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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 請問德望,St. Paul,培正边間好? 是否大家是優先上小學/ ...
樓主: mcki

請問德望,St. Paul,培正边間好? 是否大家是優先上小學/一條龍? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-12-3 23:33 |只看該作者
I am reluctant to say what I gonna say but sincerely I have a little bit of trouble accepting the fact that a kindergarten is good because it is relax and let the kids have fun there, while the parents having paid the tuition for the kinder, then needing to pay for more courses outside of the kindergarten and the knowledge gained through these courses are then being said as the strength of the kindergarten itself?  If that's the case, then can we just skip the kindergarten and just take these courses and will the result be the same?  It seems like a pretty simple math question of 0 +1 = 1 so 1= 1, right?

Moreover, please be considerate to parents and stop mis-lead those who have very little time to do research and are really coming to bk and look for advices.  "Through-train" means 100%, there are no such thing as semi-through train.  Step into the shoes of those helpless parents who having read your comments and believe there are just a few who couldn't be admitted to primary school and never got themselves prepared.  Feel joyful for 2 years after being accepted and then all the sudden, 'I'm sorry, but your daughter can't be admitted for no reasons.'  I believe most of the people here are all caring parents so we should all looking after each other and be careful with the comments.

As a school, I don't think this is fundamentally correct as an educator should do, and that's already a mistake.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-12-3 23:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-4 23:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 princess_sumyin 於 09-12-3 17:21 發表
SPK的學生不是保證升上小學,所以不是 "Through-train",我有冇錯呀?

No schoolwill guarantee its students having through-train unless they work hard and havegood conduct during every school year.  

In the event that they have academic or conduct problem, every school should bethe same.  SPCPR accept most of the students from SPK and SPN.  Some of the parents rejected its offer at the end of the K3 as they get another offer in DGS, SPCC, Marymount or Maryknoll.

Personally, I have three younger sisters and several cousins graduated from SH and I haveto admit that SH is a good school.  However, the teaching methods and idea are absolutely two different approaches when they are being compared.  In 2009, SHCS (i.e. primary) admitted students having 15 marks into Primary 1.  

What I would like to point out is that if your girl studys in SPK, she can still have chance to apply for other schools like SHCS, DGS, SPCC, etc.  The acceptance rate, I can tell, was high.  However, if your kid studys in SH, it is difficult to get into SPCPR, DGS or other more reputable schools unless your kids are very smart and outstanding.  

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-5 07:46 |只看該作者
Pui Ching is one of the example which stated clearly ALL KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS WILL BE GUARANTEED a seat to their primary school, at the moment you received their acceptance letter and PRINTED CLEARLY on it.  This reflects they believe in their way of teaching and education was done inside the kindergarten so it can guarantee the quality of their own students to the primary section.

There are a few more kindergartens which would make verbal commitment but since it is just verbal, I don't use them as an example here.

By the way, Sacred Heart is not one of the three schools as compared in this thread, why was it being mentioned?  

原帖由 rickoricko 於 09-12-4 23:33 發表

No schoolwill guarantee its students having through-train unless they work hard and havegood conduct during every school year.  

In the event that they have academic or conduct problem, every schoo ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-12-5 07:58 編輯 ]

發表於 09-12-5 22:23 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-5 23:47 |只看該作者
你朋友係幼稚園時唔想返學, 定係小學呀?
以我所識既聖心幼稚園小朋友, 全部都很喜歡上學,  小朋友響學校學咩野, 返學有幾多樂趣唔須要響呢度詳細講.  但公平D講, 兩間幼稚園(SPK & 聖心)都有唔同既優點&擁護者, 都唔須要爭辯邊間好D, 你個女響聖心讀, 咪聖心好囉, 我個女響SPK讀, 咪SPK好囉.   不過有樣野,我忍唔住都要講係我好鍾意聖心有好多親子活動,令(可以講話迫)父母要積極參與小朋友既學習。

我有D朋友D女響SPK讀, 佢話D課程淺到不得了, 返學真係齋玩, 唔知個女學左咩, 又無咩功課, 整個幼稚園都唔會有普通話學, 尤其係中文, 佢個女正讀K2, 認唔到中文字,老實講今時唔同往日,中文真係好緊要,且中文難學好多.  另一個朋友就, 細妹讀聖心K2, 家姐讀K3, 好似妹妹識既野多過家姐.  仲有個朋友個囡讀完聖心K1轉左去SPK再讀K1,讀得非常唔開心,因為SPK無咁多活動,學習無咁多元化。

坦白說, 若果純萃就幼稚園課程內容來看, 本人就會揀聖心.  但就小朋友長遠黎睇, 我就會揀SPK, 因為SPCC D 成積真係跑贏聖心幾條街, 頭3年用黎玩吓都唔緊要.  

