
標題: 09/10小一家長請進 [打印本頁]

作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-4 11:28     標題: 09/10小一家長請進

SPCCPS的家長比較少來傾傾孩子上學的情況, 可能工作實在太忙...不過, 點都好, 有一個平台可以溝通下, 應該係會好一點。
昨天派了幾張課後活動的通告, 你們會讓孩子參加哪項?

我兒子跟我說班中暫時只選了敬禮長, 未有提及何時選班長...不知其他班是否一樣?

感覺上SPCCPS沒有放太多時間在小一生的適應上(相比其他小學), 可能他們覺得他們選出來的孩子的適應能力已經是比較強? 你們覺得如何?
作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-4 12:15


小女也是今年小一生, 希望大家以後可以透過此平台多些溝通.  關於活動通告, 女兒想參加游泳班, 但我擔心她不懂自己沖身換衫, 還在考慮中.

CSW, 你小朋友會否參加游泳班?
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-4 14:35

hi amom,

我也打算讓孩子參加游泳班, 不過,  我因住得較近, 所以會選擇星期六早上。其實暑期時, 我們已開始參加學校的泳班, 他們也讓工人姐姐或家長入去更衣室(男或女)去幫孩子換衫, 完全沒有問題。

你的女兒讀哪班? 我的兒子在E班。他們下星期一要帶視藝用品, 在手冊內貼了小MEMO說要預備剪刀、粉彩、白膠漿等, 但我見之前的家長需知通告內說除了墊台紙和濕紙巾, 其他用品學校會供應...我覺得有點CONFUSED...因為我大兒子的學校會預備粉彩和白膠漿給學生。

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-4 12:15 發表

小女也是今年小一生, 希望大家以後可以透過此平台多些溝通.  關於活動通告, 女兒想參加游泳班, 但我擔心她不懂自己沖身換衫, 還在考慮中.

CSW, 你小朋友會否參加游泳班? ...

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-4 16:11


我或也會考慮星期六, 因為想親自照顧她換衫, 而我們住得吾近, 平日要返工, 很難照顧.  

關於視藝用品, 我也覺得有些confused, 不過我會照預備一套給她. 請問墊台紙是怎樣的?好似一張大圖畫紙一樣的嗎?

By the way, 我的女兒在D班.
作者: LydiaWong    時間: 09-9-4 22:44

Hello, my son is in 1B. Really nice to chat here with other moms so I can know more about the school.
Also, do you know about the parent-child reading scheme allow English books only? My son told me Chinese books do not count, is that true?
作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-5 00:38

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-4 22:44 發表
Hello, my son is in 1B. Really nice to chat here with other moms so I can know more about the school.
Also, do you know about the parent-child reading scheme allow English books only? My son told me  ...

Hi everyone! I thought the parent-child reading scheme is for Chinese books only? Since the form is in Chinese? Thanks!
作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-5 00:54

My daughter told me this form is for Chinese reading only, the English one will be given later.
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-5 23:17

There will be both Chinese and English Forms...

In my elder son's school, they have printed a booklet for the students to fill in the books info and simple book reports in it...but here in SPCCPS, only a few simple paper forms... it really surprises me.

Anyway, I will also follow the memo in the handbook to prepare the arts tools for my boy...but that really confuses me...

The teacher told us on the parents' day to simply prepare some old newspaper as the table cover during the Arts class. But I have bought some 雞皮紙, and I will cut them into the table size.
作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-6 00:27

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-5 00:54 發表
My daughter told me this form is for Chinese reading only, the English one will be given later.

Thanks. At least your daughter told you what happened in school. My son didn't say anything about what he has to bring or what's going on. I just depend on what he wrote on the handbook and eclass
作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-7 12:38

Hi Ahtan,

我女兒都係一時時, 有時講D, 有時問極都話吾知. 比D時間佢哋適應, 遲些或會主動分享學校生活比我哋知.

各位家長, 你們的小朋友是在學校訂飯還是自己帶飯呢?
作者: YLK    時間: 09-9-7 22:36

Hi everybody,

My son is from P1C, any mom from the same class. He is still very excited and wake up at 0600 every morning!

