
標題: 私立學校和國際學校的分別? [打印本頁]

作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-5 20:00     標題: 私立學校和國際學校的分別?

我見有部份私立學校用非本地課程,好似弘立,維多利亞,YMCA, HKAA
作者: penp0319    時間: 16-11-5 20:13

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-5 20:00
我見有部份私立學校用非本地課程,好似弘立,維多利亞,YMCA, HKAA ...

主要分別國際學校要收一定比例的外國passport 學生!

作者: 無際星塵    時間: 16-11-5 20:45

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作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-5 21:11

作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-5 21:15

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-5 22:03

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-5 21:15
因為女兒今年K2,有兩間私小已經收了她,另外她學校的小學和另一間國際學校,也好大機會會收她,所以好難選 ...

私校和國際學校分別在student mix, 私校最少70% local students vs 國際學校最多30% local students. 兩者提供非主流課程,私校較着重中文,視乎你要求什麼

作者: bamalamb    時間: 16-11-5 22:11

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-5 21:15
因為女兒今年K2,有兩間私小已經收了她,另外她學校的小學和另一間國際學校,也好大機會會收她,所以好難選 ...

你女女好犀利呀,而家先11月已經有咁多offers! 介唔介意分享吓係邊幾間學校?

作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-5 23:20



作者: Cara2006    時間: 16-11-6 01:30

poonseelai 發表於 16-11-5 22:03
私校和國際學校分別在student mix, 私校最少70% local students vs 國際學校最多30% local students. 兩者 ...

This requirement is a joke.
A lot of local chinese students have foreign passport. Look at KJS and SJS. Particularly SJS. They probably has 90+% chinese students.

作者: Cara2006    時間: 16-11-6 01:38

無際星塵 發表於 16-11-5 20:45
其實最大分別是學校管理層是甚麼人,他們自己以前接受甚麼樣的教育,坦白講管理層的思維決定了整體學校的教 ...

Agree. I suggest parents look at the background of the school, the profiles of the management, the headmaster and teaching staff.

作者: lovecasey    時間: 16-11-6 08:32

回覆 Cara2006 的帖子

Agree, however some parents tend to think passport would give an noticeable advantage to international school.  

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-6 09:23

無際星塵 發表於 16-11-5 20:45
其實最大分別是學校管理層是甚麼人,他們自己以前接受甚麼樣的教育,坦白講管理層的思維決定了整體學校的教 ...

英文水平差異同 eng as a first language or second language 都有關,本地教育已英文as a second language 為主, 國際學校is the first language, 本身已有分別,私校大部分as first language

作者: 無際星塵    時間: 16-11-6 09:35

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作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-6 09:49

ICA 係私校行國際課程,但school tour 時,個副校長話大約7成人都擁有外國passport .


作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-6 10:18

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-6 09:49
ICA 係私校行國際課程,但school tour 時,個副校長話大約7成人都擁有外國passport .

所以我才分不淸楚, ...

我講70%比例是教署指引,孩子在香港出生但因父母有外國護照,是否local? 每間學校有不同界定(界定多數有利學校)

作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-6 12:03

poonseelai 發表於 16-11-6 10:18
我講70%比例是教署指引,孩子在香港出生但因父母有外國護照,是否local? 每間學校有不同界定(界定多數有利 ...
明白。咁即係冇咩大分別!只係show 比家長睇時,大部分有外國passport, 當show 比edb睇時,多數在香港出世😉
作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-6 12:11

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-6 12:03
明白。咁即係冇咩大分別!只係show 比家長睇時,大部分有外國passport, 當show 比edb睇時,多數在香港出世& ...

