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教育王國 討論區 自閉寶寶 懷疑囡囡有自閉傾向
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懷疑囡囡有自閉傾向 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-7 00:46 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
囡囡就嚟四歲, 兩歲才懂叫媽媽, BB時期鍾意看車輪, 風扇轉動, 不喜與同齡小朋友玩, 對陌生人尤其害怕, 很少眼神接觸, 對地鐵極度喜愛, 外型, 站名及其寫法全都孰悉, 今日見家長, 囡囡在學校上課時的專注力不足, 尤其對冇興趣的科目, 音樂及語言, 成喜歡摸其他同學的頭, 手, 騷擾其他人!  

請問仔仔有冇自閉傾向?  想做評估, 可以點做?
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Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-7 10:11 |只看該作者
Best to approach government clinics...they will refer you to hospital for assessment.
Be prepared though: those doctors may qualify your child as "within the autistic spectrum".  My personal feeling: this is the safest conclusion from the doctor's perspective..but devestating to the parents.  I have gone through all these.

Based on your description, if you ask me, my comment, unfortunately, is "yes and no".  

"yes" because there are features that would put you into the spectrum.

"no" because anybody has favorites...some people are crazy with buses, some people are obsessed with other things.  it is not fair to label them "strange" or call them autistic.  

You recognise that your child may not be the same as the average child so you are rightly worried.  But don't be too worried.  Bring the child to the assessment, and see if anything can help her expand her areas of interest.

Have confidence in your child and make up your mind independently.

Good luck!
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