However, he is very absent-minded and always forget what the teacher said!!!

Please remind me if any important news, many thanks.
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-7 22:46

我的孩子是在校訂飯的, 他說今天的午餐不錯。^_^
我想問其他家長知不知道視藝袋應該是一個什麼size的袋? 我不知是否聽漏了, 感覺上我沒有印象老師有說過...
作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-7 23:41

女兒說美術袋類似功課袋一樣, 我就買了個同size有卡通圖案的給她做美術袋.

另外, 我發覺女兒把主要課目書本都留在學校, 說是老師允許不用帶回家, 你們的小朋友也是這樣的嗎?
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-7 23:52

是的, 我的兒子也說老師話書本可放在學校, 所以他幾乎都不用帶書返校...而今天有中文抄詞語的功課, 他便在學校先起字頭, 回到家中再寫。

另外, 我兒子一直跟我說他們第一天在學校內畫了一幅簡單的鉛筆畫, 是個機械人, 但是他說老師叫他們要整一個真的出來, 而且因為是robot, 所以要用鐵做...我真給他說得糊塗了, 我問他是否用家中的環保物料做呢?他又不太清楚...你們有這個情況嗎?

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-7 23:41 發表
女兒說美術袋類似功課袋一樣, 我就買了個同size有卡通圖案的給她做美術袋.

另外, 我發覺女兒把主要課目書本都留在學校, 說是老師允許不用帶回家, 你們的小朋友也是這樣的嗎? ...

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-8 10:30

原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-7 23:52 發表
是的, 我的兒子也說老師話書本可放在學校, 所以他幾乎都不用帶書返校...而今天有中文抄詞語的功課, 他便在學校先起字頭, 回到家中再寫。

另外, 我兒子一直跟我說他們第一天在學校內畫了一幅簡單的鉛筆畫, 是個機械 ...

我女兒第一天也是說要"做"一個機械人 , 昨天手冊說要星期五交回機械人我便再問她是甚麼, 她說是一幅要填顏色的機械人, 不過忘記帶回家, 我已提醒她帶回家, 今晚看看是否要填顏色.
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-8 11:04

我希望這只是要填顏色,  而不是要做一個實物出來...

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-8 10:30 發表

我女兒第一天也是說要"做"一個機械人 , 昨天手冊說要星期五交回機械人我便再問她是甚麼, 她說是一幅要填顏色的機械人, 不過忘記帶回家, 我已提醒她帶回家, 今晚看看是否要填顏色. ...

作者: skateboardp    時間: 09-9-8 15:26

小女兒讀緊一丙... 問佢校園生活如何... 佢都係講啲唔講啲... 希望佢快啲適應... 好似已經識咗幾個friend
想問吓大家有冇報名參加學校嘅樂器班?之前幫小女報咗繳費樂器班(clarinet), 今日打比班主問幾時會知道消息,得到嘅答覆係:不入選
有啲唔開心... 本來佢滿懷期望學新樂器...
除clarinet外, 我哋本來都選擇咗oboe... 因為女兒對woodwind樂器好有興趣... 不過到依家都未有消息, 睇嚟都係兇多吉少... 要自行喺出面搵先生教...
作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-8 15:51

我女兒對音樂興趣不大, 她只有學琴, 我也沒有勉強她多學一種樂器, 所以沒有選繳費樂器班. 如遲些她有興趣再考慮吧.
作者: LydiaWong    時間: 09-9-8 22:53

點解我仔冇提過視藝袋?入面有乜架?我仔都冇講過'robot'? 唔知係咪班班有D唔同定我仔miss左呢!?
作者: maiye    時間: 09-9-9 10:34     標題: Seek advice from 09/10 Parents of SPCC

Dear all parents,

May you please advice which kindergartens are graduated? I've plan to send my daughter to SPCC yet no clue which kindergaren I should sign her up. Your advices will be much valuable, please advice, thank you.
作者: skateboardp    時間: 09-9-9 10:38

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-8 22:53 發表
點解我仔冇提過視藝袋?入面有乜架?我仔都冇講過'robot'? 唔知係咪班班有D唔同定我仔miss左呢!?

