
標題: 依家中四,準備考entrance exam - AL subjects [打印本頁]

作者: lowyick2022    時間: 22-10-12 08:31     標題: 依家中四,準備考entrance exam - AL subjects

小朋友依家讀中四、報咗幾間學校,都要考AL subjects, 包括數學,biology n chemistry? 唔知點準備?考得幾深?因為佢都係中三學咗D basic嘢。

作者: ElaiUKStudy    時間: 22-10-12 11:28

lowyick2022 發表於 22-10-12 08:31
小朋友依家讀中四、報咗幾間學校,都要考AL subjects, 包括數學,biology n chemistry? 唔知點準備?考得幾 ...

AL entrance test 主要是GCSE 的level, 你在網上download的past paper 或者學校本身有past paper 可以準備下。應該都要考英文或CAT4

作者: beastiebistro    時間: 22-10-12 12:03

回覆 lowyick2022 的帖子

你點解唔直接email學校去問呢?每間學校考嘅嘢都可能唔同,方式又可能唔同。學校通常都會俾indication ,有啲可能會send 個範圍甚至sample entrance test paper(如果你肯問)。好過喺呢度問,又唔知你考邊幾間,唔係好大參考價值。
作者: lowyick2022    時間: 22-10-12 12:27

Oh thxs for advice

作者: cfs    時間: 22-10-12 13:42

lowyick2022 發表於 22-10-12 08:31
小朋友依家讀中四、報咗幾間學校,都要考AL subjects, 包括數學,biology n chemistry? 唔知點準備?考得幾 ...


作者: CJCJ    時間: 22-10-12 15:26     標題: 回覆樓主:

我仔依家都係中四,諗住下年過英國,agent提議佢去讀一年igcsc,話怕佢未適應生活就要準備a level會好辛苦....你哋點睇?

作者: beastiebistro    時間: 22-10-12 16:17

本帖最後由 beastiebistro 於 22-10-12 16:43 編輯

回覆 CJCJ 的帖子



- 大把香港學生讀完F4直接入英國學校Y12,大部份銜接都冇咩問題。除非你小朋友能力大落後(尤其英文),未必需要專登讀一年iGCSE。

- 好少學校有開一年制iGCSE,好嘅學校更加係少之又少。如果真係入咗呢啲,到時「適應」咗想sixth form轉返間好啲嘅,未必可以。除非求其有間學校讀就ok,否則呢樣要考慮。

- 一年制iGCSE通常都只開5-6科,一嚟會影響跳入更好學校嘅機會,有可能亦會影響A level揀科嘅問題。有啲科一年制iGCSE根本唔開,到A level想讀變咗唔揀得。

- (商業社會,agent梗係推你讀多年佢收多年commission,無可厚非。或者一年制iGCSE嘅學校需要收生肯俾commission,佢推你去佢穩袋,好過你報其他學校入唔到佢咪冇錢收...)


作者: CJCJ    時間: 22-10-12 16:30     標題: 回覆樓主:

係呀,所以好煩惱究竟apply 邊樣好.....

作者: Poyau    時間: 22-10-12 17:02

CJCJ 發表於 22-10-12 16:30
係呀,所以好煩惱究竟apply 邊樣好.....

請問 A level 想讀那些科目

作者: 幫幫Lee    時間: 22-10-12 18:17

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作者: CJCJ    時間: 22-10-12 21:21

Poyau 發表於 22-10-12 17:02
請問 A level 想讀那些科目

仔prefer 文科,A level應該選business/econ/maths.....

作者: beastiebistro    時間: 22-10-12 21:37

回覆 CJCJ 的帖子

要小心,好多大學(非明文但暗丫底)classify Business Studies做"soft subject",即係容易pass冇難度嘅科。如果只讀三科,其中一科係BS,有機會影響攞offer...
作者: Poyau    時間: 22-10-13 01:09

CJCJ 發表於 22-10-12 21:21
仔prefer 文科,A level應該選business/econ/maths.....

選科要考慮心儀大學要求 例如 LSE
Business → Soft / Non-preferred
Business + Econ → Overlapping


Subject combinations and non-preferred subjects

The School considers not only the individual qualifications offered by applicants but also the combination of subjects offered. Individual degree programmes may have specific subject requirements or preferences which are listed in the admissions criteria for each individual programme. We also have a number of general policies, listed below.

