
標題: AP curriculum 係 non-Jupus 認受性 [打印本頁]

作者: pc228    時間: 18-7-9 13:20     標題: AP curriculum 係 non-Jupus 認受性

請問AP 同IB 比較,若想入local universities 「神科」(如 medic, law, dental), 有冇分別?

因本港讀IB 的人數比AP 的多,往往只見IB 入神科的 statistics. 但 proportional-wise, AP 考到 top, 也是否有一定機會入神科?

Many many thanks for any insight!

作者: brother4    時間: 18-7-9 16:54     標題: 回覆樓主:


作者: pc228    時間: 18-7-10 17:19

brother4 發表於 18-7-9 16:54
路人甲!好簡單開放日直接問神科教授AP成績收唔收/幾多分才收?歷界估有收dse,ib,ap,al.新生,之後邊個 ...

Thanks. My girl is very very small... just about to put her in an international school that runs AP. So I have the question... maybe a bit far-fetched?

作者: poonseelai    時間: 18-7-11 06:59

pc228 發表於 18-7-10 17:19
Thanks. My girl is very very small... just about to put her in an international school that runs AP ...

有無去香港offer AP學校網頁睇下 university placement有無香港的大學?每年non jupas收A level and ib以外的others都唔少 (see appendix 1):



作者: pc228    時間: 18-7-11 09:02

poonseelai 發表於 18-7-11 06:59
有無去香港offer AP學校網頁睇下 university placement有無香港的大學?每年non jupas收A level and ib以 ...

Thanks! I will put her into ics (international Christian school), and there was one graduate that went to Cuhk medical school last year, and I think one more this year (not sure which uni). It’s a small school, so 1 per year...  I am not sure how to interpret this... probably not too high but possible

作者: Ruby1219    時間: 18-7-11 10:21

pc228 發表於 18-7-9 13:20
請問AP 同IB 比較,若想入local universities 「神科」(如 medic, law, dental), 有冇分別?

因本港讀IB  ...


作者: pc228    時間: 18-7-11 10:26

Ruby1219 發表於 18-7-11 10:21

Since it’s a through train school, just don’t want to limit her choices

作者: brother4    時間: 18-7-11 10:27

Ruby1219 發表於 18-7-11 10:21


作者: Ruby1219    時間: 18-7-11 12:20

pc228 發表於 18-7-11 10:26
Since it’s a through train school, just don’t want to limit her choices

人算不如天算,到時學校轉制唔定,你個女轉校唔定,出國唔定(我個仔嘅case 就係咁,全部中哂),神科被AI 取替唔定,邊預計得咁多。而且你而家已經係從神科出發,有點兒。。。你囡囡到時唔鍾意讀神科咁點?我真係好怕啲家長一早鋪路啲細路ko
做醫生律師,條路係佢嘅,書係佢讀嘅,工係佢做嘅,家長真係唔應該干涉咁多。當年我老豆叫我大學讀BBA 因為係神科,我好反感,無理佢。我出嚟做嘢我老豆又話我做乜打份工人工低工時長,我亦無理佢。而家佢話我當初選擇正確。
我仔當年都有報ICS, 係好學校,所以我哋先報名。

作者: pc228    時間: 18-7-11 12:37

Ruby1219 發表於 18-7-11 12:20
人算不如天算,到時學校轉制唔定,你個女轉校唔定,出國唔定(我個仔嘅case 就係咁,全部中哂),神科被AI ...


作者: pc228    時間: 18-7-11 12:38

Ruby1219 發表於 18-7-11 12:20
人算不如天算,到時學校轉制唔定,你個女轉校唔定,出國唔定(我個仔嘅case 就係咁,全部中哂),神科被AI ...

你仔最後有冇讀 ics? Any comment?

作者: Ruby1219    時間: 18-7-11 13:57

pc228 發表於 18-7-11 12:38
你仔最後有冇讀 ics? Any comment?

無,因為揀咗間多d 中文嘅學校

作者: 星西部    時間: 18-7-11 21:12

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作者: Ruby1219    時間: 18-7-12 00:26

星西部 發表於 18-7-11 21:12

讀咗Renaissance College, 不過Year 3 因為搬家轉咗校。

作者: pc228    時間: 18-7-12 09:30

Ruby1219 發表於 18-7-12 00:26
讀咗Renaissance College, 不過Year 3 因為搬家轉咗校。

Ics should have better chinese now, 45 mins daily, 5 days out of 6-day cycle, since pre-grade 1. Still simplified Chinese though

Hope can teach her traditional Chinese through outside tutorial and by myself!

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