家課冊應釘有一張紙仔... 彧者可以入intranet睇吓... 可以對吓每日有冇check漏咗items...
作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-9 10:53

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-8 22:53 發表
點解我仔冇提過視藝袋?入面有乜架?我仔都冇講過'robot'? 唔知係咪班班有D唔同定我仔miss左呢!?

視藝袋應是視藝堂用, 可留在學校, 如我無記錯, 包括白膠槳, 圓頭較剪, 粉彩, 枱墊, 濕紙巾, 鉛筆及擦膠.  

Robot是小朋友在校晝的機械人, 回家填顏色.

以上2項都有寫在手冊上, 不過不知是否班班一樣.
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-9 11:03

E班沒有提及robot那張畫, 只是從孩子口中聽到。我會像amom那樣預備一個A4或F4 SIZE的功課袋給兒子佢視藝袋。

如果到現在仍未有通知參加樂器班, 我想應代表抽不到了。不過, 有沒有孩子已被通知去參加CHOIR呢?

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-9 10:53 發表

視藝袋應是視藝堂用, 可留在學校, 如我無記錯, 包括白膠槳, 圓頭較剪, 粉彩, 枱墊, 濕紙巾, 鉛筆及擦膠.  

Robot是小朋友在校晝的機械人, 回家填顏色.

以上2項都有寫在手冊上, 不過不知是否班班一樣. ...

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-9 11:39

昨天手冊上有貼上課外活動時間表及入選項目, 你哋可check 吓.
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-9 13:22


原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-9 11:39 發表
昨天手冊上有貼上課外活動時間表及入選項目, 你哋可check 吓.

作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-9 13:44

Hi all,

The school has sent e-mail to students as regards the musical instrument classes, and it refers us to the student handbook.  However, it is not stated anywhere as to which instrument class is my son allocated.
作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-9 14:31

原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-9 13:22 發表

但如果入選choir, 手冊應會註明星期四的課外活動是Choir D組, 而自動取消原來星期四所選的課外活動, 活動章程好像是這樣寫的, 不知我有沒有理解錯.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-9 14:59

Hi Amom

是的,我兒子被選了入choir D組,原先選的Drama便自動取消了。

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-9 14:31 發表

但如果入選choir, 手冊應會註明星期四的課外活動是Choir D組, 而自動取消原來星期四所選的課外活動, 活動章程好像是這樣寫的, 不知我有沒有理解錯.

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-9 17:18

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-9 14:59 發表
Hi Amom

是的,我兒子被選了入choir D組,原先選的Drama便自動取消了。

Hi Chess

我女兒落了選, 你仔仔好叻仔呀, 入選了choir.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-9 18:43


你客氣了,相信能考入SPCC 的小朋友都是不相伯仲的。


原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-9 17:18 發表

Hi Chess

我女兒落了選, 你仔仔好叻仔呀, 入選了choir.

作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-9 21:21


另:請問有沒有家長log in e-class?
作者: LydiaWong    時間: 09-9-9 21:32

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-9 18:43 發表

你客氣了,相信能考入SPCC 的小朋友都是不相伯仲的。



作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-9 21:48

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-9 18:43 發表

你客氣了,相信能考入SPCC 的小朋友都是不相伯仲的。



手冊上寫女兒已被選了參加朗誦節, 明天會交回form及報名費.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-9 22:31

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-9 23:11

我女兒是英語組, 不知是否每班不同組別.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-9 23:23

Hi Amom,


原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-9 23:11 發表
我女兒是英語組, 不知是否每班不同組別.

作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-10 09:48

oops...my boy forgot to bring back his handbook last night!
I check e-class everyday for the school notice and the homework.
作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-10 11:01

不好意思, 我沒有說清楚. 我昨天發現intranet內多了一項 e-classroom, 好像是讓小朋友上網做功課. 我不大清楚.

