
標題: CDNIS的 waitlist [打印本頁]

作者: 哈密瓜雪糕    時間: 23-3-31 16:45     標題: CDNIS的 waitlist

本帖最後由 哈密瓜雪糕 於 23-3-31 16:55 編輯

上星期收到waitlist 通知 lower school
請問有人成功收到offer 或知道waitlist 情況嗎?

作者: Moonlight819    時間: 23-6-13 23:40

哈密瓜雪糕 發表於 23-3-31 16:45
上星期收到waitlist 通知 lower school
請問有人成功收到offer 或知道waitlist 情況嗎?

我相信不太容易,校長說今年all grade levels的waiting lists有800人

作者: simonchan1986    時間: 23-6-14 08:11

800 is a lot, does the principal say which levels have the most students waiting?
作者: Youweird    時間: 23-6-14 10:35

Moonlight819 發表於 23-6-13 23:40
我相信不太容易,校長說今年all grade levels的waiting lists有800人
又增加了?前两月收到说一共600多在waitlist 上

作者: Choochootrain    時間: 23-6-14 17:17     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 Choochootrain 於 23-6-14 17:18 編輯

今時今日, CDNIS 一位難求, 走又小人走…

作者: bigheadshrimp    時間: 23-6-14 18:12

Choochootrain 發表於 23-6-14 17:17
今時今日, CDNIS 一位難求, 走又小人走…

Yes, seems like it. The school has become a lot more popular since switching to bilingual.

作者: Adiezz    時間: 23-6-14 20:51

CDNIS is very popular. Foreign and Chinese families love this school.

作者: Moonlight819    時間: 23-6-15 08:51

simonchan1986 發表於 23-6-14 08:11
800 is a lot, does the principal say which levels have the most students waiting?


作者: Choochootrain    時間: 23-6-15 09:57

bigheadshrimp 發表於 23-6-14 18:12
Yes, seems like it. The school has become a lot more popular since switching to bilingual.

佢變bilingual 會唔會變咗同vsa/ isf差唔多? 多咗好多Asian,而冇以前咁多students mix?

作者: bigheadshrimp    時間: 23-6-15 12:22

Choochootrain 發表於 23-6-15 09:57
佢變bilingual 會唔會變咗同vsa/ isf差唔多? 多咗好多Asian,而冇以前咁多students mix?

VSA同ISF都係PIS,所以始終會多啲本地學生。CDNIS今年先轉晒做bilingual,所以未知最終會變成點,不過肯定多咗好多Chinese家庭target CDNIS因為着重中文又有歷史嘅IS好少。依家無論本地或外地家庭都覺得中文好重要,不過有聽過個別expat考慮轉校因為驚少咗英文將來去其他國家時難適應。

作者: bighang    時間: 23-6-15 13:57

回覆 bigheadshrimp 的帖子

Bilingual 中文+英文得小學;中學開始好似全英文+法文,有錯嘅請指正
作者: simonchan1986    時間: 23-6-15 14:21

回覆 Choochootrain 的帖子

CDNIS is not bound by having certain students with FP (It did not get any land grants from EDB as opposed to some other IS)...
From what Emily had said in the past, they try to strike a balance in terms of student mix, and locals without FP has historically accounted for <20%. This may change with full bilingual at lower school but I doubt if they will go all the way to 70% of local students like VSA/ISF.

作者: Adiezz    時間: 23-6-15 14:45

The proportion of “Hong Kong” in CDNIS is higher than 20%. It was 27% in 2022 but it won’t be higher than 30% as an international school.

作者: simonchan1986    時間: 23-6-15 15:27

In terms of the % of non-FP holders, I could be wrong though I remember I was told it is <20% (difference could be due to % of EY1 intake vs. overall % in the school)...
For CDNIS itself, they are not subject to any limitations by EDB. Only those schools that have received land grants/funding from EDB are subject to the limitations. You can see the list of schools here (P 208)


Having the word "international" in the school name does not necessarily mean they are "turly" international school, a good example will be Yew Chung International School, they definitely do not have 70% of students holding FP.

作者: aurora0326    時間: 23-6-15 16:30

YCIS is also one of the PISs.


作者: 7jai    時間: 23-7-25 09:47

本帖最後由 7jai 於 23-11-13 12:32 編輯
aurora0326 Posted on 23-6-15 16:30
YCIS is also one of the PISs.

https://internationalschools.edb ... vate_independent_sc

作者: simonchan1986    時間: 23-7-25 10:47

Their waiting pool is cleared at the end of each school year, so need to re-apply for each year.
作者: puddlepie23    時間: 23-10-30 13:40

Anyone reapplying for this year EY2? Wondering if the child interview process is the same.

作者: 7jai    時間: 23-11-6 10:10

本帖最後由 7jai 於 23-11-13 12:32 編輯

作者: cjs4898157    時間: 23-11-6 17:38

is there any real advantage of FP holder in this case? I notice 90%+ of the demographic looked chinese/hong kong local

作者: 7jai    時間: 23-11-6 20:41

本帖最後由 7jai 於 23-11-13 12:32 編輯

作者: bettyc123    時間: 23-11-7 20:33

回覆 7jai 的帖子

In their presentation, it says 40 spots available for EY2 (marginally better than the 20 you noted but still tough). They currently have 80 students in EY1 and the total number of EY2 kids is expected to be 120.
But after this year, I think there won’t be any new spots that open up for any grades (except for leavers) as every grade will already be at capacity of 120 students (k1-grade 2) according to their presentation

作者: 7jai    時間: 23-11-7 22:35

本帖最後由 7jai 於 23-11-13 12:33 編輯


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