
標題: 法國國際 FIS [打印本頁]

作者: 阿波豬    時間: 17-2-14 00:21     標題: 法國國際 FIS

- FIS 是一間怎樣的學校?happy school?
- 每天也有功課?
- 是否一定要學法文?
- 學生純品嗎?
- 老師注重德育嗎?

作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-2-14 20:29

阿波豬 發表於 17-2-14 00:21
- FIS 是一間怎樣的學校?happy school?
- 每天也有功課?


作者: 阿波豬    時間: 17-2-14 21:29

happyfleet 發表於 17-2-14 20:29

Thank you !

作者: Jane1983    時間: 17-2-14 22:46

作者: 阿波豬    時間: 17-2-14 22:50

Jane1983 發表於 17-2-14 22:46
我小朋友在FIS附近學打波,球場唔少FIS的學生,同組亦有幾個。小學部,學生算純和乖。至於中學生,就要睇你 ...


作者: Ms_Gorgeous    時間: 17-2-15 20:52

Jane1983 發表於 17-2-14 22:46
我小朋友在FIS附近學打波,球場唔少FIS的學生,同組亦有幾個。小學部,學生算純和乖。至於中學生,就要睇你 ...

May I know what you saw from the secondary crowd? I got the FIS reception offer vs ESF year 1 offer, and am wondering which to take.  Many thanks

作者: valeriebbmama    時間: 17-3-17 10:10

回覆 Ms_Gorgeous 的帖子

How long from your application to get the offer of FSI? I wonder that there is a long waiting list. Thanks!!
作者: behd    時間: 17-3-17 10:39


作者: Ms_Gorgeous    時間: 17-3-17 21:35

valeriebbmama 發表於 17-3-17 10:10
回覆 Ms_Gorgeous 的帖子

How long from your application to get the offer of FSI? I wonder that there ...

I applied Jardine Lookout campus since born

作者: OKmom    時間: 17-3-20 07:42

behd 發表於 17-3-17 10:39
作者: Jane1983    時間: 17-3-20 09:43

回覆 OKmom 的帖子


作者: canteen31    時間: 17-3-20 10:47

講真,呢個年代冇論讀Ls 定is 都一定比父母嘅年代開放,只不過我諗is d 學生冇咁需要扮乖吧!我自己有女,將會讀FIS, 我會介意佢十幾歲食煙飮酒拍拖,我明白後生嘅都有好奇心,我只可以教佢做任何事情都係有consequences!

作者: chekchek    時間: 17-3-21 22:45     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 chekchek 於 17-3-21 22:46 編輯

小兒讀緊,幫我仔補緊中文個老師教緊港島band 1 男校小學,話佢純過好多佢既學生,不過我覺得佢地好動D,開朗D。
讀得呢間學校,有一半是外國同學,思想行為會比較西化是預料中事。説到中學變壞變開放,local school 也有機會學好或學壞吧!

作者: Jane1983    時間: 17-3-22 10:20

作者: 964000    時間: 17-3-22 12:12

Jane1983 發表於 17-3-22 10:20
我無升上中學會學壞的意思,始終家教最緊要,係想講價值觀唔同。食煙早拍拖,有家長猛烈批評,但人地文化唔 ...

Agree, 短裙露臍裝化裝紋身,呢D在本地傳統學校是好「壞」,但外國人真係覺得冇野。我女幼稚園有女老師手臂也有紋身,有女老師染髮(金毛)我地又覺得冇乜野。

作者: Jackieson    時間: 17-3-23 20:46

Jane1983 發表於 17-3-20 09:43
回覆 OKmom 的帖子

其實讀IS,尤其係外國人佔多的,多少要接受人地的文化,純粹「洋為中用」,會容易失望 ...


作者: bbanya    時間: 17-11-6 00:01

chekchek 發表於 17-3-21 22:45
小兒讀緊,幫我仔補緊中文個老師教緊港島band 1 男校小學,話佢純過好多佢既學生,不過我覺得佢地好動D,開 ...
想請問平時功課考試多唔多?是否需要外補? 香港人同學比例多唔多? 學校會口會 expect家長參與好多?除學費外, 其他洗費多唔多? 是用書本還是電子書?