不知是否真的, 她亦試過忘記帶手冊回家.


原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-10 09:48 發表
oops...my boy forgot to bring back his handbook last night!
I check e-class everyday for the school notice and the homework.

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-10 11:10

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-9 23:23 發表
Hi Amom,




我問過女兒, 她說英文老師上堂時問誰想參加朗誦便舉手, 然後集低名字再從中選一些同學出來. 已派了三首英詩給我們自選一首.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-10 11:53

Hi Amon,

Thanks. 可能每班的做法有些不同。

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-10 11:10 發表


我問過女兒, 她說英文老師上堂時問誰想參加朗誦便舉手, 然後集低名字再從中選一些同學出來. 已派了三首英詩給我們自選一首.

作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-10 22:55

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-7 12:38 發表
Hi Ahtan,

我女兒都係一時時, 有時講D, 有時問極都話吾知. 比D時間佢哋適應, 遲些或會主動分享學校生活比我哋知.

各位家長, 你們的小朋友是在學校訂飯還是自己帶飯呢? ...

Hi Amom,
Thanks for your kind words. My son is very forgetful. He forgot to bring the ruler back home for me to stick his name, and have probably lost it already.....he already lost two erasers! Maybe boys are more messy. I wrote on the handbook three times already to tell his class teacher what he forgot to do!
I bring food to him everyday.
作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-10 23:12

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-10 11:10 發表


我問過女兒, 她說英文老師上堂時問誰想參加朗誦便舉手, 然後集低名字再從中選一些同學出來. 已派了三首英詩給我們自選一首.

Does anyone know whether we need to practice the poems with the kid ourselves or the teachers will do it during school hours? Thanks
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-10 23:41

Hi ahtan


原帖由 ahtan 於 09-9-10 23:12 發表

Does anyone know whether we need to practice the poems with the kid ourselves or the teachers will do it during school hours? Thanks

作者: AmazingGrace    時間: 09-9-10 23:53

Dear all,Any view on the school bus?
Drivers appear to be not accommodating parents' suggestions.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-10 23:55

What was it about?

原帖由 AmazingGrace 於 09-9-10 23:53 發表
Dear all,Any view on the school bus?
Drivers appear to be not accommodating parents' suggestions.

作者: AmazingGrace    時間: 09-9-11 00:35

Some bus drivers and the chief school bus coordinator "Tong Shuk" show unsatisfactory attitude and neglect parents' requests. They seem to monopolize the operation for many years. I am suspecting any "secured" relationship between the chief coordinator with the school management.
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-11 14:23

My fd just told me that her kid in St. Stephen (Stanley) can take instrument class at school, and in fact all P.1 studnets have the chance...it just make me think that how come we pay so much school fee, and our kids don't get the chance to learn that at school...?
作者: skateboardp    時間: 09-9-11 20:03

原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-11 14:23 發表
My fd just told me that her kid in St. Stephen (Stanley) can take instrument class at school, and in fact all P.1 studnets have the chance...it just make me think that how come we pay so much school f ...


Apart from the musical instrument classes, there are lots of other activities that SPCCPS offers and other schools don't... there is no need to feel disappointed just because our kids could not get into one of those instrument classes... There will be plenty of alternatives for them to learn and participate, all of which are just as worthwhile as learning an instruments... and no kids will not be left out...  

There are good reasons that the school is unable to offer instrument lessons to all students... obviously there is the resource constraint... there are 150 kids in P1 and just about every parent would want their kids to participate in an instrument class... but there are only a few teachers who teach these instruments... so the seats are bound to be limited and they would need to pick students with better potentials... i heard that if a student has already started learning to play the instrument prior to coming to P1 then there will be a greater chance for him/her to get in... i can't be 100% sure if that is really the case though...
i think the teachers also look at the kids' physical ability to determine whether they are suitable to start learning the instrument at P1... for instance my daughter told me that the oboe/clarinet teachers checked out their hands during the introductory session... and apparently my daughter's hands are too tiny to play neither of the instruments... so at the end she did not get picked... i spoke with the class teacher and she said if the student is really interested in the instrument than by all means take lessons outside of the school... which is what we will do... my daughter is very interested in woodwind instruments and since her hands are small, we may take her to learn the flute later this year...

