
標題: KCIS 國際班好唔好? [打印本頁]

作者: bonniepatricia    時間: 17-5-8 14:57     標題: KCIS 國際班好唔好?

作者: Vivisun322    時間: 17-5-8 15:16

bonniepatricia 發表於 17-5-8 14:57


作者: bonniepatricia    時間: 17-5-8 17:36

Thanks. What sort of comment you heard of?  I intend to let my son to study Y7 in this school.
作者: Vivisun322    時間: 17-5-9 08:52

bonniepatricia 發表於 17-5-8 17:36
Thanks. What sort of comment you heard of?  I intend to let my son to study Y7 in this school.


作者: MewB    時間: 17-5-9 20:50

Vivisun322 發表於 17-5-9 08:52

我在這裡見D家長一提到KCCIS就話唔掂, IB成績唔夠高分, 又會和本地部中學生撈埋.......(利申 : 本人是KCIS用家)

作者: Vivisun322    時間: 17-5-9 21:51

MewB 發表於 17-5-9 20:50
我在這裡見D家長一提到KCCIS就話唔掂, IB成績唔夠高分, 又會和本地部中學生撈埋.......(利申 : 本人是KCIS ...


作者: behd    時間: 17-5-9 21:52

MewB 發表於 17-5-9 20:50
我在這裡見D家長一提到KCCIS就話唔掂, IB成績唔夠高分, 又會和本地部中學生撈埋.......(利申 : 本人是KCIS ...

請問在那裏?好少有人講kccis,只有問冇人答。好似kccis 同本地部只共用同一校舍,並不是一齊上堂。

作者: Vivisun322    時間: 17-5-9 21:54

behd 發表於 17-5-9 21:52
請問在那裏?好少有人講kccis,只有問冇人答。好似kccis 同本地部只共用同一校舍,並不是一齊上堂。


作者: MewB    時間: 17-5-9 22:21     標題: 回覆樓主:

坦白說, 我兒由Kindergarten 讀至現在, 整體來說是可以接受的.  當然學校一定在某方便有不足的地方, 但可能我沒有其他IS的實際體驗, 所以我也不能將它和其他IS比較.  如果說會和本地部的人撈埋, 我看是不能發生的. 因為大家上課, 下課, PLAYTIME時間都不同, 最重要係, 根本本地部和國際部學生文化語言完全不同, 所以是河水不犯井水, 根本不會溝埋.  至於有些家長埋怨KCIS校舍殘舊, 我認為是不公平的評價, 因為這在KCIS的學費便宜已反映了.  學術方面, 對目前為止我是滿意的 (當然我不是追求GSIS, ISF, CIS 這類的學術水平).

作者: behd    時間: 17-5-9 22:33

MewB 發表於 17-5-9 22:21
坦白說, 我兒由Kindergarten 讀至現在, 整體來說是可以接受的.  當然學校一定在某方便有不足的地方, 但可能 ...


作者: Vivisun322    時間: 17-5-9 22:49

behd 發表於 17-5-9 22:33
如果國際同本地撈埋一齊,國際部家長都唔會放過學校。國際部學費已經比本地部貴一倍以上,咁做乜要比多錢 ...


作者: Vivisun322    時間: 17-5-9 22:52

MewB 發表於 17-5-9 22:21
坦白說, 我兒由Kindergarten 讀至現在, 整體來說是可以接受的.  當然學校一定在某方便有不足的地方, 但可能 ...


作者: MewB    時間: 17-5-9 23:01

Vivisun322 發表於 17-5-9 22:49

老師質素 - 視乎個別老師而言; 有的老師好好, 我捱過一個好無愛心的老師; 學術水平 - 中英數都高, SCIENCE 和 HISTORY行英國SYLLUBUS, 但我覺得運動項目不夠, ICT又不教CODING (可能我兒喜歡CODING吧), 不過他在課餘時間有係出面玩運動和學其他課外活動, 所以都OK.

作者: Vivisun322    時間: 17-5-9 23:20

MewB 發表於 17-5-9 23:01
老師質素 - 視乎個別老師而言; 有的老師好好, 我捱過一個好無愛心的老師; 學術水平 - 中英數都高, SCIENCE ...


