密      碼:
教育王國 討論區 聖若瑟小學 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來 ...
樓主: redmama

2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下. [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-24 00:43 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.


1A -- Jackielee
1A -- Kerobobo
1A -- llmom
1B -- Cipo
1B -- NingMaMa
1C -- guppy
1C -- leung_i
1D -- hhmami
1D -- WinCE
1E -- gerund
1E -- hello708 (oscar)
1E -- lihoho
1F -- Aardvark
1F -- matt_mami
1G -- youngmami
1H -- 6998
1H -- monchhichi888
1H -- redmama
1H -- Wayna

NingMaMa 寫道:
Dear all Aunties,

My boy will join P1B


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-24 19:22 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.

Dear all mum,

My boy will join P1H.

Thank  you very much.

[img align=left]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid124/pc8cd38426a2b9c43ddb759c6a85e9005/f80dbb2f.jpg.orig.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-25 00:13 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.


1A -- Jackielee
1A -- Kerobobo
1A -- llmom
1B -- Cipo
1B -- NingMaMa
1C -- guppy
1C -- leung_i
1D -- hhmami
1D -- WinCE
1E -- gerund
1E -- hello708 (oscar)
1E -- lihoho
1F -- Aardvark
1F -- matt_mami
1G -- youngmami
1H -- 6998
1H -- kitty0303
1H -- monchhichi888
1H -- redmama
1H -- Wayna

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-25 15:21 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.

carcar123 寫道:

1A -- Jackielee
1A -- Kerobobo
1A -- llmom
1B -- Cipo
1B -- NingMaMa
1C -- guppy
1C -- leung_i
1D -- hhmami
1D -- WinCE
1E -- gerund
1E -- hello708 (oscar)
1E -- lihoho
1F -- Aardvark
1F -- matt_mami
1G -- youngmami
1H -- 6998
1H -- kitty0303
1H -- monchhichi888
1H -- redmama
1H -- Wayna

Hi still only my boy in 1G    why no other boys    
but never mind, last Saturday went to my boy's classmate's birthday party and knew that 8 of my boy's classmates will go together to 1G !!     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-6-26 09:28 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.

Hi youngmami,

Sounds good wor!
How do u know there will be 8 boys go to 1G?
I asked my boy how many will be in 1A, he said he doesn't know.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-26 10:12 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.

Jackielee 寫道:
Hi youngmami,

Sounds good wor!
How do u know there will be 8 boys go to 1G?
I asked my boy how many will be in 1A, he said he doesn't know.

Hi Jackielee,

Before last Saturday's birthday party, my boy told me 4 classmates would go to 1G.  He asked around by himself and got the info. (He's a very 八卦 boy, he can chat with strangers for long time)

Then last Saturday at the birthday party, one parent asked me which class my boy would go and then told me 8 boys of their class would go to 1G and she also told me their names.  But none of us have any ideas about how school allocate boys to different classes.  

Rank: 1

發表於 07-6-29 18:12 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.

for whole day policy, how's your comment?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-30 00:07 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.


1A -- Jackielee
1A -- Kerobobo
1A -- llmom
1B -- cheesemama
1B -- Cipo
1B -- NingMaMa
1C -- guppy
1C -- leung_i
1D -- hhmami
1D -- WinCE
1E -- gerund
1E -- hello708 (oscar)
1E -- lihoho
1F -- Aardvark
1F -- matt_mami
1G -- youngmami
1H -- 6998
1H -- kitty0303
1H -- monchhichi888
1H -- redmama
1H -- Wayna

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-30 11:00 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年小一, St. Joseph's (wanchai) 的家長,大家一起來認識一下.

wow!! 1H班好"疊馬" wor!!!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-7-5 11:58 |只看該作者
Dear All,

My boy will join P1H.


1A -- Jackielee
1A -- Kerobobo
1A -- llmom
1B -- cheesemama
1B -- Cipo
1B -- NingMaMa
1C -- guppy
1C -- leung_i
1D -- hhmami
1D -- WinCE
1E -- gerund
1E -- hello708 (oscar)
1E -- lihoho
1F -- Aardvark
1F -- matt_mami
1G -- youngmami
1H -- 6998
1H -- kitty0303
1H -- monchhichi888
1H -- redmama
1H -- Wayna
1H -- honghong_ma

[ 本文章最後由 honghong_ma 於 07-7-5 12:01 編輯 ]
Hong Hong Ma  :-)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-5 14:33 |只看該作者

原文章由 leung_i 於 07-6-30 11:00 發表
wow!! 1H班好"疊馬" wor!!!   

Rank: 1

發表於 07-7-5 18:16 |只看該作者
Hi all,

Very happy to find the post.  My boy will be in 1G this year .
So see you all next week.

