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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 點解今年咁激??
樓主: joychu

點解今年咁激?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-1 22:59 |只看該作者
Totally agree with what you say.

I live in KT and went to the Kentville and MCS.  Unfortunately, I only have a son. (although daddy is a doctor, his education background doesn't give any advantage).  Got rejected by all the top KG in KT.  My son even said... I don't like this school, mommy... after his SC interview.

Maybe my mom is right.  Who cares which Kindy your child went to at the end of the day.  Just pick a school that you like and he likes and get prepare for the primary school.  (which I think is just as competitive)... so at the end of the day, to save my worries, I chose a IS that went from K1 to secondary.  Just to save troubles.

原帖由 WAWAHAHA 於 09-12-1 17:25 發表
今年豬仔真係BB多, 做Mummy & Daddy 的辛苦晒 !!!
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