
標題: ESF vs UK State School (Top 5%) [打印本頁]

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-5-22 11:07     標題: ESF vs UK State School (Top 5%)

有冇朋友比較過香港IS同英國較好嘅state school? (小學)。小朋友香港讀緊ESF,上個月收到英國reception offer,諗緊去唔去好,去就將來搏一搏入grammar school但又未知佢academic能力,擔心第時中學搏唔到grammar school唔知去咗咩state school,仲差過香港讀ESF,得不償失😥
作者: chima_pigpig    時間: 23-5-22 11:51     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 chima_pigpig 於 23-5-22 11:51 編輯

搏入grammar school 即係你已經有地址within catchment? 咁點解唔喺香港讀到考11+?考到咪過去,考唔到就喺香港繼續讀上去?

作者: mandy_ng207    時間: 23-5-22 12:13     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 mandy_ng207 於 23-5-22 12:17 編輯

ESF 小學academic冇乜要求,應該要加操先至可以考到Grammar School。ESF係中學先至開始見真章,如果冇打算喺香港讀中學,齋讀ESF 小學係冇乜幫助。ESF小學係「快樂學習」,重點係幫你建立學習方法,等你中學自己去追尋知識,同英制學校嘅玩法有點唔同。

作者: 964000    時間: 23-5-22 14:52

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 11:07
有冇朋友比較過香港IS同英國較好嘅state school? (小學)。小朋友香港讀緊ESF,上個月收到英國reception off ...

咁同在香港local school 升中玩呈分搏入band 1a有咩分別?大前提你小朋友都會合作。
另外你要有埋plan B可能要入私校,因為萬一派到唔好嘅state school真係可以好差。

作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-22 16:30

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 11:07
有冇朋友比較過香港IS同英國較好嘅state school? (小學)。小朋友香港讀緊ESF,上個月收到英國reception off ...

ESF 2022年IB成績可比英國私校頭20
對比官校 較排第三的 TGS 更佳




作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-22 16:31

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 11:07
有冇朋友比較過香港IS同英國較好嘅state school? (小學)。小朋友香港讀緊ESF,上個月收到英國reception off ...

Sunday Times Parent Power 2023
The top independent schools for the IB

圖片附件: 16847442860143517805836400532547.jpg (23-5-22 16:31, 146.13 KB) / 下載次數 12

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-5-22 17:59

回覆 chima_pigpig 的帖子

認同讀到11+先試考嗰邊grammar school似乎比較進可攻退可守啲,不過可能嗰邊啲較著重成績嘅state primary school會比香港IS更針對11+訓練學生,英文程度可能比香港IS更好(聽講考grammar school啲英文local都覺得深),但真係可能會變返喺香港LS嗰種催谷文化,成件事變咗質。

如果撇除升中前境,似乎香港IS小學嘅資源同環境普遍比英國state school好。不過我見嗰間state school都好多活動參觀呢樣比賽嗰樣,唔係啲人講到state school咁差,可能小學又冇中學咁大落差啦。純粹感覺。

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-5-22 18:08

回覆 964000 的帖子

其實好難得喺香港可以有快樂自主童年又唔使擔心考學校。快樂自主童年唔係話hea做齋玩happy school,而係唔使做一啲只係為咗考學校、跟遊戲規則為做而做嘅嘢。我見身邊好多朋友無奈做緊。

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 19:09

mandy_ng207 發表於 23-5-22 12:13
ESF 小學academic冇乜要求,應該要加操先至可以考到Grammar School。ESF係中學先至開始見真章,如果冇打算 ...

Agree, 讀開Esf , 根本數學運算速度冇操過,係應付不了11+。

Assume 有閱讀習慣,English 及verbal reasoning 操返兩個月卷,係冇問題嘅。但數學就肯定冇優勢。

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 19:17

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 17:59
回覆 chima_pigpig 的帖子

認同讀到11+先試考嗰邊grammar school似乎比較進可攻退可守啲,不過可能嗰邊啲 ...

只有prep school (私校)先會針對性教11+, 一般state primary 係唔會嘅。

大部分人都係自己教自己操卷,或上下tutorial 去預備考試。

好難答你入grammar school 機會,因為有啲學校不用within catchment , 有啲只看分數了各式各樣admission policy 也有,唔同地區都唔同。我只可以話,我果區如住係catchment , top 35%左右嘅學生入到grammar school .  Selection bias 係十個考生,九個都操過先去考。

作者: chima_pigpig    時間: 23-5-22 19:20

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 17:59
回覆 chima_pigpig 的帖子

認同讀到11+先試考嗰邊grammar school似乎比較進可攻退可守啲,不過可能嗰邊啲 ...

因為我地已放棄11+,諗住考私校13+(坐起碼3年用home student價讀大學),但如果我係你我會喺香港搏考11+唔得就叠埋心水考埋GCSE / Y8 or 9過去。

作者: chima_pigpig    時間: 23-5-22 19:23

貝珠 發表於 23-5-22 19:17
只有prep school (私校)先會針對性教11+, 一般state primary 係唔會嘅。

大部分人都係自己教自己操卷, ...

想問一問數學方面香港IS同grammar school 差距有幾大?用香港IS程度過去考GCSE夠唔夠?定其實都係要喺香港操?

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 19:31

chima_pigpig 發表於 23-5-22 19:23
想問一問數學方面香港IS同grammar school 差距有幾大?用香港IS程度過去考GCSE夠唔夠?定其實都係要喺香港 ...

我女兒只係year 5, 過咗英國兩年,所以係未入grammar school 嘅。我只可以話,11+嘅用意係篩選能力高嘅學生, 以數學嚟講,有部份係未教過嘅,有部份係解難能力,但速度係非常重要。

GCSE 反而係好容易,香港好多國際學校都考gcse or igcse

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 19:42

mandy_ng207 發表於 23-5-22 12:13
ESF 小學academic冇乜要求,應該要加操先至可以考到Grammar School。ESF係中學先至開始見真章,如果冇打算 ...

你應該係比較客觀嘅,因為讀過英制讀過IB, 英國state school 相信極似Anfield 教學模式及程度。

你會明我講乜,英國state primary 比香港Esf academic 一啲。

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 20:07

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 17:59
回覆 chima_pigpig 的帖子

認同讀到11+先試考嗰邊grammar school似乎比較進可攻退可守啲,不過可能嗰邊啲 ...

