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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 德望 Interview 结果
樓主: Vinyny

德望 Interview 结果 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-6 01:51 |只看該作者
I don't think you get the point.
It's not about how many "sorry" and how "little" of a favor you are asking the "teacher".

The point is it's not the RIGHT time.

Anyways, it doesn't bother any of us (I think) what YOU think about this school. We just feel mother to mother, that you shouldn't judge the school based on your experience which I think you are quite biased because of it happening on the "interview" day, and you think it will affect your daughter's chance.

Have a little faith.  Your daughter still have equal chance in getting in (I think the teacher doesn't even remember you about this incidence and certainly doesn't have the power to alter the results of the interview!).....

Second, call the school, politely ask for your certificate back.

Good luck.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-6 08:27 |只看該作者
interview day is a hard time for all mama. try one more time to ask the office. u must meet someone helpful to get certificate back. it is only a start for primary application. carry on ,all mama. wish everyone's children find a school match their character.
my daughter tell me the teacher asked her to draw her best friend. my husdand said she drew the wrong theme. i think the theme may be changed. now i'm afraid my husdand is right.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 10:19 |只看該作者
我地星期六去in, 亞囡話d問題好淺

1. 首先各自任畫一幅畫
2. 老師問幅畫畫咩
3. 老師用英文問你叫咩名
4. 老師用中文叫佢答幾隻顏色

咁簡單既interview, 成700人, 選人準則係邊?

發表於 08-10-6 10:31 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 11:01 |只看該作者

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Dear goodmama2003,


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-6 11:19 |只看該作者

原帖由 goodmama2003 於 08-10-6 10:31 發表

晝紙上本身己有一個圖啦, 我女女的紙左上角是一條線, 之後下面有4條垂直的線,

我女女劃左一個太陽在右上角, 中間劃了爸爸, 她自己, 同媽媽, 天空上劃了3 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 11:51 |只看該作者
yes... I think so... maybe different hours got different themes...

原帖由 BBR 於 08-10-6 11:19 發表

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-6 11:54 |只看該作者

其實好明白你嘅心情, 去interview已經好緊張架啦, 可能臨時漏左1張cert未影, 時 間又到唯有正本帶去! 這我也試過 在dbsp添, 果d老師好有礼貌叫我落一層樓影(要比錢同佢會來埋張紙比另些老師睇, 即通行証)
人地dbspd都係名校, 都係好多人, 點解人地可以咁有礼貌? 那天是取form日而不是interview日!
你不防入去看看, 是video,, 好正!

原帖由 YiChingMaMi 於 08-10-6 01:02 發表
I agreed with your point that's why I said "央求" on below, "唔好意思, sorry, 對唔住, etc..." 已經不停地講, (都係慕求揾得番,道歉認衰又點會慳) 但結果都是這樣,才更覺得更無助.  

雖然你好幫學校諗,但有一 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 13:36 |只看該作者

首先好多謝你咁明白事理及伸張正義, 聖人都有錯 (大人細路都會) 類似的事件我便沒有妳這麼幸運了, 但我相信公道自在人心. 為了亞女, 我會重新振作, 不會氣餒. 多謝妳的鼓勵!

Snoopy 校長講得好啱, 我相信學校在課程編制上是有監管的, 故不會有某些學校會特別差. 而我不是嗰D要個女飛黃騰達嘅亞媽, 我最注重就是亞女嘅身心發展, 佢嘅心靈同品德先至重要. 就算俾佢有幾好成績, 都不及有好嘅品德. 學校不單是傳授書本知識的地方, 德智體群美都同等重要.

老師及家長都是小朋友的模彷對象, 小朋友有無禮貌, 有無愛心, 都靠學校及家庭. 任何一方不配合, 都是徒勞無功.

真的希望盡力幫亞女揾到一所温暖的學校去渡過她的童年, 校長及老師都對孩子有愛心和耐性, 真的對辨學有熱誠的學校, 而不單只是為了賺錢.  

Conniengor, 希望妳都能如願以償!!   

