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教育王國 討論區 蘇浙小學(全日) 09年9月 P 1 的家長, 入唻交流下啦!
樓主: GIPW

09年9月 P 1 的家長, 入唻交流下啦! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-27 22:58 |只看該作者

回覆 60# GIPW 的文章

Thanks again GIPW.  I trust KCS will help me to train up my son's Chinese.  I am now so envy of your girl as she got a mom like you so understandable and caring :)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-29 01:59 |只看該作者
you are most welcome.  You are a very dedicated mum too - you son will feel your love.  It is never easy to be parents now, so add oil  :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-20 13:55 |只看該作者

回復 62# GIPW 的帖子

Hi,各位KCS同學仔....好耐無入唻同大家傾偈喇....大家好嗎? KCS小二既學習生活如何呢? 深唔深呀? 我女響GH剛剛考完上學期試, 而家可以專心練琴, 為下個月頭既鋼琴比賽做準備....GIPW & CANKAN, 你哋係咪係讀緊KCS呀? 好耐無見你哋響BK留言喇...掛住你哋啊!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-1-25 01:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 11-1-20 13:55 發表
Hi,各位KCS同學仔....好耐無入唻同大家傾偈喇....大家好嗎? KCS小二既學習生活如何呢? 深唔深呀? 我女響GH剛剛考完上學期試, 而家可以專心練琴, 為下個月頭既鋼琴比賽做準備....GIPW & CANKAN, 你哋係咪係讀緊KCS呀? ...

Hi, surprise surprise.  No time no talk la.  We are preparing for the test (this week) then we will have holiday.  Gigi is adapting good - though traditional school lots of tests then exam.  I am now training her self-learning ability.  As the higher level they go,the more they will need to depend on themselves.  

Luckily, they can finish most of the homework at home so I will give her revision when I come back home.  

Wah, your girl is going for competition again- what level is she at now?  she must be very  smart and good at music.  How is she coping with the school now ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-1-27 11:20 |只看該作者

回復 64# GIPW 的帖子


好高興睇到你既回覆啊! 你囡囡普通話咁好, 又響番KCS直升, 適應上應該無大問題吧!

我女小一響GH時, 學業上就好快適應, 但社交上就出咗D麻煩, 佢勁唔慣D同學成日郁D就話: "我唔同你玩!"..." 你行開啦, 邊個話同你玩啫!"...."你要同XXX玩, 咁我唔同你玩喇!"....云云....所以小一時成日都唔開心! (我仲想過好多次, 想同佢轉校添!) 幸好升到小二, 學校係將全級大兜亂咁分班 (話係用電腦隨機編班)....今年比較好彩, 分到班比較識得體諒, 接納 & 分享既小朋友....今年總算開心番D!

PIANO方面, 剛過去既十月畀佢考咗三級鋼琴試, 幸運地攞到DISTINTION....之後琴老師叫佢參加"第十六屆亞洲鋼琴公開比賽"...呢個比賽響聖誕期間進行咗初賽, 又幸運地入到決賽, 所以唻緊農曆新年(年初七)又要去比賽了!...完埋呢個比賽, 就專心練習校際音樂節...今年會彈GRADE 4既Sonatina in G, OP,168, NO.2....已經進入背譜階段, 另外老師亦都開始咗同佢逐句細執...希望阿女練得切老師所教既嘢吧!

GH逢星期二三四都有功課堂畀小朋友在校做功課....阿女都好識諗, 快手既話, 可以響學校做晒功課返唻; 有時慢既, 都做咗八九成...返唻做埋少少手尾, 所以花響學校功課方面既時間都唔算太多....通常每日五點前都可以完成晒所有功課的!

