
標題: SC am + KV pm 的煩惱 [打印本頁]

作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-6 15:58     標題: SC am + KV pm 的煩惱

有SC am and KV pm offer ,應如何抉擇?感謝

作者: tim6851    時間: 21-12-6 16:28

同路人 kv am vs sc pm
Btw, sc k2 全部係PM, K3全部係AM

作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-6 16:38

上午外補英文,下午KV 如何?

作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-6 16:38

SC KV 派小result which one better?

作者: evitasing    時間: 21-12-6 18:10

Concern 英文多啲@SCConcern中文多啲@KV

作者: freshrose    時間: 21-12-7 10:20

Nutcraker 發表於 21-12-6 16:38
SC KV 派小result which one better?
SC 考直資好D , KV 叩門好D
其實2間學校係非常唔同, 各有特點,  我覺得做父母最緊要搵間match 自己小朋友性格的學校, 上年sc 同kv 都收左我小朋友, 但我好快放棄左kv

作者: mrsmay    時間: 21-12-7 10:22

freshrose 發表於 21-12-7 10:20
SC 考直資好D , KV 叩門好D
其實2間學校係非常唔同, 各有特點,  我覺得做父母最緊要搵間match 自己小朋友性 ...


作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-7 10:56

大家都話揀適合小朋友?如何係適合?其實係小朋友就學校style 定調轉? 小朋友唔中2坐定,中2 周圍走,所以揀free style school? 定正因為小朋友坐唔定,所以由學校引導/執正佢專注?

作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-7 10:58

揀小朋友開心?讀SC 一定happy? 讀KV 就唔happy? 唔讀過點知?

作者: hellotommy    時間: 21-12-7 12:21


作者: Hwtsui    時間: 21-12-7 13:49     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 Hwtsui 於 21-12-7 13:53 編輯

I guess you also need to consider your family condition (1) are parents both working which might prefer school with less parent involvement? (2) economic condition and 性價比 (SC hkd77k vs Kv 50k per year).

I am a KV parent, not sure on SC, but can share more on my own experience.

I am targeting 直私, understood KV is strong at 叩門 but 直私 also not bad esp 3私 offers (my boy gets not bad 直資 and 3私 offers). Through playing the interview game, I find that no matter which school you are in, many parents would let their children attend interview classes. And many interview qs and formats cannot be trained in KG. As such, i find KV is good for my situation.

I m working parent, just have ard 2-3 hrs per day for accompany on weekdays, and full day at weekends. In this limited time, I need to nurture interests for my boy (reading, piano, fencing and drawing), I also need to train up my boys interview skills. Hence I need my boy to be (1) self disciplined and finish all homework with little amendments before I go home (2) he can absorb the knowledge in the class and I dun have to invest more time to revise for his school assessments.

So far we can do it, so for the weekdays when I come home, we just practice piano, fencing and do some readings. We have extra time for card games as well. If school needs me to heavily involve in homework/assessment, meaning it would eat up our limited accompany time which I do not preferred.

Above are just my own experience for your reference. After all, different people would have different views.

作者: tyty2345    時間: 21-12-16 09:04

Nutcraker 發表於 21-12-7 10:56
大家都話揀適合小朋友?如何係適合?其實係小朋友就學校style 定調轉? 小朋友唔中2坐定,中2 周圍走,所以 ...


作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-16 10:17

Hwtsui 發表於 21-12-7 13:49
I guess you also need to consider your family condition (1) are parents both working which might pre ...

Thank you so much , your reply is very informative  , both of us are working parents as well , similar perspective
Will take KV over SC

作者: happymeme    時間: 21-12-16 10:38

SC net 係外國人,並唔係ABC,所以我覺得貴少少學費值得!

作者: Lotsomom    時間: 21-12-16 14:52

當年我地就棄SC而揀左KV,因為我地係雙職父母,同埋我地希望佢可以有多點discipline 同埋學識要緊張自己嘅野⋯。

作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-16 15:35

happymeme 發表於 21-12-16 10:38
SC net 係外國 ...