原帖由 conniengor 於 08-10-6 11:54 AM 發表

其實好明白你嘅心情, 去interview已經好緊張架啦, 可能臨時漏左1張cert未影, 時 間又到唯有正本帶去! 這我也試過 在dbsp添, 果d老師好有礼貌叫我落一層樓影(要比錢同佢會來埋張紙比另些老師睇, 即通行 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-6 13:47 |只看該作者
Snoopy 校長講嘅野真係好有道理, 可惜我無入form去英華, 听完佢講嘅野我都好讚同, 如果第時阿仔入到一間學校個校長係咁就好啦!

你有無考培僑呀? 個校長都係好好架會同d學生玩埋一齊架, 我女讀緊G3!

dbspd好想入但都係博下咋, 多謝鼓勵!!!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 13:48 |只看該作者
1. 首先各自在白紙上任畫一幅畫, 要寫自己名, 有朋友女寫唔晒 , 因為有鬧鐘du du du, hands up pens down, 唔知係味test埋time management

2. 囡囡畫了rainbow老師問你點知rainbow係彩色, 邊個教你架

3. 老師用英文問你叫咩名,幾歲,favorite colour and why

4. 老師用中文叫佢有冇兄弟姊妹, 讀邊間幼稚園, 鍾唔鍾意睇書, 平時睇乜書多, 同邊個睇, 在邊度睇, 跟住又du du du

5. Reading corner 自己任睇書, 我諗佢地想等埋一班咁放, 所以可能有小朋友睇4本, 有人睇8本, 係Oxford Tree Story book (green)

原帖由 leunglokyiu 於 08-10-6 10:19 發表
我地星期六去in, 亞囡話d問題好淺

1. 首先各自任畫一幅畫
2. 老師問幅畫畫咩
3. 老師用英文問你叫咩名
4. 老師用中文叫佢答幾隻顏色

咁簡單既interview, 成700人, 選人準則係邊? ...
busy mom

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 15:42 |只看該作者
我哋開個topic再傾, 為免在此阻住樓主

原帖由 conniengor 於 08-10-6 01:47 PM 發表
Snoopy 校長講嘅野真係好有道理, 可惜我無入form去英華, 听完佢講嘅野我都好讚同, 如果第時阿仔入到一間學校個校長係咁就好啦!

你有無考培僑呀? 個校長都係好好架會同d學生玩埋一齊架, 我女讀緊G3!

dbspd好想入但 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-6 20:12 |只看該作者
{{{{多謝及希望大家能持平地看, 事件中我是大意. 但為何兩位家長都只是攻擊我, 難道此事校方真的做得?}}}

lee度冇人去攻撃你, 只係你唔啱聽, 你唔想聽, 同埋唔止兩個家長覺得你做法有問題, 你睇咁耐, 有邊個話乜個老師咁衰, 唔幫你攞返, 最多只係話乜乜名校個老師好好, 佢肯幫我攞返, 因為肯攞返果位老師係真係好好人, 而唔攞果位基本上冇做錯, 而眾家長都覺得你有問題, 只係你自己唔覺得, 你只係覺得唔係我地, 我地當然咁講啦, 但係我想話你知, 換轉我地, 我地事後做法唔會好似你咁囉, 若果你想同各家長分享你的事, 就希望你試下客觀d去睇件事,冇人專登針對你, 我亦都唔洗你更正我, 我都係11點果段時間, 你放底果份嘢, 應該就係喺禮堂, 個老師問我地有冇資料想補交果陣, 然後派返張紙俾小朋友攞住, 上面寫左no, 當時喺禮堂都仲要分批上去二樓, 果度都等左大半個鐘啦, 上到二樓填份嘢, 黑板都寫住20-25分鐘啦, 到你個女出黎相隔已經一個鐘, 點樣唔耐呢? 同埋學校做法我地又點知呢? 你是否肯定你個女in緊果陣, 後補張cert真的在那位負責in的老師手上嗎? 就算我地一早交定果份portfolio都唔知老師有冇於小朋友interview果陣楂埋喺手, 記唔記得交portfolio果陣張form要抽出黎, 因為我專登放埋喺入面, 但老師又幫我攞返出黎, 話唔準夾落裡面, 你再覺得我地有問題都冇辦法, 記唔記得有條問題係家長行為如何影響子女? 雖然你叫我地唔洗再回應, 但係你又再講, 我都問左心, 以上都係心果句
原帖由 YiChingMaMi 於 08-10-6 01:02 發表
I agreed with your point that's why I said "央求" on below, "唔好意思, sorry, 對唔住, etc..." 已經不停地講, (都係慕求揾得番,道歉認衰又點會慳) 但結果都是這樣,才更覺得更無助.  