作者: 1992英语baby    時間: 17-11-6 09:00

回覆 阿波豬 的帖子

FIS Is a very good school.    Very hard to get accepted.   
作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-11-6 20:21

bbanya 發表於 17-11-6 00:01
想請問平時功課考試多唔多?是否需要外補? 香港人同學比例多唔多? 學校會口會 expect家長參與好多?除學 ...

Lower primary唔覺有功課, 但要睇書。無考試。

外補什麼科? 只知法文不達標要在校內補課。

作者: dem0cracy    時間: 17-11-7 10:52

借位一問…FIS一般會否俾年尾出生的小朋友遲一年入學(做大B)? 最近去info session問過,admission head答案大約係話叫我email佢,佢哋會考慮,我想知approve嘅機會有幾高?

我仔年尾出世,填form時已寫想報2019 Reception(當時以為birthday cutoff係8月),後來亦email過學校問可否遲一年才考,但學校一直將佢放喺waiting list for 2018 Reception class。最近又收到通知1-5月會有assessment,但學校仲未覆我可否轉2019…電話又冇人聽…好無耐…

作者: bbanya    時間: 17-11-7 10:59

happyfleet 發表於 17-11-6 20:21
Lower primary唔覺有功課, 但要睇書。無考試。

外補什麼科? 只知法文不達標要在校內補課。

Thanks happyfleet.  想請問知唔知雜費同其他洗費多唔多? 如compulsory outing?  
佢地係咪用電子書? 我知有IS買電子書都買成兩萬蚊。

作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-11-7 13:32

bbanya 發表於 17-11-7 10:59
Thanks happyfleet.  想請問知唔知雜費同其他洗費多唔多? 如compulsory outing?  
佢地係咪用電子書? 我 ...

學費已包stationary amd textbooks. 沒有其他使費。

作者: bbanya    時間: 17-11-7 15:56

happyfleet 發表於 17-11-7 13:32
學費已包stationary amd textbooks. 沒有其他使費。

咁又幾好wor! 請問中文普通話程度方面, 可否達到基本會話嘅程度? 小朋友對認中文字係咪真係好淺?

作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-11-7 16:10

bbanya 發表於 17-11-7 15:56
咁又幾好wor! 請問中文普通話程度方面, 可否達到基本會話嘅程度? 小朋友對認中文字係咪真係好淺?

其實入得FIS, 中文都無打算靠學校。校長都講過, 中文只是當興趣班咁教。中文你預左要自己補。

作者: bbanya    時間: 17-11-7 18:10

happyfleet 發表於 17-11-7 16:10
其實入得FIS, 中文都無打算靠學校。校長都講過, 中文只是當興趣班咁教。中文你預左要自己補。

都好明白。 咁法文呢? 如果由佢地Reception class開始讀, conversational嘅法文應該冇問題? 學校會幫佢地留堂補法文之餘, 有冇需要自己補習?

作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-11-7 20:07

dem0cracy 發表於 17-11-7 10:52
借位一問…FIS一般會否俾年尾出生的小朋友遲一年入學(做大B)? 最近去info session問過,admission head答案 ...

以前佢地有寫明9月reception開學時要足4歲, 唔知點解依家無左。我覺得佢地仍以8月為cutoff, 因為大部份學生是9月至2月出世。所以你小朋友年尾出世不是細b.

作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-11-7 20:10

bbanya 發表於 17-11-7 18:10
都好明白。 咁法文呢? 如果由佢地Reception class開始讀, conversational嘅法文應該冇問題? 學校會幫佢 ...

我覺得唔使太擔心, 如果唔達標法文老師會聯絡家長的。


作者: bbanya    時間: 17-11-7 23:27

happyfleet 發表於 17-11-7 20:10
我覺得唔使太擔心, 如果唔達標法文老師會聯絡家長的。


Reception 4 歲班

作者: tibbar2011    時間: 17-11-9 11:40

Any idea when the interview for reception will be? We applied when our son was a baby ... he will be 4 next year (Aug 2018) so i presume interview will take place this autumn/winter... but we have not heard anything yet.
作者: LoisJMan    時間: 17-11-10 00:48

happyfleet 發表於 17-11-7 20:07
以前佢地有寫明9月reception開學時要足4歲, 唔知點解依家無左。我覺得佢地仍以8月為cutoff, 因為大部份學 ...