IMHO, we have to remember that music is for appreciation... let's not force the kids to learn an instrument just because everyone else is doing so...   

God bless! :)
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-11 22:23

I agree with the views of skateboardp.  Although my son was not successful in his application either and he got disappointed, I may consider private class some time later to see if he is really interested in the instrument.  There is no need to join every activity in P.1.  I think the school should have plenty of activities to enable its students to explore their talent.

Cheer up! :D
作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-11 22:51

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-10 23:41 發表
Hi ahtan


Thank you!
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-11 23:40

I understand your point, and I am not trying to force my kid to learn any instrument unless he has great interest in it. But I was just hoping if all the kids can be offered a chance, it will be more ideal.

For the poem contest, I asked my boy the day before if his teacher mentioned anything to them (becos I learnt that from some parents' sharing here). Then, he told me the teacher had asked the class if anyone had interest in participating the poem contest, but my kid didn't put up his hand (btw, he said only a few classmates had put up their hands). And yesterday, when I wrote the request on the handbook to participate the contest, the teacher replied that the application deadline had been dued, and we have to wait for next time.  I was a bit disappointed with how the teacher arranged this kind of activities.  The school of my elder kid would sent all parents a notice to ask if their kids want to participate the music or poem contest. I think it is a more fair practice.
作者: LydiaWong    時間: 09-9-11 23:43

My son was also selected for the same thing, hope they don't need to stay after school for too long as it may affect their time to finish homewrok (although not a lot now).
原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-10 23:41 發表
Hi ahtan


作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-12 00:02

Hi Lydia,

Don't worry! My son told me that the practice would be done on Mondays and Wednesdays during the "導修" lesson within school hours, not after school.

Up to date, fortunately my son could finish all homework in school.

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-11 23:43 發表
My son was also selected for the same thing, hope they don't need to stay after school for too long as it may affect their time to finish homewrok (although not a lot now).

作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-12 00:36


I understand how you feel.  My son did not put up his hands either.  I felt a bit angry, not at the school but my son.  He knew very well that I would like him to join.  In fact I had enrolled him in many verse speaking competitions since he was K1, and he got pretty good results almost every time.  

I agree that the arrangement might have been more welcomed if all parents were notified in advance of the selection and allowed to show interest.  However, given the fact that the school administration and teachers might be very busy preparing the term start, it may be unfair to put the blame on any party.  

Besides, I think the school and the teachers did not want to push students to participate in competitions, particulay at a time when the P1 students may have pressure in adapting themselves to the new school environment.  

原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-11 23:40 發表
I understand your point, and I am not trying to force my kid to learn any instrument unless he has great interest in it. But I was just hoping if all the kids can be offered a chance, it w ...

作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-13 10:42

Regarding the parent-child reading scheme, how many books do we have to finish?
80 Chinese + 80 English for the whole P1?

Pls kindly advise. Thanks.
作者: LydiaWong    時間: 09-9-14 20:34

I think the total number of books are 80, including Eng and Chin.

My son is sick today and the school told me there are 8 students absent in his class today. Hope the kids are fine and there won't be an outbreak.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-14 22:18

Take good care of the little prince.:)

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-14 20:34 發表
I think the total number of books are 80, including Eng and Chin.

My son is sick today and the school told me there are 8 students absent in his class today. Hope the kids are fine and there won't b ...

作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-14 23:38

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-14 20:34 發表
I think the total number of books are 80, including Eng and Chin.

My son is sick today and the school told me there are 8 students absent in his class today. Hope the kids are fine and there won't b ...

