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教育王國 討論區 蘇浙小學(全日) 06年9月入讀蘇淅幼稚園K1既家長, 入唻交流下啦! ...
樓主: GIPW

06年9月入讀蘇淅幼稚園K1既家長, 入唻交流下啦! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-11 15:24 |只看該作者

回覆 9# hayhay2007 的文章

HayHay 2007, you want to apply local or international stream?  Your message is not very clear.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-11 15:46 |只看該作者
我地唔係叩好多, 只係叩一間津校 (ST. MARY) & 一間私校 (G.H.)! 兩間都係女校, My favourite! 本來都想叩埋KTS的, 但考慮到KTS同KCS一樣, 六年後又係要再煩中學, 所以最後都放棄!

你搞到我都心思思, 睇下星期日好唔好都返一轉學校, 昅下究竟仲有咩新資料啊!

原帖由 GIPW 於 09-6-11 14:24 發表
Just come back to Hong Kong from trip.  Missing out for quite a while.

Can Mum
North Point government school is a good school but I would say not as good as KCS in term of general preception.  Bu ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-11 17:19 |只看該作者

回覆 1# 十月媽咪 的文章

十月媽咪, you mean your favourite is girl schools?? I am from girl school too (sedondary only), but I prefer my child going to primary schools with both sex, I don't mind her going to girl secondary school.  I am afraid going to a girl school too early, my girl may have difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex when she grows up : )

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-11 17:26 |只看該作者
我唔怕個女唔識同d男孩子溝通呀, 我見佢而家成日話要嫁畀同班既男同學, 我真係驚過佢呀! 佢兩個仲要大抽獎抽埋同一間學校, 若然咁啱又編埋同一班...不得了!

我女好早熟的, 思想&樣貌都成熟, 我諗放佢響女校, 我會安心d!

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-6-11 17:19 發表
十月媽咪, you mean your favourite is girl schools?? I am from girl school too (sedondary only), but I prefer my child going to primary schools with both sex, I don't mind her going to girl secondary s ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-11 17:34 |只看該作者

回覆 1# 十月媽咪 的文章

Funny, your daughter makes me laugh in office..........原來"十月媽咪"有個"十月芥菜女", just kidding.......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-11 17:43 |只看該作者
所以呢...for我唻講...畀個女讀女校會安全d...加上佢係十月芥菜, 我唔驚佢變同性戀啊! 最緊要唔好高小就失身, 你知喇, 花咁多時間去培育佢呀, 有咩行差踏錯, 真係滿盤皆落索嘛! 希望畀我叩到啦!

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-6-11 17:34 發表
Funny, your daughter makes me laugh in office..........原來"十月媽咪"有個"十月芥菜女", just kidding.......

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-11 17:50 |只看該作者

回覆 1# 十月媽咪 的文章

If so, why don't you choose the girl school in the lucky draw stage or apply True Light?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-11 18:05 |只看該作者
我住tko, 本身tko無女校, 其實我跨區頭三個志願都係女校, 分別係1) st. mary; 2)天神嘉諾撒; 3)九龍塘嘉諾撒聖家...無奈既係...no luck!

至於真光, 我都有報, 不過人地唔收我個女呢, 唉...waiting咋! 如果真光收我個女, 我都懶諗咁多野喇!

不過點解最終都唔叩多次真光呢? 因為衡量到屋企同學校距離著實係頗遠, 若然我要去學校湊女放學, 亦係好辛苦, 坐褓姆車, 車費又貴, 所以最終決定唔叩喇!

而G.H.呢, 我女都係WAITING, 但G.H.響九龍區, FOR我地始終比較方便, 同埋G.H.英文較強, 我佬希望放棄左普通話小學之後, 都搵番間英文小學囉!

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-6-11 17:50 發表
If so, why don't you choose the girl school in the lucky draw stage or apply True Light?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-11 18:16 |只看該作者

回覆 1# 十月媽咪 的文章

I seeeee.... all are Catheric schools.  If your daughter is not a Catheric, not easy to enter.  Don't give up lah, GIPW and some other parents may give up True Light, so, if your daughter is on top of the waiting list, your daughter can be admited to True Light.  Good luck!!!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-11 18:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 GIPW 於 09-6-11 14:27 發表

Just called.  Admin office say --  No further information



Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-11 18:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 Sorb 於 09-6-11 15:24 發表
HayHay 2007, you want to apply local or international stream?  Your message is not very clear.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-11 19:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 hayhay2007 於 09-6-11 18:32 發表



Most of the KCS (Int'l) will go st into the primary then secondary.  I have actually put my boy in the pm session next year but given that the school would arrange lunch place then nap place for them.  My boy will also be in K1 am in the coming academic year.  

In the days of my girl that is two years ago, you could actually arrange your kid to go to local Kinder then international in the afternoon.  They could arrange room for your kids to take a nap.

