
標題: 國際學校嘅小朋友既學費+使費 [打印本頁]

作者: eliselyse    時間: 23-7-25 16:37     標題: 國際學校嘅小朋友既學費+使費

本帖最後由 eliselyse 於 23-7-25 16:42 編輯



我自己見身邊嘅人讀國際學校嘅家庭一般收入都15萬up, 兩個小朋友就20萬up 。

作者: deco99    時間: 23-7-25 18:18


作者: mehaha    時間: 23-7-25 18:31

我覺得都要睇吓你target邊間學校?我小朋友讀過全年學費 debentures 校車約18萬嘅學校,而將會轉讀嘅學校全年連校車費約26萬,呢個價係冇參加學校任何課外活動,而校車錢都睇下你離學校距離可以好大分別。


作者: mandy_ng207    時間: 23-7-25 23:49

eliselyse 發表於 23-7-25 16:37

家庭收入大概幾多或者佔嘅收入比例先會考 ...


作者: amuroo    時間: 23-7-26 01:22

我同意唔係計家庭月入,應該係計可以預幾多錢在小朋友教育。我識好多朋友,月入穩定,人工唔低。但都係想慳教育錢,寧願買多兩三層樓將來收租,或是遲啲洗錢出國讀書。真係最人價值觀不同。直接比較 無咩指標作用。

我自己就每月2萬左右,包埋興趣班。而家暑假就1萬蚊個月 上下堂/ camp 夾雜

作者: 7jai    時間: 23-7-26 08:39

eliselyse Published on 23-7-25 16:37
May I ask how much is the tuition fee, interest classes, and bus fare for children in an international school?

The approximate family income or the proportion of income will be considered first...

That is why many people fight for those top private subsidized schools like SPCC, DBS, DGS, PLKCKY.... because the prices are very reasonable, the teaching is just as good (if not better), and it's not like IS schools which try to exhaust as much money as humanly possible from you.

The outcome is probably more or less the same. The child will grow up from both education systems going to the same above average university, but the ROI would be different depending which education system you go to (LS vs. PS vs. IS).  No school can guarantee "Harvard" or "Oxbridge", so I just removed that assumption for simplicity sake.

作者: eliselyse    時間: 23-7-26 10:08

7jai 發表於 23-7-26 08:39
That is why many people fight for those top private subsidized schools like SPCC, DBS, DGS, PLKCKY ...

雖然outcome 未必好大分別,但大部分top 既直私學校小朋友讀得一啲都唔輕鬆。想細個讀得輕鬆愉快、語言好又可以培養興趣、大個又有好成績,都係要睇父母有幾多財力(emoji)

作者: 7jai    時間: 23-7-26 14:01

eliselyse 發表於 23-7-26 10:08
雖然outcome 未必好大分別,但大部分top 既直私學校小朋友讀得一啲都唔輕鬆。想細個讀得輕鬆愉快、語言好 ...

For example, if i send my child to a local private school.  Tuition is at least 50% or more less compared to IS fees.  With that extra 50%+ cash flow, can hire very good 1-on-1 private tutoring and support for the child.
Also I feel the local private school sets the right foundation in terms of education, mindset, discipline, focus, etc.   With IS schools, I feel it is still not up to speed in terms of those areas.  Yes, the child is happy as the.  But I guess it depends what your priorities are as a family.

Not saying IS school is bad.  I'm just saying it may not be right for everyone, especially given the high fees and not all families can afford to pay 20-30K a month just for school per child.

作者: kooliestgirl    時間: 23-7-26 15:24

7jai 發表於 23-7-26 14:01
For example, if i send my child to a local private school.  Tuition is at least 50% or more less c ...

My kid was in local private school up to P3 then we changed her to IS.  We did have a private tutor but my kid's schedule was too full, she didn't have time to do free play and play as much as sports as she wished.

I want her to have a happy childhood instead of going to tutor everyday. Yes everyone has their own priority. We  pay about $5000 more than what we were used to pay in private local school if I included the private tutor.

作者: dr.gigiwong    時間: 23-7-26 16:52

本帖最後由 dr.gigiwong 於 23-7-26 17:22 編輯

回覆 kooliestgirl 的帖子

問過朋友大約數....低年級大約學費約一萬以上,如要乘校車,參加課外活動,中午飯.......大約15000以上。很多家庭也會有上門私補......大約400 to 800一小時
去至高年級學費大約1 5000-18000一個月.....