課程上國際和私校皆可自主,有全IB, GCSE +IB, 建議你每間看清楚再比較,選擇國際學校家長可能着重英文是否native,學生会否有多元文化,私校較着重中文,學生英文即使流利亦未必native, 看看你自己要求什麼

作者: HKTHK    時間: 16-11-6 12:28

回覆 無際星塵 的帖子

LOL, that is such a naive view. So by that argument, only Japanese can make sushi and Italian can make pizza?
作者: HKTHK    時間: 16-11-6 12:29

回覆 minicooper0808 的帖子

From a parent/user perspective, only major difference is student mix
作者: 無際星塵    時間: 16-11-6 13:40

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作者: Kittybama    時間: 16-11-6 13:48

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作者: Kittybama    時間: 16-11-6 13:51

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作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-6 13:54

無際星塵 發表於 16-11-6 09:35
因此,若某學校有權話事及高層管理者若非本身是native English speakers及自幼接受西方現代教育模式長大,他們所辦及管理的學校,無論是採用那個學制,也無法辦出一間真正的國際學校,而那些學生的平均英文水平也無法可跟真正國際學校學生相比。

So, you are saying a student that has a 7 in English A in say ISF or VSA, has poorer English than a student who has a 7 in English A at CDNIS? Well, I respect your views. You have your rights to believe in things you prefer to believe in. But for university application purposes, top universities do not see things the way you prefer.

作者: Kittybama    時間: 16-11-6 13:54

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作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-6 13:54

Kittybama 發表於 16-11-6 13:48
其實大家用英文學習的時間差不多,為何有些學校可以教到學生英文達1st Lang 程度,而非國際學校只能達2nd L ...


作者: 無際星塵    時間: 16-11-6 14:02

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作者: Kittybama    時間: 16-11-6 14:07

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作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-6 14:11

Kittybama 發表於 16-11-6 13:48
其實大家用英文學習的時間差不多,為何有些學校可以教到學生英文達1st Lang 程度,而非國際學校只能達2nd L ...

If you are talking about IS vs LS, then it has nothing to do with the the spent on learning English. Rather, the main difference is with design of the curriculum.
Local school is using the local English curriculum which was designed to be at second language level.
So even if you have learnt English from P1 to F6, you have always been learning English as a second language.
Even at local elite schools, they are also following the local curriculum and thus their top students who get 5** in DSE English are only considered to have English at second language level.
On the other hand, students in international schools (most if not all), students will be learning English as a first language. Students that eventually sit for IB English A exams are all considered to have English as first language.
Universities do not judge you with your ethnicity. They look at what exam you write.

作者: Kittybama    時間: 16-11-6 14:18

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作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-6 14:19

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-11-6 14:19 編輯
Kittybama 發表於 16-11-6 14:07
若重點不是時間,為何不教1st Lang程度的英文?而且那些學生將來升學或工作也大多是以英文為主。

大家都是 ...

It is because the curriculum is different.
IB, GCE, AP, have English as first language curriculum.
DSE has English as second language curriculum.
So even if you spend the same number of years learning English, you will not achieve first language English in a local school.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-6 14:20

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-11-6 14:21 編輯
Kittybama 發表於 16-11-6 14:18
既然LS及IS花在學習英文的時間差不多,為何LS要設計一個淺啲的curriculum?而事實上,絕大部分LS學生將來升 ...

Ask the HK government.
And by the way, you know what, local students are complaining that the Chinese curriculum (which is at first language level) is too hard. Oh well.

作者: Cara2006    時間: 16-11-6 14:31

nintendo 發表於 16-11-6 14:11
Even at local elite schools, they are also following the local curriculum and thus their top students who get 5** in DSE English are only considered to have English at second language level.

DSE English = second language 唔係好多 LS 學生知。
我親戚個女 DSE English 5* ,DSE 中文 5,佢話自己英文好過中文。

作者: Cara2006    時間: 16-11-6 14:38

Kittybama 發表於 16-11-6 14:07
若重點不是時間,為何不教1st Lang程度的英文?而且那些學生將來升學或工作也大多是以英文為主。

大家都是 ...

所以去 local international school  點都有好處,就算 100% 香港人,都好過跟 local school 。

作者: KarenKang    時間: 16-11-6 14:51     標題: 回覆:Cara2006 的帖子

語言是同生活語境有關,家庭語境及生活環境的因素很重要,所以學語言是immersion的。人腦所接受的資訊潛意識是有主有次,如果playground language朋友仔都用中文,那英文就变成2nd Language了。所以student mix是其中一個重要因素,還有本身教學的老師是否native? 老師除了傳授的學術知識,自身的文化對學生也是有影響的。

作者: torunpoland    時間: 16-11-6 16:50

本帖最後由 torunpoland 於 16-11-6 16:51 編輯


課程設計/Student mix/老師背景/辦學人士背景/管理層態度,呢D全部都係因素。好難話咩野因素佔幾多個%,總之炒埋一碟,讀國際學校一定係養鬼仔,問題係作為父母/校方,你入返幾多中國傳統的養份俾小朋友,呢點就人人唔同,學校取向亦有別。

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-6 16:51

poonseelai 發表於 16-11-6 09:23
英文水平差異同 eng as a first language or second language 都有關,本地教育已英文as a second languag ...