如果針對催谷文化講,英國state 又好私校又好,以小學嚟計,同香港公立直私差好遠啦。

英國大部分家庭都係小學普通state school , 要考grammar school 果啲,year 4 開始一星期補11+一兩個鐘,無損愉快學習。倫敦除外。

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-5-22 20:13

回覆 貝珠 的帖子

你喺Kent?唔係好多地區去到35%。最top最selective頭嗰幾間唔計catchment,已經完全唔諗,應該難過登天。btw有啲grammar school入oxbridge仲低過comprehensive所以都似乎好參差 (當然oxbridge不是一切但姑且用呢個parameter作客觀比較)

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-5-22 20:15

貝珠 發表於 23-5-22 20:07
如果針對催谷文化講,英國state 又好私校又好,以小學嚟計,同香港公立直私差好遠啦。

英國大部分家庭都 ...
Very helpful insight thanks a lot!
作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 20:18

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 20:13
回覆 貝珠 的帖子

你喺Kent?唔係好多地區去到35%。最top最selective頭嗰幾間唔計catchment,已經完全唔諗 ...

不是Kent , 是Warwickshire /Birmingham 果邊

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 20:21

貝珠 發表於 23-5-22 19:17
只有prep school (私校)先會針對性教11+, 一般state primary 係唔會嘅。

大部分人都係自己教自己操卷, ...

Top 35 係among 有報考11+嘅考生,不是general 所有學生

作者: chima_pigpig    時間: 23-5-22 20:44

貝珠 發表於 23-5-22 19:31
我女兒只係year 5, 過咗英國兩年,所以係未入grammar school 嘅。我只可以話,11+嘅用意係篩選能力高嘅學 ...

係唔係即係11+果個試反而難,而入咗grammar school教嘅數學會易返啲咁解?

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 20:51

chima_pigpig 發表於 23-5-22 20:44
係唔係即係11+果個試反而難,而入咗grammar school教嘅數學會易返啲咁解?

本帖最後由 貝珠 於 23-5-22 20:52 編輯


Grammar school 真係aim at gcse 攞9分架

作者: mandy_ng207    時間: 23-5-22 21:01

貝珠 發表於 23-5-22 19:42
你應該係比較客觀嘅,因為讀過英制讀過IB, 英國state school 相信極似Anfield 教學模式及程度。

你會明我 ...

我最近去英國探朋友,朋友個女都係一間英國top 10% state primary school 讀緊reception,教嘅英文好似比Anfield 仲深少少。不過學校資源就應該比唔上香港IS,讀咗大半年但唔覺得有太多課外活動或者參觀。

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-22 21:16

mandy_ng207 發表於 23-5-22 21:01
我最近去英國探朋友,朋友個女都係一間英國top 10% state primary school 讀緊recep ...



作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-22 21:34

chima_pigpig 發表於 23-5-22 20:44
係唔係即係11+果個試反而難,而入咗grammar school教嘅數學會易返啲咁解?

私校11+ 一般考CAT4 作文 面試
去到13+ 另加做卷英數科學甚至MFL
除入學試外 13+收生普遍較11+少

作者: 已刪除用戶    時間: 23-5-23 01:40

我身邊好多有bno都走 因為有去到英國有免費教育 我朋友話讀到大學都唔洗錢 是真的嗎

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-23 03:06

Carmen8080 發表於 23-5-23 01:40
我身邊好多有bno都走 因為有去到英國有免費教育 我朋友話讀到大學都唔洗錢 是真的嗎


作者: usagi3    時間: 23-5-23 06:01

我覺得英國state school又比想像中深,小朋友唔係好主動學習嗰類響屋企都係要跟下先叫可以做得on average or above. 當然有budget 入私校可能學校會再發功啲?
但如果成積向入大學的話似乎HK IB數據係優勝啲

作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-23 09:55

Carmen8080 發表於 23-5-23 01:40
我身邊好多有bno都走 因為有去到英國有免費教育 我朋友話讀到大學都唔洗錢 是真的嗎

合資格 Home students 大學學費較平



作者: chima_pigpig    時間: 23-5-23 10:06

Carmen8080 發表於 23-5-23 01:40
我身邊好多有bno都走 因為有去到英國有免費教育 我朋友話讀到大學都唔洗錢 是真的嗎

本帖最後由 chima_pigpig 於 23-5-23 10:09 編輯

揸BNO讀state school 係免費 = 你喺香港讀政府學校係免費,quality 係點就有好有唔好。
讀大學用home student價就好似香港咁,所有科都一樣價錢,偍要做home student有certain criteria要Meet,even我個仔係BC都要入大學前過去坐3年先得,如果揸BNO就要拎咗BC先可以,即起碼6年。你用唔到home student 學費就睇你讀咩科,2xk GBP一年起跳(文科果啲)

到我送個仔去英國讀GCSE + AL嘅時候我自己都唔會relay on 「免費教育」

作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-23 11:42

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 20:13
回覆 貝珠 的帖子

你喺Kent?唔係好多地區去到35%。最top最selective頭嗰幾間唔計catchment,已經完全唔諗 ...

Grammar 佔官校學生比例
最高為 Trafford 及 Bucks


11 local authorities are classed as ‘highly selective’ by the DfE, with this designation based on more than 25% of pupils attending grammar schools. The highly selective authorities are Bexley, Buckinghamshire, Kent, Lincolnshire, Medway, Slough, Southend-on-Sea, Sutton, Torbay, Trafford and Wirral.

London and Greater London

North West


South East




South West

East of England

East Midlands

作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-23 13:14

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 20:13
回覆 貝珠 的帖子

你喺Kent?唔係好多地區去到35%。最top最selective頭嗰幾間唔計catchment,已經完全唔諗 ...

以下 link 有各區 Grammar 數字

England State-funded secondary
2021/22 Grammar / Total = % Total
Schools 163 / 3,473 = 4.69%
Pupils 188,058 / 3,567,378 = 5.27%


作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-23 14:50

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 20:13
回覆 貝珠 的帖子

你喺Kent?唔係好多地區去到35%。最top最selective頭嗰幾間唔計catchment,已經完全唔諗 ...