作者: 7jai    時間: 23-7-27 09:40

本帖最後由 7jai 於 23-7-27 09:41 編輯
kooliestgirl 發表於 23-7-26 15:24
My kid was in local private school up to P3 then we changed her to IS.  We did have a private tutor ...

I think having a happy childhood doesn't necessarily mean "less tutors" per se.  I think it's about the environment your child gets brought up in at home.  If it's a very happy, safe, motivating and encouraging family environment at home, then the child will feel confident in him/herself to try his best without having feel of failure.
It's usually easy to blame "too much tutoring" or "too much activities" as the main culprit.  I think it's more on the attitudes and home environment that causes more stress than these activities combined.  

Tutoring and other activities shouldn't be seen as the criminals.  They are there to help support your child to support them solve problems that they weren't able to solve or are struggling with.  I wouldn't go to a tutor that has "a million" homework for my child to do.  I would expect them to help provide another leg of support to my child's learning journey and development.  It's more of a partnership rather than "a chore".

Personally I dont push anything on my child, but I do ask my child to try first and then decide if this is right for them.  Usually the child is smart enough and will say "yes, i really enjoyed this" or "no, i don't like this".  Then it's about respecting their choice and finding other things that fits better with their direction in life.

作者: yonfish    時間: 23-7-27 09:40

回覆 kooliestgirl 的帖子

作者: kooliestgirl    時間: 23-7-27 12:45

yonfish 發表於 23-7-27 09:40
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我想小朋友有多d時間做佢喜歡的事情包括運動,閱讀,free play,瞓多d覺, instead of每日都要做功課溫習預備考試測驗默書,本身讀私校學費加補習都1萬+,現在國際學校一個月學費15k+,但佢唔洗再補習了,所以其實每個月洗多5千蚊,我覺得十分值得,課外活動照keep住佢玩開ge,價錢差不多

作者: behd    時間: 23-7-27 15:00

學費 校車 課外活動,約二皮多。豐儉由人。覺得冇需要補習,15000左右

作者: jbbmom    時間: 23-7-30 01:22

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作者: dem0cracy    時間: 23-8-4 16:11

本帖最後由 dem0cracy 於 23-8-4 16:15 編輯

計劃緊新學年活動有感而發.....我想講課外活動好容易失預算... 雖然唔需要好似LS為入名校考證書、贏比賽,但由於讀國際學校比較得閒,小朋友會咩都想試下玩。又由於佢地得閒,有時間空間練習,就比較有機會做出小小成績,結果越玩越貴。
作者: eminemdvs    時間: 23-8-4 17:39

dem0cracy 發表於 23-8-4 16:11
計劃緊新學年活動有感而發.....我想講課外活動好容易失預算... 雖然唔需要好似LS為入名校考證書、贏比賽, ...

難得小朋友有興趣 ,我盡量比佢學。好似阿仔彈琴佢彈彈下話無興趣,雖然慳左2千幾一個月,但好似有d可惜,始終興趣係細個果陣可以投入多d時間

作者: amuroo    時間: 23-8-5 01:31

dem0cracy 發表於 23-8-4 16:11
計劃緊新學年活動有感而發.....我想講課外活動好容易失預算... 雖然唔需要好似LS為入名校考證書、贏比賽, ...

本帖最後由 amuroo 於 23-8-5 01:34 編輯

真係好同意呀!尤其係 暑假 , term break ,Christmas

搵1-2小時果d  結果又同學費差唔多

就係想小朋友發掘興趣 所以都係要額外付出一下 好多時不是預算之內

作者: 964000    時間: 23-8-5 16:32

amuroo 發表於 23-8-5 01:31
本帖最後由 amuroo 於 23-8-5 01:34 編輯

真係好同意呀!尤其係 暑假 , term break ,Christmas

其實也可以同同學夾安排下play dates, 輪住一個星期去一個人屋企,free play 可improve social skills, creativity, emotions同risk taking, structured lessons代替不到,又唔洗錢。

作者: chriskaan    時間: 23-8-17 18:10

回覆 dem0cracy 的帖子

興趣嘅野 , 家長自己睇荷包做人 , 有平有貴 , 我小朋友打冰球 , 未計買裝備 , 每月交學費練習都4-5K , 如果參加埋球會 , 最平果間每月平均再加多1K 左右   
作者: 964000    時間: 23-8-17 23:23

chriskaan 發表於 23-8-17 18:10
回覆 dem0cracy 的帖子

興趣嘅野 , 家長自己睇荷包做人 , 有平有貴 , 我小朋友打冰球 , 未計買裝備 , 每月 ...


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