作者: bonniepatricia    時間: 17-5-10 14:09

Thanks all for your comment.  Before that I heard that the international section keep under quota for students to study.
作者: bonniepatricia    時間: 17-5-10 14:17

MewB, do you know if the workload of homework is heavy?  The teachers in KCCIS are more encouraging than traditional school?  My son has been discouraged a lot in the traditional school. Just hope these two aspects are better in this school. Can you let me know if these two aspects are ok as user?  Thanks.
作者: MewB    時間: 17-5-10 20:43

bonniepatricia 發表於 17-5-10 14:17
MewB, do you know if the workload of homework is heavy?  The teachers in KCCIS are more encouraging  ...

my son is at KCIS, not yet to KCCIS.  i dont know much abt KCCIS.  but some of his classmates have siblings at KCCIS.  their comments r positive.  Besides, when i come across KCCIS students at campus, they r always gentle and polite.  thats my limited information about KCCIS.  as to your concern about your kid being discouraged at his present school, do u know the reason for that ?  because the school is too academically demanding vis-a-vis your kid's competency ?  because of school culture ?  other reason ?generally i think IS r more positive to the students.

作者: jenhk    時間: 17-5-12 08:41

請問如果讀KCIS kindergarten/ reception, 需要額外出去學phonics 嗎?or學校已經係k1時開始有教?

作者: MewB    時間: 17-5-12 20:44

jenhk 發表於 17-5-12 08:41
請問如果讀KCIS kindergarten/ reception, 需要額外出去學phonics 嗎?or學校已經係k1時開始有教?

that depends on your expectation.  Personally I am not those demanding parents.  I never put my son to any after school tutoring of academic subjects, be it phonics, reading, writing, Chinese, Maths.....The school did teach phonics, but i was not too concerned if the cirrculum followed any "system".  In any event, all kids can speak, write and read well.

作者: behd    時間: 17-5-12 21:07

jenhk 發表於 17-5-12 08:41
請問如果讀KCIS kindergarten/ reception, 需要額外出去學phonics 嗎?or學校已經係k1時開始有教?

本帖最後由 behd 於 17-5-12 21:15 編輯

本帖最後由 behd 於 17-5-12 21:14 編輯

本帖最後由 behd 於 17-5-12 21:11 編輯

The school has their own set of phonics system teaching and the teacher not recommended the students to learn it outside like other IS also not recommended.The reason is dun want to confuse the students if they're not learning the sameset of phonics that the school using

作者: jenhk    時間: 17-5-13 00:02

behd 發表於 17-5-12 21:07
本帖最後由 behd 於 17-5-12 21:15 編輯

本帖最後由 behd 於 17-5-12 21:14 編輯

I see, 咁會係K1 or reception 開始教呢?如果reception 先入學又跟唔跟得上呢?

作者: bonniepatricia    時間: 17-5-13 20:43

MewB 發表於 17-5-10 20:43
my son is at KCIS, not yet to KCCIS.  i dont know much abt KCCIS.  but some of his classmates have  ...
My son is not performing well in his school because he said his teachers are very discouraging. Keep asking students to do homework.  Also a lot of restrictions and homework. This is his problem. He likes to learn in an encouraging and positive environment. He find the local schools are having too much homework, tests, dictation and exam and he cannot play at all after school.  He is quite fade up with the local school teaching style. So I want to let him change to international school.
作者: prettymama888    時間: 17-5-13 22:35

回覆 bonniepatricia 的帖子

Are you meaning kcis? But kcis is international school!
作者: bonniepatricia    時間: 17-5-16 17:15

No. I am meaning his current traditional school.
作者: robocorn    時間: 17-5-16 17:41     標題: 回覆樓主:

my kids at KCIS k1 now..this year I found both of them learnt much wordings on both English and Chinese

作者: bonniepatricia    時間: 17-5-16 21:04

robocorn 發表於 17-5-16 17:41
my kids at KCIS k1 now..this year I found both of them learnt much wordings on both English and Chin ...

It is good to find that the children can learn things.