England State-funded secondary
2021/22 Grammar schools | Pupils
Trafford 7/19 | 8,193(42.27%)
Bucks 13/36 | 16,854(41.13%)
Southend-on-Sea 4/12 | 5,170(35.38%)
Kent 32/101 | 38,677(34.75%)
Torbay 3/8 | 3,110(34.23%)

Medway 6/19 | 7,068(33.04%)
Wirral 6/21 | 7,044(31.38%)
Sutton 5/15 | 6,474(30.82%)
Bexley 4/16 | 6,237(30.33%)
Slough 4/15 | 4,482(29.47%)

Lincolnshire 15/54 | 14,105(28.58%)
Kingston 2/11 | 2,647(21.54%)
Reading 2/10 | 1,934(20.94%)
Bournemouth 4/25 | 4,825(19.78%)
Gloucestershire 7/41 | 7,610(18.37%)

Plymouth 3/19 | 2,881(16.53%)
Calderdale 2/14 | 2,410(14.10%)
Telford 2/13 | 1,716(12.87%)
Warwickshire 5/38 | 4,880(12.62%)
Birmingham 8/89 | 9,142(10.60%)

Barnet 3/29 | 2,942(9.90%)
Walsall 2/19 | 2,156(9.57%)
Bromley 2/19 | 2,329(9.55%)
Redbridge 2/19 | 2,386(8.34%)
Stoke-on-Trent 1/15 | 1,171(7.85%)

Wiltshire 2/30 | 2,307(7.49%)
North Yorkshire 3/43 | 2,645(7.13%)
Lancashire 4/82 | 4,989(6.98%)
Kirklees 1/27 | 1,553(5.51%)
Enfield 1/21 | 1,364(5.50%)

Wolverhampton 1/20 | 1,118(5.45%)
Essex 4/81 | 4,366(4.67%)
Liverpool 1/33 | 1,252(3.86%)
Cumbria 1/39 | 997(3.22%)
Devon 1/43 | 1,024(2.51%)

LA with(out) Grammar schools
✓ 163/1,096 | 188,058(16.55%)
× 0/2,377 | 0(0%)
Total 163/3,473 188,058(5.27%)


作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-23 21:47

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 11:07
有冇朋友比較過香港IS同英國較好嘅state school? (小學)。小朋友香港讀緊ESF,上個月收到英國reception off ...

本帖最後由 Poyau 於 23-5-24 01:15 編輯

見5樓 ESF 2022年IB成績較 TGS 佳
對比 TGS 在 Grammar schools 排名
ESF 成績可比 Grammar 前列50間

DfE 2022 KS5 APS(Grade)
Boys Grammar schools 26
Queen Elizabeth's Barnet 55.69(A*)
Wilson's School 54.27(A+)
St Olave's Grammar^ 54.21(A+)
Colchester Royal Grammar^ 53.38(A+)
Reading School 51.93(A+)

King Edward VI Chelmsford^ 51.35(A)
King Edward VI Stratford-on-Avon^ 50.93(A)
Dr Challoner's Grammar^ 50.79(A)
Altrincham Grammar Boys 50.51(A)
Tiffin School^ 49.63(A)

King Edward VI Camp Hill Boys 49.03(A)
Sutton Grammar^ 49(A)
Bishop Vesey's Grammar^ 47.98(A-)
RGS High Wycombe 47.19(A-)
Wallington County Grammar^ 47.12(A-)

The Skinners' School 47.09(A-)
Westcliff High Boys^ 46.7(A-)
Sir Thomas Rich's^ 46.55(A-)
Dartford Grammar^ 46.15(A-)
Lawrence Sheriff 46.13(A-)

Bishop Wordsworth's Church^ 46.06(A-)
The King's School Grantham 45.96(A-)
The Judd School^ 45.95(A-)
Southend High Boys^ 45.92(A-)
Aylesbury Grammar 45.9(A)

Sir Joseph Williamson's^ 45.45(A-)

Girls Grammar schools 25
The Henrietta Barnett 54.57(A+)
The Tiffin Girls' School 54.2(A+)
Altrincham Grammar Girls 51.69(A+)
Kendrick School 49.47(A)
Sutton Coldfield Grammar 49.11(A)

Chelmsford County High 48.92(A)
Tunbridge Wells Girls' 48.71(A)
Dr Challoner's High 48.48(A)
Stratford Girls' Grammar 48.29(A-)
King Edward VI Camp Hill Girls

Nonsuch High 48.11(A-)
Colchester County High 48.01(A-)
Beaconsfield High 47.72(A-)
Wallington High Girls 47.66(A-)
Newstead Wood^ 47.56(A-)

Wycombe High 47.31(A-)
Aylesbury High 46.95(A-)
Bournemouth School for Girls 46.9(A-)
Torquay Girls' Grammar 46.15(A-)
St Michael's Catholic^ 45.94(A-)

Tonbridge Grammar^ 45.88(A-)
Loreto Grammar 45.75(A-)
Newport Girls' High 45.47(A-)
Stroud High^ 45.46(A-)
Lancaster Girls' Grammar 45.44(A-)

^ Co-ed sixth form with opposite sex

Co-ed Grammar schools 11
Pate's Grammar 52.07(A+)
Colyton Grammar 50.02(A)
The Liverpool Blue Coat 49.31(A)
Langley Grammar 48.26(A-)
Sale Grammar 48.33(A-)

The Latymer School 48.15(A-)
Sir William Borlase's 47.89(A-)
Royal Latin School 47.35(A-)
King Edward VI Five Ways 46.59(A-)
Ripon Grammar 46.23(A-)

Chesham Grammar 45.59(A-)

Independent schools 45.61(A-)
All schools/colleges 38.87(B)
State schools/colleges 37.86(B-)

DfE 2022 APS(Grade)

作者: kooliestgirl    時間: 23-5-25 13:40     標題: 回覆樓主:


作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-5-25 15:41

kooliestgirl 發表於 23-5-25 13:40
每個家庭移民與否都有不同考慮,value不同priority也不同,自然會比較不同選項的opportunity cost。和很多家庭一樣,我們家庭把子女教育放很高,學校當然是很重要一環,所以對我們家庭來說學校和教育不是小事也直接影響移民決定。當然很多人會說子女能否學有所成是取決於他們自己和父母怎樣去教,但不能否認學校佔很大角色,那也是家長們來這討論區的原因吧。
作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-25 20:29

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-25 15:41
每個家庭移民與否都有不同考慮,value不同priority也不同,自然會比較不同選項的opportunity cost。和很多 ...

