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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 ST. CAT. 定 HKPS好呢? 煩請各有經驗家長提供意見 ...
樓主: pingbaby

ST. CAT. 定 HKPS好呢? 煩請各有經驗家長提供意見 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-13 01:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 pingbaby 於 09-1-11 19:16 發表


係呀, 上午定下午班唔係我既concern, 無咩所謂, 可以自己調節小朋友既時間, 問題不大
係law, 就係有幸入到英普班, 唔想咁易放棄, 如果st. cat都係英普班, 我都會揀st. ...


Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-14 10:03 |只看該作者
Hong Kong Pre-school
原帖由 Pkceddie 於 09-1-13 01:00 發表


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-14 10:32 |只看該作者
choose hkps

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-14 13:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 LilaHui 於 09-1-11 21:54 發表
本人子女两間也讀過, 会選st. cat.

Hi, LilaHui, could you please PM me more details why you will choose St. Cat? My son also accepted by St. Cat.  Many Thanks.

發表於 09-1-15 18:02 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-15 22:24 |只看該作者
My daughter and son studied/studing SC and HKPS respectively. I think both schools are generally very good schools. So, no matter which one you choose, it would be a v. good choice, though both of them have different strength and weakness, depending on your individual specific needs.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-15 23:32 |只看該作者

Would you pls share your valuable comment ( strength and weakness) of SC and HKPS, your valuable comment will help us to choose between SC and HKPS thanks.

And for the curriculum, is SC much higher than HKPS or just similar ? thanks.

原帖由 EFM 於 09-1-15 22:24 發表
My daughter and son studied/studing SC and HKPS respectively. I think both schools are generally very good schools. So, no matter which one you choose, it would be a v. good choice, though both of the ...

[ 本帖最後由 HoiYauBB 於 09-1-15 23:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-15 23:37 |只看該作者

我個細女都係讀HK Preschool英普下午班,咁你個女應該同我個一班,我覺得名氣對考小學好重要.

我大女讀緊St. CatK2, 真係讀得好好,初初我都擔心英文小些,不過我覺得全面係好緊要,我覺得St. cat老師好好,好細心,我個大女K1讀全英的國際學校,初初入到St. Cat好唔慣,足足攪左兩個月先隱定,老師好有心機咁幫我個女渡過這兩個月,而且個個小朋友都好有禮貌,而且我問過老師今年K3考得好好,我細女都係考到St. Cat中英班,我自己無apply英普,因為我驚上傅統小學會有影響,所以現在每個星期有國語老師上門補國語.

其實St. Cat每班都係23-24個人左右,有些班房大先30個人班,有一個assistant.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-16 00:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 BoBo1 於 09-1-15 23:37 發表

我個細女都係讀HK Preschool英普下午班,咁你個女應該同我個一班,我覺得名氣對考小學好重要.

我大女讀緊St. CatK2, 真係讀得好好,初初我都擔心英文小些,不過我覺得全面係好緊要,我覺得St. cat老師好好,好細心,我 ...

thanks for your sharing but i also want to know :
What kind of medium is used in maths session or other activities (except Chinese)?
Which Int'l school K1?  But why you changed back to St Cat as their teaching styles are different? Or is the Int'l school too bad? thanks!

[ 本帖最後由 anthony010103 於 09-1-16 00:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-16 09:22 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-16 10:45 |只看該作者
Bobo1 mami,

但我不明白為何你將會讓細女讀hkps, 而不讓她讀sc?

原帖由 BoBo1 於 09-1-15 23:37 發表

我個細女都係讀HK Preschool英普下午班,咁你個女應該同我個一班,我覺得名氣對考小學好重要.

我大女讀緊St. CatK2, 真係讀得好好,初初我都擔心英文小些,不過我覺得全面係好緊要,我覺得St. cat老師好好,好細心,我 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-16 11:54 |只看該作者

我細女在HK Preshool讀的是兩歲班, St. Cat無兩歲班,我細女今年9月先轉去St. Cat讀K1.

我大女K1個時想操左英文先,所以入左國際學校,點解轉去St. Cat讀K2, 因為我開始覺得我個女唔鍾意講中文,中文講得好差,所以轉去讀返本地幼稚園.


[ 本帖最後由 BoBo1 於 09-1-16 12:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-16 17:35 |只看該作者
原來如此….如果我揀hkps, 我個女係099月先會入讀k1, 所以而家頭痛緊揀hkpssc…
嘻嘻, 其實我同你都好似, 因為我個係大女(0602), 我而家都比佢讀緊其他international kindyk1(2nd semester), 做細女插班, 岩岩由091月先開始, 都讀得幾好, 佢好鍾意返學, 3歲未夠就自己搭校車, 唔會扭計, 見到佢開心返學自己覺得好安慰, 其實都有考慮比佢繼續讀, 小學就考英基, 等佢行國際
原帖由 BoBo1 於 09-1-16 11:54 發表

我細女在HK Preshool讀的是兩歲班, St. Cat無兩歲班,我細女今年9月先轉去St. Cat讀K1.