我個女8 月,機會係咪極低?

作者: LoisJMan    時間: 17-11-10 00:50

chekchek 發表於 17-3-21 22:45
小兒讀緊,幫我仔補緊中文個老師教緊港島band 1 男校小學,話佢純過好多佢既學生,不過我覺得佢地好動D,開 ...

May i know how to get those  Chi tutor for IS students?

作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-11-10 13:04

tibbar2011 發表於 17-11-9 11:40
Any idea when the interview for reception will be? We applied when our son was a baby ... he will be ...

interview usually held before chinese new year

作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-11-10 13:10

LoisJMan 發表於 17-11-10 00:48
我個女8 月,機會係咪極低?

我覺得如果是早申請, 機會是有的。你有無問過你waitlist排第幾? 你是申請那個campus?

作者: canteen31    時間: 17-11-10 17:10

LoisJMan 發表於 17-11-10 00:48
我個女8 月,機會係咪極低?
My girl is end of August, still can get in but youngest in the class.
作者: LoisJMan    時間: 17-11-10 17:11

happyfleet 發表於 17-11-10 13:10
我覺得如果是早申請, 機會是有的。你有無問過你waitlist排第幾? 你是申請那個campus?

I just applied , still hvnt got the notice~

作者: LoisJMan    時間: 17-11-10 17:12

canteen31 發表於 17-11-10 17:10
My girl is end of August, still can get in but youngest in the class.

Good to know, may i know content of the assesments?

作者: LoisJMan    時間: 17-11-10 19:07

happyfleet 發表於 17-11-10 13:10
我覺得如果是早申請, 機會是有的。你有無問過你waitlist排第幾? 你是申請那個campus?

Is JL campus harder to get in?

作者: happyfleet    時間: 17-11-10 20:23

LoisJMan 發表於 17-11-10 19:07
Is JL campus harder to get in?

yes, as many expats live on island side.

作者: minicooper0808    時間: 17-11-26 18:26

回覆 dem0cracy 的帖子

可以,你可以e mail 佢地改遲一年。


作者: jyk    時間: 17-12-5 11:06     標題: 回覆樓主

請問今年有報reception 18/19 嘅小朋友,有冇收到interview 嘅通知?

作者: tibbar2011    時間: 17-12-5 22:36

本帖最後由 tibbar2011 於 17-12-5 22:38 編輯

回覆 jyk 的帖子

Not yet. I called the school office 2 weeks ago. They said they will send emails out in December.  Interview in Jan.
Were you specifically referring to those who submitted application this year for 2018/19? I am not sure how long the list is... we applied in 2015.

作者: jc280915    時間: 17-12-15 09:45

係咪申請左, 一般都要等幾年先收到信有 interview? 我仔2歲, 剛剛報名 for Reception, 係咪有排等?
作者: jyk    時間: 17-12-15 10:19

tibbar2011 發表於 17-12-5 22:36
回覆 jyk 的帖子

Not yet. I called the school office 2 weeks ago. They said they will send emails ou ...

請問你收到interview通知未?你係咪報international stream 嘅reception?

我今年年頭先報,當時學校話我地排300,我諗咁後應該無得in 了

作者: canteen31    時間: 17-12-15 19:27     標題: 回覆樓主:

本帖最後由 canteen31 於 17-12-15 19:29 編輯

I applied for reception 2017/18 on June 2016 and was on 250, got interview notice in Feb 2017, passed interview but was put on waiting list, eventually we got notified of a place in April/May 2017.

So it’s never too late.

作者: jc280915    時間: 17-12-16 17:11

回覆 canteen31 的帖子

Thats good to know!! How do you find the school after studying for few months?
Mat I know if ur child is fluent in English when interview?

作者: tibbar2011    時間: 17-12-18 08:27

jyk 發表於 17-12-15 10:19
請問你收到interview通知未?你係咪報international stream 嘅reception?

我今年年頭先報,當時學校話我 ...

