
標題: 椅底設儲物格 港大生空中巴士創意賽奪冠 [打印本頁]

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-1 07:49     標題: 椅底設儲物格 港大生空中巴士創意賽奪冠

【明報專訊】Emily每次上飛機,前面總係有人擺好耐行李,又或者霸晒成個行李架,搞到其他人無位擺。香港有班大學生就諗到善用客機椅底位置,令乘客多咗位擺嘢。同學仔嘅設計唔單止聰明,仲攞咗法國空中巴士公司同聯合國教科文組織合辦嘅國際大型航空創意比賽「Fly Your Ideas」冠軍!



按掣自動彈出 可放5公斤行李


作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-1 07:51     標題: 回覆樓主

簡單又實用的設計理念,不用什麼都要加上創新科技,old tech 都可以好有用!

作者: Cheeselover    時間: 17-6-2 07:22     標題: 回覆樓主


作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-2 07:47

Cheeselover 發表於 17-6-2 07:22
確實是好設計,希望告訴大家,香港還有很多有頭有腦的年青人。題外話一道,設計未必獲每家航空公司歡迎,現 ...






作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-2 11:51

作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-2 13:05

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-2 13:48     標題: 回覆樓主



作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-2 14:10

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-2 14:34     標題: 回覆樓主


Think out of the box, paradigm shift 就是要打破 silo effect.


Concept to cash 是漫長的過程,香港在發明及創新文化及初創企業的培養,還有漫長的路!

作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-2 14:36

本帖最後由 ABC-DAD 於 17-6-2 15:03 編輯






作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-2 14:48


作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-2 15:03

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作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-2 15:13

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作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-2 15:26

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作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-2 15:28

作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-2 15:47

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作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-2 16:03

本帖最後由 ABC-DAD 於 17-6-2 18:03 編輯


作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 09:27

Covenant2017 發表於 17-6-2 15:03
我幾時有反對鼓勵劊意及反對Think out if the box 呢
我只是在評論大家同樣看到文字報導時,你們卻 ...
作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 09:33

回覆 Covenant2017 的帖子

Fellow also by speciality, I am specialises in other discipline(s), not Aircraft Engineering and I am not big headed to pretend to know everything.  


We should encourage and support our young engineer to excel in the field.

作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-3 09:54

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作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-3 09:58

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作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-3 10:58

本帖最後由 ABC-DAD 於 17-6-3 11:20 編輯


作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 11:02

Covenant2017 發表於 17-6-3 09:58
能提出合理疑問並不需要是該科的專家,只需要見識廣博,心思細密及分析能力強就可以了 ...

Nothing to do with you.

It's my principle.


HK needs more positive energy for younger generation.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-3 11:20

ANChan59 發表於 17-6-3 09:33
回覆 Covenant2017 的帖子

Fellow also by speciality, I am specialises in other discipline(s), not Ai ...

The best hope we can give to kids is to get them out of their non risk taking attitude.  Start by parents allowing kids to make non-lethal mistakes.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 11:22

shadeslayer 發表於 17-6-3 11:20
The best hope we can give to kids is to get them out of their non risk taking attitude.  Start by p ...


作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-3 11:25

Simple English解說aerodynamics



作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-3 11:28     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-3 11:30 編輯


作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-3 11:29     標題: 回覆樓主:

另外唔明如何慳登機時間, 除非這新設計夠大放手提行李, 但又唔似。

作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-3 11:43

本帖最後由 ABC-DAD 於 17-6-3 15:33 編輯

作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-3 12:58


Today's students .  Tomorrow's Scientists
作者: akys    時間: 17-6-3 14:02

Covenant2017 發表於 17-6-2 15:26
看了設計概念後,發覺是可行,也能解答我之前提出之兩個疑問(之前報導沒有說明得清楚),不過,我也要提出 ...
作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-3 14:53

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 16:22

本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 17-6-3 16:47 編輯

回覆 akys 的帖子




Presentation of all teams, questions from international jury and Facebook as well

HK Team's Presentation start from 32 min to 59 min.

Safety Requirements and compliance
Pitch the idea to commercial airlines

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 16:23

akys 發表於 17-6-3 14:02
Link of the presentation at #33.
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-3 17:42

ANChan59 發表於 17-6-3 16:23
Link of the presentation at #33.

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-3 17:47 編輯


I like the design of the HK team presentation. Well rehearsed and interesting. However, i didn't even understand (much of) one of the students.  And their most important slide was the one articulating the benefits. They spent only less than one minute on the benefits. And the presentation did not answer my question earlier on how they intend to save boarding time when most passengers have a larger bag than the space can store. Nearly everyone will still be using the overhead.