本帖最後由 貝珠 於 23-5-25 20:46 編輯


我地送女入國際學校,一直都希望佢有出國離開香港嘅機會,之前研究過英國十年route,我覺得secure passport 高priority 一啲。

我都識唔少人因為Esf 個朵and 信心保證而繼續留港,其實都考到好嘅boarding school , 但boarding 又好貴,仲未計大學international fee, 你唔係仲諗住係香港讀大學吓嘛?

咁我哋都中學都會考grammar school 會考private day school ,亦有香港讀開Esf 嘅,滿意讀普通state school . 呢啲好在乎你家庭情況,小朋友學習能力,你落腳區域

作者: Goodluck2022    時間: 23-5-25 22:53

大家覺得有同沒FP, 成功率差幾遠
作者: nunupipi    時間: 23-5-26 07:05

貝珠 發表於 23-5-25 20:29
本帖最後由 貝珠 於 23-5-25 20:46 編輯



作者: Goodluck2022    時間: 23-5-26 11:55

回覆 nunupipi 的帖子

Right !!!
作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-26 12:37

nunupipi 發表於 23-5-26 07:05
「你唔係仲諗住係香港讀大學吓嘛?」聽落對一些讀IS但留港讀大學既學生有欠尊重。其實留港讀大學有咩問題 ...

本帖最後由 Poyau 於 23-5-26 17:05 編輯

QS 世界大學排名2023

QS World University Rankings 2023
UK #1-10
2 Cambridge^
4 Oxford^
=6 Imperial^
8 UCL^
15 Edinburgh^

[21 HKU]

28 Manchester^
37 King's College London^

[38 CUHK]
[40 HKUST]
[54 CityU]

56 LSE^
=61 Bristol^
64 Warwick^

[=65 PolyU]

UK #11-20
78 Southampton^
81 Glasgow^
86 Leeds^
91 Birmingham^
92 Durham^

=96 Sheffield^
=96 St Andrews
114 Nottingham^
122 Newcastle^
=125 Queen Mary^

UK #21-30
146 Lancaster
162 York^
163 Exeter^
166 Cardiff^
=179 Bath

=190 Liverpool^
=220 Aberdeen
229 Reading
=233 Queen's University Belfast^
=240 Sussex

UK #31-40
=256 Loughborough
279 Leicester
=281 Heriot-Watt

[=281 HKBU]

305 Surrey
=325 Strathclyde

342 East Anglia
=343 Birkbeck
354 Dundee
=355 City
=375 Kent

UK #41-49
=402 Royal Holloway
=412 Brunel
=425 Swansea
=438 Oxford Brookes
=443 SOAS

=465 Essex
501-510 Stirling
511-520 Goldsmiths
561-570 Aston

UK #50 ×3
601-650 Bangor
601-650 Kingston
601-650 Ulster

[601-650 LingnanU]

UK #53 ×6
651-700 Aberystwyth
651-700 Coventry
651-700 Northumbria
651-700 Huddersfield
651-700 Hull

651-700 Plymouth

UK #59 ×3
701-750 Bradford
701-750 Portsmouth
701-750 Westminster

UK #62 ×2
751-800 Keele
751-800 Middlesex

UK #64 ×18
801-1000 Bournemouth
801-1000 De Montfort
801-1000 Edinburgh Napier
801-1000 Liverpool John Moores
801-1000 London Metropolitan

801-1000 London South Bank
801-1000 Manchester Metropolitan
801-1000 Nottingham Trent
801-1000 Queen Margaret, Edinburgh
801-1000 Robert Gordon

801-1000 Brighton
801-1000 Central Lancashire
801-1000 East London
801-1000 Greenwich
801-1000 Herdfordshire

801-1000 Lincoln
801-1000 Salford
801-1000 UWE Bristol

UK #82 ×9
1001-1200 Birmingham City
1001-1200 Canterbury Christ Church
1001-1200 Glasgow Caledonian
1001-1200 Harper Adams
1001-1200 Leeds Beckett

1001-1200 Sheffield Hallam
1001-1200 Northampton
1001-1200 Derby
1001-1200 Wolverhampton


^ Russell Group's 24 members


作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-26 15:01

nunupipi 發表於 23-5-26 07:05
「你唔係仲諗住係香港讀大學吓嘛?」聽落對一些讀IS但留港讀大學既學生有欠尊重。其實留港讀大學有咩問題 ...

對唔住,唔好意思,我收返呢句。我pm Sainsbury 講吧

作者: Poyau    時間: 23-5-26 15:49

nunupipi 發表於 23-5-26 07:05
「你唔係仲諗住係香港讀大學吓嘛?」聽落對一些讀IS但留港讀大學既學生有欠尊重。其實留港讀大學有咩問題 ...

本帖最後由 Poyau 於 23-5-26 20:33 編輯

THE 世界大學排名2023

THE World University Rankings 2023
UK #1-10
1 Oxford^
=3 Cambridge^
10 Imperial^
22 UCL^
29 Edinburgh^

[31 HKU]

35 King's College London^
37 LSE^

[45 CUHK]

=54 Manchester^

[58 HKUST]

76 Bristol^

[79 PolyU]

=82 Glasglow^

[=99 CityU]

UK #11-19
=104 Warwick^
=108 Birmingham^
=108 Southampton^
=114 Sheffield^
122 Lancaster

=124 Queen Mary^
=128 Leeds^
130 Nottingham^
=137 Exeter^

UK #20 ×2
=139 Newcastle^
=139 York^

UK #22-25
=163 Leicester
=176 Liverpool^
=187 Cardiff^
=192 Aberdeen

UK #26 ×3
=198 Durham^
=198 Queen's University Belfast^
=198 Reading

UK #29 ×6
201-250 Dundee
201-250 East Anglia
201-250 St George's
201-250 St Andrews
201-250 Surrey

