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讀緊聖心既學生 / 媽咪, 你地覺唔覺幸苦呢? [複製鏈接]

發表於 09-1-21 16:17 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-24 14:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 beebee06 於 09-1-21 16:17 發表

Really depends on the student.  Some can finish in 30 minutes, but others may take 2 hours.

My P.2 girl can start doing her normal hw by herself.  Long holiday hw might be a bit more complicated and parents' guidance is essential.

Generally speaking, workload is reasonable.  Half day school students have the advantage of more spare time.  My girl joins many extra curricular activities (swimming, drawing, ballet, chinese dance, brownie, music festival, speech festival, piano exam, CNY night parade, etc) and can still keep up with tests and exams.

SH students are quite active and the school encourages students to take part in a spectrum of activities.  More than half of my girl's class joined music and speech festivals, many joining both.

The tests and exam syllabus are also reasonable, only a few chapters each time and a day off in between tests.  Basically, one can start revising a couple of days before tests and exams.

I regard P.1 as a bit harder as my girl was not accustomed to primary school life and much guidance is needed to finish hw and revise for tests, esp. she did everything very very slowly.  But P.2 is honeymoon year.  She spent less time in doing hw as she can now write much faster than before.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-28 00:46 |只看該作者
辛苦, 當然辛苦啦, 讀得聖心都就預左啦。 問題係今年新政策下, 推行起黎有少少亂, 囡囡抖氣時間少左, 但係逼到學生平時都要交足「功課」, 究竟成效如何, 值唔值得, 恐怕要等今屆升中「派位」至知道。

至於平日要花幾多時間做功課, 又真係個個同學都唔同, 基本上數量都唔算多, 仲可以去下補習同課外活動。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-7 20:49 |只看該作者
You mentioned your daughter took sometime to adopt to her P.1 life.  Was she promoted from SH or other KG?  Thanks.

原帖由 BoBoCute 於 09-1-24 14:20 發表

Really depends on the student.  Some can finish in 30 minutes, but others may take 2 hours.

My P.2 girl can start doing her normal hw by herself.  Long holiday hw might be a bit more complicated an ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-9 11:39 |只看該作者

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She was from other kindergarten and she was born at end of year.

As I know, a few of her classmates are a whole year older than her.  It might be the reason why she did everything very slowly when she was in P.1.

Besides, their Chinese Language class were conducted in Mandarin instead of Cantonese, so P.1 is more chanllenging than P.2.  They need to learn all pinyins in P.1.  

The Science subject is also quite challenging for them, conducted in English with lots of new vocabulary from the point of view of P.1 students.

[ 本帖最後由 BoBoCute 於 09-2-9 11:52 編輯 ]
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