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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 培正取錄信收到未呀?
樓主: chris媽咪


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-17 11:09 |顯示全部帖子
Dear all

Pls read here:



我 N 年前都講唔少了...:-|


我大彥依家小二, 中彥依家 K2 , 細彥排緊隊 only

[ 本文章最後由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-1-17 11:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-17 12:17 |顯示全部帖子
今日郵局已派信... 我仲未收到信呀... 烏~~~ 我真係好唔開心同心急呀... 我琴晚都塞失眠呀... 今晚又~~ 有無媽咪同我一樣... 兩日都未收到呀~~~~~


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-17 13:18 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-17 13:46 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 joeyma 於 08-1-16 18:48 發表


SC英普班咪仲難考? 如果PC收你都未必去啦!
Anyway, congratulations!

[ 本文章最後由 siumanmama 於 08-1-17 14:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-17 13:58 |顯示全部帖子

call 咗學校未呀?
Gd luck to u!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-17 14:10 |顯示全部帖子
Hi fatkk,
Thanks for your blessin!! I have called pc... and the staff said she would not help me to check until next sunday... sigh~~~

原文章由 fatkk 於 08-1-17 13:58 發表

call 咗學校未呀?
Gd luck to u!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-17 16:13 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 4

發表於 08-1-17 16:46 |顯示全部帖子
我的囡囡係03月大女, 收了上午班, 培正除了是中中, 其他方面都好好, 所以都決定應該揀培正而放棄St. Cat, 最多在出面學多啲英文

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-17 23:15 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-1-17 11:09 發表
Dear all

Pls read here:



我 N 年前 ...

Thank you very much.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-17 23:53 |顯示全部帖子

Thanks so much for your valuable information.  I have one more question for your kind input. I guess Pui Ching Primary teaches Mathematics in Chinese.  Is it difficult to learn Maths in Chinese (eg. the special terms, etc.).  Will English words be used as supports (eg. LCM, HCF, etc.)?

I'm fond of Pui Ching.  However, since I myself used to study in English schools, so I don't know if it's more difficult to learn such subjects as Maths, Geography, etc. in Chinese.

原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-1-17 11:09 發表
Dear all

Pls read here:



我 N 年前 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-18 03:50 |顯示全部帖子
Hope u can also decide soon.
Still need to think, see, and calculate cos we have to move from HK side to Kln side, most probably TKO.
[quote]原文章由 fatkk 於 08-1-17 05:31 發表
It's very good u can definitely make the decision now. No need to think, think & think....
Although mostly I will choose PC, but still have some preservation to KV/SC.

發表於 08-1-18 09:00 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-18 09:53 |顯示全部帖子

I can't see much difficulties to learn Maths in Chinese - at least I would say those terms are easier than those Phy, Chem, Bio terms la...

So far my boy is good in maths, and in fact, science subjects are the strengths of PC and therefore theoetically speaking - better for boys as normally they are stronger in this area rather than languages.

My view is: It's just a matter where you start, if you start with Chinese terms, you won't find it too hard, but if you are doing the other way round, of course that may sound a bit difficult for the kid to adapt at the beginning.

FYI, for secondary school, all the way go they will use chinese to teach, but at F4 or above, they will use English books for science subjects with English terms, but teaching medium is still Chinese.



PC係唔係收政府工+大學生的家長?---唔一定, 但絕大部分都係.

==> 你既推論都有理由, 之不過, 又可以話你知....another reason why 外人會有此感覺, 其中一個原因係: (1) 公務員係有子女教育津貼的, 唔理高級低級, 因此, 我自己識十個有九個公務員 friend 都會 prefer send 自己仔女去讀私校, 因為學費有阿公俾, 佢地只係補貼好少 (高級個d 津貼仲多, 慢下手唔駛俾添), 讀私校又唔駛怕要搞珠唔知搞左去邊, 保險d, so w/o 考慮錢既因素, 培正又係老字號, 難免又更吸引公務員既, 所以最後收多d 呢d 人又唔奇丫

(2) 至於大學生.....以依家有子女入學既父母 around 3x 歲計, 大學畢業即係 22 歲左右, i.e. around 10-15 years ago, i.e. 1990 年左右既...個時d 大學學位都多過再以前好多好多了, 所以多大學生父母一d 都唔奇, 我相信第日會更多添...因為依家 HK 地十個有七個都大學啦, HK 讀唔到, 去外國依家又話咁易, 再唔係 spend 多一兩年由 Associate degree 讀起, 一樣唔駛幾耐又係"大學生", so 我睇到既係以後收既父母何止係大學生呀...慢下手碩士都唔少啦...呵呵......而呢點我又唔覺得係培正特有, 而係所有搶手學校都會有.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-18 10:50 |顯示全部帖子

Thanks for your reply.  You're such a great help!