That's a pretty scary number. 8 kids out of 30 are sick...The notice that we got on Fri said if more then 3 kids are having sick leave, they will give masks to all the kids in class. Did they do that with your son's class? My son didn't mention he had to wear mask today....I will prepare masks for him to wear then. Thank you for your information.
作者: suz    時間: 09-9-15 13:43


原帖由 ahtan 於 09-9-14 23:38 發表

That's a pretty scary number. 8 kids out of 30 are sick...The notice that we got on Fri said if more then 3 kids are having sick leave, they will give masks to all the kids in class. Did they do tha ...

作者: JKTL    時間: 09-9-15 15:35

原帖由 ahtan 於 09-9-14 23:38 發表

That's a pretty scary number. 8 kids out of 30 are sick...The notice that we got on Fri said if more then 3 kids are having sick leave, they will give masks to all the kids in class. Did they do tha ...

作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-15 19:41

Thanks Lydia!

I think it is better to prepare masks in kids' school bag, just in case.

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-14 20:34 發表
I think the total number of books are 80, including Eng and Chin.

My son is sick today and the school told me there are 8 students absent in his class today. Hope the kids are fine and there won't b ...

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-16 10:46

My daughter also sick for 2 days, the school said this week got very high sick leave rate but the number is getting down now.  My girl miss the school.  Hope she can get well soon.
作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-17 15:37

作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-17 16:14

明天不用上課, 不過有很多功課...不計溫習的項目, 真實要做的共有9項。

有沒有媽媽sign up 做中或英文書的伴讀呢?
作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-18 11:16

I have signed up for the English accelerated reading scheme.
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-18 13:32

Hi Steelpan,

Me too. So, will you join the briefing session this coming Thursday? Which class will you read to?

原帖由 steelpen 於 09-9-18 11:16 發表
I have signed up for the English accelerated reading scheme.

作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-18 14:32

Hi CSW, pls check PM.

btw, do u know :-

Pls kindly advise. Many Thanks.
作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-20 23:56

原帖由 steelpen 於 09-9-18 14:32 發表
Hi CSW, pls check PM.

btw, do u know :-

Pls kindly advise. Many Thanks.

Sorry I have never heard of 精讀和導讀 either. Did you see that in the handbook? I would like to know too. Thanks!
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-21 00:10

I think 精讀 means they will have the kids study the chapter briefly, and for the 導讀, the teachers will provide more guidance in the language.

BTW,  have any parents received any calls from the teachers to check and see if the kids adapt fine at school, or to let the parents know how the kids perform in the class? I kinda want to learn more about how my kid does at school...
I tried to find the teacher but she didn't return my call?! I haven't try the email yet...I guess I will wait for two more weeks to see if she will call and share the performance of the kid with me.

原帖由 ahtan 於 09-9-20 23:56 發表

Sorry I have never heard of 精讀和導讀 either. Did you see that in the handbook? I would like to know too. Thanks!

作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-21 11:52

原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-21 00:10 發表
I think 精讀 means they will have the kids study the chapter briefly, and for the 導讀, the teachers will provide more guidance in the language.

BTW,  have any parents received any calls from the tea ...

You can try writing the message to ask your teacher to call you in your kid's handbook. Or try calling after school hours when the teacher is less busy.
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-21 12:24

Hi Ahtan,

Yeah, I guess I may just write in the handbook to ask her call me...^_^

Did you finish the homework for General Studies yet? The one about taking photos of the facilities the kids can find on their way to school.

原帖由 ahtan 於 09-9-21 11:52 發表

You can try writing the message to ask your teacher to call you in your kid's handbook. Or try calling after school hours when the teacher is less busy.

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-21 15:23

原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-21 12:24 發表
Hi Ahtan,

Yeah, I guess I may just write in the handbook to ask her call me...^_^

Did you finish the homework for General Studies yet? The one about taking photos of the facilities the kids can find ...


My daughter only draw a picture about the facilities she saw along the way to school.  Is it necessary to attach photos as well?  

By the way, anyone who will join the HK Schools Music Festival via school?
作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-21 17:02

I think it can be done by drawing. That's great your daughter loves to draw.

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-21 15:23 發表


My daughter only draw a picture about the facilities she saw along the way to school.  Is it necessary to attach photos as well?  

By the way, anyone who will join the HK Schools Music Festi ...

