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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 對St. Paul's Kindergarten好失望 - Interview竟然首先 ...
樓主: My_Princess

對St. Paul's Kindergarten好失望 - Interview竟然首先問住香港OR九龍 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-1-19 14:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-1-19 14:00 發表
Hi hugub, remember me?  I also had the interview at 208B!  My time was 9:02am, but we missed the calling but did make it at 9:00am.  It was such a terrible experience during our travel to SPK.  So, I  ...


Our interview time in afternoon, you live in Tsing Yi and got the seat PC right? From the comment from my friend who study in SPK, the school like the full time mama and the elder kid, this is our 2nd time interview in SPK but I'm very disappointed for the quick interview.


發表於 09-1-19 14:28 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-19 14:49 |只看該作者
What is the reason why they asked?   

We guessed that our returned form hadn't stated where we lived in.  It is seemed that the interviewers didn't want to spend much time if the family is living in Kln side.  The acceptance is seemed unlikely.

原帖由 277177 於 09-1-19 14:28 發表
我諗佢地唔係歧視 kowloon side 既人, 佢地可能只想收番d 住香港哥邊d 小朋友姐, 因為間學校係香港島, 如果住 kowloon side 既返學會好辛苦

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-1-19 14:50 |只看該作者
hi hugub,

Yes we got the PC seat but still thinking whether to register.  My daughter is accepted by Sacred Heart so we have decided to study there.

I am aware they like full-time mom.  In a sense, they are concern about how much time the parents can spend on the children.  So, this doesn't necessarily rule out all working mom.  But the preferences do exist.  For big B, I think the key is they are more mature, so at the end, the age is not the real concern, but the stability and maturity of the children are the important factor.

I feel sorry for you and find that the questions during your interview were quite weird!  Even though we are living in Tsing Yi, but the teacher actually didn't ask where we live, but she said up front, 'So, your daughter is born in August, right?'

Please don't be disappointed!  You daughter is already studying in a very good kindergarten (the only one which didn't offer my daughter!) and you don't need to worry about primary school also.  Look ahead and start to plan if you want to try again for SPCS (secondary school)!


原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-19 14:20 發表


Our interview time in afternoon, you live in Tsing Yi and got the seat PC right? From the comment from my friend who study in SPK, the school like the full time mama and the elder kid, th ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-1-19 15:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 mmami 於 09-1-19 08:57 發表

如果spk收我個囡, 我開心過中六合彩呀, 就算俾佢歧視埋我的衣著,我的髲型, 我個手袋.....又有mud所

我十分唔認同.  為咩事要咁.  全港好學校只有它嗎 ???  

我十分不喜歡學校對家長, 學生, 住址有任何歧視,  比小朋友跟有歧視目光既老師學野會小朋友是好事嗎 ??

[ 本帖最後由 monkey05 於 09-1-19 15:02 編輯 ]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-1-19 15:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-1-19 14:50 發表
hi hugub,

Yes we got the PC seat but still thinking whether to register.  My daughter is accepted by Sacred Heart so we have decided to study there.

I am aware they like full-time mom.  In a sense,  ...


For SH and PC if I'm live in Tsing Yi I will choice PC, since SH is in mid level is too far.. (also my husband is graduate in PC , he is very calmness and I'm very appreciate him). SPK is my dream school so I'm keep to try it for my daughter, I'm absoluteness feel my daughter was happy to study in TL.. but I'm so cupidity to go to the famous school


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-1-19 16:16 |只看該作者
hi hugub,

Thanks for the suggestion, but my daughter has expressed her interests on Sacred Heart since the day of the interview, and my wife and I tends to agree with her.  My daughter at her young age is a very determined person and she has stated clearly that she would love to be a Sacred Heartist!

Personally, I prefer an all-girls school so SHCK and SPK are our preferences.  I am circled by some big PC families and have listened to comments from them.  However, we still feel strongly we would rather go for Sacred Heart.  Actually, those suggestions from the two PC families I know, suggest to me SH may be a better choice based on my needs.

Sometimes, it's tough for us to understand how the interviews have went and how they are being structured.  It's because we are not looking at them from the viewpoints of the schools.  For us as parents, it is actually tough to comprehend the reasons behind since we all love out children so much, and would want the best for them!

For my case, to express my love to my daughter, is to rather wait for our next opportunity if we both find SPCS will suits her, and our family.

I am sure as you have expressed your great interestss in spk and the teachers will definitely appreciate that.  I wish you all the best and hopefully they can treasure a great parent like you and a wonderful daughter of yours, and will make you an offer eventually this time!  Best of luck!


原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-19 15:13 發表


For SH and PC if I'm live in Tsing Yi I will choice PC, since SH is in mid level is too far.. (also my husband is graduate in PC , he is very calmness and I'm very appreciate him). SPK is ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-19 21:23 |只看該作者
Take heart.  It is not a matter of living in kowloon side or hong kong side.  When you cross it's entrance during the school hours, you will find that there has a lot of nanny bus going from/to Kowloon side.  My cousin who is studying in SPK.  She told that half of her classmates comes from Kowloon.  So,  wish you all sucess.


原帖由 My_Princess 於 09-1-19 12:30 發表
Room 211A ah!

If all bb not live in HK side, arranged in 2/F and asked this question?