係,冇錯KV 冇英文語境,所以早上會密集式外補英文解釋KV 的不足,
SC 要外補更多和花更多時間溫書功課

作者: happymeme    時間: 21-12-16 16:00

Nutcraker 發表於 21-12-16 15:35
係,冇錯KV 冇英文語境,所以早上會密集式外補英文解釋KV 的不足,
SC 要外補更多和花更多時間溫書功課

本帖最後由 happymeme 於 21-12-16 16:02 編輯

好多外補中心早上唔開架,你有冇check 清楚呢?當然你可能安排私補啦!

作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-16 17:03

happymeme 發表於 21-12-16 16:00
本帖最後由 happymeme 於 21-12-16 16:02 編輯


本帖最後由 Nutcraker 於 21-12-16 17:04 編輯

諗住 0930-11:30 , 一,三,五,2hr

作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-16 17:11

happymeme 發表於 21-12-16 16:00
本帖最後由 happymeme 於 21-12-16 16:02 編輯


仲有呢,SC 係有好多net ,但每日真係對住自己小朋友係幾多時間?聽group 講好多班 k1 net 都不是長駐,係同其他班share

作者: Chankai    時間: 21-12-16 19:01

Nutcraker 發表於 21-12-16 17:11
仲有呢,SC 係有好多net ,但每日真係對住自己小朋友係幾多時間?聽group 講好多班 k1 net 都不是長駐,係 ...


作者: happymeme    時間: 21-12-16 20:48

Chankai 發表於 21-12-16 19:01


作者: Chankai    時間: 21-12-16 20:51

happymeme 發表於 21-12-16 20:48


作者: freshrose    時間: 21-12-17 10:33

本帖最後由 freshrose 於 21-12-17 10:39 編輯
Nutcraker 發表於 21-12-16 17:11
仲有呢,SC 係有好多net ,但每日真係對住自己小朋友係幾多時間?聽group 講好多班 k1 net 都不是長駐,係 ...

唔知你聽邊個講, 但好明確係MISLEADING

佢的NET 係其中一個班主任, 每班都有2個班主任, 如果大班係3 個老師, 2個班主任係每日上堂所有時間都係度, 絕對無同其他班SHARE

而且SC 的英文環境唔係單單因為有NET 咁簡單, SC 有唔同國籍的小朋友係度讀, 好似我小朋友果班都有2個外籍人, 所以小朋友之間溝通係用英文唔係用廣東話

好似我朋友屋企淨係講廣東話, 佢仔係SC 讀左3個月, 已經要求佢父母同佢用英文溝通, 所以SC 的英文環境唔係你去外補就可以俾到你

作者: freshrose    時間: 21-12-17 10:36

Chankai 發表於 21-12-16 19:01

我小朋友未返SC 之前淨係講英文, 返左SC 之後, 佢D 英文好左之餘, 佢由唔講廣東話變到會開始同我講中文 , 原因係佢真係好鍾意佢的中文老師 , 所以佢好努力學中文

作者: bearxxr    時間: 21-12-20 20:09

回覆 Hwtsui 的帖子

Totally agree. We are also working parents and KV trained my boy well in terms of academic (except oral English) and self discipline. This year I faced the same choice for my second kid between SC and KV
作者: Hwtsui    時間: 21-12-20 20:21

bearxxr 發表於 21-12-20 20:09
回覆 Hwtsui 的帖子

Totally agree. We are also working parents and KV trained my boy well in terms o ...

Many posts saying KV needs to 外補 eng, my boy didn’t. Since I dun have to manage KG hw and assessment (luckily my boy can absorb knowledge well in school), so my hubby taught him phonics on his own, together with everyday bed time story, he has good reading and listening skills, and he speaks in eng with my helper everyday, hence he can communicate in eng although accent not native la haha

Over the 3 years we just 外補 interview class so to let my boy familiarise with the format, his English standard so far can handle interview, and he got CKY offer as well.