作者: siuwing6    時間: 17-5-17 17:36

MewB 發表於 17-5-9 23:01
老師質素 - 視乎個別老師而言; 有的老師好好, 我捱過一個好無愛心的老師; 學術水平 - 中英數都高, SCIENCE ...
作者: MewB    時間: 17-5-18 21:15

siuwing6 發表於 17-5-17 17:36

Both free and paid ECAs r offered in the area of sports, art, language etc.

作者: robocorn    時間: 17-5-19 09:24

MewB 發表於 17-5-18 21:15
Both free and paid ECAs r offered in the area of sports, art, language etc.


作者: MewB    時間: 17-5-19 12:52

robocorn 發表於 17-5-19 09:24

no (but not sure, i didnt notice too much to courses of musical instrument).

作者: aquamarine1030    時間: 17-9-2 08:29     標題: 回覆樓主:

My son just got the offer, I would like to know more about KCIS, thanks!
How about Chinese? KCIS teaches in traditional or simplified Chinese? Thank you!

作者: argump    時間: 17-9-2 08:39

aquamarine1030 發表於 17-9-2 08:29
My son just got the offer, I would like to know more about KCIS, thanks!
How about Chinese? KCIS tea ...

they teach in  traditional Chinese

作者: aquamarine1030    時間: 17-9-2 08:58

argump 發表於 17-9-2 08:39
they teach in  traditional Chinese

thanks for your reply

作者: wingyan008    時間: 17-9-3 00:08     標題: 回覆樓主

請問KCIS primary 1是否= LS的primary 1? Thanks

作者: behd    時間: 17-9-3 22:50

wingyan008 發表於 17-9-3 00:08
請問KCIS primary 1是否= LS的primary 1? Thanks

P1=local k3. All IS the same

作者: tibbar2011    時間: 17-9-4 12:45

回覆 aquamarine1030 的帖子

are they still giving out offers as of 2 days ago? interesting... for kindergarten?
作者: aquamarine1030    時間: 17-9-4 18:24

tibbar2011 發表於 17-9-4 12:45
回覆 aquamarine1030 的帖子

are they still giving out offers as of 2 days ago? interesting... for ki ...

yes, my son is year 3

作者: Beauty00724    時間: 17-9-5 23:27

aquamarine1030 發表於 17-9-4 18:24
yes, my son is year 3

Hello Aqua, would like to ask when was the interview? Thanks !

作者: aquamarine1030    時間: 17-9-6 01:04

Beauty00724 發表於 17-9-5 23:27
Hello Aqua, would like to ask when was the interview? Thanks !

it's in 8/8

作者: jenntang    時間: 17-10-13 11:15

Do they call you for interview?
作者: robocorn    時間: 17-11-6 16:52

回覆 aquamarine1030 的帖子

KCIS teaching Traditional Chinese
作者: leemeik    時間: 18-5-10 01:45

本帖最後由 leemeik 於 18-5-10 01:49 編輯

回覆 bonniepatricia 的帖子

Is your son studying in kccis now? What's your comment? Thanks!
作者: katjin    時間: 18-7-28 14:44     標題: 回覆樓主:

想問KCIS 的reception class 係唔係可以直升P1? 使唔使再考?

作者: lcyeung    時間: 18-7-28 20:08

katjin 發表於 18-7-28 14:44
想問KCIS 的reception class 係唔係可以直升P1? 使唔使再考?


作者: www    時間: 18-8-3 16:23

MewB 發表於 17-5-9 20:50
我在這裡見D家長一提到KCCIS就話唔掂, IB成績唔夠高分, 又會和本地部中學生撈埋.......(利申 : 本人是KCIS ...

作者: bonniepatricia    時間: 18-8-30 14:27

leemeik 發表於 18-5-10 01:45
回覆 bonniepatricia 的帖子

Is your son studying in kccis now? What's your comment? Thanks!

my son is studying in kccis. going to be year 8 this year. he is enjoying in the school. may be year 7 is not so tough comparing with the local school.

作者: Immomo    時間: 18-9-3 15:52

回覆 bonniepatricia 的帖子

KCIS IB result looks quite good this year? Is it because of the change of Principal?

Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section has achieved a perfect result in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Examinations!

School statistics from the IB

Number of diploma and retake candidates registered in the session:


Number of candidates who passed the diploma:


Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma:


Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate:


Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma:


In the May 2018 IB DP examinations, 97.2 % of our students registered for the full IB Diploma were successful, a statistic well above the world average. This is a remarkable achievement given that KCCIS is a non-selective IB World School. Our mean point score is 37, which is way above the global average. Average grades for all IB subjects are also above worldwide averages for all IB subject groups indicating that our students performed brilliantly across the curriculum groups. Regarding individual student performance, 33.3 % of students achieved 40 or more IB points. Four students achieved the distinction of scoring 44 out of a maximum of 45 point.

作者: lcyeung    時間: 18-9-7 22:35

Immomo 發表於 18-9-3 15:52
回覆 bonniepatricia 的帖子

KCIS IB result looks quite good this year? Is it because of the change o ...

Congratulation!  KCIS

作者: behd    時間: 18-9-7 23:49     標題: 回覆樓主


作者: Immomo    時間: 18-9-11 09:58

behd 發表於 18-9-7 23:49

成績好好,比其他IS 更好!

作者: Meme613    時間: 18-9-12 20:03

This year the average reaches 37 which is quite outstanding
作者: 小雪小晴    時間: 18-9-22 14:36     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 小雪小晴 於 18-9-22 14:39 編輯


作者: philnmena    時間: 18-9-22 19:25

小雪小晴 發表於 18-9-22 14:36

作者: MewB    時間: 18-9-22 21:31

philnmena 發表於 18-9-22 19:25

"點解滿意既"- 奇怪的問題

作者: 小雪小晴    時間: 18-9-23 14:09

philnmena 發表於 18-9-22 19:25

另外,國際學校學生的英文一般強,而KCCIS除了英文外,中文也與Local school 的課程相約,如Y8中文書(學校用較深程度出版社),已教了順敘法「歪兒」和倒敘法「楊修之死」。數學和Science 方面的訓練也很有系統,也是我滿意之處。課外活動也多選擇。

作者: 小雪小晴    時間: 18-9-23 14:10

philnmena 發表於 18-9-22 19:25

本帖最後由 小雪小晴 於 18-9-23 14:11 編輯


作者: 小雪小晴    時間: 18-9-23 14:22

小雪小晴 發表於 18-9-23 14:09
滿意均速的學習節奏,暫時每天只有0-2份功課,孩子有足夠時間預習及重溫一篇當天課堂所學,有助消化知識。 ...


作者: philnmena    時間: 18-9-23 15:02

小雪小晴 發表於 18-9-23 14:10
本帖最後由 小雪小晴 於 18-9-23 14:11 編輯

學校對學生有要求,不過嚴也不過鬆,同學仔也普遍純樸,球 ...
Thx so much for your sharing. I am going to apply Year 1of kccis, your sharing means a lot to me.

作者: leemeik    時間: 18-9-23 18:18

小雪小晴 發表於 18-9-23 14:10
本帖最後由 小雪小晴 於 18-9-23 14:11 編輯

學校對學生有要求,不過嚴也不過鬆,同學仔也普遍純樸,球 ...

校舍舊是唯一相對其他新的國際學校不足的地方,但其實基本設備齊全,圖書館也很大。本以為課外活動和體育活動有限,但原來他們有很多活動會在校外進行,很喜歡他們可以去校外見識,是很好的學習機會。可能有多年歴史,感覺kccis 教學有系統和有經驗, 學生也很純樸。

作者: lcyeung    時間: 18-9-23 23:41

leemeik 發表於 18-9-23 18:18
校舍舊是唯一相對其他新的國際學校不足的地方,但其實基本設備齊全,圖書館也很大。本以為課外活動和體育 ...