Interview at 1/F, more chance?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-19 22:25 |只看該作者
My interview room is 205. The teachers tell me sit beside my bb when asking her questions, after that we go to another side and one of the teacher asking me the similar questions.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-20 00:05 |只看該作者
They concern about the time of travel(within half an hour). Yr child becomes tire and not interesting in study.  They will suggest parent live in HK Island and is not a must(as all student should arrive school on or before 8:25am everyday).
原帖由 cheng2 於 09-1-19 21:23 發表
Take heart.  It is not a matter of living in kowloon side or hong kong side.  When you cross it's entrance during the school hours, you will find that there has a lot of nanny bus going from/to Kowloo ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-1-20 17:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 fujitasze 於 09-1-19 11:49 發表

If SPK gives you the offer, really no need la???

fujitasze, 你好無禮貌, 為何三番四次叫別人"現實D啦"?  樓主只係講出自己嘅感受, 佢話no need 就no need 啦, 有咩問題呀!

My_Princess, 唔好在意呢次面試嘅不快 .  講件真事比你聽, 兩年前, spk收咗我朋友個囡囡(仲要係am class), 佢兩公婆開心到飛起, 因為佢地真係做咗好多功夫去符合spk嘅要求 .  而我哋亦都喺同一年, 決定比囡囡入讀一間完全唔同Curriculum嘅學校.  我朋友猛同我講spk點好點好, 我個女嗰間又點又點 (其實佢都唔識我個女嗰間學校), 當然我知道佢其實只係想講spk係一間超好嘅學校(某程度我唔反對), 其實最緊要佢鍾意唧.  我最想同你分享嘅係, 兩年後嘅今日, 我朋友好誠懇咁同我講, 好羨慕我囡囡喺學習方面嘅表現同埋態度 .

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-20 18:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 monkey05 於 09-1-19 15:01 發表

如果spk收我個囡, 我開心過中六合彩呀, 就算俾佢歧視埋我的衣著,我的髲型, 我個手袋.....又有mud所

我十分唔認同.  為咩事要咁.  全港好學校只有它嗎 ???  

我十分不喜歡學校對家長, 學生, 住址有任何歧視,  比小朋友跟有歧視目光既老師學野會小朋友是好事嗎 ??


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-20 18:14 |只看該作者
We also had interview in 208B, but the teachers there were very nice, and did not ask about our address.  Just who takes care of the kid, and why we like the school.  

I was actually also very surprised by the short interview, we were in and out of the school in less than 10 minutes!

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-20 20:29 |只看該作者

我記得兩年前St. paul都收左我大囡,當時我覺得間學校無外籍老師,所以我放棄左無比大女讀,加上我都係住九龍,當時K1讀左國際學校.


星期六又同細女去左St. Paul in, 我係想試下我細女叻唔叻過家姐,如果真係咁好彩收左,我都仲未決定讀唔讀,順其自然.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-20 22:04 |只看該作者
Can someone help me please?

My husband threw away the interview letter accidentially  and just returned me the empty envelope.  Can someone tell me the no. written on the envelope (right bottom corner) is same as the registration no. printed in the letter.  It's 2009K-0xxx.  Please help.  Thanks a lot.

發表於 09-1-20 22:28 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-21 01:58 |只看該作者
我係一個講實話的人, 我深信唔同家長對St. Paul's kindergarten 熱切的程度不同, 從你口中, 我覺得自己一定冇你渴望自己子女入St. Paul's咁大. 其實從其他Posts (如聖心 vs St. Paul), 不同家長在為自己子女選校時會考慮不同因素, 作出不同選擇.  最近有個mami post, 佢bb好叻ah, 考到famous schools like KV etc., 但佢話可能都係安排bb讀番現在讀緊冇咁出名的kindergarten (因full time), 有時其他人的選擇並非你所想.  在發表意見時,應該懂得尊重及包容別人的意見.

我發表這個Post, 不是為如果囡囡不被取錄找藉口, 想冇想過, 亦唔會想不取錄bb係技不如取錄bb.

我表達真係對St. Paul's interview 的住址問題及老師的表現好驚訝! 情理上, interview問題在某程度有助選取學生, 住在HK Island or Kowloon, 對於取錄與否有關係嗎? 為什答完"Kowloon", 要隔空氣講給隔住布簾的另一個老師聽?這表現真另人費解, 真令我有不受尊重的感覺.  之後,我和hb都有相同想法, 對這個學校係唔係人們講咁好,我們真係有Reservation.  

對我們來說, St. Paul's kindergarten 唯一優勢係有聯繫Pri and Sec., 但學術及學童培育方面, 與我心儀已取錄囡囡的kindergartens比較, 未必會好得過.

原帖由 fujitasze 於 09-1-20 22:28 發表

RAA:妳話我無禮貌妳又好有禮貌咩,我講的全是事實,如果真係SPK有offer,無論interview時有幾不愉快,100個家長99個都會accept offer,只不過你地D家長口口聲聲話no need la,SPK有offer都唔要.... 其實只不過是一個藉口,因為 ...

發表於 09-1-21 08:38 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-21 09:44 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-21 10:00 |只看該作者

最重要係子女能夠健康快樂地成長 !!!!!!!!

祝各位新年快樂 !!!!
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