So, I guess it depends on the target of choosing a KG, if it is for 直私 interview, per my experience, I feel 中文 is more important and more difficult to nurture than English

作者: babyjjj    時間: 21-12-21 14:19

Hwtsui 發表於 21-12-20 20:21
Many posts saying KV needs to 外補 eng, my boy didn’t. Since I dun have to manage KG hw and assess ...


作者: Hwtsui    時間: 21-12-21 15:21

babyjjj 發表於 21-12-21 14:19

本帖最後由 Hwtsui 於 21-12-21 15:32 編輯

本帖最後由 Hwtsui 於 21-12-21 15:23 編輯

I am ok in eng, but my husband is not. We tried to let our boy attend phonics class outside for around 2 months, but found that if we dun follow up at home actually we dunno where our boy is up to, and which blending he’s comparatively weak in. So, my husband self learnt phonics with the material we bought in book store, together with a 點讀筆, then practiced with my boy and focused on his weak parts.

So I think the most important is you need to devote time to nurture/accompany by our child. KV can give us time on this as no parent involvement is needed, and the school can make my boy absorb well all the knowledge in school, esp solid foundation on chi and maths. Then we can use our limited off work time to help out eng/reading/interests.

But I admit that parent involvement in school is part of parent-child life too, which I did experience as my boy studied in KM in one year before and the memories were sweet ones. Just for my case, KV suits my family more (emoji)

作者: bearxxr    時間: 21-12-21 17:55

回覆 Hwtsui 的帖子

Which book do you use for his phonics? My kid is also week in phonics and we plan to teach him by ourselves. Hope it would not be too late as he is already K2...
作者: Hwtsui    時間: 21-12-21 18:06

bearxxr 發表於 21-12-21 17:55
回覆 Hwtsui 的帖子

Which book do you use for his phonics? My kid is also week in phonics and we pla ...

I used rass language with 點讀筆, and can start reading ORT/read with Biff, Chip and Kipper/usborne English readers simultaneously

My hubby started to teach my boy in K1 term 2, around 5-6 months to finish all phonics books, and u can find your boy can read well with phonics done and find the reading fun. My boy likes biff chip and kipper stories, those are interesting and he could handle. Around early term 2 in K2, can conquer ORT 7, then you can continue to source interesting books for him.

My boy likes reading Mr men series and fly guy now (emoji)

作者: qq6a    時間: 21-12-24 22:45

Nutcraker 發表於 21-12-6 15:58
有SC am and KV pm offer ,應如何抉擇?感謝

2間都係名幼好學校,所以選適合自己就可以了。首先,sc學費貴過kv好多,如經濟非考慮因素可略。如屋企提供到英文語境,擔心小朋友中數多過英文,kv可能適合啲,如果屋企提供唔到英文語境,但中數自己教得到同教得好,sc又可能適合啲.....利申,我上年最後幫囝選了sc, 因為係am外,最重要係我家冇乜英文語境提供到,全家講廣東話或普通話,阿囝返左半年學後,佢而家自己一個玩玩具自言自語時係講英文,我好驚訝。最近班主任打來,話囝好喜歡上英文堂,囝好喜歡個net班主任,我覺得我選擇應該冇錯。

作者: yhchanchan    時間: 21-12-30 13:19

Hwtsui 發表於 21-12-21 15:21
本帖最後由 Hwtsui 於 21-12-21 15:32 編輯

本帖最後由 Hwtsui 於 21-12-21 15:23 編輯
咁但考直私又唔需要好好既英文。我屋企冇語境,工人姐姐係講中文,我仔大概一個星期外補一堂,當然無native accent,oral對答亦係勉強,無phonics因為學極都唔識,我地只係買左ORT同埋點讀筆,睇到level 9。


坊間流傳要有ORT lv7先會考到嗰間神校,今年應該ABC都無問

作者: Hwtsui    時間: 21-12-30 19:46

yhchanchan 發表於 21-12-30 13:19
我真係同你經驗差唔多。首先KV英文真係唔多語境,更加唔好要求accent,佢有net但堂數唔多。英文最終會夠你 ...

Absolutely agree.

