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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 信報月刋一篇使人反省及不安的文章
樓主: hogwarts


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-24 09:03 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 JustinJustin 於 08-10-23 23:39 發表
聖公會鄺廣傑主教 2007 retired.

I haven't read the article, but I agreed with littlefaith 's point. We must learn humble and respect teachers.

[ 本帖最後由 littlefaith 於 08-10-24 11:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-25 19:55 |顯示全部帖子
no, he wrote to 鄺Paul聖公會主教, there should be a second half article in November.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 08-10-25 23:49 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 littlefaith 於 08-10-23 23:09 發表
啱啱今日响圖書館睇過呢篇文,一個感覺:僅僅是一篇一面倒「數學校不是」、一味「同情該資優生」之記敍文,其實,這個故事有很多漏洞:該資優生所說的話有幾多成真?該資優生在堅持真理時對老師態度如何?聖公會鄺廣傑貴為主教,怎樣 ...



孩子第一次和老師有衝突事件是因一題常識題的答案,大家觀點角度不同,卻不相容。孩子的答案是從遺傳基因學出發,而老師則是從功能,natural selection的角度出發。其實兩者的答案都對,如果孩子的父親可以把握機會教導孩子接納別人的意見,學懂從不同角度了解事物,這對孩子的成長不是更好嗎?



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-27 00:37 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 mattsmum 於 08-10-25 19:55 發表
no, he wrote to 鄺Paul聖公會主教, there should be a second half article in November.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-1 22:05 |顯示全部帖子

11月的信報月刋出來了, no happy ending.

文章看完了,再次概嘆世界还是灰色的,但這一定是 Liberal Studies 的好教材,就借用囝囝學校的 LS PowerPoint 來討論遊先生的文章:

LS helps students:
A: deepen their awareness of contemporary issues, and develop positive values

社会不断向前进,学校管理也一样,透明、公开、问责,是必然的好(也是惡),不管你喜歡不喜歡,不論你地位如何崇高,不計你曾作多大贡献,sorry,你有失誤(不一定大錯),被公众評头品足,甚至打翻在地,is part of yr pay.


至於"资優教育"这个堂皇的 contemporary issue,是大家都要多加关心在意,但小麥爸也有点 "not my way is no way".

如果资源由我分配,窮孩子的 priority 一定要比资優生高一点。

B: broaden their knowledge base and perspectives

小麥爸就沒有 broaden the knowledge base, 整件事的起因,是大学學者看不起小学教師的学问, 还有是早早認定 Yahoo knowledge 一定是半桶水。 Wikipedia 如合得上大家法眼,老師的答案比小麥的答案 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair 就更接近 root cause 好多了,是否烦惱來自世上本無事,资優一定對呢?不得不佩服佛家的因果及共业論,及提醒世人要遠離"贪嗔痴"三毒。


C: connect knowledge of different disciplines and strengthen their critical thinking skills

拉這么多部门落水又是否合理? 自问不是 想"飛黃騰達"之輩(遊先生颇喜歡把大家都定位),社會改革,有时真的急不來,而且今天對的,到了明天條件改變下,可以錯得交关。

又借囝囝学校 PowerPoint 來表達感想: "Critical thinking does not mean criticising everything".

最後,來一点 sarcastic 的结尾,這篇文章真的颇啓发思考,我真的因為这篇文章,希望多補底(支援弱勢学生)不要去拔尖(多花资源 for "gifted" children)。

果然不容易有 happy ending.

p.s. 遊先生会不会捐了兩期稿费去一间心仪的教育机構呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-1 23:10 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 # 的文章

the writer is questing out system for education of gift children. he got his point, the story seems to be just an example.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-11-1 23:22 |顯示全部帖子


dear all,

看完這篇文章及大家的發表後,令我想起幾天前與女兒到沙田大會堂看了一齣有關生命教育的音樂劇 - 天地之心。(由喜耀教育文化基金 主辦)

內容反映現實社會的眾生,例如:夢想一朝發達的投機者、苛刻的老闆、動輒投訴的顧客、不知如何是好的母親等等....大家也活在悲嘆、痛苦、無奈及猜疑當中。我們應該如何省悟? 如何發現自己的心?




[ 本帖最後由 phoebeoiyan 於 08-11-1 23:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-2 08:26 |顯示全部帖子
在文章近尾的部份:兩父子喊着要尋找公義那一段,可見一斑! 小麥父親實在厲害,借助權威及傳媒的力量去爭取他認為的"公義",事事小事化大.大做文章.



