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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 2009-2010 上午班 – 有無住荃灣,美孚既同學仔? ...
樓主: chachalai

2009-2010 上午班 – 有無住荃灣,美孚既同學仔? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-2-17 23:12 |只看該作者
Dear Teresalok,

i want to apply for changing from pm to am too, can u tell me which channel u've used to apply for?? thank u!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-17 23:19 |只看該作者
Thanks so much bbmuilover, but just want to clarify I'm not taking the 保母車 with Sarah, so it is just Sarah.

原帖由 bbmuilover 於 09-2-17 14:33 發表
各位Mami, 你地好!


(1) 路線:
青衣 --- 荃灣 --- 美孚 --- 奧運 --- 聖心

(2) 由於未有你地住的位置, 上/下車時間只是預計;

青衣, 7:25am / 12:40pm
荃灣 7:35am  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-18 09:52 |只看該作者

我住九龍站 ~ 未confirm是否讀聖心 ~ 等埋st.paul result..如果唔收..我會選聖心...你地可以預埋我先都得..
thks !!!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-18 09:57 |只看該作者

請預埋我一個大人....thks so much !!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-18 12:00 |只看該作者
Hi bbmuilover,

Thanks so much for your arrangement

原帖由 bbmuilover 於 09-2-17 02:33 PM 發表
各位Mami, 你地好!


(1) 路線:
青衣 --- 荃灣 --- 美孚 --- 奧運 --- 聖心

(2) 由於未有你地住的位置, 上/下車時間只是預計;

青衣, 7:25am / 12:40pm
荃灣 7:35am  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-18 13:11 |只看該作者
saratam522, 我收左取錄信, 即時寫左封信比學校求調, 到比左留位費後2日, 佢地就通知我可以轉上午班喇~

Rank: 1

發表於 09-2-18 13:51 |只看該作者
Dear iantsang,

We also live in MH and my daughter is accepted pm NCB. I think we are neighbour and classmate.
So good to meet you here. Pls count me in if you can arrange the route. But I am also waiting spk.


原帖由 iantsang 於 09-2-9 22:58 發表
Hi, we live in MH.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-2-18 14:42 |只看該作者
Hi HayHeiMa,

It's great to meet you!  So nice to know there gonna be neighbour & classmate!

We also applied for spk but our preference is on SHCK.  But will see how the situation goes as spk announce their result.  Does your daughter go to pre-nursery?  My daughter is in Creative but hasn't goto school lately since they have the outbreak.

Let's keep in touch!


(p.s. I have sent you a PM, please check, thanks!)

原帖由 HayHeiMa 於 09-2-18 13:51 發表
Dear iantsang,

We also live in MH and my daughter is accepted pm NCB. I think we are neighbour and classmate.
So good to meet you here. Pls count me in if you can arrange the route. But I am also wai ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-2-18 14:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-2-18 16:47 |只看該作者
Hi Ian,

My daughter is in Learning Habitat pn class.
Pls check PM


Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-18 21:39 |只看該作者

唔係好明, 點解青衣係最早上車 又要 最後落車, 要遊車河不得止, 仲要多d車費, 雖然hk$500數目細, 但睇返個% 就真係好多.  雖然7:25am上車我地都仲ok, 但要阿囡每天遊車河去荃灣 (係每天兩次), 真係都幾肉赤.   我老公車開我家大少姐去荃灣學野&去街街, 一定係荃灣 --> 青衣 --> 九龍, 兼揸車由青衣去荃灣10分鐘一定唔得.  

老公仲問我係咪司機唔熟西九龍&新界西條線, 所以至咁講.  所以我剛剛打左去問張太, 張太話佢查實真係唔熟荃灣 & 之前d時間& 路線只係講住應酬住先(您真係迫得佢太緊 ), 佢只係將佢依家車下午班小朋友條線講出黎, 有站響深井出黎, 佢只係減左深井個站, 跟住諗都無諗實際路線順唔順, 就答您.  佢話依家您quote d時間佢一定唔能夠作實, 因為佢都認同10分鐘由青衣去唔到荃灣, & 佢知道荃灣去青衣行條橋就到, 無可能青衣返轉頭o個喎.

再講返車費, 張太都唔多清楚每站收費, 個價係邊個定架 ?  唔係好fair喎, 我唔係好想阿囡咁樣遊收費車河, 況且荃灣去美孚/奧運都有一定距離, hk$100既difference好似唔成正比.  我都有問點解大人收hk$400車費, 唔係一半車費咩 (按common sense), 佢話您地幫手帶返自己囡囡上落樓梯, 所以收平d & 送到返公司, 佢本來話要收hk$500架, 您真叻, 又比您同佢講價講到hk$400.

afterall, 條真實路線係點 & 上車落車時間, 要到開學前先至confirm.  至於車費幾多, 貴唔緊要但一定要fair囉.