Most PISs have English as first language?  Like Sacred Heart Canossian primary school, Choi Kai Yau and Victoria?

作者: Moonlight819    時間: 16-11-6 16:53

KarenKang 發表於 16-11-6 14:51
語言是同生活語境有關,家庭語境及生活環境的因素很重要,所以學語言是immersion的。人腦所接受的資訊潛意 ...

所以重點是IS所有老師和同學間也只說英文,但LS(even in top school as DGS), 同學間也只會說廣東話(我朋友囡囡讀緊說),所以英文程度當然差天共地了!

作者: 964000    時間: 16-11-6 19:41

shadeslayer 發表於 16-11-6 16:51
Most PISs have English as first language?  Like Sacred Heart Canossian primary school, Choi Kai Yau ...

Actually what kind of private school is the host referring to? Local school private school or international style like Anfield, ISF?

作者: heebo    時間: 16-11-6 21:46

I believe she refers to Private Independent Schools (PIS) vs International Schools.  I never knew the difference but I have browsed the info in the Edu Bureau's website and found that both categories are part of the private school sector.  There are only 7 PISs (  CKY, DC, ICS, ISF, RC, VSA, Yew chung Secondary) but there are 51 IS.  Yew Chung Primary is an IS but its Secondary School is a PIS.  According to Edu Bureau's definition, a PIS is required to take in at least 70% students who are permanent residents of HK.
作者: Cara2006    時間: 16-11-6 23:19

KarenKang 發表於 16-11-6 14:51
語言是同生活語境有關,家庭語境及生活環境的因素很重要,所以學語言是immersion的。人腦所接受的資訊潛意 ...

但如果因種種原因,不能入 international school ,那麼入 local international school 也是一個出路,
可以話係 "好過冇"。
利申:仔女是 ESF。

作者: Cara2006    時間: 16-11-6 23:21

shadeslayer 發表於 16-11-6 16:51
Most PISs have English as first language?  Like Sacred Heart Canossian primary school, Choi Kai Yau ...

I think most IB PIS like ISF and VSA have quite a lot of students taking English A.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-6 23:27

heebo 發表於 16-11-6 21:46
I believe she refers to Private Independent Schools (PIS) vs International Schools.  I never knew th ...

Do you have the link to the PIS list? I did not know ICS is a PIS.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-6 23:35

Cara2006 發表於 16-11-6 14:31
DSE English = second language 唔係好多 LS 學生知。
我親戚個女 DSE English 5* ,DSE 中文 5,佢話自 ...

Apparently, most students in Hong Kong believe they have better English than Chinese, by merely looking at the DSE grades. Seems like no one has told them that their English curriculum is second language only.

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-7 00:01

本帖最後由 poonseelai 於 16-11-7 00:04 編輯
nintendo 發表於 16-11-6 23:27
Do you have the link to the PIS list? I did not know ICS is a PIS.

Search "secondary", then "finance type - private independent scheme

作者: heebo    時間: 16-11-7 00:43

nintendo 發表於 16-11-6 23:27
Do you have the link to the PIS list? I did not know ICS is a PIS.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-7 03:21

heebo 發表於 16-11-7 00:43

"PISs are required to ensure that at least 70% of the student population are Hong Kong Permanent Residents."

So under this definition, people that have obtained a permanent resident id card do qualify? Then this is easy. I know a lot of gweilo have lived here long enough and have got permanent resident id card.

作者: Radiomama    時間: 16-11-7 06:56

nintendo 發表於 16-11-7 03:21
"PISs are required to ensure that at least 70% of the student population are Hong Kong Permanent Re ...