作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-21 21:03

原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-21 12:24 發表
Hi Ahtan,

Yeah, I guess I may just write in the handbook to ask her call me...^_^

Did you finish the homework for General Studies yet? The one about taking photos of the facilities the kids can find ...

Not yet...it will be the project of this weekend!
作者: LydiaWong    時間: 09-9-21 21:08

Oops, my understanding of 精讀 & 導讀 is the opposite. I thought the former means the teacher will teach in details and the latter means guidance from the parents. The terms are bit confusing.
BTW, my son's class has not done the stuff you mentioned about GS, maybe every class is different?!
原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-21 00:10 發表
I think 精讀 means they will have the kids study the chapter briefly, and for the 導讀, the teachers will provide more guidance in the language.

BTW,  have any parents received any calls from the tea ...

作者: CSW    時間: 09-9-21 22:38

Don't worry, that GS project dues on Oct 6.

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-21 21:08 發表
Oops, my understanding of 精讀 & 導讀 is the opposite. I thought the former means the teacher will teach in details and the latter means guidance from the parents. The terms are bit confusing.
BTW, my ...

作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-21 23:24

My son will join via the school.

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-21 15:23 發表


My daughter only draw a picture about the facilities she saw along the way to school.  Is it necessary to attach photos as well?  

By the way, anyone who will join the HK Schools Music Festi ...

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-22 10:50

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-21 23:24 發表
My son will join via the school.

Hi Chess,

Do you know the procedure of application?  Is that you choose the song yourself and then submit the application form to school?
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-22 13:24

Hi Amom,

Yes, I think so. I have studied the relevant school notice. I understand that the school will not in any way prepare our children for the competition save the application procedure.  

We need to consult our children's private teachers as regards the choice of musical pieces. Watch out for the deadline (28/9-7/10) to submit the reply slip to the school notice, the application form, and the cheque for the administration fee.


原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-22 10:50 發表

Hi Chess,

Do you know the procedure of application?  Is that you choose the song yourself and then submit the application form to school?

作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-22 14:59

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-22 13:24 發表
Hi Amom,

Yes, I think so. I have studied the relevant school notice. I understand that the school will not in any way prepare our children for the competition save the application procedure.  

We ne ...

Thanks Chess.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-23 12:07

Hi all,

Do you know if the children now have access to other e-class programmes apart from My Smart ABC?
作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-23 14:13

not that I know.

do we have to log into the My Smart ABC and do the exercises everyday?

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-23 12:07 發表
Hi all,

Do you know if the children now have access to other e-class programmes apart from My Smart ABC?

作者: LydiaWong    時間: 09-9-28 22:25

I just did a few of the Smart exercises with my son over the weekend. As there are more homework, sometimes it's difficult to do the exercise everyday.
作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-29 14:03

I will try to let my kid doing it everyday.
The exercise is quick anyway.

Btw, anyone joining the walkathorn?
I am wondering what should be the right T-shirt size for a P1, (XS / S)
It didn't mention in the slip....

[ 本帖最後由 steelpen 於 09-9-29 20:57 編輯 ]
作者: lesmiserables    時間: 09-9-29 17:38     標題: 回覆 84# steelpen 的文章

Size XS should be allright for a medium build P1 kid.
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-30 01:09

Seems that more and more e-classes are coming up!  I find them helpful in stimulating my son's interest in studies.  However, I will not let him spend more than 30 mins on internet work, for fear that it will be harmful to his eyesight.  

How much time do you allow your little beings spend on computer?
作者: Amom    時間: 09-9-30 11:09

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-30 01:09 發表
Seems that more and more e-classes are coming up!  I find them helpful in stimulating my son's interest in studies.  However, I will not let him spend more than 30 mins on internet work, for fear that ...

I will allow my daughter to spend around 15mins on SmartABC, also afraid too much computer work will hurt the eyes.  

Did you start the Chinese internet reader?
作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-30 11:59

Hi Amon,

My son tried it last night. He had fun writing on the screen.