Just got an email - interview/ assessment in mid Jan

作者: Newhandmom    時間: 17-12-18 15:58

tibbar2011 發表於 17-12-18 08:27
Just got an email - interview/ assessment in mid Jan

Hi tibbar. When did you submit the application form? Thanks

作者: rhineriesling    時間: 17-12-18 17:11     標題: 回覆樓主


作者: tibbar2011    時間: 17-12-18 18:05

Newhandmom 發表於 17-12-18 15:58
Hi tibbar. When did you submit the application form? Thanks

3 years ago

作者: Newhandmom    時間: 17-12-18 22:42

tibbar2011 發表於 17-12-18 18:05
3 years ago

Thanks tibbar...I just helped my son submitted the application form two months ago...no hope then!

作者: tibbar2011    時間: 17-12-19 08:45

Newhandmom 發表於 17-12-18 22:42
Thanks tibbar...I just helped my son submitted the application form two months ago...no hope then!

You never know!

作者: jc280915    時間: 17-12-19 17:37

回覆 tibbar2011 的帖子

Hi tibbar. pls check PM. Thanks.

作者: willshek    時間: 17-12-24 12:17

tibbar2011 發表於 17-12-18 08:27
Just got an email - interview/ assessment in mid Jan

Oh, good for you.

I applied for 2018-19 reception class in Jul 2016, but haven't received any invitation for interview yet. Maybe I'm too late (emoji)

作者: 964000    時間: 17-12-27 08:12

dem0cracy 發表於 17-11-7 10:52
借位一問…FIS一般會否俾年尾出生的小朋友遲一年入學(做大B)? 最近去info session問過,admission head答案 ...


作者: tibbar2011    時間: 17-12-27 09:56

964000 發表於 17-12-27 08:12
我們當時是星期四call你星期六就in,真的和其他如德國人作風 ...

Well we were given a month's notice. So it's not so bad!

作者: jc280915    時間: 17-12-27 12:16

chekchek 發表於 17-3-21 22:45
小兒讀緊,幫我仔補緊中文個老師教緊港島band 1 男校小學,話佢純過好多佢既學生,不過我覺得佢地好動D,開 ...
Hi chekchek
Pls check PM. Thanks.

作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-2 07:58     標題: 回覆樓主

We just submitted application today for 2018/19 reception at TKO. Will school send confirmation email upon receiving the application or Do I need to call them and check myself?  Hope can get a chance for interview this year...

作者: kaykaychu    時間: 18-1-7 11:46

想問有冇人已經收到tko year 1 offer? Thanks
作者: giegie0506    時間: 18-1-8 08:55

Yaleizh 發表於 18-1-2 07:58
We just submitted application today for 2018/19 reception at TKO. Will school send confirmation emai ...

2018/19 TKO interview already completed in Dec. My son attended the assessment...

作者: giegie0506    時間: 18-1-8 08:56

Yaleizh 發表於 18-1-2 07:58
We just submitted application today for 2018/19 reception at TKO. Will school send confirmation emai ...

We applied Year 1 so not sure about reception time line.

作者: jyk    時間: 18-1-8 09:38

giegie0506 發表於 18-1-8 08:55
2018/19 TKO interview already completed in Dec. My son attended the assessment...

Did you apply for reception class?

作者: willshek    時間: 18-1-8 21:11     標題: 回覆樓主

Just received interview invitation for Reception 2018/19 today. Interview will be held next week.

作者: Milobapy    時間: 18-1-12 14:34

回覆 kaykaychu 的帖子

Just received offer today via email. Please check mailbox
作者: 貝珠    時間: 18-1-12 16:15

Milobapy 發表於 18-1-12 14:34
回覆 kaykaychu 的帖子

Just received offer today via email. Please check mailbox

May I know the deadline of accepting the offer? And the amount needed to pay to secure the offer? Thank you very much

作者: kiming    時間: 18-1-12 17:53

Milobapy 發表於 18-1-12 14:34
回覆 kaykaychu 的帖子

Just received offer today via email. Please check mailbox

may I know are u applying for y1?

作者: kaykaychu    時間: 18-1-12 18:14

貝珠 發表於 18-1-12 16:15
May I know the deadline of accepting the offer? And the amount needed to pay to secure the offer? T ...

Need to pay $25000 before 24 Jan.