另外, 我地每星期都有中英文默書, 數學小測就玩突擊, 評估方面: 全年兩測兩考, 無分比重, 所以我當佢係四個考試咁唻溫....我地測驗D卷就會派番屋企畀家長睇, 但考試既卷就唔會派, 所以考試錯D乜, 老師有無扣錯分等等, 都不得而知啊!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-2-1 21:48 |只看該作者
Glad to see that your daughter has adpated well in the school now also has such a great achievement in piano.
In KCS, as usual Chinese Dictation is their usual homework.  3 test and 3 exam - I am now quite used to this so as Gigi.  She now joined the school school swimming team and need to pratice twice a day so quite tiring.  She also joined the school speech festival this year and had won 2 1st runner-up.  They just finished the 2nd term test and now having their new year holiday.  In mid March the 2nd term exam will start again.   .

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-10 07:20 |只看該作者

三測三考真係幾惡啃的, 但三測三考都有個好處, 密密測密密考, D嘢就唔會堆埋一次過至溫, 其實都幾好的!

我地今日開學喇 (初八啟市, 哈哈), 下星期開始, D默書又會返番唻, 三月最後兩個星期會做下學期測驗....六月中就大考了!

噚日(初七)參加完個PIANO決賽, 雖然無獎, 但真係好開心, 因為見識到好多好認真練習, 認真比賽既小朋友, 仲見到好多國內參賽者彈琴既技巧添! 真的大開眼界呢!



原帖由 GIPW 於 11-2-1 21:48 發表
Glad to see that your daughter has adpated well in the school now also has such a great achievement in piano.
In KCS, as usual Chinese Dictation is their usual homework.  3 test and 3 exam - I am  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-2-13 23:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 11-2-10 07:20 發表

三測三考真係幾惡啃的, 但三測三考都有個好處, 密密測密密考, D嘢就唔會堆埋一次過至溫, 其實都幾好的!

我地今日開學喇 (初八啟市, 哈哈), 下星期開始, D默書又會返番唻, 三月最後兩個星期會做下學期測驗... ...

Ha KCS re-opens last Friday.  What I like from them the exam syllabus will never be too long.  Any other ECA you have taken ?  Apart from piano?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-2-13 23:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 GIPW 於 11-2-13 23:33 發表

Ha KCS re-opens last Friday.  What I like from them the exam syllabus will never be too long.  Any other ECA you have taken ?  Apart from piano?

"國內參賽者彈琴既技巧添! 真的大開眼界呢!" - they must be really super to win your applaude.  I always think I should be the 虎媽媽 type approach or take it easy approach.  But 虎媽媽 type approach is very 傷身,傷感情 and 勞氣。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-14 20:46 |只看該作者
原來你哋遲一日開學, 都好, 有多一日玩吓!

音樂方面, 上年十一月尾加多個CELLO畀佢, 阿SIR話下堂開始教二級嘢喎!...另外就一直KEEP住三科公文式! 其餘無乜特別喇!

佢哋讀傳統學校, 太鬆太緊都唔得, 我哋做阿媽既, 最緊要學識收放自如...不過呢樣係一個大學問唻, 真係邊學邊做咋!

原帖由 GIPW 於 11-2-13 23:33 發表

Ha KCS re-opens last Friday.  What I like from them the exam syllabus will never be too long.  Any other ECA you have taken ?  Apart from piano?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-2-17 01:54 |只看該作者
Gigi has more other ECA after, about 13 all together after including Sunday.  Might need to cut some out when she is in P3.  Just spoke to the Piano teacher today.  She told me that Gigi can try to take the level 2 exam next year.  What a slow progress for her

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-17 07:01 |只看該作者
嘩, 讀到傳統學校P.2, 仲可以KEEP住13樣ECA?????? 好厲害啊!....TT升上小一之後, 我第一時間CUT咗BALLET, 而家KEEP住7樣! 但逢星期二 & 星期日都FREE的...平日我留一日畀佢HEA吓, 做吓自己想做既嘢; WEEKEND點都留一日做FAMILY DAY啊!

原帖由 GIPW 於 11-2-17 01:54 發表
Gigi has more other ECA after, about 13 all together after including Sunday.  Might need to cut some out when she is in P3.  Just spoke to the Piano teacher today.  She told me that Gigi can try to ta ...
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