
標題: BBA+Law 雙學位 [打印本頁]

作者: shirleychanchan    時間: 18-7-12 00:22     標題: BBA+Law 雙學位


作者: ramuza    時間: 18-11-17 21:36

shirleychanchan 發表於 18-7-12 00:22
這科比BBA出路 ...

之前阿女中三上咗個 hku taster, 其中有一次係專共對法律有興趣嘅同學講解呢幾個法律double degree嘅分別

簡單啲嚟講 如果淨係讀過嘅咁total要用四年時間但係如果你讀double degree , 就要用五年時間但係其實咁係有好處㗎因為呢你係將嗰啲囉嘅課程分散咁讀咁於是你讀嘅時候就會冇咁辛苦


作者: lm251099    時間: 18-11-18 14:16     標題: 回覆樓主

Law school 吾需要 interview,  Business school 就要

作者: lm251099    時間: 18-11-18 14:30

ramuza 發表於 18-11-17 21:36
之前阿女中三上咗個 hku taster, 其中有一次係專共對法律有興趣嘅同學講解呢幾個法律double degree嘅分別

你會不會理解錯了,BLaw 係要讀五年共300Credits ,即每年要讀的 credit 相同,還有一年 PCLL 未計,但這年是需要另外報名,不是人人有份的。

作者: ramuza    時間: 18-11-18 14:31

lm251099 發表於 18-11-18 14:30
你會不會理解錯了,BLaw 係要讀五年共300Credits ,即每年要讀的 credit 相同,還有一年 PCLL 未計,但這 ...

credit is more but like arts components ' credits are easier ,so you spread the most difficult law courses into 5 years

作者: ramuza    時間: 18-11-18 14:32

lm251099 發表於 18-11-18 14:30
你會不會理解錯了,BLaw 係要讀五年共300Credits ,即每年要讀的 credit 相同,還有一年 PCLL 未計,但這 ...

actually it is a bit different relatively and at the end, you have 2 degrees

作者: ramuza    時間: 18-11-18 19:49

lm251099 發表於 18-11-18 14:30
你會不會理解錯了,BLaw 係要讀五年共300Credits ,即每年要讀的 credit 相同,還有一年 PCLL 未計,但這 ...

blaw law components 156 law creditts
Bba law law components 156 also
LLB also 156

difference is double degree is spreading these courses in 5 years
while LLB is 4

作者: lm251099    時間: 18-11-18 20:49

ramuza 發表於 18-11-18 19:49
blaw law components 156 law creditts
Bba law law components 156 also
LLB also 156

如果有你這樣想法是否應該再申請 defer grad. 咁又可以有多段時間分開讀

作者: ramuza    時間: 18-11-18 20:50

lm251099 發表於 18-11-18 20:49
如果有你這樣想法是否應該再申請 defer grad. 咁又可以有多段時間分開讀

每一個人睇嘅嘢唔同呢個係我嘅睇法你自己唔鍾意咪讀返llb Law

作者: nanadog    時間: 18-11-18 23:14

本帖最後由 nanadog 於 18-11-18 23:19 編輯
ramuza 發表於 18-11-17 21:36
之前阿女中三上咗個 hku taster, 其中有一次係專共對法律有興趣嘅同學講解呢幾個法律double degree嘅分別
第五年的課程是以自資的方式完成,即係第二個degree 係政府無資助
作者: ramuza    時間: 18-11-19 14:42

nanadog 發表於 18-11-18 23:14
第五年的課程是以自資的方式完成,即係第二個degree 係政府無資助。

yes this is true

作者: 花老爺    時間: 18-11-20 21:26

DOUBLE DEGREE 和LLB, 其實兩者各有甚麼優點和缺點?
如果同時間讀兩個DEGREE, 會否要好勤力?或者唔容易畢業?
會否只讀LLB, 可以專心D?

作者: Miss_Parker    時間: 18-11-23 22:02

All in all it depends on whether you like business studies, but BLaw does have some advantages. As mentioned by the others, law courses spreading across 5 years instead of 4 may be beneficial in terms of your GPA and time management. E.g. for the second year, LLB students take 3 full-year major law courses while BLaw students only take one. Business courses in general have better grades than law grades, so their GPAs are relatively higher than that of LLB students (may be beneficial for finding internships if that organization does not require transcripts but purely CGPA). Still, it takes 5 years and it can still be very tough if one is not interested in business studies, which include a lot of group projects and presentations from what I heard.
I attended the BLaw interview several years ago (but i did not choose it at last). It gave you approximately 30 minutes for preparation (reading some materials about current news) and the subsequent discussion was around 45 minutes among 6 candidates. It was a relatively tiresome and difficult interview tbh. However, I am not sure what the interviews will be now as the format must have changed over the years.

Hope this helps.

作者: 花老爺    時間: 18-11-24 17:25

回覆 Miss_Parker 的帖子

Thank you for your valuable advice.

作者: lm251099    時間: 18-11-25 21:21

Miss_Parker 發表於 18-11-23 22:02
All in all it depends on whether you like business studies, but BLaw does have some advantages. As m ...

hku law school 應該無 interview 的?

作者: ilyrd    時間: 18-11-26 14:58

Miss_Parker 發表於 18-11-23 22:02
All in all it depends on whether you like business studies, but BLaw does have some advantages. As m ...
Hi Miss_Parker, think that you are in this stream. So, is it the career of lawyer (no matter solicitor or barrister) in HK really bad for the fresh grad nowaday? I mean really difficult to become one of them?

作者: ramuza    時間: 18-11-26 22:58

ilyrd 發表於 18-11-26 14:58
Hi Miss_Parker, think that you are in this stream. So, is it the career of lawyer (no matter solicit ...

for law stu it is important for them to maintain HIGH GPA in order to get internship or pursue pcll.
thus taking a double degree, spreading law courses into 5 years, might be easier coz you are studying in 5 years .

I personally like double degree more especially for those who are not sure if law is really what they want to d
Just my 5 cents

作者: ilyrd    時間: 18-11-27 08:50

ramuza 發表於 18-11-26 22:58
for law stu it is important for them to maintain HIGH GPA in order to get internship or pursue pcll ...
作者: Miss_Parker    時間: 18-11-28 00:40

回覆 lm251099 的帖子

BBA(Law) has interviews, straightly speaking they are organised by the business faculty.
作者: Miss_Parker    時間: 18-11-28 00:46

回覆 ilyrd 的帖子

It's still too soon for me to answer this question ahah but to comment objectively, law school is tough and securing a TC or pupillage is even tougher due to the competition (think about how many law students graduate each year in HK, overseas, JD program etc.). But it's otherwise if one has connections.

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