201-250 Sussex

UK #35 ×4
251-300 Bath
251-300 Bournemouth
251-300 Brighton and Sussex Medical
251-300 Swansea

UK #39 ×2
301-350 Anglia Ruskin
301-350 Essex

UK #41 ×7
351-400 Birkbeck
351-400 City
351-400 Kent
351-400 Loughborough
351-400 Royal Halloway

351-400 Royal Veterinary School
351-400 Stirling

UK #48 ×12
401-500 Aston
401-500 Bangor
401-500 Brunel
401-500 Edinburgh Napier
401-500 Lincoln

401-500 Liverpool John Moores
401-500 Middlesex
401-500 Plymouth
401-500 Portsmouth
401-500 SRUC

401-500 Strathclyde
401-500 UWE Bristol

UK #60 ×11
501-600 Aberystwyth
501-600 Birmingham City
501-600 Bradford
501-600 Goldsmiths
501-600 Greenwich

501-600 Heriot-Watt
501-600 Hull
501-600 Keele
501-600 Northumbria
501-600 Nottingham Trent

501-600 SOAS

[501-600 HKBU]

UK #71 ×12
601-800 De Montfort
601-800 Derby
601-800 Glasgow Caledonian
601-800 Herfordshire
601-800 Huddersfield

601-800 London South Bank
601-800 Manchester Metropolitan
601-800 The Open University
601-800 Oxford Brookes
601-800 Ulster

601-800 West of Scotland
601-800 Wolverhampton

UK #83 ×10
801-1000 Bedfordshire
801-1000 Brighton
801-1000 Coventry
801-1000 Edge Hill
801-1000 Kingston

801-1000 Leeds Beckett
801-1000 Roehampton
801-1000 Salford
801-1000 Sheffield Hallam
801-1000 Winchesher

UK #93 ×8
1001-1200 Cardiff Metropolitan
1001-1200 Central Lancashire
1001-1200 East London
1001-1200 Robert Gordon
1001-1200 South Wales

1001-1200 Sunderland
1001-1200 Teesside
1001-1200 Westminster

UK #101 ×3
1201-1500 Canterbury Christ Church
1201-1500 Chester
1201-1500 Staffordshire

[NR LingnanU]

^ Russell Group's 24 members


作者: Apple_Orange_T    時間: 23-5-27 07:50

mandy_ng207 發表於 23-5-22 12:13
ESF 小學academic冇乜要求,應該要加操先至可以考到Grammar School。ESF係中學先至開始見真章,如果冇打算 ...


作者: JKLhome    時間: 23-5-27 08:47

回覆 nunupipi 的帖子


作者: Goodluck2022    時間: 23-5-27 13:29

回覆 JKLhome 的帖子

完全正確。 看英國大學排名意義不大。
醫生律師搵錢, 係英國隨時比藍領更低。

相反, 香港, 不專科醫生很快都10多萬一個月, 專科, 大把幾十萬一個月, 加香港是稅務天堂。

作者: Goodluck2022    時間: 23-5-27 13:37

回覆 JKLhome 的帖子

英國醫生一開始年薪30000 英磅, 專科先50000 英磅。

所以, 到英國要打工, 駕貨櫃車反而仲高。

去得英國, 通常都要有一定積蓄加不介意做藍領。

作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-27 16:27


作者: Goodluck2022    時間: 23-5-27 16:35

回覆 貝珠 的帖子

明白去英國也有個人考慮, 不過除非真的有足夠積蓄及不介意做藍領, 否則讀到入什麼school英國做到醫生律師, 人工亦不如做貨車司機。
如要改善生活質素, 買大些屋, 應於英國做裝修、地盤及貨車司機。


作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-5-27 16:51

我年紀唔細,係香港也儲了少少錢,我只知道我唔需要push 我女做三師,佢鍾意做藝術創作,歷史研究,學者,廚師都可以。唔一定貨車司機鐵路工人的。係英國,我個女咪叫做有”父幹”囉

作者: mandy_ng207    時間: 23-5-27 17:13

Apple_Orange_T 發表於 23-5-27 07:50

ESF行IB,PYP重啟發,academic standard 不太rigid(個人感覺),完全係「因材施教」,無咩benchmark 要達到。British curriculum 有好仔細嘅課程大綱,亦有每個year嘅基本要求(佢哋分咗唔同科,每科都有一啲learning objectives),所以讀完PYP無保證夠standard 考grammar school。更何況grammar school係top 5% of all free schools,就算香港British curriculum school都唔保證考到grammar school!

作者: nunupipi    時間: 23-5-27 19:26

JKLhome 發表於 23-5-27 08:47
回覆 nunupipi 的帖子



作者: chima_pigpig    時間: 23-5-27 23:29

Goodluck2022 發表於 23-5-27 16:35
回覆 貝珠 的帖子

明白去英國也有個人考慮, 不過除非真的有足夠積蓄及不介意做藍領, 否則讀到入什麼scho ...

本帖最後由 chima_pigpig 於 23-5-27 23:35 編輯


作者: fchiang168    時間: 23-5-28 11:07

回覆 mandy_ng207 的帖子

英國 Grammar Schools 唔係咁易考。識有六個例子,在港是band 1 本地學校,考唔到,主要是英文爭少少未達標,但其中有三個本身在家也有講英文的。

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-6-1 09:33

fchiang168 發表於 23-5-28 11:07
回覆 mandy_ng207 的帖子

英國 Grammar Schools 唔係咁易考。識有六個例子,在港是band 1 本地學校,考唔 ...
So they were studying band 1 local school in hong kong and flew to UK to take the 11+?

作者: Poyau    時間: 23-6-1 12:23

sainsbury 發表於 23-6-1 09:33
So they were studying band 1 local school in hong kong and flew to UK to take the 11+?

Even B1A may not be guaranteed to get in one of the Top-50 Grammar schools due to limited supply of school places.