[ 本帖最後由 薳然媽媽 於 09-2-19 02:28 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-18 23:14 |只看該作者
另外, 張太話佢 bottom line 收 hk$15,000, 所以一定有得再傾平d.  但我諗都唔好壓到人地咁盡, 比多少少司機& ee , 都希望佢交帶d, 囡囡搭車我地都安心d.  

原帖由 bbmuilover 於 09-2-17 14:33 發表
(: 經計算, 張太每月實收$17,200, 如落實, 我相信可以再有得傾平d)

Rank: 2

發表於 09-2-19 02:08 |只看該作者
哈哈哈, 原想問多d資料, post 上黎比其它媽咪了解和參考一下....哦! 原來個日同張太傾左甘耐, 佢只係應酬我架? 哈哈哈, 您唔講我都蒙在鼓裡添... Anyway, 也真誠地多謝您和提點左我一句"您真係迫得佢太緊喇".....

至於要唔要遊車河, 費用fair唔fair呢兩個問題....以個人偏私的立場答您, 我都好希望我個囡可以每朝最遲上車; 最早落車番到屋企, 仲要收我車費最平添...我家住荃灣區, 如組呢條線, 唔知有無可能呢?     

澄清: 我post 上黎既資料, 包括路線, 上落車時間及車費都是張太所說, 她也好清楚表明是"預計"....吓! 我都唔係好明呀! 仲覺得好有趣喎, 點解您問張太車費問題, 佢竟然答您"都唔多清楚每站收費????"... 又見您post"個價係邊個定架 ?"...哈哈哈, 一定唔係我囉, 等我估下, 我估...可能係張太個老公定架!!!!!!

原帖由 薳然媽媽 於 09-2-18 21:39 發表

唔係好明, 點解青衣係最早上車 又要 最後落車, 要遊車河不得止, 仲要多d車費, 雖然hk$500數目細, 但睇返個% 就真係好多.  雖然7:25am上車我地都仲ok, 但要阿囡每天遊車河去荃灣 (係每天兩次), 真係都幾 ...

[ 本帖最後由 bbmuilover 於 09-2-19 02:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-19 02:56 |只看該作者
大家和和氣氣, 啱啱過左新十五o者, 都唔想好似單單打打咁傾野(響呢方面, 我唔太專業).  

張太確實係話因為要佢"即刻"講出條路程出黎(佢同我repeat左幾次, 仲有小小勞氣), 所以佢講左之前條路線, 因為有頭站響深井, 出黎一定出青衣, 再出荃灣.  其實我都要唔該您咁落力組織件事 (唔好意思, 我份人比較直, 唔多識講d好&富cover性既說話, 上回又唔記得同您講唔該 & 謝謝添).   點都好啦, 理性&唔理性咁諗, 我從來都無諗過一定要自己第尾站上 & 頭站落, 係reasonable既問題o者.  若一定要第尾站上 & 頭站落 咪搬屋o囉 & 自己搭的士 or 揸車送佢返學囉, 我無可能要其他人就我o者, 本來一開始我都預左青衣係尾站架啦, 確確實實青衣, 奧運, 美孚 & 九龍站, 一定係青衣尾站啦.

另外車費, 我問張太點定, 佢真係唔多清楚青衣 & 其他站收幾多, 佢話: o我, 係呀, 青衣hk$2,500, 奧運站呀...支吾以對咁.  啦, 我唔知佢係唔係炸傻嘞.  

若您有更多資料咪post出來, 讓其他媽咪參考, 我唔想因為一個站搞到大家無update, 您可以exclude我啦, 我唔想影響其他媽咪/小朋友繼續進行件事.

原帖由 bbmuilover 於 09-2-19 02:08 發表
哈哈哈, 原想問多d資料, post 上黎比其它媽咪了解和參考一下....哦! 原來個日同張太傾左甘耐, 佢只係應酬我架? 哈哈哈, 您唔講我都蒙在鼓裡添... Anyway, 也真誠地多謝您和提點左我一句"您真係迫得佢太緊喇".....


[ 本帖最後由 薳然媽媽 於 09-2-19 03:02 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-19 09:29 |只看該作者
HI 大家好


謝謝各位 !!!!
name & location    ppl
mmmng     九龍站  1k+1a

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-2-19 10:23 |只看該作者
Yes, I agree.  Since I contacted Mrs. Cheung since the date I got my acceptance letter, I know pretty well that it is no way they can give us a confirmed route and pricing until the very very last minute.  In a way, this is how the business is run, they have an expected amount they want to earn per bus, so, the route and price for each person, will be dynamically changing based on the children participating in that bus.