本帖最後由 lcyeung 於 18-9-23 23:45 編輯

KCIS 是一所實而不華的IS。不須建設費,不須買債券,學校毫不斂財,不會以金錢掛在口邊。

教學亦認真,每年有3次活動,包括2 次Field Trip (本地公園 ) 及1次Sport Day (淺水灣泳灘)。 每天有普通話堂,及有電腦堂。每週有assembly。聖誕亦有music concert. 亦須練習唱歌及做動作。同學間全英對答,大家相處融洽。

最重要係由Kindergarten 可以直上Y13. 以IS來說,這是一所相當抵讀的學校。

作者: Meme613    時間: 18-9-27 09:14

作者: 小雪小晴    時間: 18-10-10 16:45

Meme613 發表於 18-9-27 09:14
但為何之前的公開考試成績都比較遜色?學校的中學是否不太願意投放資源?再加上校舍遜色,很多學生很早已經 ...

本帖最後由 小雪小晴 於 18-10-10 16:46 編輯


作者: honeymelonkids    時間: 18-10-11 23:03

Immomo 發表於 18-9-3 15:52
回覆 bonniepatricia 的帖子

KCIS IB result looks quite good this year? Is it because of the change o ...
Change of principal in Kcis or Kccis?  Since which year?
作者: Immomo    時間: 18-10-18 11:56

回覆 Meme613 的帖子

以前成績較一般. 但以前其實同ISF & VSA 成績都差不多.

今年average score 比ESF, VSA 更高.



作者: chiki    時間: 18-10-18 13:01

我小朋友讀緊傳統小學一年級,諗緊同佢轉國際學校,打去KCIS問過話wait list 有150人....請問有冇人試過從傳統學校插班入KCIS?交申請表後要等幾耐先有interview?


作者: Immomo    時間: 18-10-24 10:34

chiki 發表於 18-10-18 13:01
我小朋友讀緊傳統小學一年級,諗緊同佢轉國際學校,打去KCIS問過話wait list 有150人....請問有冇人試過從 ...

我估都要2-3年. 傳統小學一年級 KCIS已經是P2. 一般不會太多人走. 每年2-3個左右.

感覺KCIS 的家長大部份都想留下唔轉校. 因為小朋友的中文LEVEL真係高. 拍得住local 小朋友. 而且小朋友都返得好開心.

作者: koalac28    時間: 18-11-14 17:01

回覆 lcyeung 的帖子

唔好意思, 想問多小小資料呀.因為剛收到KCIS K1 offer, 想問是否由k1 可以一直讀上Y13, 不用再interview or 考評分試?K1-K3上課是全英文?

作者: Immomo    時間: 18-11-14 17:29

koalac28 發表於 18-11-14 17:01
回覆 lcyeung 的帖子

唔好意思, 想問多小小資料呀.因為剛收到KCIS K1 offer, 想問是否由k1 可以一直讀上Y1 ...
Yes. this is a through train school. You don't need to reapply it. They follow England curriculum, only kindergarten & reception class (K1 & K2). P1 at KCIS = local school K3. They teach by English + 30 mins mandarin a day.
From school website, I noted some University placements are in HK.

作者: ballballb    時間: 18-11-18 23:40

請問學校著重培養學生的創意和自信嗎?因為之前見有comment話學生較shy 和主動性不夠
作者: leemeik    時間: 18-11-19 11:56

ballballb 發表於 18-11-18 23:40
請問學校著重培養學生的創意和自信嗎?因為之前見有comment話學生較shy 和主動性不夠 ...


作者: ballballb    時間: 18-11-19 12:48

leemeik 發表於 18-11-19 11:56

謝謝你的分享。我都明白家庭教育同小朋友性格都好大影響,不過有些學校很鼓勵發問和presentation, 但有些希望你坐定定吸收,所以想知道KCIS屬於邊一種
作者: leemeik    時間: 18-11-19 13:24

ballballb 發表於 18-11-19 12:48
謝謝你的分享。我都明白家庭教育同小朋友性格都好大影響,不過有些學校很鼓勵發問和presentation, 但有些希 ...

個人覺得kcis 不是那種不讓小朋友發問那種,我在不同場合也見過小朋友主動舉手發問,老師也樂於解答。

作者: marcuseunis    時間: 18-11-19 16:04

ballballb 發表於 18-11-19 12:48
謝謝你的分享。我都明白家庭教育同小朋友性格都好大影響,不過有些學校很鼓勵發問和presentation, 但有些希 ...