Grammar pupils  = 5% of total
B1 = Top ⅓ (33.33%)
B1A = Top 1/9 (11.11%)

作者: JKLhome    時間: 23-6-2 00:29

回覆 Poyau 的帖子

其實唔好以為英國唔谷,初小還好,但你要target 好中學-様要谷。
作者: 93ct    時間: 23-6-2 00:37

個人睇法.我覺得11+ (grammar or private)係可以根據一個系統訓練考返嚟.
Year 5開始準備都唔算太遲.
如果可以梗係一早開始做BOND/GL exercise book.
樓主個細路仔仲係細大把時間. 俾佢讀多啲英文書.
VR, English comprehensive, writing 都係要靠英文好. 同埋我覺得就算英文講得好唔代表寫得好,所以都要練習或者補習.
Maths 計算係容易但係條題目係文字題,所以唔識英文就會答非所問.

但係想入Grammar School就要早啲到英國 because some counties requires you to be in the catchment area by Year 5.
同埋可以講大把英國人都帶啲細路仔去補習for Grammar School 11+ exam.

作者: 964000    時間: 23-6-2 08:47

93ct 發表於 23-6-2 00:37
個人睇法.我覺得11+ (grammar or private)係可以根據一個系統訓練考返嚟.
Year 5開 ...

本帖最後由 964000 於 23-6-2 13:36 編輯

呈可用D時間多看書, 做多D creative野,玩下體藝,將來到高中有排操

作者: fchiang168    時間: 23-6-2 09:26

本帖最後由 fchiang168 於 23-6-2 09:28 編輯

回覆 sainsbury 的帖子

11+ 喺飛去英國考的。如考Grammar Schools 高啲年班嘅,學校如用自己出的卷,又肯安排學生在港考,學生可找British council 自費安排監考。不過考高啲年班的,在港讀local school嘅,更難考。

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-6-6 15:21

fchiang168 發表於 23-6-2 09:26
回覆 sainsbury 的帖子

11+ 喺飛去英國考的。如考Grammar Schools 高啲年班嘅,學校如用自己出的卷,又肯 ...
Thanks for the info.
I guess qualifying the 11+ getting a place in (good) grammar schools is already a very challenging task for UK students, and could be even harder for IS students in HK, not to mention LS. Not sure if hothousing the kids with past papers would help, but I guess the language environment does matter a lot too.

作者: Azzurro    時間: 23-6-8 13:00


BBC: 专家批英国教育政策“朝令夕改”
https://www.bbc.co.uk/china/stud ... cation_policy.shtml
作者: 貝珠    時間: 23-6-8 17:04

2008 年嘅news

作者: Poyau    時間: 23-6-19 18:08

sainsbury 發表於 23-6-6 15:21
Thanks for the info.
I guess qualifying the 11+ getting a place in (good) grammar schools is already ...

Tutoring could help to some extent and its effectiveness depends on a more important factor - innate ability e.g. Spatial not easy to train up

作者: 964000    時間: 23-6-19 19:34     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 964000 於 23-6-20 09:52 編輯

我朋友住在英國,去考grammar school,

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-6-20 11:11

Poyau 發表於 23-6-19 18:08
Tutoring could help to some extent and its effectiveness depends on a more important factor - innat ...
Yes agreed and I guess tutoring mainly helps with the format. But as I can see those questions, like those 學能測驗 things, have specific logic. More training might help familiarize yourself with those ways of thinking thus getting the correct answers.
作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-6-20 11:16

964000 發表於 23-6-19 19:34
我朋友住在英國,去考grammar school,
Yes some grammar schools like the Reading School have student mix of Indians being the majority. And the best performing state primary schools in London are dominated by Indians. Bright kids whose families can pay will go to independent and won't fight for grammar school places I assume.
作者: Goodluck2022    時間: 23-6-20 19:06

For bright students, they should aim for ivy league schools in the US.

UK doesnt have many high paid jobs.

U can tell from the average salary for doctors and lawyers in the UK.

作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-6-28 16:39

Goodluck2022 發表於 23-6-20 19:06
For bright students, they should aim for ivy league schools in the US.

UK doesnt have many high pai ...
If "high paid job" is considered then one may just stay in Hong Kong saving all the money and hassle. And indeed Sammy Leung's son just came back from Brighton College for medical school in Hong Kong.
Btw do you have FP?

作者: Apple_Orange_T    時間: 23-6-29 13:15

mandy_ng207 發表於 23-5-27 17:13
ESF行IB,PYP重啟發,academic standard 不太rigid(個人感覺),完全係「因材施教」,無咩benchmark 要達 ...


作者: mandy_ng207    時間: 23-6-29 15:49

Apple_Orange_T 發表於 23-6-29 13:15


作者: FennieMan    時間: 23-7-5 21:47

我以-個’用家‘媽媽身份答你。我對女(孖女),由細到大都係讀ESF, 兩個同樣地考Kent 某間grammar school 都收咗,不過,最終,我先生都係比佢哋讀boarding school 而放棄咗grammar school, 大孖返去讀Y9, 細孖返去讀Y12.
細孖喺ESF 考IGCSE,成績都非常好,所以,我唔覺得ESF 比state school 差。

作者: eit2003    時間: 23-7-5 23:12

既然擔心入唔到grammar, 甘不如留係香港esf一條龍算,起碼有 d edb 既特殊野暫時都唔會係 ischool入面出現。
作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-7-6 10:09

FennieMan 發表於 23-7-5 21:47
我以-個’用家‘媽媽身份答你。我對女(孖女),由細到大都係讀ESF, 兩個同樣地考Kent 某間grammar school ...
Thanks for your sharing. Yes indeed many parents say ESF is not academically vigorous enough and fighting for a grammar school place (depending on which tier of course) could be very demanding in terms of preparation. Did you take additional courses for your daughters before sitting the 11+? And did you take the exam in UK with an address there? Some of them have catchment. Thanks!
作者: sainsbury    時間: 23-7-6 10:11

eit2003 發表於 23-7-5 23:12
既然擔心入唔到grammar, 甘不如留係香港esf一條龍算,起碼有 d edb 既特殊野暫時都唔會係 ischool入面出現 ...
Yes seems a better option than a comprehensive in uk, if no grammar or good boarding.
作者: FennieMan    時間: 23-7-6 17:48

sainsbury 發表於 23-7-6 10:09
Thanks for your sharing. Yes indeed many parents say ESF is not academically vigorous enough and fig ...