By the way, Mrs. Cheung is just like the owner/ coordinator person.  She passed me one of the driver's contact who may know better but later he admitted to me he runs the eastern route also.  So, don't expect them to know so well how to make it a perfect route too soon.

I am sure everyone here are volunteering their time and efforts to organize the nanny bus route as soon as possible so we should be all very anxious to fix and confirm.  However, there are still many months to come before the coming school year will start so as mmmng mentioned, the important point now, is that we gather ALL THE CONTACTS for those who lived outside of HK Island.  In that way, then we will be able to know how many children will be interested to take the nanny bus this coming September.  Ideally, we should find out if there are enough students to break them into more than one route, so the stops will be minimal and we can minimize the travelling time.  Also, it will be easier for us to bargain the individually price AFTERWARDS.

I will create a new thread for such purpose, for both AM/PM parents in K1/K2/K3 for 2009-10, who lives outside of HK island.  By doing so, we can really organize the most ideal route which will both benfits the parents and the children.


[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-2-19 10:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-19 10:41 |只看該作者
HI Ian

拜託你啦 !!!!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-2-19 11:00 |只看該作者
Sorry all parents, especially to bbmuilover and chachalai, I have taken the liberty of "stealing"... actually borrowing the information from this thread into the new thread.  I hope by using a more general topic this could attract more parents interests to provide the information so we can eventually make it more organized.

The most ideal case, both SHCK and Kwoon Chung will realize the number of children outside of HK island is increasing so they will consider starting new school bus route...... of course, don't put too much hope on it!!!

Thanks and please kindly check in the below thread to see if I have copied the correct information, thanks!



[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-2-19 11:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-19 14:36 |只看該作者
I think all of us care about our kid so much that's why somehow a bit 緊張 about the issue.

I understood Evelyn's mum doubt regarding the route & fare, I also fully appreciate bbmuilover's effort and her bargaining ability, last year I took the bus for 3 days but the fare for me in Olympic and Hung Hom are the same I felt a little weird/unfair but just kept quiet so for this year I think if we have any doubt/concern on the fare/route we should speak out. Of course Mrs. Cheung is a reasonable person (after knowing her), from past experience she will try the routes before academic year starts to test the timing, then she will suggest the best route to us by late August.

We still have a lot of time to discuss and also still have a lot of uncertainties.

For our precious 千金's sake, we should be open to any ideas/suggestions, let's do our best to make this happen, ideas/queries/suggestions are essential to make it work.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-2-19 16:32 |只看該作者
其實想了很久才決定作最後一次回應。每個人都有自己表達的方式, 如何演繹自己所想的、所寫的, 也是一種學問!!! 不停發問一些帶有譏笑成份的問題, 是可取的做法嗎? 有否考慮別人的感受?

原帖由 薳然媽媽 於 09-2-18 21:39 發表

唔係好明, 點解青衣係最早上車 又要 最後落車, 要遊車河不得止, 仲要多d車費, 雖然hk$500數目細, 但睇返個% 就真係好多.  雖然7:25am上車我地都仲ok, 但要阿囡每天遊車河去荃灣 (係每天兩次), 真係都幾 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-2-19 17:18 |只看該作者
Hi bbmuilover,

I think this is just a misunderstanding and mainly due to the limitation of messages that can be exchanged through plain words.

I hope there are no hard feelings and your efforts to make the request from Mrs. Cheung should be highly appreciated!  All of us here are eager parents (almost use the word 'moms'!!!  )  who trying to do the best for our children.  Otherwise, we don't need to go through the hardships to send them to a kindergarten which is so far away from home, and hereby need to arrange the transportation for them.

I also hope you don't mind that I may have took the information you have gathered and form them into a new thread.  But the benefits to gather more parents together, should eventually benefit all of us.  Ideally, we may have a nanny bus leaving from each location alone and go straight to SHCK (e.g. Tsuen Wan directly to SHCK, Tsing Yi directly to SHCK or Olympic directly to SHCK, etc.).  If that can happen, I think this will be a very good news!    Of course, this is the ideal situation but I believe we should be able to do this together and achieve the best result!

Again, thanks for the efforts!  And we will definitely need your help on price bargaining!!!


原帖由 bbmuilover 於 09-2-19 16:32 發表
其實想了很久才決定作最後一次回應。每個人都有自己表達的方式, 如何演繹自己所想的、所寫的, 也是一種學問!!! 不停發問一些帶有譏笑成份的問題, 是可取的做法嗎? 有否考慮別人的感受?


[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-2-19 17:21 編輯 ]
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