If the value proposition is not solid, the whole idea falls apart.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 18:36

shadeslayer 發表於 17-6-3 17:42
本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-3 17:47 編輯


Air Bus may hire them after graduation and see how they commercialise it in the future.

The simulation of time saving is based on Air Bus software and parameters, with more prototyping and work with pilot airlines, the time saving can be improved accordingly.

My observation is many passengers included myself like to put the back pack into the upper cabinet, then other passengers can't put their luggage in, they spend times to look for other spaces, the passengers behind them keep on waiting. Zoning arrangement can help but can't solve the insufficient space issues.

From their calculations, increased the storage spaces by 33%, so the queue up time at the aisle can be reduced in theory.  Need more investigation and modification to validate the time saving.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 18:56     標題: 回覆樓主



作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-3 20:51

ANChan59 發表於 17-6-3 18:36
Air Bus may hire them after graduation and see how they commercialise it in the future.

The simul ...

They should probably look at the percentage of customers having small enough carry on baggage that can fit into their storage space (hence not needing the overhead) and the articulate the economic benefits of the airline on the saving of time and compare it to the cost of retrofitting all seats with this.

They can make a much more compelling case if they can relate the storage to economic return.

The British team was much better in this regard as they calculated the ROI and focus much more economic return.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-3 20:59

ANChan59 發表於 17-6-3 18:56

當不少成年人成日鬧年青人 ...

絶對支持年輕人多嘗試。亦要虛心學習,接受失敗。成人多鼓勵年輕人,容許他們由錯誤中學習。  成人唔講真話,他們如何學習呢?

作者: akys    時間: 17-6-3 21:13

shadeslayer 發表於 17-6-3 17:42
本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-3 17:47 編輯

當年畢業後去了一家MNC, 要上幾個禮拜training, 第一次接觸FAB, 導師話坊間十個有九個sales嘅重點放喺F和A,冇B. 依家係咪中學大學多咗Workshop, 學生已經掌握了?
作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-3 21:14

回覆 shadeslayer 的帖子

The competition has 5 categories, some in business model and some in passenger experience and flight operation. The UK team is in business model and HK team in passenger experience.
ROI vs customer satisfaction.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-3 22:54

ANChan59 發表於 17-6-3 21:14
回覆 shadeslayer 的帖子

The competition has 5 categories, some in business model and some in passen ...

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-3 22:59 編輯

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-3 22:58 編輯

I am saying "benefits" . They spent 90% of time talking about how they found space.  The only clear benefit they highlighted was "time saving", which they did not follow through. It was not obvious how this space translates to customer experience.  They assume it was understood.  Well, I didn't understand.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-3 23:14

akys 發表於 17-6-3 21:13
當年畢業後去了一家MNC, 要上幾個禮拜training, 第一次接觸FAB, 導師話坊間十個有九個sales嘅重點放喺F和A ...

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-3 23:41 編輯

I don't know. but one point the HK team can improve is really on articulating the benefits, more on time saving, how to achieve time saving, what time saving mean to customers and the airline. what other customer experience benefits? Is it leg room, is it additional baggage for customers? etc etc.

of course the HK team being one of the 5 finalists is a huge success in itself.

作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-4 11:53

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作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-4 12:04

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作者: nintendo    時間: 17-6-4 12:06

Covenant2017 發表於 17-6-2 15:03
我幾時有反對鼓勵劊意及反對Think out if the box 呢
我只是在評論大家同樣看到文字報導時,你們卻 ...

I agree.

I personally know a few young people that are product design or architecture students.
Most of their "designs" would probably not work realistically. But schools always still let them think out of the box.
However, in their curriculum, there is also a time when they need to do presentations of their designs, and internal professors or outside professionals would come to school and challenge their design. This is actually a very important part of their curriculum.
So a good design has to be both innovative and practical.
I think designers, architects and engineers should be problem solvers.
Artists can think of anything they like, but problem solvers should produce practical solutions.

作者: 20120808    時間: 17-6-4 12:47

creativity is the major concern and core value in this competition,commercial thinking shouldn't be in the first place my dear. all new fresh ideas would be extinguished in the cruel practical world.

作者: 20120808    時間: 17-6-4 12:55

有没有去過時装設针系的畢業展或比赛?大部份的作品不能出街,或成本極貴或用料問題等等,但創意在學生階段,都是 first concern.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-4 14:42

Covenant2017 發表於 17-6-4 12:04
揾到空位是好事,但我幾可肯定並非每一張Econ座位下面會有所述之空間,機倉底層除了是行李倉之外,還有許 ...