At least from my 考直私 experience this year, Chinese is more challenging than English, so I think KV is good becoz it builds a solid foundation for my boy on this (of coz I also trained interview q with him). For eng, my boy has no native accent, but so far he gets no problem to cater eng part (during interviews, questions are usually to read some words/para, the most difficult is SFA which needs to describe a pic in eng), he could still make it, I guess as long as phonics is ok, then can handle eng part in interview easily.

Hence, back to the beginning, if the target is to 考直私, KV should be good enough to cater. If target is to have native English communication with good accent, then KV might not be good choice.(emoji)

作者: happymeme    時間: 21-12-30 22:25

SC 中英文都教得好好,既然兩間都有offer,點解要放棄英文語境?不太明白!當然每個家長都會為小朋友揀適合的學校。其實讀幼稚園唔係單純應付直私面試,打好語言學習興趣同埋基礎更重要。

作者: Nutcraker    時間: 21-12-31 08:19

happymeme 發表於 21-12-30 22:25
SC 中英文都教得好好,既然兩間都有offer,點解要放棄英文語境?不太明白!當然每個家長都會為小朋友揀適合 ...

應該對於雙職家長,回家不用理功課,中數全部安心交哂比學校,主用外補英文(最多補得密集d),放工假期淨係帶佢去多啲唔同地方, KV 直私,名津,扣門都應該都唔錯,對我而言,考好直私面試係幼稚園最首要既腳踏石

作者: catbbcat    時間: 22-1-8 11:46

Hwtsui 發表於 21-12-30 19:46
Absolutely agree.

At least from my 考直私 experience this year, Chinese is more challenging than E ...

Thanks a lot for your informative sharing! Would you mind sharing about interview training? Did you enrol him in interview classes or solely train with him at home? Thanks in advance

作者: Hwtsui    時間: 22-1-8 16:20

catbbcat 發表於 22-1-8 11:46
Thanks a lot for your informative sharing! Would you mind sharing about interview training? Did you ...

I did enrol in interview class for my boy. Per my experience, I think interview class with video sharing is better, as u can see ur child’s class performance, his strength and weakness (not only academic ones but also class discipline. When I showed the video to my boy, he could get immediately on his inappropriate behaviour). And I think it is necessary to practice abit with him at home as well, after all, interview class just give us a sense of interview format and possible questions, you might need to trim up weak area for your baby.

作者: jbbmom    時間: 22-1-10 09:40

SC返學好free, 好開心. KV就執得嚴d. 如果樓主target傳統小學, KV可以幫你打好個底, 至少執筆寫字方面, 小學都執得嚴.

作者: 02413124    時間: 22-1-10 19:56

都是雙職家長,大個個sc, 細個個諗住跟大,平d 簡左kv
結果我地覺得後悔,kv有叻叻paper 默書,keep住要溫下。大既sc 真係唔洗溫,最多印下野交功課。sc教既係soft skill, kv 學好多字,但講真小一都唔記得左唔少。

作者: maggie196    時間: 22-1-11 00:22     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 maggie196 於 22-1-11 00:29 編輯


作者: jbbmom    時間: 22-1-11 12:50

回覆 02413124 的帖子

作者: 02413124    時間: 22-1-11 13:26

本帖最後由 02413124 於 22-1-11 13:42 編輯

回覆 jbbmom 的帖子

好多叻叻PAPER同默書,要温書,用左時間,但到頭來小朋友忘記野都好快。就算K1 都要記住唔同字用指定圖畫畫番出黎,你話最後係未中文勁過SC個個,我暫時唔覺。
另外,KV 教一做完野就趴低,可能係訓練紀律,但我個人唔多鐘意,感覺好似做完野就收工,SC我見就會叫小朋友幫其他小朋友,或者俾其他野佢地做(填顏色之類),我感覺上正面D
不過性價比來說KV係高,亦有SPORTS DAY,見家長次數亦比SC多。但教材方面就SC全部自家教材較好。另外,KV校服一定要係學校買,學校派,唔啱又拎番去換,SC就去指定校服公司買。
作者: jbbmom    時間: 22-1-12 10:53

回覆 02413124 的帖子

thank you for the info

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