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-2 11:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 seec 於 08-11-2 08:26 發表
在文章近尾的部份:兩父子喊着要尋找公義那一段,可見一斑! 小麥父親實在厲害,借助權威及傳媒的力量去爭取他認為的"公義",事事小事化大.大做文章. ...... 另外,文章也拉了"阿牛"落水,我親戚的兒子中一時是跟他的兒子一班.他說學校老師根本沒有針對他,只是他常常欠交功課,學業亦追不上.老師常常要他補交或留當做返d功課罷了.

成篇文章大概是講 他的兒子 回答老師問題時講出的答案, 而老師說他不對, 兒子回家向父親(父親是個生化專家)提出及一齊去研究...他們終於找到一本書, 可以證實兒子的答案是對的.  小兒滿心歡喜帶這本書回校, 會見校長和老師, 商談後校長宣佈老師的答案是對. 就此開始了與班主任的 不喜事了................跟住事情就惡化到 老師針對他的兒子, 在全班同學前罵他的兒子, 老師並說< 你的父親很麻煩>....等!  另兒子受了很大壓力幾天後....兒子開始發噩夢, 尿床, 不願上學.  最後要轉校.

全文章完全冇有提及以上紅字.....或是  以上紅字是與學校發生問題之後才發生的 ????   

*此文章那父親提及過他的兒子受其他老師教導時的操行是甲級, 但發生此事後操行已變了丙級!*
另此父親寫了很多信去其他機構去討回他的"公義" : 聖公會主教, 律政司司長, 香港申訴專員公署, 教育統籌局...等.

**事實真相, 真的是他們才知**  

而看完這2期的文章, 覺得一件小事若處理不好....都可以變了大事.  而做父母的...真的要多角度去反思!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-2 13:11 |顯示全部帖子
紅字部份不是文章一部份,但文章的確不單拉了阿牛落水,還用"generalization"的手法,拉埋 St. Joseph's College PS 落水。下次喺街見到阿牛,一定问问佢。

當然事情永遠可以好"羅生門",這些不公平對侍學生的事,又真的可以無日無之。但文章寫到忠奸分明,使到我連"壞人"都同情起來了,所以很同意 seec 的看法,小麥爸在揮舞公義大棒之餘,應該還有空間自省一下,檢視一下自己的為人父母之道。





Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-11-2 15:56 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-2 21:30 |顯示全部帖子

I am so disappointed with Prof. You after reading the 2nd part of the story.
Yes, there is no happy ending and even worse the 2nd part of the story is repugnant.

When I first read the story in early October, I felt uneasy and curious about the main objective of Prof. You.
I wonder if “
反思香港資優教育的成效” is his only purpose?
So I wrote to him via HK Economic Journal Monthly and CityU and told him my concern about his
偏重一方的報導、只著眼正義是否恰當and what’s his main message behind this story.
I was expecting his more elaboration in this issue.
Of course, I also told him my stand point which seems to be different with Prof. You and this father. Then, finally Prof. You just further supported this father by quoting a reader Emilio who also felt the same that the school and teachers were both wrong, absolute wrong… something like this.
So I can confirm now that Prof. You and the main character father Wong are the same type and share the same stand point.
I thought I was reading Apple Daily, unfortunately, it is HKEJ.

In fact, Prof. You’s reporting style is not so skillful.
Under his description, this father seems to be repugnant because of his over-reaction.
說來說去只為討回兒子的自尊而已,公義真的這樣重要嗎?現在的經濟情況,可能好快會有許多公司倒閉,許多人沒有工作,包容及彼此尊重、團結及互相關愛才更可貴,更合「潮流」,可怕是Prof. You更在文中說社會的成人不應以世故的態度去禁止,反而要加以鼓勵他的心意我真的看到了!!!

現在我反過來有點同情學校(even though I learnt from my friend’s daughter who study in this school that those teachers involved in this story are used to be cool and not approachable),因現任校長是很有誠意辦學的,現在真是要加倍努力挽回名聲了. Sigh…

quote]原帖由 hogwarts 於 08-11-2 13:11 發表
紅字部份不是文章一部份,但文章的確不單拉了阿牛落水,還用"generalization"的手法,拉埋 St. Joseph's College PS 落水。下次喺街見到阿牛,一定问问佢。

當然事情永遠可以好"羅生門",這些不公平對侍學生的事,又真的可以無 ... [/quote]

[ 本帖最後由 rtam 於 08-11-3 00:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-2 22:44 |顯示全部帖子
Hi rtam,

Ha ha, don't forget Prof You is a professor of Marketing.  There are other discussions on internet and one has praised Prof You as 一位媒體工作者願意不怕強權,將文章發表。  In my view, it is just 打落水狗 & no big deal because the 聖公會 had already changed the Principal of the school.