作者: Milobapy    時間: 18-1-12 18:28

回覆 kiming 的帖子

Yes y1
作者: kaykaychu    時間: 18-1-12 22:14

Milobapy 發表於 18-1-12 14:34
回覆 kaykaychu 的帖子

Just received offer today via email. Please check mailbox

Thanks. Will you accept the offer?

作者: sabrinalee_cn    時間: 18-1-14 23:14

回覆 kaykaychu 的帖子


作者: chechaichai    時間: 18-1-14 23:30

sabrinalee_cn 發表於 18-1-14 23:14
回覆 kaykaychu 的帖子


I also got an offer.

作者: cedarleung    時間: 18-1-15 22:15


作者: 貝珠    時間: 18-1-15 23:02

cedarleung 發表於 18-1-15 22:15


作者: cedarleung    時間: 18-1-15 23:51

回覆 貝珠 的帖子

thx for your reply

作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-17 13:29

willshek 發表於 18-1-8 21:11
Just received interview invitation for Reception 2018/19 today. Interview will be held next week.

Can I ask the form and content of the interview? Did your child enjoy the session?

作者: willshek    時間: 18-1-17 17:58

Yaleizh 發表於 18-1-17 13:29
Can I ask the form and content of the interview? Did your child enjoy the session?

We just completed the interview but not sure about the format as the kids followed the teachers to classroom on their own. Parents were asked to wait inside canteen. My boy was happy.

作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-17 19:10

willshek 發表於 18-1-17 17:58
We just completed the interview but not sure about the format as the kids followed the teachers to  ...

Thanks! Best luck to your boy!

作者: weqacn    時間: 18-1-18 10:00

回覆 willshek 的帖子

We also had the interview yesterday afternoon:) Do you also apply the reception class?
I noticed that the Curricula at TKO campus (International stream) is from Reception to Year 6. Does that mean our kids need to go to other FIS campuses for secondary school?

作者: canteen31    時間: 18-1-18 12:07

weqacn 發表於 18-1-18 10:00
回覆 willshek 的帖子

We also had the interview yesterday afternoon:) Do you also apply the receptio ...

本帖最後由 canteen31 於 18-1-18 12:07 編輯

Yes, to blue pool road for secondary

作者: willshek    時間: 18-1-18 19:09

weqacn 發表於 18-1-18 10:00
回覆 willshek 的帖子

We also had the interview yesterday afternoon:) Do you also apply the receptio ...

yes, i asked Gori

作者: jyk    時間: 18-1-21 15:12

canteen31 發表於 17-12-15 19:27
I applied for reception 2017/18 on June 2016 and was on 250, got interview notice in Feb 2017, passe ...

May I ask which campus did you apply?

作者: jc280915    時間: 18-1-24 14:34

As they are opening new campus in TKO, will there be more classes for each grade? are they keeping 25 students (maximum) for each class?
作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-24 20:24

jc280915 發表於 18-1-24 14:34
As they are opening new campus in TKO, will there be more classes for each grade? are they keeping 2 ...

Yes there will be 2 more classes for Reception, so 50 students more. Not sure about other grades but likely the same.

作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-24 20:29

willshek 發表於 18-1-17 17:58
We just completed the interview but not sure about the format as the kids followed the teachers to  ...

Hi Willshek

We had the Reception assessment today. It only lasted for 45min (I thought it would last longer). The teacher said they target to announce the result by next week. How long did your son’s assessment take? Today we had 4 groups, each 10ish students attending. A good mix of Chinese and foreign kids

作者: Gdday    時間: 18-1-25 10:00

回覆 Ms_Gorgeous 的帖子

Ms_Gorgeous , pm you. Pls check.
作者: elephant23    時間: 18-1-26 14:46

貝珠 發表於 18-1-12 16:15
May I know the deadline of accepting the offer? And the amount needed to pay to secure the offer? T ...

I want to know it too, if pay for the corporate debentures can have a bigger chance to have interview earlier ?

作者: canteen31    時間: 18-1-26 14:51

elephant23 發表於 18-1-26 14:46
I want to know it too, if pay for the corporate debentures can have a bigger chance to have intervi ...
After 1 year maturity, the Corporate Debenture will bring you to the front of the line....... so your chances of getting an interview will definitely be higher (but not earlier!), but of course it doesn't guarantee that you will pass the interview.
作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-26 15:39

canteen31 發表於 18-1-26 14:51
After 1 year maturity, the Corporate Debenture will bring you to the front of the line....... so you ...

