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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 香港有邊幾間機構提供Montessori教學既playgroup? ...
樓主: Eclipse_2006

香港有邊幾間機構提供Montessori教學既playgroup? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-15 00:41 |只看該作者
原文章由 Eclipse_2006 於 08-6-12 17:01 發表
你既意思係中三送佢去外國讀.  咁點解唔考慮international school?  因為我地未唸掂, 所以想係local school 先.

由P.1-F.3, 有成9年時間, 讀Int'l School好貴,真係afford唔起,如果讀讀下有d咩事讀唔起就唔知點算.我想將d錢留黎study abroad, 我好唔想個女起HK讀U even she can get in, from my personal experience, most local grads are quite narrow in vision, and more conservative, I hope you understand what I'm saying, don't mean to offend anyone. 我自己都係讀完F.3走, 我想阿女有閱讀同書寫中文既能力, 但去到出面又唔洗趕入U咁辛苦. If you are planning to send your son to IS, someone told me don't go to the cheap ones as there'll be many Indians but the good ones are so hard to get in despite the very expensive tutition fees

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-15 00:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 GUB 於 08-6-12 17:25 發表

嘩 深井, 真係好遠呀, 你地返學要坐幾耐車
我都擔心返學時間紅隧會好塞車, 所以或者會行西隧, 但就貴好多 $$

劍鳴我好耐前睇過下, 但據我了解, 其實佢唔係真係Monte, 而只係有 Monte的教具. 其實我最concern係學 ...

same here, 如果只係得教具, 自己買都得喇, 洗鬼去咩.

但係之前Ralph話樂基其實唔係Montessori, 但又好多人都話好好, 查實有咩好架?

despite the transportation, I'm very headache on my girl's schedule... after school ends at 12:30, will be at least 1:30 or almost 2 when she gets home, which will be too late for lunch but I don't want her to have lunch on the bus

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-15 08:37 |只看該作者
I have the same thought of you, though I grad from local U.  Not only local U, I feel the same for those local secondary and primary schools.  That's why I wish my boy goes to IS if we had more money.  

同你一樣, 我地而家既人工, 比仔仔讀IS係無問題, 只係擔心萬一將來其中一個無左份工, 仔仔要轉校, 就好大問題!  所以都唔敢比佢一開頭就去IS.  唉....

from my personal experience, most local grads are quite narrow in vision, and more conservative, I hope you understand what I'm saying, don't mean to offend anyone.
我時刻都記掛著我那未能來到世上的bb, 他永遠在我心裡某個角落.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-15 22:03 |只看該作者
原文章由 Eclipse_2006 於 08-6-15 08:37 發表
I have the same thought of you, though I grad from local U.  Not only local U, I feel the same for those local secondary and primary schools.  That's why I wish my boy goes to IS if we had more money. ...

with limited resources ($$), I chose to spend the most part on the foundation and for university, I believe that if I can build up her interest in learning instead of just spoon feeding her, she'll do good even in local school.

if you want to send your boy to IS, maybe at least let him spend a few years in local school first, or he may just talk to you in English and calling your name straightly. for me, I do want my girl to speak English but honestly I prefer she to speak Chinese to me. my cousin's 2 kids go to IS only, now one is 10 and one is 7, they speak chinese seldomly although they can understand.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-1 02:39 |只看該作者
Lots of parents shared that CDB is very good.  But I live in HK East, CDB is too far away for me and I have to try a nearer one.  Is Little Montessorian (i.e. the Childrenworks) good?  Is the teacher AMI trained?  How about Woodland Montessori? Which one can give the best Monte education for children.  (I'm looking for playgroup & nursery for my 16m boy.)  

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