You actually pointed out my biggest "concern" about Pui Ching - Pui Ching is famous for its science subjects but my kid is a girl who loves English.  While the through-train offered by Pui Ching is tempting, I can't help wondering if St. Catherine is a more suitable option for my girl.  You have any sharing about this?

I have a stupid question.  Are the HKCEE/ HKAL exam papers on Math, Phy, Chem, Bio, etc. in English?  If so, will that be a disadvantage for Pui Ching students who are used to learning these subjects in Chinese?

I agree with you that choosing Pui Ching is not a decision for kinder only, but one for 12-year education.  So I want to learn more about the primary and secondary sections as well.

原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-1-18 09:53 發表

I can't see much difficulties to learn Maths in Chinese - at least I would say those terms are easier than those Phy, Chem, Bio terms la...

So far my boy is good in maths, and in fact, scienc ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-18 11:09 |顯示全部帖子

I can't help wondering if St. Catherine is a more suitable option for my girl.  You have any sharing about this?
==> Well, each school got its own selling points, so it's just a matter of your expectation.  We can't conclude now that your girl won't benefit in PC, right? (even science is its selling point)

I have a stupid question.  Are the HKCEE/ HKAL exam papers on Math, Phy, Chem, Bio, etc. in English?  If so, will that be a disadvantage for Pui Ching students who are used to learning these subjects in Chinese?
==> (1) No, as I said earlier that PC F4/F5 students will use English books in Phy, Chem, Bio, but the teaching medium is in Chinese, so there is no problem for them to get used to those difficult chemical terms.

(2) Hey, friend, dun you know that students can choose to attempt HKCEE/HKAL papers in English or Chinese?  In fact I know some PC students will choose to attempt all papers in English!

I agree with you that choosing Pui Ching is not a decision for kinder only, but one for 12-year education.  So I want to learn more about the primary and secondary sections as well.
==> My advice is always like this: if you choose PC, then try to think more on its advantages, what it could benefit your kid, and try to fix those "bugs" that you dun feel comfortable with.  Dun look back and compare it with other schools, just enjoy the life there and then you will love it!

[ 本文章最後由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-1-18 11:14 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-18 11:17 |顯示全部帖子

Got it.  Thanks a million.

原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-1-18 11:09 發表

I can't help wondering if St. Catherine is a more suitable option for my girl.  You have any sharing about this?
==> Well, each school got its own selling points, so it's just a matter of your  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-18 23:22 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 彥彥媽咪 於 08-1-18 11:09 發表

I can't help wondering if St. Catherine is a more suitable option for my girl.  You have any sharing about this?
==> Well, each school got its own selling points, so it's just a matter of your  ...

You are really great helper.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-18 23:56 |顯示全部帖子
Does anybody know the schoolbus route of TKO? i.e. sequence of bus-stops? As I want to move to an estate in TKO which takes the least time for travelling?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-19 02:35 |顯示全部帖子
而家係半夜兩三點, 我醒咗後諗起個女入唔到培正個心囉囉孿瞓唔返添, 好慘啊!!

我個女05年4月, 都只係後補位. 我想問下彥彥媽咪知否每年後補再入的機會有幾多? 後補名單多唔多人排?

我自己本來都視培幼為第一志願, 總諗住入o既機會好大, 等阿女有其它幾間校收都只係俾咗一間留位, 現在有些後悔添. 我係咪好蠢呢?

另外如有媽咪決定放棄培幼, 可否上來單聲, 等我吔都知道有個希望啊?

[ 本文章最後由 kala 於 08-1-19 02:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-19 10:21 |顯示全部帖子
Hey, don't be so upset about it. The fact that your girl can't get into PC may be  just because her performance at the interview was not as good as others. Your girl has many strengths. She can still learn very well in other kindergartens. In fact, school education is not as important as you (parents). parents are the people who affect the kids' growth and learning. If you can provide your girl with an optimal learning envirnoment at home, your girl will learn far better than those parents who just rely on school teachers.
Cheer up!!! Don't let your girl feel you are disappointed about the result. She will know it.

原文章由 kala 於 08-1-19 02:35 發表
而家係半夜兩三點, 我醒咗後諗起個女入唔到培正個心囉囉孿瞓唔返添, 好慘啊!!

我個女05年4月, 都只係後補位. 我想問下彥彥媽咪知否每年後補再入的機會有幾多? 後補名單多唔多人排?

我自己本來都視培幼為第一志願,  ...