因此DC有許多外國學生而仍能滿足教育局的要求,而有些新興IS 收許多香港人也無問題,因為均持海外護照;每間學校都有不同student mix, 就算under the same category, e.g. PIS 或 IS, 所以去學校參觀/school tour好重要。

這個月份,好多學校都有school fair, 應該去感受一下。

作者: heebo    時間: 16-11-7 07:56

nintendo 發表於 16-11-7 03:21
"PISs are required to ensure that at least 70% of the student population are Hong Kong Permanent Re ...
True. So whether a school provides an international education depends on a lot of factors, like many parents above have pointed out.  PIS is a type of school which has received land grant at a nominal premium plus a one-off capital grant for construction of school premises. ICS is a PIS under this definition although I view it is an international school. Many non-locals can have HKID. Likewise,  locals can have foreign passports.
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 08:25

Cara2006 發表於 16-11-6 23:21
I think most IB PIS like ISF and VSA have quite a lot of students taking English A.

In a proper IS, no students are taking English B bar I guess a few exceptional cases.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 08:51

964000 發表於 16-11-6 19:41
Actually what kind of private school is the host referring to? Local school private school or inter ...

So PIS vs IS is the wrong question to ask as they have so much in common in some cases and yet so different in others.

Parents should review both the list of IS and PIS, short list them based on other more important criteria and use PIS/IS as one attribute.

作者: hkparent    時間: 16-11-7 10:57     標題: 引用:Quote:Cara2006+發表於+16-11-6+23:21+ I+t

原帖由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-07 發表
In a proper IS, no students are taking English B bar I guess a few exceptional cases.
Similarly, I guess no students in IS are taking Chinese A.

Therefore, in general:
IS (Eng A, Chi B), local school (Chi A, Eng B; or both Chi A & B), PIS (Chi A and/or B).

作者: hkparent    時間: 16-11-7 11:00     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+shadeslayer+於+16-11-07+發

原帖由 hkparent 於 16-11-07 發表
Similarly, I guess no students in IS are taking Chinese A.

Therefore, in general:
PIS (Eng A/B and/or Chi A/B), which is in between IS and local school, hoping to get the best of the two worlds.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-7 11:02

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-11-7 11:38 編輯
shadeslayer 發表於 16-11-7 08:25
In a proper IS, no students are taking English B bar I guess a few exceptional cases.

Just want to share. I happened to know someone that took English B as he took Japanese A as self study class at an international school (not Japanese international school tho). Heard from other parents it is quite common for students from other countries to take English B and then self study their own language.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-7 11:04

本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-11-7 11:39 編輯
hkparent 發表於 16-11-7 10:57
Therefore, in general:
IS (Eng A, Chi B),

A lot of students are able to handle Eng A + Chi A at ESF.May be not as many as in schools like DSE or SPCC, but not as uncommon as many people want to believe.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-7 11:06

hkparent 發表於 16-11-7 11:00
PIS (Eng A/B and/or Chi A/B), which is in between IS and local school, hoping to get the best of the ...

Not appropriate to draw that line.
I think DBS, SPCC and RC do not provide English B.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 11:59

nintendo 發表於 16-11-7 11:02
Just want to share. I happened to know someone that took English B as he took Japanese A as self st ...

IS students in an International Stream taking English B is definitely a very rare case Because both the teaching language and student language are English.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-7 13:13

shadeslayer 發表於 16-11-7 11:59
IS students in an International Stream taking English B is definitely a very rare case Because both ...

Not really that rare if certain international school had enough students to start an English B class.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 13:35

nintendo 發表於 16-11-7 13:13
Not really that rare if certain international school had enough students to start an English B cla ...

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-7 13:36 編輯

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-7 13:36 編輯

then the IS in question is not what I called "Proper" IS.  I would be very skeptical.

作者: nintendo    時間: 16-11-7 13:45

shadeslayer 發表於 16-11-7 13:35
then the IS in question is not what I called "Proper" IS.  I would be very skeptical.

Which IS is your child in? How much you know about IS? You sure you know all of them that well?
You can have your own definition of "proper IS".
But the school I mentioned is definitely an IS, not PIS, not local IB (like DBS or SPCC), which you always seem to not like anyway..
Not sure what the problem you have as you always seem to like to argue with people about things you definitely do not really know well.
My involvement ends here.