當年要考UKiset , 所以就搵咗個老師補數學、因為學校未教。
我地有屋喺英國 (就係喺Kent 嗰間學校既catchment zone), 申請grammar school 時,要比地址證明,先可以安排考筆試和interview . 當年我先生有同grammar school 溝通過,知道我兩個女喺香港讀書,所以,就安排咗7月頭(-放暑假即飛英國)去學校interview 和考筆試。

作者: Cusausa    時間: 23-7-6 20:44

唔好意思,離少少題,介唔介意分享小朋友本身ESF 行IB制,到英國要轉GCSE 難適應嗎? 我小朋友都係小學IB,始終覺得IB同Uk 教學方法唔係太一樣,亦都擔心內容唔夠英國curriculum咁structured /「深」— 介唔介意分享你兩位小朋友嘅transition? 謝謝!

作者: 964000    時間: 23-7-7 17:00

Cusausa 發表於 23-7-6 20:44
唔好意思,離少少題,介唔介意分享小朋友本身ESF 行IB制,到英國要轉GCSE 難適應嗎? 我小朋友都係小學IB, ...

大部分ESF中學都要考IGCSE, 所以佢地兩邊都會準備,應該不難適應。

作者: Cusausa    時間: 23-7-7 19:43

964000 發表於 23-7-7 17:00
大部分ESF中學都要考IGCSE, 所以佢地兩邊都會準備,應該不難適應。
香港好多IS都在不同年級中有IS+英制, ...

I see, that makes sense - thank you so much! My kids are going to a pure IB school and hence I wonder how difficult is it for them to transition into the UK curriculum in the future… and would say making the switch at Y6 / Y7 be too late?

Ps. Our kid fits well with our school’s program at primary years so we are not quite motivated to switch if we continue to stay in Hk - just thinking we do need to plan ahead if we were to move back to the uk one day.

Grateful if anyone may share any similar experience / thoughts. :)

作者: Poyau    時間: 24-2-17 13:33

sainsbury 發表於 23-7-6 10:11
Yes seems a better option than a comprehensive in uk, if no grammar or good boarding.

ESF May 2023 IB average 36.1
It translates into DfE APS Grade B+
comparable to Top-100 state and
in line with indies average

England State schools/colleges
Rank by DfE 2023 A level APS


[King's College London Maths School]
Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet
Wilson's School
Colchester Royal Grammar School
[Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre]

The Henrietta Barnett School
St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School
Reading School
The Tiffin Girls' School
King Edward VI School


Brampton Manor Academy
Pate's Grammar School
Michaela Community School
[University of Liverpool Mathematics School]
[London Academy of Excellence]

The Blue Coat School
Colyton Grammar School
King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford
Dr Challoner's Grammar School


Tiffin School
Altrincham Grammar School for Boys
Kendrick School
King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls
Altrincham Grammar School for Girls

Chelmsford County High School for Girls
Dame Alice Owen's School
The Latymer School
King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys
[Exeter Mathematics School]


Bishop Vesey's Grammar School
St Michael's Catholic Grammar School
Sale Grammar School
Beaconsfield High School
Dr Challoner's High School

Sutton Grammar School
= Ripon Grammar School
= Sir William Borlase's Grammar School
Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls
Holland Park School


Mossbourne Community Academy
Yanveh College
The Judd School
Sir Thomas Rich's School
Colchester County High School for Girls

The Charter School North Dulwich
= Nonsuch High School for Girls
= The RGS, High Wycombe
The Camden School for Girls
Aylesbury Grammar School


Menorah High School for Girls
Stratford Girls' Grammar School
Chesham Grammar School
King Edward VI Five Ways School
Wallington County Grammar School

Wycombe High School
[Hills Road Sixth Form College]
St Andrew's Catholic School
Bishop Wordsworth's CofE Grammar School
The St Marylebone CofE School


Newstead Wood School
Langley Grammar School
Sandringham School
The Skinner's School
Wallington High School for Girls

[Sir John Deane's Sixth Form College]
Lady Margaret School
West London Free School
Royal Latin School


Aylesbury High School
Twyford CofE High School
Loreto Grammar School
[Woodhouse College]
St Paul's School for Girls

The King's School, Grantham
Hasmonean High School for Girls
Archbishop Holgate's School
Tunbridge Wells Girls' Grammar School
The St Thomas the Apostle College


Westcliff High School for Boys Academy
St Peter's Catholic School
= Rugby High School
= Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School
Invicta Grammar School

Lancaster Royal Grammar School
The London Oratory School
= All Hallows Catholic School
= Woodford County High School
Bartholomew School


Ashcroft Technology Academy
Parmiter's School
AIM Academy North London
Paddington Academy
Horsforth School

Bournemouth School for Girls
Somervale Secondary School
Newport Girls' High School Academy
Lancaster Girls' Grammar School

[Sixth form only]

Source: DfE

作者: 宮二    時間: 24-2-17 18:03

sainsbury 發表於 23-5-22 17:59
回覆 chima_pigpig 的帖子

認同讀到11+先試考嗰邊grammar school似乎比較進可攻退可守啲,不過可能嗰邊啲 ...

State primary 基本上係不會、政府亦不容許操11+

而考到的又多數係來自private prep


另外UK相對香港出路多同闊,non academic 都有好多出路。如果諗住要academic 就全世界一樣無免費午餐,只可說適合academic 嘅就自然一樣快樂學習

作者: 貝珠    時間: 24-2-18 05:38

宮二 發表於 24-2-17 18:03
State primary 基本上係不會、政府亦不容許操11+
私校就睇下邊間,定位係考grammar的就會操,定位考私校的 ...

本帖最後由 貝珠 於 24-2-18 05:39 編輯

都唔係架,state primary 都好多人考到grammar 同好嘅day school . 大量閱讀,Atom learning 加做練習已經好夠。

如果操完11+,再考Independent school ,只要搞返掂writing及interview已經ok . YouTube 都幫到手唔需要補習。

作者: Poyau    時間: 24-2-19 00:44

sainsbury 發表於 23-7-6 10:11
Yes seems a better option than a comprehensive in uk, if no grammar or good boarding.

