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教育王國 討論區 聖保祿幼兒園 報咗09年St. Paul Day Nursery 的, 入嚟傾吓啦 ! ...
樓主: max1116

報咗09年St. Paul Day Nursery 的, 入嚟傾吓啦 !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 10:03 |顯示全部帖子

我女女係12月尾的超細女, 我都比佢照考SPK... 鍛鍊下嗎... 點都要盡佐自己的能力... 我地當時都知道肯定唔會收, 不過都全力以赴, 我覺得我兩公婆答得唔錯添, 哈哈...

大B係有着數... 4月出世都大些機會架啦(其他學校來講叫大B架啦), 我見SPN都有收6月出世的, 只係比例上少d咁計... SPK都有收8月出世的, 當然都係好少... 如果佢地有收d再細d ge, 恐怕可能因為家長有connection啦 or 個小朋友真係超級outstanding!

小朋友每個月的表現都在進步緊! 多些帶佢地見下人, 同人講野, 鍛鍊下d膽量就得啦!

SPK & SPN都係喜歡d獨立, 大方的小朋友... 至於小朋友的能力方面, 佢地真係考得唔多, 兼好簡單! 我女考SPK的時候都係考d認知多, 名, 杯, 牙刷, 勁簡單, 其實我唔知佢考佐d咩(因為女女係另一張台單獨見老師, 背對住我地, 我地就答緊另一個老師的問題), 不過事後女女講返d比我知... 朋友的女係大女, 佢可以講返晒佢in的過程...

至於SPN仲唔使擔心, 如果今年唔改的話, 係家長&小朋友in一位老師... 我估只要小朋友唔驚老師就得啦!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 10:09 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 max1116 於 09-3-9 19:55 發表

我都有咁嘅打算 (不過, 可能仲難) :)

今年SPK都係 1:10...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-10 10:11 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 10:26 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 jjtseung 於 09-3-10 10:03 發表

我女女係12月尾的超細女, 我都比佢照考SPK... 鍛鍊下嗎... 點都要盡佐自己的能力... 我地當時都知道肯定唔會收, 不過都全力以赴, 我覺得我兩公婆答得唔錯添, 哈哈...

大B係有着數.. ...

你個女係06年12月的, 已經識得講自己個名 ?? 好叻呀 !
中文名定係英文名呀? 仲有識得講D咩呀 ??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 10:29 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 jjtseung 於 09-3-10 10:09 發表

今年SPK都係 1:10...
出年應該仲多人報! mouth:" />

係呀, 好多"金猪"BB都要返學(K1)了, 間間學校都會多人報名架
所以依家希望可以快人一步, 搵咗個學位先 :

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 11:56 |顯示全部帖子
原來我地係11x, c6攪錯左.

我個女係0703尾, 叫係大女, 佢識講好多野, 但係去親interview見到陌生人就乜都唔講唔做, in左幾間學校都係waiting, 完全無佢乎. 不過咁多人, 有得in都偷笑lu

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 12:09 |顯示全部帖子
My girl also knows how to express her needs in simple sentenance (in Cantonese) but she's shy when facing strangers....

原帖由 elmolly 於 09-3-10 11:56 發表
原來我地係11x, c6攪錯左.

我個女係0703尾, 叫係大女, 佢識講好多野, 但係去親interview見到陌生人就乜都唔講唔做, in左幾間學校都係waiting, 完全無佢乎. 不過咁多人, 有得in都偷笑lu ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-10 13:11 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-10 13:25 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter was born in July 07, she can speak full sentence in English, she can mention names, shapes, colours.  But no use lar, if she is a "small" baby, she might not even have a chance to interview.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 14:27 |顯示全部帖子
Wah, your daughter is very bright wor! Few of my friends' sons/ daughters can't speak a word after 2 yrs old!

But I agree with you, though our daughters can speak sentence, mention names, colours, shapes, they can't show it to the teachers if not being chosen just based on that simple application form plus 1 4R photo.  So it's a pity that not all applicant is offered an interview opportunity.........

原帖由 bigears 於 09-3-10 13:25 發表
My daughter was born in July 07, she can speak full sentence in English, she can mention names, shapes, colours.  But no use lar, if she is a "small" baby, she might not even have a chance to intervi ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 14:44 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Mollymama 於 09-3-10 14:27 發表
Wah, your daughter is very bright wor! Few of my friends' sons/ daughters can't speak a word after 2 yrs old!

But I agree with you, though our daughters can speak sentence, mention names, colours, sh ...

my girl can also talk in sentence and say out her name, but she's not even saying one single word when she's with "stranger", plus we are just "nothing" (not old girl, not catholic, not rich, not living in HK side)so having a chance for interview or not is not so important. as another mom has mentioned, 儘左我既力去報名就算, 唔敢有d咩奢求, 起碼對得個女住, 叫做試左.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-10 14:52 |顯示全部帖子
Me too!  I'm not a St Paulian, we are not Catholic, no connection, no siblings.....but at least we give our daughter a lucky draw!

It's really good that we can share our feeling before receiving the letter (either accept/ reject) coz it's tough to wait for such a long time........