作者: Cara2006    時間: 16-11-7 14:04

shadeslayer 發表於 16-11-7 11:59
IS students in an International Stream taking English B is definitely a very rare case Because both ...

IS do not only take English speaking kids. IS are schools that take kids that cannot go to local schools (because they do not know chinese). I also met a girl that took English B and Hebrew A (IBDP). Yes, not many of such children but there are definitely more than you think.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 14:52

nintendo 發表於 16-11-7 13:45
Which IS is your child in? How much you know about IS? You sure you know all of them that well?
You ...

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-7 15:04 編輯

Didn't I quote my "Proper"?  

yes it is my definition of Proper IS whether it is IS by EDB definition.  why would i want to argue with people on my definition of Proper IS?

I have nothing against PIS. my daughter studied in one and almost got into another one.  

To the contrary, I said time and time again PIS and DSS are the best thing in HK education. why would i dislike them. I know very smart and bright students in DGS, SPCC.

I have suggested in this thread to mix PIS and IS together when shortlisting school by the parents.   Does that sound disliking PIS to you?

also I never claim how much I know about IS. I quoted my "Proper" IS.

My choice of words like "I would be skeptical" was far from being aggressive.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 15:20

Cara2006 發表於 16-11-7 14:04
IS do not only take English speaking kids. IS are schools that take kids that cannot go to local sc ...

FIS has French Stream for French speaking kids. JIS has Japanese Stream for Japanese kids.  GSIS has German Stream for German Kids.  KIS has Korean Stream.  there should be others similar cases I have not mentioned above.

For kids whose first language does not belong to one of these available language Streams in HK, like Hebrew/Hindu, ..... and their English is not at English A level, then these are valid cases.

it boils down to what do we mean by "rare".

作者: hkparent    時間: 16-11-7 19:46     標題: 引用:Quote:Cara2006+發表於+16-11-7+14:04+ IS+

原帖由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-07 發表
FIS has French Stream for French speaking kids. JIS has Japanese Stream for Japanese kids.  GSIS ha ...
If I were a parent of the German stream in GSIS, I would take German A and English B. How can a German have second language German level when he may need to go back to Europe to work in future? It's not necessary for the kid to take both German and English A either. I'd rather let him take more HL subjects related to his university subject. Similarly, if my kid were to work in Hk in future, I don't think it's necessary to take both Chinese and English A. Why does he need so much learning of literature if he wants to study medicine/science/engineering? He should take more HL science subjects instead.

作者: callmebabe    時間: 16-11-7 19:47

Cara2006 發表於 16-11-6 01:30
This requirement is a joke.
A lot of local chinese students have foreign passport. Look at KJS and  ...

Lol agree
See cais, over 90% are locals

作者: callmebabe    時間: 16-11-7 19:51

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-6 09:49
ICA 係私校行國際課程,但school tour 時,個副校長話大約7成人都擁有外國passport .

所以我才分不淸楚, ...


作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-7 20:36

hkparent 發表於 16-11-7 19:46
If I were a parent of the German stream in GSIS, I would take German A and English B. How can a Germ ...

You don't need to take both languages at HL. You can take language A SL

作者: hkparent    時間: 16-11-7 20:59     標題: 回覆:poonseelai 的帖子

But is it worthwhile to take both language A and put my overall IB score at risk, without adding any advantage for university admission? I'd rather spend time taking one more HL science subject. If my kid will take Eng A, why bother take Chinese A SL? Vice versa for Chi A and Eng B, especially a student will need to demonstrate English ability by taking IELTS/TOEFL for admission to most top universities overseas.

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-7 21:11

hkparent 發表於 16-11-7 20:59
But is it worthwhile to take both language A and put my overall IB score at risk, without adding any ...

咁要睇你讀那一科和去那裡讀,有些科講明要Eng A HL, 如一個中國人考美國大學考Chi B可能被認為走精面

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 21:29

poonseelai 發表於 16-11-7 21:11
咁要睇你讀那一科和去那裡讀,有些科講明要Eng A HL, 如一個中國人考美國大學考Chi B可能被認為走精面

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-7 21:43 編輯

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-7 21:38 編輯

What if the school does not have Chi A?

What if the kids study IS at Eng A level from Kindy?

What if the Asian kid was adopted by white parents?