1A -- Jackielee
1A -- Kerobobo
1A -- llmom
1B -- cheesemama
1B -- Cipo
1B -- NingMaMa
1C -- guppy
1C -- leung_i
1D -- hhmami
1D -- WinCE
1E -- gerund
1E -- hello708 (oscar)
1E -- lihoho
1F -- Aardvark
1F -- matt_mami
1G -- youngmami
1G -- hyalau
1H -- 6998
1H -- kitty0303
1H -- monchhichi888
1H -- redmama
1H -- Wayna
1H -- honghong_ma

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-5 23:12 |只看該作者
Hi all,

I will be back. My son will join 1H and  see you  all next week.

1A -- Jackielee
1A -- Kerobobo
1A -- llmom
1B -- cheesemama
1B -- Cipo
1B -- NingM ... [/quote]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-5 23:15 |只看該作者
[quote]原文章由 buddiesboyd 於 07-7-5 23:12 發表
Hi all,

I will be back. My son will join 1H and  see you  all next week.

1A -- Jackielee
1A -- Kerobobo
1A -- llmom
1B -- cheesemama
1B -- Cipo
1B -- NingM ... 1C -- guppy
1C -- leung_i
1D -- hhmami
1D -- WinCE
1E -- gerund
1E -- hello708 (oscar)
1E -- lihoho
1F -- Aardvark
1F -- matt_mami
1G -- youngmami
1G -- hyalau
1H -- 6998
1H -- kitty0303
1H -- monchhichi888
1H -- redmama
1H -- Wayna
1H -- honghong_ma
1H -- buddiesboyd

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-7-5 23:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 Jackielee 於 07-6-8 15:56 發表
I don't think there is any criteria to allocate the class. Just by random or the number of POA etc.
A boy lives close to us is allocated to 1C.

大家唔駛估啦!. 學校是順英文姓名編班(自行編咗先). 所以大抽獎未放榜都已分咗班. ABCDEFGH > ABCDEFGH 如此類推.
因我仔仔是1st round 搞掂.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-6 01:34 |只看該作者
Hi, WinCE,

I have been a full-time working mom before.  Now I am a par-time working mom.  I will be a full-time mom soon because I want to spend more time to take care my kids.

See how we can meet on 7/11.  I have pm my contact No. to you.  Please call me at your convenience.

原文章由 WinCE 於 07-6-13 21:38 發表
Hi Hi hhmami,

So nice to know someone will be in 1D too. Yes we can meet on 11 july. sure we will talk a lot about the class and the boys. Are you working mom? I am !  

[ 本文章最後由 hhmami 於 07-7-6 01:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-7-6 03:09 |只看該作者
Dear all mom,

I would like to share some experience about the P.1 Orientation with you.  See if this can help.

呢樣最好可以係7/11果日安排好,ensure 9/3 開學日有車搭。
* 校車 - 係學校裏排隊arrange
* 媬姆車 - D司機叔叔/姨姨應該會係學校出面派咭片,到時可問問佢o地詳情。
我已經安排o左媬姆車俾阿仔(佢升P.6o既哥哥都係搭媬姆車),如果大家想要有關資料,please let me know, I can pm to you.

1. 要排好耐隊
2. if orientation 之後,you are not going to home, you have to carry the heavy books during that afternoon
3. 有D書應該尚未出版,就算當天預留,遲D有貨時,"精工印書局"會call你去購買,都係要行一轉去"精工"

所以我會選擇係大約8/10先去"精工"買書。For your info, "精工印書局"係天后銅鑼灣道,電話: 2571 1770/2566 8512。另外,記住買埋set書套,唔使用包書膠咁辛苦。


1. 要排好耐隊
2. 7/11至9/3,差唔多有成2個月,經過悠長o既暑假,阿仔身型可能有變

For you info, 維多利校服有好多間分店,其中如:
中環 - 2815 2673
北角 - 2802 6887
將軍澳 - 2358 3708
太子 - 3188 9762


以上純屬個人分享,if any info is not udpate, please kindly correct me.  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-6 09:28 |只看該作者
Say our family name is LEE, then all LEEs will be assigned to class "A" law?

原文章由 pooh仔 於 07-7-5 23:50 發表

大家唔駛估啦!. 學校是順英文姓名編班(自行編咗先). 所以大抽獎未放榜都已分咗班. ABCDEFGH > ABCDEFGH 如此類推.
因我仔仔是1st round 搞掂.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-6 09:30 |只看該作者
Hi buddiesboyd,

Very glad to see u again.

原文章由 buddiesboyd 於 07-7-5 23:12 發表
Hi all,

I will be back. My son will join 1H and  see you  all next week.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-7-6 11:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 Jackielee 於 07-7-6 09:28 發表
Say our family name is LEE, then all LEEs will be assigned to class "A" law?

Say, three students name LEE An-fai, LEE Ho-sun, LEE Ming.  An-fai will be with Class A, Ho-sun will be with Class B, Ming will be Class C ...

BTW, when kids promote from P1 to P2, they will be slot according to their exam results, i.e. Top of the school will be with Class 2A, 2nd up will be Class B, 3rd will be Class C ...
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