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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 請問 RCHK 小學部家長
樓主: Miclint

請問 RCHK 小學部家長 [複製鏈接]

發表於 09-2-6 17:25 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-2-6 17:27 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-2-6 17:33 |只看該作者
Learning chinese is 100% not a trade off, it is a bonus.   The chinese standard is not as good as the local school, but it is good enough as an IS.  My child didnt take any extra lesson outside school, and she can make sentences and read simple story.   

原帖由 edexp 於 09-2-6 17:25 發表
Thank you for telling me the amount of Chinese study in RC and SJS but I think SJS is not only 1 or 2 lesson per week. SJS already has more Chinese lessons than other ESF primary and other ESF primary ...

發表於 09-2-6 17:42 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-2-6 17:48 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-2-6 17:53 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-2-6 17:59 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-2-6 18:27 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-2-6 18:28 |只看該作者
Well, i dont want to argue with you since it is no point at all and this is going to be my last reply.   I am just trying to clarify the false information as you are not SJS or RCHK parent.  As i said, i think you should make a school visit first before you go on any further comment or if you want to understand the difference between RC and other DSS.

I think we are now living in a global economy, everyone should know more than 1 language (or even 3-4 languages), i dont understand why a school should only straighten on one language, just like French international, they have french and english.  Like SIS, they have Mandarin and English.   Like GSIS, they have german and english, so is it mean that all of their students can't speak perfect english as it is a tradeoff of learning more than 1 language.   Please look widely since children are smarter and smarter today, I am so sure they are handle 2-3 languages well at the same time, and they dont need too much rule to make them become perfect.  

As a RC parent, I am not trying to convince anyone to go to RC or make any comparsion between different IS, but just here to share what i experience and what i see in RC.  But i dont understand why some non RC or SJS parents always responded with negative opinions and i will stop here for further sharings.

原帖由 edexp 於 09-2-6 17:59 發表
One more point I would like to add.

If RC doesn't enforce a straight language policy at school, then what is the difference between RC and a local EMI school as all the subjects except (Chinese relat ...

[ 本帖最後由 starfox 於 09-2-6 19:20 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-6 21:03 |只看該作者
No no no!

SJS is going to have Chinese lesson everyday starting 2009+. Please see this link on their website:


原帖由 starfox 於 09-2-6 16:32 發表
"I am not sure how many number of Chinese lessons in RC primary and also SJS. I don't think the number differ too much - right?"

The number of class is totally different.   The chinese lessons in SJS ...

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 09-2-6 21:41 |只看該作者
That's why I sent my kid to Victoria Kindy after the playgroup & prep program in Anfield.  I have never considered ESF kindy(too far away) before, and I have no regret.

My kid is K2 now and he could communicate both in English and Cantonese.  In the coming August, we will promote Y1 in RC.  And then I will let him apply for one or two DSS(P1).  If we are lucky enough, then he could still go back to the local stream, otherwise, he could study in int'l school.

原帖由 肥騫 於 09-2-6 14:38 發表
Hi all parents,

Thanks for all your comments. It really helps a lot, especially to the parents that comparing RC with other IS, like me.

My son is still in kinder stage and I'm interested in RC also ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-6 21:43 |只看該作者
As far as I know, "Respect Diversity" is one of RC the school's philosophy. Therefore the so-called "Pure English Playground Language Policy" obviously contradicts with this school spirit. I believe that it is why Peter Kenny does not respond to such a suggestion positively. Moreover, "English" is not equivalent to "International". I think RC is a very IB school.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-6 21:49 |只看該作者

Don't say sorry when you insist SJS is better than RC.  I don't feel offended at all.  Actually, I appreciate it that you share your views and some “insiders” pinions with us here, although some of those remarks may not be agreeable to my observations.

My daughter has gone through three international schools both in and outside HK, with the RC the last.  From our experience and comparison, RC's teaching team is similar to what my daughter encountered in her previous prestigious international schools.  So I know RC couldn’t be any inferior to other IS and have my trust in this school.  I’m particularly happy that my daughter finally takes Chinese learning seriously after several months’ schooling in RC.  My hope for her Chinese learning comes to life again.     

For those who are struggling over which school to choose, well, it would become quite personal when making the final decision.  SJS and other ESF school are much cheaper but provide quality education, why not take them, if given the chance?!  

Be happy with your choice, and help your children to be successful at school.

發表於 09-2-6 23:14 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-2-6 23:24 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-2-6 23:36 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-2-7 00:43 |只看該作者

Perhaps I should apologize for asking Mclint to share the opinions he/she got from the teachers from SJS. I just want to know what things RC should learn from but seems like it has opened a can of worms.

By observing the writing style and the eagerness of your response to opposing opinions and the use of antagonistic words you seems like a BK fans with other names. If I am not wrong your child is studying in GSIS, right?

You did share some of your views in this thread but once being provoked you lost your temper and became wild. Take it easy, if you emphasised you have no bias towards RC or SJS then just say so plainly no need to use strong words. It doesn't help what you are looking for - rational discussion.

I can say I am the first one who submitted the application form of P1 two years ago. I took the risk of sending my girl to RCHK because the curriculum in Chinese appeals to me. You have your point of having an English language environment is facilitating to children learning how to use the language in daily lives. On the other hand the child will adjust themselves it is not necessary to force them to do so. As mentioned above when she is playing with non-local classmates the medium is English. As more and more non-local students are admitted to RC the situation may change gradually.

Stay cool and show respect to everyone posting here.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-7 01:43 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

It is good to hear that SJS is going to have Chinese Lesson in 2009.  They never mentioned that when I had the school visit last time which was 4 months ago.  They only told me that they have Chinese lesson once a week.

發表於 09-2-7 01:43 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-2-7 02:00 |只看該作者
I just wonder if you know Starfox?  If not, how do you know that your kid's different languages performance are much better than her kid no matter which language she wants to compare!!!
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