雖然你好幫學校諗,但有一 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 20:49 |只看該作者

I sympathised with you.  However, I do not agree with your sudden change of view on the school after this incident which obviously was your fault.

1.  Original is usually for purpose of verification and all submission, as a general understanding, are copies.  That is why the teacher kept on saying they would not accept originals.  You left an important original is your carelessness.

2.  The teacher did not allow you to go back to the classroom as this would cause discruption to others.

3.  No one follow up for you on that day as every one was busy running that big function for interviewing 2,000 candidates in 2 days.

4.  It would not be an easy task to locate your profile and take that cert out for you amongst bundles of applications.  This would against cause disruption to the process.

5.  School is a place where discipline is taught.  

6.  It is very unfair to erase the merits of the school because of this single incident which appeared not the fault of the school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 11:23 |只看該作者
Hi Vinyny,

Thank you for you reply.

My girl said:
In Chinese:
What is your name?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite animal?

In English:
What is your name?
What is your favourite fruit?
What is your favourite animal?

And my daughter said no any picture ask her...
but I don't belive...

原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-5 23:19 發表
Hi Yapple,

My naughty girl said:

1) Asking her name and age in both C and E.

2) They showed her a picture and pointed out some animals and requested her to tell what is it in English.

That's all  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 15:23 |只看該作者
Let's pray all of them good luck...

any other schools have you applied?

原帖由 YAPPLE 於 08-10-7 11:23 發表
Hi Vinyny,

Thank you for you reply.

My girl said:
In Chinese:
What is your name?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite animal?

In English:
What is your name?
What is your favourite  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 18:48 |只看該作者

D:\Baby 2003.3.31

原帖由 Vinyny 於 08-10-4 23:08 發表
I guess we failed on today's interview coz she told me that she didn't answer their questions...


唔洗咁快話個囡唔識?d大小姐係呀媽面前最鍾意話唔知,但在老師面前答左你都唔知. 到in完,就一身鬆哂! 唔記得問什麼? 最快的回應就是唔識和冇答! don't worry! 小朋友會隨時發揮她們的小宇宙. 其實她們好大壓力, 大人的壓力可以自己舒緩, 對五歲的她, 是一項挑戰! 如果當成參與遊戲, 她們會更投入, 最重要讓她們開心和有興趣地參與遊戲. 不要加壓!
Everybody relax & enjoy this Halloween trick!!
( 以上純個人意見.)Thank you!!!

[ 本帖最後由 aniwong 於 08-10-7 19:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 19:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 leunglokyiu 於 08-10-6 10:19 發表
我地星期六去in, 亞囡話d問題好淺

1. 首先各自任畫一幅畫
2. 老師問幅畫畫咩
3. 老師用英文問你叫咩名
4. 老師用中文叫佢答幾隻顏色

咁簡單既interview, 成700人, 選人準則係邊? ...

我想請問早上in和下午3:00in, 機會會否不同??
700人, 早上會著數一點嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-7 23:55 |只看該作者
my daughter said the teacher let her saw some pictures and then ask her some questions about the pictures

原帖由 YAPPLE 於 08-10-7 11:23 發表
Hi Vinyny,

Thank you for you reply.

My girl said:
In Chinese:
What is your name?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite animal?

In English:
What is your name?
What is your favourite  ...
shsaa 該用戶已被刪除

發表於 08-10-8 11:52 |只看該作者


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