England Top-100 State
DfE 2023 A level APS
No. of students | APS

Grammar 60
Grade A+ 1
Queen Elizabeth's School 166 | 53.25

Grade A 8
Wilson's School 173 | 51.35
Colchester RGS 186 | 50.47
Henrietta Barnett School 142 | 50.01
St Olave's and St Saviour's 229 | 49.95
Reading School 171 | 49.61

The Tiffin Girls' School 170 | 49.05
King Edward VI School 167 | 49.02
Pate's Grammar School 240 | 48.74

Grade A- 15
The Blue Coat School 172 | 47.39
Colyton Grammar School 121 | 47.21
KE VI Grammar Chelmsford 183 | 47.15
Dr Challoner's Grammar 216 | 47.08
Tiffin School 255 | 46.99

Altrincham Grammar Boys 198 | 46.83
Kendrick School 139 | 46.77
KE VI Camp Hill for Girls 168 | 46.28
Altrincham Grammar Girls 192 | 46.12
Chelmsford County High 149 | 45.84

The Latymer School 190 | 45.75
KE VI Camp Hill for Boys 155 | 45.63
Bishop Vesey's Grammar 210 | 45.12
St Michael's Catholic 136 | 45.08
Sale Grammar School 193 | 45.02

Grade B+ 33
Beaconsfield High School 185 | 44.99
Dr Challoner's High School 193 | 44.85
Sutton Grammar School 175 | 44.84
Ripon Grammar School 149 | 44.78
Sir William Borlase's 203 | 44.78

Sutton Coldfield Grammar 168 | 44.63
The Judd School 242 | 44.48
Sir Thomas Rich's School 196 | 44.33
Colchester County High 124 | 44.2
Nonsuch High for Girls 214 | 44.16

The RGS High Wycombe 209 | 44.16
Aylesbury Grammar School 203 | 44.09

Stratford Girls' Grammar 114 | 43.86
Chesham Grammar School 206 | 43.78
King Edward VI Five Ways 196 | 43.75

Wallington County Grammar 177 | 43.66
Wycombe High School 194 | 43.64
Bishop Wordsworth's CofE 192 | 43.53
Newstead Wood School 225 | 43.33
Langley Grammar School 163 | 43.3

The Skinners' School 154 | 43.2
Wallington High for Girls 234 | 43.14
Royal Latin School 212 | 42.85
Aylesbury High School 197 | 42.8
Loreto Grammar School 141 | 42.63
England indies 36,220 | 42.53
The King's School Grantham 144 | 42.46
Tunbridge Wells Girls' 134 | 42.19
Westcliff High for Boys 179 | 42.06
Rugby High School 118 | 41.94
Sir Henry Floyd Grammar 207 | 41.94

Invicta Grammar School 197 | 41.92
Lancaster RGS 198 | 41.91
Woodford County High 177 | 41.86

Grade B
Bournemouth Sch for Girls 145 | 41.57
Newport Girls' High School 102 | 41.41
Lancaster Girls' Grammar 136 | 41.4

Comprehensive/Partially Selective 32
Grade A 1
Brampton Manor Academy 372 | 48.98

Grade A- 3
Michaela Community Sch 36 | 48.02
JFS 233 | 47.45
Dame Alice Owen's School 209 | 45.81

Grade B+ 24
Holland Park School 89 | 44.59
Mossbourne Community A 178 | 44.57
Yavneh College 75 | 44.5
The Charter Sch N Dulwich 167 | 44.19
The Camden Sch for Girls 210 | 44.12

Menorah High for Girls 34 | 44.02
St Andrew's Catholic Sch 132 | 43.54
The St Marylebone CofE S 150 | 43.45
Sandringham School 214 | 43.24
Lady Margaret School 83 | 43.04

JCoSS 145 | 42.93
West London Free School 126 | 42.91
Twyford CofE High School 314 | 42.75
St Paul's School for Girls 70 | 42.5
Hasmonean High for Girls 68 | 42.4

Archbishop Holgate's Sch 125 | 42.32
The St Thomas the Apostle 126 | 42.15
St Peter's Catholic School 130 | 42.02
The London Oratory School 177 | 41.9
All Hallows Catholic School 80 | 41.86

Bartholomew School 141 | 41.81
Ashcroft Technology A 100 | 41.8
Parmiter's School 184 | 41.73
AIM Academy N London 11 | 41.72

Grade B 4
Paddington Academy 89 | 41.64
Horsforth School 123 | 41.63
AldridgeUTC 31 | 41.61
Somervale Secondary Sch 15 | 41.46

Sixth form only 8
Grade A*- 1
King's Maths School 75 | 55

Grade A 1
Newham Collegiate SFC 307 | 50.18

Grade A- 3
U of Liverpool Maths School 32 | 47.93
London A of Excellence 229 | 47.77
Exeter Mathematics School 59 | 45.39

Grade B+ 3
Hill Road SFC 1,310 | 43.57
Sir John Deane's SFC 835 | 43.08
Woodhouse College 720 | 42.62

Source: DfE

作者: sainsbury    時間: 24-2-19 10:06

宮二 發表於 24-2-17 18:03
State primary 基本上係不會、政府亦不容許操11+
私校就睇下邊間,定位係考grammar的就會操,定位考私校的 ...
Got it. I heard some state primary students saying "their schools help them to get into the Grammar schools that they want" in some school prospectus things. Wonder if some schools will still prepare the kids in subtle or unofficial ways given the government actually bans it?
And yes, so true for the no free lunch thing no matter where the your kids are.

作者: sainsbury    時間: 24-2-19 10:08

貝珠 發表於 24-2-18 05:38
本帖最後由 貝珠 於 24-2-18 05:39 編輯

都唔係架,state primary 都好多人考到grammar 同好嘅day scho ...
Your DD should be year 6 by now and how's preparation for 11+ so far? Any private tutorials? All the best!
作者: 貝珠    時間: 24-2-19 16:47

sainsbury 發表於 24-2-19 10:08
Your DD should be year 6 by now and how's preparation for 11+ so far? Any private tutorials? All the ...

We got offer from top day school and top grammar school too. As we are not in London , commute is a problem , so we only target one day school ( with high academic achievement) and grammar school ( nearest

作者: 貝珠    時間: 24-2-19 17:09


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