Even with these questions and challenges, I would give them the benefits of doubt for them to explain the benefits.   Alas, they did not make the most of the presentation.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-4 14:49

nintendo 發表於 17-6-4 12:06
I agree.

I personally know a few young people that are product design or architecture students.

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-4 14:53 編輯

Engineering solutions must not exist on their own, they have to exist to address a "problem. "

If I were advising these HK students, I would tell them to do first thing first in the presentation, i.e. Articulate the Problem Statement clearly, followed by how their solution solve the problem, reiterates the benefits, then elaborate on various challenges, and leaving the details of the Journey of the solution to the last or omitting it entirely and talk about what is next.

They seem to think more space is the solution to many problems they don't need to talk about.  And that is worthy of all the trouble of retrofitting the boxes underfloor.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-4 15:02

20120808 發表於 17-6-4 12:47
creativity is the major concern and core value in this competition,commercial thinking shouldn't be ...

Creativity without practicality is just fantasies.    I am not saying fantasies are not good, they are even important.

But the students were trying to develop ideas to aviation industries.

Imagine the student said they had some ideas and they did not know if they are practical, they would not have gone very far in the competition.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-4 15:22

shadeslayer 發表於 17-6-4 15:02
Creativity without practicality is just fantasies.    I am not saying fantasies are not good, they  ...
They are going farther than other finalists, they are the champion of the competition, out of 650+ teams and 3k+ participants ......

In this type of competition, the prototypes are proof of concepts, but you are looking for perfect solutions ..... marketable at this stage ..... Even ITF funds also have different tiers for different stages of development of innovation and technology.

The last question from Air Bus is a great conclusion, are they interested to move on the project after graduation. For me, they just passed the group recruitment interview of Air Bus.


If they participate the "EK - Blow Water Innovation" competition, all participants will be shot down by our jury, no survivors.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-4 15:35

ANChan59 發表於 17-6-4 15:22
They are going farther than other finalists, they are the champion of the competition, out of 650+ t ...

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-4 15:37 編輯

Again, don't get me wrong, there are some questions and challenges and I am willing to reserve my judgment on the final product.   And of course I am proud of the HK team coming this far.

my biggest comment has nothing to do with the creativity or practicality of the design, it is the benefits (or problem statement) which received too little attention in the presentation.

They should also have limited one of the student to speak as his English even I, a local HK person, find it hard to understand. I hope it is just me.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-4 15:45

本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 17-6-4 15:55 編輯
shadeslayer 發表於 17-6-4 15:02
Creativity without practicality is just fantasies.    I am not saying fantasies are not good, they  ...

In their presentation, they tried to address the safety requirement of aviation industries and also the first question from the jury to clarify the design during emergency and evacuation conditions, the jury satisfied with their answers.

They also addressed the weight, spaces, material, electrical and electronic network to solve the multiple constraints problem.

It's a four days on site competition, only four days.


Unfortunately, i can't find their judging criteria, I guess may come from the following items:

Innovative idea
Technical competence
Team work
Presentation & Q&A
Possibility of commercialisation (Optional)


Example of another competition


Clinical Impacts (25%)  -  Needs, Potential clinical benefits, Clinical feasibility, Business model (including regulatory issues, etc.)

Novelty (25%)  -  Major conceptual innovation vs incremental gain over existing products, Potential IP

Technical Merits (40%)  -  Technical challenges, Demonstration of technical feasibility

Presentation (10%)  -  Clarity, Captivating presentation


If we know the judging criteria, we may have different views, and more appreciation of the finalists.

作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-4 15:52

Another example.


DreamCatchers Medtech Hackathon Hong Kong 2017 is back! The only way to do it is “TO DO IT!” Let’s spend a week to demystify the process of healthcare innovation in Hong Kong.

How can we live longer and healthier? Healthy ageing relies on quality, cost-effective preventive care, relevant personalized health knowledge and behavioral change, and improved timely access to quality “sick care”. From AI-assisted screening to precision medicine, and remote sensing to assistive robotics, innovative MedTech solutions can enhance the quality of life for the ageing population and create immense social impact.  However, innovating in health is challenging, requiring interdisciplinary teams of medical professionals, engineers, developers, and designers to tackle unmet needs.

Co-organised by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), the DreamCatchers MedTech Hackathon Hong Kong 2017 will be led by Dr Robert Chang and team from Stanford University.