本帖最後由 marcuseunis 於 18-11-19 16:05 編輯


有成績表,列出要跟進既,吾會吾知學左咩 個別小朋友性格不討論啦~一間學校咩人都有

作者: ballballb    時間: 18-11-19 21:34

marcuseunis 發表於 18-11-19 16:04
本帖最後由 marcuseunis 於 18-11-19 16:05 編輯

kcis一定比發問,佢地似本地+國際類,曳到控制不到, ...
有Discipline好好呢,我都希望有自由之餘都有紀律 我打去學校問原來waiting list 好長,請問知唔知係咪大部分幼稚園學生會直升上小學?
作者: philnmena    時間: 18-11-19 22:15

回覆 ballballb 的帖子

我都後悔咁遲申請Year 1, 我果日打去問waiting no 12x...
作者: marcuseunis    時間: 18-11-20 00:36

ballballb 發表於 18-11-19 21:34
有Discipline好好呢,我都希望有自由之餘都有紀律 我打去學校問原來waiting list 好長,請問知唔知 ...

升上小學都多架 ! 會有d 讀住排其他IS等interview, 但人數不多,以我仔當年y3=2年班,我嗰班隊班入2個位,之後每年每班走2個左右(多數外籍同學走),到升y6個年冇人tim (28人/班) 囝班揀升返上kccis中學應有2/3左近

作者: ballballb    時間: 18-11-20 22:01

philnmena 發表於 18-11-19 22:15
回覆 ballballb 的帖子

我都後悔咁遲申請Year 1, 我果日打去問waiting no 12x...
作者: ballballb    時間: 18-11-20 22:02

marcuseunis 發表於 18-11-20 00:36
升上小學都多架 ! 會有d 讀住排其他IS等interview, 但人數不多,以我仔當年y3=2年班,我嗰班隊班入2個位, ...
Thanks for sharing. 機會都好渺茫
作者: tibbar2011    時間: 18-11-20 22:45

回覆 ballballb 的帖子

In my experience, the school does encourage independence and confidence.  In fact, this was repeatedly the feedback i got from my son's teacher (in k1) - that he needs to build confidence... and the more independent he is, the more confident he becomes...
作者: leungyan    時間: 18-11-21 09:59     標題: 回覆樓主



作者: pat1668pat    時間: 18-11-21 10:52

leungyan 發表於 18-11-21 09:59
每班多少 ...


作者: ballballb    時間: 18-11-21 11:05

tibbar2011 發表於 18-11-20 22:45
回覆 ballballb 的帖子

In my experience, the school does encourage independence and confidence.  In  ...
Good to know that.   the feedback from parents seems all good.
作者: RRDDragon    時間: 18-11-21 13:05     標題: 回覆樓主:

Any comment on the primary section?   How many students in a class?

Thanks a lot

作者: weqacn    時間: 18-11-21 15:14

本帖最後由 weqacn 於 18-11-21 15:15 編輯

Quoted from Facebook Hong Kong Schools group
"I think there are many threads on KCIS in this group that you can read as a starter. The fact that it’s through train and bilingual was one of the factors for us - there are no interviews from Kindergarten to Primary or Primary to Secondary, although you do have to place a minimal deposit to confirm your place at the school each year. Curriculum is based on the UK Curriculum with adaptations for HK. Chinese is important and Kids have a class each day and daily homework from P2. Streaming for Chinese only starts in P1. Teachers are generally warm, caring and expect discipline from the students. We have loved the upper primary at Braemar Hill (P2-P6) and found it to be more organised and structured than K. My son has been really happy there. There are regular assessments throughout the term and not much notice is given so Kids don’t cram. Only exams are for Chinese twice a year. In Primary there is streaming for literacy and maths within the classroom. School has limited facilities and the campus is shared with the local section so this may be a consideration for some parents. We do activities outside of school so this wasn’t an issue for us. Feel free to PM if you have any questions."