You know sometimes we can't bother our husband too much.....Men are more target driven than women and don't want to discuss too much on the process...

原帖由 elmolly 於 09-3-10 14:44 發表

my girl can also talk in sentence and say out her name, but she's not even saying one single word when she's with "stranger", plus we are just "nothing" (not old girl, not catholic, not rich, not li ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-10 17:46 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Mollymama 於 09-3-10 14:52 發表
Me too!  I'm not a St Paulian, we are not Catholic, no connection, no siblings.....but at least we give our daughter a lucky draw!

It's really good that we can share our feeling before receiving the  ...

Same here, but the chance is 1/10, not too bad la.

i was there to line up at 8:45, and the number is 10x.

Finger cross my daughter can get in la...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-3-10 18:19 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 CoffeeCake 於 09-3-10 13:11 發表

年年都係咁 (因為我係過來人,所以都好明白你o既心情),加油呀 !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-3-10 18:21 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 jjtseung 於 09-3-10 10:03 發表

我女女係12月尾的超細女, 我都比佢照考SPK... 鍛鍊下嗎... 點都要盡佐自己的能力... 我地當時都知道肯定唔會收, 不過都全力以赴, 我覺得我兩公婆答得唔錯添, 哈哈...

大B係有着數.. ...

小朋友 唔駛同 父母 一齊 in (副校長 or 主任),由另外一位老師陪佢玩 !!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 18:33 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 KaHeiBaBa 於 09-3-10 18:21 發表
小朋友 唔駛同 父母 一齊 in (副校長 or 主任),由另外一位老師陪佢玩 !!

Thanks! 引到個前輩爸爸來蒲頭啦! 多多支持我地啊!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 18:56 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 max1116 於 09-3-10 10:26 發表
你個女係06年12月的, 已經識得講自己個名 ?? 好叻呀 !
中文名定係英文名呀? 仲有識得講D咩呀 ??


我女女係0612 (唔係0712), 即係in SPK的時候有2歲啦, 當然識講自己名啦!

佢1歲4/5個月開始語言爆發期(唔早唔遲)... 歲半多d識唱ABC歌等等, 19個月識講數字0~1X(廣英普), 20個月開始講句子(當然係唔算流暢的句子:人物+動詞+名詞.)... 至於水果, 形狀, 顏色, 動物等的認知, 只要有教就好快識...
大肌肉都唔輸蝕, 歲半多d開始自己擒幾級高的鋼架, 20個月多已經由樓梯跳落來咁玩...

2歲已經成個老人精咁, 會駁嘴, 同我地講數, 教訓其他小朋友, 問題少女(咩唻架? 咩聲啊? 去邊ㄚ?...)... 可愛之處, 甜言蜜語來嗲人, 自己睇書來講故事(講到一九九 ), 對住我地會表演唱歌跳舞, 記得晒d同學名... 有數字概念地數數就可以數到3... 其他野都係, 有教就好快識! 呢個階段真係超可愛! 而加我地兩母女可以傾到偈架!

我有幾個朋友的仔女講野仲o力! 家下的小朋友真係比幾多野, 就可以同你吸收幾多!

所以大家努力同小朋友講多d, 講多d, 教多d, 教多d, 用好輕鬆的體驗方法來教會work好多... 引導佢復述, 再鼓勵小朋友盡量用自己的語言來表達要求&情緒...

[ 本帖最後由 jjtseung 於 09-3-10 19:14 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 19:04 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bigears 於 09-3-10 13:25 發表
My daughter was born in July 07, she can speak full sentence in English, she can mention names, shapes, colours.  But no use lar, if she is a "small" baby, she might not even have a chance to intervi ...

入到SPN係中獎! 不過入唔到, 以你女女咁o力, 絕對有能力考到好多很好的kinder啦!

btw, 溫馨提示~~~ SPK & SPN以及大部分kinder都係廣東話為主的教學&用廣東話interview, 你睇下有無需要prepare下女女的廣東話!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 19:11 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Mollymama 於 09-3-10 14:27 發表
But I agree with you, though our daughters can speak sentence, mention names, colours, shapes, they can't show it to the teachers if not being chosen just based on that simple application form plus 1 4R photo.  So it's a pity that not all applicant is offered an interview opportunity.........

唉... 就算interview, 好似SPK, 都係得3~5分鐘架咋...

我覺得聖保祿係好有信心, 用自己的教學方法來train up個小朋友, 所以唔係會ask for個小朋友已經好o力... 所以SPK & SPN都更注重學生的家庭&家長, 會選擇可以配合到自己教學目標&方法的家長!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-10 19:36 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 elmolly 於 09-3-10 11:56 發表
原來我地係11x, c6攪錯左.

我個女係0703尾, 叫係大女, 佢識講好多野, 但係去親interview見到陌生人就乜都唔講唔做, in左幾間學校都係waiting, 完全無佢乎. 不過咁多人, 有得in都偷笑lu ...

面對陌生人就真係要train, 因為interview唔講野真係幾蝕底! 你試下用貼紙來鼓勵&獎勵佢... 女仔係幾受落架! 仲有, 就係帶小朋友多些去面對陌生人!