But I was told that they might cancel this type of arrangement because of the education department does not like this.  If this is the case, I will need to withdraw from the afternoon international session.  Kids can not stand a whole day learning without nap.  

For admission it is easy, no interview and they just accepted my application.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-11 19:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 CanKan 於 09-6-11 14:44 發表

Thanks for your comments!  Does it mean that you will choose KCS?  

Actually my daughter could be influenced by others easily, just like your daughter.  That's the reason why I am quite concer ...

Hi CanKan

Yes. I will be there.  I think I might bring my girl go on that day if she wants to go.  For me after going thru all the offers that I have, seems like kCS is a good school.  I also talked to quite a no of the parents whose child is now in P1 and P2 and they all said their children like the school.  Many dictations say one or twice a week.  But the kids seem to adapt well as dictations are just so naturally to them.  

If you are afraid that your kid will 死背書, one of the technique that we parents could use is try to ask them "why" question when you speak to them.  eg:  why do you say the food is nice, what is so nice ... stimulate their thinking.  or games like give me 3 why question when you are reading a book, sight seeing (building) and etc.

Just one thing that a KCS teacher talked to me that I want to share with you : " with a devoted parents, your kid will be okay no matter where you put your kids".  Of course at that time we are only talking about HKUGA and KCS.  This has given me some inspiration ---  deciding a school for our children is not the end of the story but just the beginning and more importantly home education will need to be go on .... how you want to shape your children.

I will see you on Sunday

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-11 19:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 Sorb 於 09-6-11 17:19 發表
十月媽咪, you mean your favourite is girl schools?? I am from girl school too (sedondary only), but I prefer my child going to primary schools with both sex, I don't mind her going to girl secondary s ...


This is exactly what I am thinking of.  I just want them to grow up in an environment when there are both sex.  I do not mind a girl secondary school.   

but at this stage, I have a few discussions with my friends that they think a school with both sex will be better.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-11 19:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-6-11 15:46 發表
我地唔係叩好多, 只係叩一間津校 (ST. MARY) & 一間私校 (G.H.)! 兩間都係女校, My favourite! 本來都想叩埋KTS的, 但考慮到KTS同KCS一樣, 六年後又係要再煩中學, 所以最後都放棄!

你搞到我都心思思, ...

Welcome to the school.  Maybe you will have a different view.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-11 19:28 |只看該作者
嘩, 你打英文真係打得好鬼快! 呢頭至睇完一段, 嗰頭已經出到另一個POST, 好勁呀你!

原帖由 GIPW 於 09-6-11 19:26 發表


This is exactly what I am thinking of.  I just want them to grow up in an environment when there are both sex.  I do not mind a girl secondary school.   

but at this stage, I have a few discu ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-11 19:29 |只看該作者
可能呢三年你嗰班既老師都好穩定, 又遇到超勁純正普通話既老師, 所以你對KCS會好有信心, 但係...我真係好怕唻緊嗰六年, 會再遇到好似呢三年咁樣既情況呢!

原帖由 GIPW 於 09-6-11 19:28 發表

Welcome to the school.  Maybe you will have a different view.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-11 19:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 Sorb 於 09-6-11 15:22 發表
What ECA are free of charge in KCS primary school?  I didn't hear my niece (attending KCS P1) or her mum (my sister-in-law) mentioned there are free ECA in KCS primary school. If there are and free of ...

Most of them is free of charge.  The school is good at 朗誦, chinese dance, 書法 and some maths.  This is told by one of the parents whose daughter was admitted by DGS F1 last year.   if you are good, you can join the swimming school team.  

Of course, as compared to some other school, who have activities like ruby, golf, cooking, roller skating - their ECA is lesser.  But having a second thought that when you are in primary, you just do not have time to join everything, then this seems like not so important now.  

Currently my daughter is already in the choir team, roller skating team and also swimming team and also piano class.  These has taken much of their time.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-11 19:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-6-11 19:29 發表
可能呢三年你嗰班既老師都好穩定, 又遇到超勁純正普通話既老師, 所以你對KCS會好有信心, 但係...我真係好怕唻緊嗰六年, 會再遇到好似呢三年咁樣既情況呢!


You are quite right.  We are very lucky and she is a very devoted teacher.  Look at the " exercise day " , their session is the only one with full dress performance and doing a series of different poise for parents to take picture .  she often call me to discuss the development of the kids.  Of course there are parents who think she is not good as well.  I do not know .... maybe I personally also talked to her in Mandarin.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-11 19:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 十月媽咪 於 09-6-11 19:28 發表
嘩, 你打英文真係打得好鬼快! 呢頭至睇完一段, 嗰頭已經出到另一個POST, 好勁呀你!

i can write better in English than in Chinese.  Tell you a secret, my chinese is only up to primary standard.  I could only write with 手寫板, so very very slow .  
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