定, 但是可接受, 我真的覺得他好醒目和活潑, 課堂上吸收好快, 所以對他印象很深, 你同他選音小真的很合適, 音小要選一樂器學的, 選了沒有?

我們也沒有再 上JXC, 因呀囡想單獨學琴.

上次CMT的表演我有見到你們, 但沒有相認怕太唐突, 下次再遇上時一定傾吓講吓,  細佬好似"翻版"哥哥, 好得意, 我當日都忍不住看多他幾眼!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-19 21:16 |顯示全部帖子

"The performance almost same as kindergarten 's music class"   - I disagree as I think it is worse than the kindergarten's music class. Ha! Ha!