We consider traditional academic subjects to be the best preparation for studying at LSE. We expect applicants to offer at least two full A-levels or IBDP Higher Levels in these subjects (although typically, applicants will apply with three or four); please see the list below for guidance.

Some subjects provide a less effective preparation for study at LSE. We refer to these as non-preferred subjects; please see the list below for guidance. These subjects should only be offered in combination with two traditional academic subjects.

Finally, there are a small number of A-levels which are normally excluded from our standard offer; please see the list below. Applicants should offer three full A-levels or equivalent alongside these subjects.

Common traditional academic/'generally preferred' subjects:

Ancient History


Classical Civilisation





English (English Language, English Literature and English Language and Literature)

Further Mathematics*


Government and Politics


Languages: Modern Foreign, Classic and Community**







Religious Studies


Common "non-preferred" subjects:

Any Applied A-level


Art and Design

Business Studies

Citizenship Studies

Communication and Culture

Creative Writing

Design and Technology

Drama/Theatre Studies***

Film Studies

Health and Social Care

Home Economics

Information and Communication Technology

Leisure Studies

Media Studies

Music Technology

Physical Education/Sports Studies

Travel and Tourism

Normally excluded subjects:

Critical Thinking

General Studies

Global Perspectives and Research

Knowledge and Enquiry

Project Work

Thinking Skills

If you would like information about the suitability of a subject which does not appear on these lists, please contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office.

* See the Mathematics and Further Mathematics section below.

** See Language Qualifications information on the Entry Requirements webpage

*** The Departments of Anthropology, International History, International Relations, Social Policy and Sociology consider Drama and Theatre Studies equally with other generally preferred subjects. Therefore, they will consider Drama and Theatre Studies alongside one other subject from the non-preferred list. However, the majority of departments continue to regard Drama and Theatre Studies as a non-preferred subject.

**** The Department of Accounting considers Accounting equally with other generally preferred subjects. Therefore, they will consider Accounting alongside one other subject from the non-preferred list. However, the majority of departments continue to regard Accounting as a non-preferred subject.

Essay based A-Level subjects:

Art History

Business Studies 




English Literature

English Language

English Literature

English Language and Literature (Combined)

Environmental Studies


Government and Politics



Media Studies

Modern Languages

Modern Studies



Religious Studies


The combination of subjects studied, in conjunction with the level of competition for the programme, may sometimes result in those offering three (or more) preferred subjects being deemed as less competitive by the Academic Selector on the basis of their subject combination.

Overlapping subjects

Many of the undergraduate programmes at LSE are multi-disciplinary and for this reason we consider a broad mix of traditional subjects to be the best preparation for study. A broad academic background will provide the skills to perform well in any of the challenging programmes at LSE. Students offering a narrow range of subjects may be at a disadvantage compared to those offering a broader combination. Examples of narrow subject combinations might be Economics, Business Studies and one other or English Language, English Literature and one other. Please also refer to the subject combination guidance on our programme pages and the Mathematics and Further Mathematics section below.

作者: Poyau    時間: 22-10-13 01:55

CJCJ 發表於 22-10-12 15:26
我仔依家都係中四,諗住下年過英國,agent提議佢去讀一年igcsc,話怕佢未適應生活就要準備a level會好辛苦.... ...

GCSE 一年制課程 實則得約半年準備
普遍考5-8科 通常數理科為主
約半年準備 辛苦程度可能不下於 AL

English Second lang 升學無甚幫助
Maths A level 有修就不用 GCSE
Science A level 唔修 GCSE 未必要考
MFL 考中文 錦上添花 升學無甚幫助
其他科 如 GCSE 唔理想影響 AL 選修

作者: hkpapa852    時間: 22-10-13 09:37

lowyick2022 發表於 22-10-12 08:31
小朋友依家讀中四、報咗幾間學校,都要考AL subjects, 包括數學,biology n chemistry? 唔知點準備?考得幾 ...
其實你報Year幾? 直接考Sixth form?如果經agent, agent一定幫到你, 話你知過住會考D咩 (如果個agent話唔知咁啫係你搵錯人, 轉過第二間啦!)

如果自己報, 直接問學校大約考咩範圍, 佢地唔會唔俾意俾資料你

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