作者: pat1668pat    時間: 18-11-21 15:17

weqacn 發表於 18-11-21 15:14
Quoted from Facebook Hong Kong Schools group
"I think there are many threads on KCIS in this group t ...

This is a 10+ years ago story I guess , it changed from non selective to highly selective school now

作者: RRDDragon    時間: 18-11-21 17:55

pat1668pat 發表於 18-11-21 15:17
This is a 10+ years ago story I guess , it changed from non selective to highly selective school no ...

May I know if you meant their admission standard is higher than before?

作者: pat1668pat    時間: 18-11-21 18:06

RRDDragon 發表於 18-11-21 17:55
May I know if you meant their admission standard is higher than before?

Yes, decade ago was by first come first serve basis, now by interview and highly selective base on capability

作者: RRDDragon    時間: 18-11-21 22:00     標題: 回覆樓主:

For those who have their kids transferred from other IS to KCIS, may I know why you chose KCIS instead of other IS in the first place?

Are your kids getting from KCIS what you expected?  I know this may be too generic but would appreciate all kinds of comments.  Thanks

作者: 咖央西多    時間: 18-11-22 12:11

RRDDragon 發表於 18-11-21 22:00
For those who have their kids transferred from other IS to KCIS, may I know why you chose KCIS inste ...
1. Very close to my home.2. Reasonable school fee.
3. Within my expectation.

作者: mayyeung0716    時間: 18-11-22 22:55     標題: 回覆樓主

是否直升year 1

作者: RRDDragon    時間: 18-11-23 08:20     標題: 回覆樓主:

In Primary section how many students are there in a class now?

作者: weqacn    時間: 18-11-23 11:02

RRDDragon 發表於 18-11-23 08:20
In Primary section how many students are there in a class now?

30 students per class and there are 3 classes
作者: mayyeung0716    時間: 18-11-23 11:26     標題: 回覆樓主

May I know for the kindergarten class? How many class and how many student in each thx

作者: RRDDragon    時間: 18-11-24 09:40

weqacn 發表於 18-11-23 11:02
30 students per class and there are 3 classes

That seems high compared to other IS.  I suppose they also have teaching assistant in each class, right?

作者: bonbon1106    時間: 18-11-24 13:16

本帖最後由 bonbon1106 於 18-11-24 13:17 編輯

In my class Year 3 only 28 kids in 1 class with 2 class teachers . 1 main 1 assistant . 3 class per form .
Chinese class will separate into different level too .
作者: robocorn    時間: 18-11-27 00:03

mayyeung0716 發表於 18-11-22 22:55
是否直升year 1

本帖最後由 robocorn 於 18-11-27 00:05 編輯

幼稚園總供有上下午班各兩班,每班約收28人有一位主老師和一位輔助老師,每天都有中文堂上。 基本上只要你唔走。。都會直升上小學

作者: Osiana    時間: 18-12-9 09:55

robocorn 發表於 18-11-27 00:03
本帖最後由 robocorn 於 18-11-27 00:05 編輯

幼稚園總供有上下午班各兩班,每班約收28人有一位主老師 ...
28人一班都好多人! 小學幾多人一班呢?

作者: robocorn    時間: 18-12-9 09:57

Osiana 發表於 18-12-9 09:55
28人一班都好多人! 小學幾多人一班呢?

都係差不多,但有assistant teacher幫手

作者: pk2023    時間: 19-12-2 11:45

回覆 robocorn 的帖子

我女兒11月小B 剛拿了 KCIS PM offer, 我想了解下KCIS D 老師會唔會好嚴, 同會唔會太傳統, 亦想知道功課多唔多同會唔會好谷好辛苦!

作者: 羊羊-媽咪    時間: 19-12-2 16:13

pk2023 發表於 19-12-2 11:45
回覆 robocorn 的帖子

我女兒11月小B 剛拿了 KCIS PM offer, 我想了解下KCIS D 老師會唔會好嚴, 同會唔會 ...

讀完K剛升Reception,功課量好少係學校做曬通常唔會帶返來,一年到頭都完全唔使做什麼親子功課。 輕松開心(emoji)

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