原帖由 Amom 於 09-9-30 11:09 發表

I will allow my daughter to spend around 15mins on SmartABC, also afraid too much computer work will hurt the eyes.  

Did you start the Chinese internet reader?

作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-30 12:10

Hi Lydia

You can spend 10-15 mins with him together. Don't let him do it in your absence, you will lose control of him one day. I let my son travel on the internet without monitoring him this summer, and he spent an hour everyday! I have to impose password soon.   

Now with the school activites occupying him, he was unable to complete all the assignments before he came home. Time management is necessary.

原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-28 22:25 發表
I just did a few of the Smart exercises with my son over the weekend. As there are more homework, sometimes it's difficult to do the exercise everyday.

作者: steelpen    時間: 09-9-30 15:02

I have login name and password for Chinese/Mandarin and Maths too.

Class Teacher already asked my kid's class to complete exercise in Maths website.

The Chinese one is really difficult to log in.
I think their server is severely overloaded....
作者: ahtan    時間: 09-9-30 22:02

原帖由 steelpen 於 09-9-30 15:02 發表
I have login name and password for Chinese/Mandarin and Maths too.

Class Teacher already asked my kid's class to complete exercise in Maths website.

The Chinese one is really difficult to log in.
I  ...

Oh I only got English and Chinese/ Mandarin but no Maths yet....I think it's good for them but probably cannot do it everyday!
作者: FM    時間: 09-9-30 22:40

My son is in ID and no maths for him yet. Please advise when others from ID got details.

原帖由 ahtan 於 09-9-30 22:02 發表

Oh I only got English and Chinese/ Mandarin but no Maths yet....I think it's good for them but probably cannot do it everyday!

作者: Chess    時間: 09-9-30 23:51

Can you login the math e-class.  I can't although my son has got the password.

原帖由 steelpen 於 09-9-30 15:02 發表
I have login name and password for Chinese/Mandarin and Maths too.

Class Teacher already asked my kid's class to complete exercise in Maths website.

The Chinese one is really difficult to log in.
I  ...

作者: CSW    時間: 09-10-1 00:59

My boy also has Eng/Chi/Maths/PTH login and password. Sometimes the login/pswd may be attached at the back of the handbook. For Chi and PTH, they share the same set of login/paswd.

For the Chi web, I choose to use the HTML version instead of the FLASH version. The former one works well.
作者: steelpen    時間: 09-10-1 17:41

Yes. We can log in.
But I find it easier if you use a new window.
Don't log in via e-class.
Pls see if it helps.

原帖由 Chess 於 09-9-30 23:51 發表
Can you login the math e-class.  I can't although my son has got the password.

作者: steelpen    時間: 09-10-1 18:00

e-class 宣怖內有:﹣
不知與之前一本 中文TSA補充exercise是否有關?

thanks thanks.
作者: ahtan    時間: 09-10-1 18:57

原帖由 steelpen 於 09-10-1 18:00 發表
e-class 宣怖內有:﹣
不知與之前一本 中文TSA補充exercise是否有關?

thanks thanks. ...

I don't know what's that 中理及中讀評估 either....and have not received any TSA excercise...and no Maths e-class log in or password yet. I think every class does things in a very different schedule...like someone here mentioned about the English recycled robot worksheet 2 weeks ago...my son's class just gave it out to them yesterday.  But 中理及中讀評估 should be the same for all classes....
作者: Chess    時間: 09-10-1 20:39

Thanks, steelpen.  I can log in now.

原帖由 steelpen 於 09-10-1 17:41 發表
Yes. We can log in.
But I find it easier if you use a new window.
Don't log in via e-class.
Pls see if it helps.

作者: Chess    時間: 09-10-1 20:42

Will it be a bit early to assess P1 students at this point of time?
作者: steelpen    時間: 09-10-2 15:17

I thought there is supposed to be no accessment during the 1st term for P1....

Since I have no idea what is it about, I have decided not to think about it.  :D

原帖由 Chess 於 09-10-1 20:42 發表
Will it be a bit early to assess P1 students at this point of time?

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