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教育王國 討論區 崇真小學暨幼稚園(幼稚園部) 3 Assessments of Child Development (IK1)
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3 Assessments of Child Development (IK1)

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-3 10:18 |顯示全部帖子
Achievement levels:
1: needs support;
2: developing; or
3: well-developed.

FIRST Assessment
Duration: Sept to Oct
Report Date: 2.11.2009

Recognize their own name
Address the teacher properly
Recognize and read Chinese words such as “teacher” and “wash hands”
Recognize and read English words such as “cup” and “sing”

Early Mathematics:
Differentiate between numerals and quantities of 1 and 2
Colour recognition (red and yellow)
Understand the concept of “above” and “below”

Physical Fitness and Health:
Hold the handrails on the stairs
Walk along the lines on the floor
Knead dough into a round or a rectangular shape
Take off and put on trousers

Science and Technology:
Differentiate between sweet and sour taste
Differentiate between rough and smooth textures

Follow the rhythm and sing along
Enjoy taking part in art activities
Enjoy participating in musical games

Self and Society:
Involved in school culture and life
Courteous and says “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” and “Goodbye”
Tidy up as instructed
Position the chair properly in place

Overall Performance…

SECOND Assessment
Duration: Nov to Jan
Report Date: 2.2.2010

Able to listen and comprehend the story content
Is polite when talking
Able to express his/her own needs
Able to recognize and read Chinese words such as “morning”, “God” and “towel”
Able to recognize and read English words such as “boy”, “cry” and “dark”

Early Mathematics:
Able to differentiate between numerals and quantities of 3 to 5
Able to recognize colours of red, yellow and blue
Able to differentiate between “circle” and “square”
Able to differentiate between “large” and “small”

Physical Fitness and Health:
Able to walk up and down the stairs one at a time
Able to open and close a bottle
Able to throw a paper ball
Able to cross a low balance beam
Able to get water from the water dispenser
Understands how to wash and dry hands after going to the toilet

Science and Technology:
Able to tell whether an object is hot or cold
Able to tell the purpose of a mirror
Understands how to use a mouse

Able to use castanets in flow with music
Understands how to make use of various colours for art work
Enjoy participating in festive activities
Has an understanding of the national flag

Self and Society:
Knows how to say “Thank you”
Able to tell his/her gender
Knows how to line up
Able to tidy up the toys
Able to keep the classroom clean and tidy
Enjoys sharing things with others

Overall Performance…

THIRD Assessment
Duration: Feb to May
Report Date: 1.6.2010

Able to act according to instructions
Able to retell a story
Able to respond to questions that others ask
Able to express his/her own feelings and ideas verbally
Able to recognize and read Chinese words such as “door”, “home”, “food” and “leaf”
Able to recognize and read English words such as “clean”, “sick”, “tree” and “bus”
Able to recognize and read his/her name
Able to join the dotted lines

Early Mathematics:
Able to differentiate between numerals and quantities of 6 to 10
Able to recognize colours of black, orange, purple and green
Able to differentiate between “triangle” and “rectangle”
Able to differentiate between “tall” and “short”
Able to differentiate between “inside” and “outside”
Able to tell the similarities and differences of an object or a picture

Physical Fitness and Health:
Able to walk up and down the stairs using both legs alternately
Able to roll a ball back and forth with a partner
Able to stand on one foot for 5 seconds
Able to always keep the right posture
Able to tear things into strips or pieces
Able to always keep his/her hands and face clean
Able to put on outer wear on his/her own

Science and Technology:
Understands the correlation between light and shadow
Able to recognize the changes in different colours
Able to distinguish which shape could be rolled the fastest
Able to tell the proper names of a mouse and keyboard

Able to use handheld bells and a tambourine in flow with music
Enjoys participating in various musical activities
Understands how to make use of various colours and materials for his/her artwork
Able to appreciate his/her artwork
Able to appreciate things around him/her
Knows about traditional Chinese activities

Self and Society:
Is courteous and respectful to others
Understands how to differentiate his/her own belongings from those of others
Able to express his/her emotions and feelings
Able to follow the rules of the game
Shows willingness to share and co-operate with others

Overall Performance…