PS:唔好意思, 我知呢樹講緊德望, SPK &PC,不過有人講開聖心幼稚園搞喊小朋友,我多事想講返吓公道話JET。

原帖由 mrnosey 於 09-12-5 22:23 發表
我有個朋友讀聖心,  由幼稚園讀上, 現在小學, 佢學校好 demanding (可能對佢係, 其他人 ok) , 小朋友不喜歡 or 談學校的事, 而且仲不想返學, 會在學校門口哭話不要返學,  我地外人聽到都覺得... 唉.. 點解會咁..

發表於 09-12-6 00:15 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-12-6 00:59 |只看該作者
hehe, just for the record, I never mentioned which kindergarten I was referring to bor!  Why being so sensitive too?

Anyway, choice of kindergarten is very personal.  As everyone has different expectations, so asking others which kindergarten is better would probably be not very helpful.

I think this ends my comments here in this thread too.  Need to be busy with something more constructive!  Chao!

原帖由 mrnosey 於 09-12-5 22:23 發表
其實好多做家長的都會把學術上的學習放上好重的位置, 一講到  relax and having fun 就會話比佐學費, 點解仲要出面補, 學生叻就不相信學校有功勞... ??? 好奇怪的想法. 我唸其實這種想法實在不太理解學校的教育理念. ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-6 04:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-3 23:33 發表
I have a littlebit of trouble accepting the fact that a kindergarten is good becauseit is relax and let the kids have fun there, while the parents havingpaid the tuition for the kinder, then needing to pay for more coursesoutside of the kindergarten and the knowledge gained through thesecourses are then being said as the strength of the kindergartenitself?  If that's the case, then can we just skip the kindergarten andjust take these courses and will the result be the same?  It seems likea pretty simple math question of 0 +1 = 1 so 1= 1, right?

I regret that I do not understand quite well about your concept 0+1=1 so 1=1.  What are the logics?

I can teach you a more complicated logics in some business games rather than your provided simple math equations.  

(One One game) WIN WIN 1+1
1+1 can be equal to 1.  

Learn in kinder + Activities/Courses outside the kinder = Win the others

(Zero One game) WIN LOSE
1+0 or 0+1 can be equal to 0

Learn in Kinder + Nothing learn other than in kinder = Lose to the others

The majority of parents in Hong Kong admit that their children should take different courses other than attending the kinder.  You can go to different places seeing the play groups or other places like Tom Lee, educational insitutions, etc. during the weekend.  You can do a survey in a more scientific way to see the number of parents taking their kids to attending different courses.  This is very common in Hong Kong.

By the way, I would like to know if your daughter is attending different courses other than studying in SC.  If she is not attending courses other than SC, I wish her good luck.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 00:17 |只看該作者
Allow me to say  -  I really don't agree with your mentality that though it is common in Hong Kong for parents to have their children taking different courses other than attending the kinder", it surely doesn't mean that it is absolutely healthy and good.  打個比喻, 現今社會O靚模很普遍, 大家要好好接受O靚模既存在 (無論佢對社會道德風氣有怎麼影響), 甚至大家都叫女兒做O靚模.   這說得通嗎 ?

I do agree that taking a no. of ECA might be beneficial to a kid, but parents must consider the courses in the kids' interested area, not 因為"人讀我讀, 隨波逐流這些心態", 同時, 家長必須要獨立思考能力.

Your statement "if she is not attending the courses other than SC (St. Catherine?), I wish her good luck" seems quite offensive.  A good person / kid is not judged by how many courses / educational she has attended, but  說話確實會反影人格!!!

原帖由 rickoricko 於 09-12-6 04:10 發表

The majority of parents in Hong Kong admit that their children should take different courses other than attending the kinder.  You can go to different places seeing the play groups or other places like Tom Lee, educational insitutions, etc. during the weekend.  You can do a survey in a more scientific way to see the number of parents taking their kids to attending different courses.  This is very common in Hong Kong.

By the way, I would like to know if your daughter is attending different courses other than studying in SC.  If she is not attending courses other than SC, I wish her good luck.
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