The week long hackathon is targeting students from Stanford University and Hong Kong universities, and young professionals from HKSTP to experience Stanford Biodesign methodologies, design thinking, business model canvas, and to work in interdisciplinary teams to come up with prototypes of sustainable healthcare solutions.

Theme: Enabling Medical Care Outside the Hospital

Date: June 18-25, 2017*
Venue: Hong Kong Science Park & The University of Hong Kong
Apply NOW if you have skills/training in engineering, medicine, design, software development, and/or business!

Online application: http://bit.ly/2o2rs1l

Application Deadline: 30 April, 2017

*Committed participants have to join for the whole session of 18 – 25 June , 2017

Who Should Apply?
– Talented minds who are keen to transform the healthcare products/services and with strong interests in entrepreneurship
– Graduate with bachelor degree or the above from Engineering, Computing, Medicine, Design, Business field
– Medical students OR current students with demonstrated maker movement skills may also apply

What to Expect ?
1.  Close Encounter with physicians and patients to explore unmet needs at a hospital setting

2.  Develop prototype on device / app / new tech / service / web service with immediate potential for clinical validation studies

3.  Compete in interdisciplinary teams for a technically feasible, financially viable and novel digital health solution for unmet care needs at Queen Mary Hospital

4.  Pitch your business plan to investors and esteemed entrepreneurs from HK, Mainland China and Silicon Valley to win the Grand Prize

18 June, 2017

Welcome dinner

19-20 June, 2017

Site visit
Queen Mary Hospital

21-23 June, 2017

Ideation & Prototype Development
Brainstorm for creative solutions that can best address the identified need. Filtering to the most promising solution and develop prototype concept with 3D printer and other development tools.

24-25 June, 2017

Business Plan & Investment Pitch
Learn about financial modeling for healthcare products and develop the business model canvas that is compelling and sustainable. 6 minutes pitch competition in front of investors, entrepreneurs and medical professional

作者: ABC-DAD    時間: 17-6-4 18:59

Why Seats Are the New Weapons for Airlines?
作者: Wonderlady    時間: 17-6-5 16:10     標題: 回覆:椅底設儲物格 港大生空中巴士創意賽奪冠



作者: ANChan59    時間: 17-6-5 17:47

Wonderlady 發表於 17-6-5 16:10



作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-5 18:00

Wonderlady 發表於 17-6-5 16:10


本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-5 18:04 編輯

鼓厲多嘗試, 接受孩子失敗是必需的。但認真的比意見, 認真的「彈」係成長一部份, 尤其係大學生。

通常我想害佢的人, 或者我唔 care 的人, 我只會有讚無彈。

作者: Wonderlady    時間: 17-6-5 18:13     標題: 引用:Quote:Wonderlady+發表於+17-6-5+16:10+ 年

原帖由 shadeslayer 於 17-06-05 發表
本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-5 18:04 編輯

鼓厲多嘗試, 接受孩子失敗是必需的。但認真的比意見, 認 ...


作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-5 19:39

Wonderlady 發表於 17-6-5 18:13


本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-5 19:47 編輯

評價不正面就不會到五強, 但不代表完美。大學生將要出來做事, 有更多骨頭比人挑。何況, 挑出來的骨頭未必一定啱, 正面D聽下意見無壞。

作者: Wonderlady    時間: 17-6-5 20:33     標題: 引用:Quote:Wonderlady+發表於+17-6-5+18:13+ 人

原帖由 shadeslayer 於 17-06-05 發表
本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 17-6-5 19:47 編輯

評價不正面就不會到五強, 但不代表完美。大學生將要出來 ...
其實力臻完美當然好。但係今日香港尼個世代,年輕人好容易放棄,有D會hea 讀大學,有D阿媽鋪買舖買樓,唔用腦大把。


作者: shadeslayer    時間: 17-6-5 20:52

Wonderlady 發表於 17-6-5 20:33
其實力臻完美當然好。但係今日香港尼個世代,年輕人好容易放棄,有D會hea 讀大學,有D阿媽鋪買舖買樓,唔用 ...


作者: Covenant2017    時間: 17-6-6 11:17

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作者: Artie    時間: 17-6-6 12:52

小女在大學讀建築,其中一環是 "crit" 。
是一個 presentation ,professor 會請外面的 architect 來聽 presentation,彈多過讚。聽說大部分 architecture program 也如是。

其實以 "比賽" 或 "功課" 來說,係可以讓人較大創作空間。
但實際上,"用家" 想要甚麼是另一回事。

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