If I were risk manager of the school, I would come out and tell the other side of the story.  In the long history of the school, one or two mistakes won't be the end of the world.  Even the school's first reaction and handlings were far from reasonable and would cause serious damages to the child, the change of Principal, assuming as the result of this incident, demonstrated that the school board's firm hand to deal with the matter.  Admitting wrong doings, will make the school becoming the children's rightful role-model.

On the other hand, firing a machine gun from moral highground and killing a lot of by-standers and get fame, is equally evil.

Concerning HKEJ monthly, it is really disappointing that balance view is not taken seriously.  May be our kind of views are a little bit 反動 and not progressive in the 21st century.

Anyway, I have learned a few from the topic and becoming not supportive in directing resources to so-called "gifted" children programs.  天水圍 can do with one more library or there shall be more supports to students with financial difficulties.

Last but not less, 王應秋 is not a good scholar himself, he should teach his son to understand/learn more from the teacher's answer as his son's answer was really not the only or root cause.  

I hope all schools could learn from this lesson, and I trust that the principal and the teaching staff had already paid a heavy price for their stupid acts.  While our dear Prof. You, I hope, will not become a guru of our already chaotic education system.

[ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 08-11-2 22:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-3 00:13 |顯示全部帖子
Professor of Marketing??  I see.  I have been working in Advertising and Marketing for years, I think I am qualified enough to remind him that "做個成功的出位廣告也得在背後傳遞正面的訊息,不要引人反感,以博取注意"

原帖由 hogwarts 於 08-11-2 22:44 發表
Hi rtam,

Ha ha, don't forget Prof You is a professor of Marketing.  There are other discussions on internet and one has praised Prof You as 一位媒體工作者願意不怕強權,將文章發表。  In my view, it is j ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-3 10:29 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-3 13:00 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 gordon12 於 08-11-2 11:38 發表

全文章完全冇有提及以上紅字.....或是  以上紅字是與學校發生問題之後才發生的 ????   

紅字硬係篇文冇,我上次個回應篇文都係冇,因為係我寫的回應黎嫁 . 文章話小麥阿爸係街到爭取他認為的"公義"時遇到阿牛,阿牛回應話佢個仔在聖若瑟讀書時有類似的經驗. 第一,文章要探討的是"資優教育",而阿牛之子是否資優,他在學校遇到什麼問題,我想作者&小麥爸爸亦未必清楚,阿牛係公眾人物,他兒子亦已讀完好耐,亦唔覺佢公開批評過學校.現在只是私下向這位"沮喪"的父親說了幾句,作者就利用來支持自己的論點,連人家個仔以前間學校名亦登埋出黎,對間学校亦很不公平.

[ 本帖最後由 seec 於 08-11-3 13:03 編輯 ]

發表於 08-11-3 13:36 |顯示全部帖子
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽

發表於 08-11-3 14:04 |顯示全部帖子
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-4 13:25 |顯示全部帖子
totally agreed....Everyone has his/her own role in a particular time.
Student - follow the instrution and LEARN. He could question, challenge, find out more...but he need to follow the classroom rules. Otherwise, the child should left the school and self study.
Teacher - the role is to teach. I agreed that the teacher and the principles could do much better....nobody (except GOD) could say and judge whether the teacher is discriminating the child. If yes, I believe it is the Father "pushing" this happen.
Father - he did the right thing to help the child to search the answer from other channel. But personnally, I believed this father is those character "believe his everything is absolutely correct and insist others to accept his answer as the only answer". He is now pushing this "value" to his son and the stories in the articles are just some examples. His son is obviously has learnt this "value". No one can judge is good or not. Whether the father is pushing the gifted child to heaven or hell. Who knows. I would say the root cause for the current situation is the father.

[ 本帖最後由 pppp41 於 08-11-4 13:28 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-11-5 00:34 |顯示全部帖子
我看了後半部的文章,感覺好像看到一個懷才(擁有三名資優兒童子)不遇, 憤世嫉俗的父親,小學老師對他兒子所作的一切,將來一定要學校雙倍奉還,而且我覺得小麥阿爸認為自己的兒子是資優,就要全世界的人的將焦點包括資源集中在自己兒子身上,稍有不順從,就是你不義,無能。