我大女K1個時想操左英文先,所以入左國際學校,點解轉去St. Cat讀K2, 因為我開始覺得我個女唔鍾意講中文,中文講得好差,所 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-16 23:16 |只看該作者

You should be able to see many comments from other discussion on the same topic in BK. My very general comments on the 2 schools are:

As SC has a long history, the curriculum is very well established. At the same time, teachers will develop/improve the existing curriculum in light of latest requirement of primary school eg. when my daughter in K3 in 07/08, they developed the material to facilitate the learning of Chinese部首. The curriculum is so comprehensive (but not excessive) that it allows my girl to integrate into P1 curriculum easily but in a lively and happy way. I would say SC balance the learning requirement and the need to be lively and creative. It starts easy in K1 so that the children can easily blend into the school life and teachs more and more when the students move up to K3. Writing only starts from K2. In addition, since it's a big school with history, the administration is so smooth and they can have economic of scale in providing materials developed by themselves at a low cost. Weakness: I feel the development of my girl's English slowed down in K2 & K3 - possibly because there is no longer full time English teacher for a class. However, its English is already better than many other kindergarten, so very much depends on your expectation; they don't arrange ECA (except one - Faust); it's so big that your child is just "one of the students" in school. 2 teachers in a class of around 30 in K1 and the ratio is getting lower in K2 & K3 (one Chinese teacher + 1 non-full time assistant + 1 non-full time Eng teacher).

For HK Preschool, I must say my knowledge on curriculum limited to playgroup (when my daughter attended) and K1. The level in K1 is very similar to SC so far, but the teacher told me writing will be started in 2nd semister of K1. Hearsay info said the level of K2 and K3 is as high as SC. HKPS and SC both have reading scheme to cultivate children's interest in reading. HKPS is better but demanding on parents. SC will just let the children to take books to home but without follow up. However, HKPS will read with the children in school first and then the parents should read with the children at home. At the end the week, the teacher will give detail comment on whether the children can read those books returned. HKPS is so small that every students just like a family member and the headmistress is so devoted that she held courses frequently for teaching the parents phonics and how to follow up the children at home. She can ask any teachers to do it but she did it a lot of time herself. Better language in hKPS because full time Eng/Put teacher throughout 3 years - 1 Put full time teacher + 1 Eng full time teacher + 1 Put full time assistant(teacher?). Also, I feel that teachers in HKPS are more acceptable to comparatively "active' students. Arrange a lot of ECA and you don't need to hazzle with finding ECA for your children. Weakness: administration is not as good as SC and the teaching materials is relied on publication by publisher, not tailor made and it's expensive. Seems admission to P1 for girls is not as good as boys.  

I originally planned to let my boy to go back to SC to study K2 (he studied K1 in SC last year and K1 in HKPS now) because SC is so good in light of my experience of my daughter. However, I decided to let my boy to stay in HKPS for K2 and K3 because he enjoyed HKPS far better than he was in SC. Probably because he is a more active student that HKPS's "active approach" suit him better. So, if your kid is a boy with a more "active" and curious character, I would recommend you HKPS . If she is a girl with more "obeyance" character, SC may be a better choice.  

Hope the above help.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-1-17 13:01 |只看該作者

Thanks so much for your detailed information. It really helps a lot.

According to your analysis, how about if my kid is a girl but with extroverted personality?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-18 22:34 |只看該作者

Do you have any concrete plan on what kind of school you want your girl to attend eg. CKY type or traditional school?

If you have not decided yet or decided to opt for traditional school, I personally will prefer to SC because the teaching approach of SC allows the girl to adapt easily the P.1 life of either kind of them. However, you have to be prepared that there may be possibility that the Chinese teacher may not be able to appreciate the extraoverted personality of your girl. I have a close friend of mine whose daughter has the extraoverted personality and studied in SC, the Eng teacher liked her very much but the Chinese teacher did not. The school report of K2 did not come out to be very good as in K2 of SC, it's the Chinese teacher who took the dorminant role in assessing the child's level. But I have to emphasise that this girl loved and enjoyed life in SC so much. If you are targetting "public school" by balloting, it should not be a major concern. If your target is traditional DSS or private school, suggest you consider this point.

If you decided to choose schools with "activity-based" teaching approach, then I personally will prefer HKPS.

At the end of the day, no matter which schools you choose, it depends on luck which kind of teachers your daughter are being assigned to because there are always good teachers and non-professional teachers in a school. And I believe when you consider which kind of primary school you want to target, you will aslo consider the level of extraoverted personality of your girl is and what suits her the best.

The above is my own view only. Please also consider others'.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-18 22:53 |只看該作者
Thanks for your details analysis on both schools, I read your comment carefully 2 times, and your comment is really valuable and make sense to me. thanks again.

原帖由 EFM 於 09-1-16 23:16 發表

You should be able to see many comments from other discussion on the same topic in BK. My very general comments on the 2 schools are:

As SC has a long history, the curriculum is very well  ...
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