I think the new campus in TKO has allowed more headcounts for reception and primary year students. I just applied for reception end last year and got invited for the interview this month. We deliberately applied for the TKO campus coz it is just right next to our neighborhood. So from my experience, chances of getting an interview are not as low as before.

作者: happyfleet    時間: 18-1-26 20:49

jc280915 發表於 18-1-24 14:34
As they are opening new campus in TKO, will there be more classes for each grade? are they keeping 2 ...
For 2018/19, there will be two classes in each reception, year 1 and year 2.
作者: willshek    時間: 18-1-28 02:27

Yaleizh 發表於 18-1-24 20:29
Hi Willshek

We had the Reception assessment today. It only lasted for 45min (I thought it would la ...

similar, 45min, 4 groups of 10+ children

i haven't received any result yet (emoji)

作者: canteen31    時間: 18-1-28 04:29

willshek 發表於 18-1-28 02:27
similar, 45min, 4 groups of 10+ children

i haven't received any result yet (emoji)

Last year reception interview took us 2.5hrs!

作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-28 09:03

canteen31 發表於 18-1-28 04:29
Last year reception interview took us 2.5hrs!

Yeah I heard it took that long so I was very surprised to see the kids coming out so quickly! Even the assessment notification email said it will take 90 min. Perhaps they revamped the content

作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-28 09:05

willshek 發表於 18-1-28 02:27
similar, 45min, 4 groups of 10+ children

i haven't received any result yet (emoji)

Do you know what did they do during the 45min? My son refused to say anything. But I felt he wasn’t too happy. Not sure what they played

作者: willshek    時間: 18-1-28 16:14

Yaleizh 發表於 18-1-28 09:05
Do you know what did they do during the 45min? My son refused to say anything. But I felt he wasn’ ...

No, my son didn't say anything about it either.

作者: canteen31    時間: 18-1-28 21:11     標題: 回覆樓主

In my case, there was only 50 places for reception, so I guess  FIS were more selective and conducted longer interviews. But 2018/19 would be another story, with 2 new reception classes in TKO and more new IS opening in the area (new NAIS campus and Shrewsbury), chances of getting into FIS would definitely be higher.

My girl said they sang songs, drew pictures, did some art work, story time and comprehension - Just like a typical school day

作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-28 23:23

canteen31 發表於 18-1-28 21:11
In my case, there was only 50 places for reception, so I guess  FIS were more selective and conducte ...

Thank you! How have you found the school so far? Culture wise, is it similar to other International schools or more French style?

作者: canteen31    時間: 18-1-29 12:48

Yaleizh 發表於 18-1-28 23:23
Thank you! How have you found the school so far? Culture wise, is it similar to other International ...

I think it’s just like other IS, not very French in the International section. I think there’s nothing fancy about FIS, no fancy Halloween parties, musicians playing violin to kids in the morning etc.... but FIS served my expectation, teachers and staff are caring and  my child is doing well academically in line with her age.

作者: Yaleizh    時間: 18-1-29 13:05

canteen31 發表於 18-1-29 12:48
I think it’s just like other IS, not very French in the International section. I think there’s no ...

That’s perfect! Thank you!

作者: Gdday    時間: 18-1-29 13:34

回覆 canteen31 的帖子

Hi Can you pls share a bit more about the academic level of reception in FIS? What are kids learning in reception ? You can also pm me. Thx

作者: canteen31    時間: 18-1-29 15:16

Gdday 發表於 18-1-29 13:34
回覆 canteen31 的帖子

Hi Can you pls share a bit more about the academic level of reception in FIS? ...

They are following the British curriculum in the morning and IPC in the afternoon. For the first term they focused on jolly phonics and practicing writing alphabets and numbers. For maths, they are learning how to use money, teacher actually gave them $5 and they can buy things they like at the fair. There’s also other themes, brushing teeth, growing vegetables etc.....They are having a good time in school and making friends. I think they have a good canteen menu too, food are prepared in school, with ice cream on Friday! Like I say, nothing fancy but adequate.

作者: Gdday    時間: 18-1-29 20:14

回覆 canteen31 的帖子

Sounds great. Thanks.

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