Just looking at the surname and the color of the skin to determine if Chi B is 走精面 does not make sense.

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 21:37

hkparent 發表於 16-11-7 19:46
If I were a parent of the German stream in GSIS, I would take German A and English B. How can a Germ ...

Of course the German stream's first language is German, therefore they do not have to have Eng A.

DSE students taking DSE Chinese at Native level and none of them are expected to achieve native level English.  Although some of the smart kids can achieve both Eng and Chi at native/near-native levels in DSE.

I was saying International stream students whose first language is supposed to be English and they take Eng B should be "rare" cases.  If an IS international stream has a lot of Eng B students, I would be skeptical.

I don't really know what Nintendo was upset about.

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-7 21:38

shadeslayer 發表於 16-11-7 21:29
本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-7 21:38 編輯

What if the school does not have Chi B?

我聽過一個case, 香港學生chi surname, 報英國UCL, rejected, 因3個HL subject not challenging enough, 學生took兩個science HL 加 chi B HL, 是否唔合理?i don't know

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-7 21:42

poonseelai 發表於 16-11-7 21:38
我聽過一個case, 香港學生chi surname, 報英國UCL, rejected, 因3個HL subject not challenging enough,  ...

本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 16-11-7 21:42 編輯

Was the student from a IS?I just can't figure out how the student is to blame if the school does not have Chi A at all.

作者: hkparent    時間: 16-11-7 21:48     標題: 回覆:shadeslayer 的帖子

IB looks troublesome from this perspective. If the IS kid takes the national exam of an overseas country, be it GCE AL, AP, Canada/Alberta, Australian etc, the kid will not be expected to have a high level of Chinese.

作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-7 22:48

callmebabe 發表於 16-11-7 19:51
係,係個power point 入面。
作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-7 22:56

作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-7 22:58

作者: Choochootrain    時間: 16-11-8 00:28

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-7 22:58

只係4yrs old...如果你堅持只用廣東話同佢溝通,我唔信佢成年都講唔到廣東話囉...

作者: hkparent    時間: 16-11-8 03:24     標題: 引用:依家就快4歲,一句中文都唔肯講,所以,已

原帖由 minicooper0808 於 16-11-07 發表

作者: skmibb    時間: 16-11-8 07:16

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-6 09:49
ICA 係私校行國際課程,但school tour 時,個副校長話大約7成人都擁有外國passport .

所以我才分不淸楚, ...


作者: skmibb    時間: 16-11-8 07:17

無際星塵 發表於 16-11-6 09:35
事實並非如此,你試想想,那些本地英文學校及非真正國際學校(包括考IB的新興學校)平日用於教英文及其他 ...


作者: skmibb    時間: 16-11-8 07:44     標題: 回覆樓主:

家有一個讀IS,一個讀PIS,除了讀不同學制外,其他各樣都差不多。全校上上下下都係 native speaker(除了校工姨姨,保安員及部份校務處職員),全英語環境,中文老師來自台灣或內地。英文程度一定比本地深好多。中文就一般,照樣要默書,默下拼音等,唯獨是不用做本地的閱讀理解。

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-8 07:45

hkparent 發表於 16-11-7 21:48
IB looks troublesome from this perspective. If the IS kid takes the national exam of an overseas cou ...

Therefore I know some students will take eng A + french/spanish ab initio to avoid the chi language issue

作者: Jane1983    時間: 16-11-8 08:13

回覆 minicooper0808 的帖子


作者: Radiomama    時間: 16-11-8 09:09

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-7 22:56
其他學校,最遲12月面試,如果收,2, ...

RC & DC與其他ESF小學一樣,都是行IBPYP,中文科分 3 PATHWAYS、有CHINESE FOR NATIVE 及CHINESE FOR FOREIGNER兩類,教學內容、用書均不同,適合不同中文程度的學生。

有不少新興國際學校均加強了中文課程,眾用家可深入介紹; 有些傳統國際學校則繼續其傳統,只提供程度較淺的中文科,如GSIS就是。

作者: KarenKang    時間: 16-11-8 11:11     標題: 回覆:Jane1983 的帖子

科技時代變遷 互聯網的普及資訊爆發,知識及資訊瞬間可獲得。 而大部分的新知識及現代科技的交流都用英語,英語變成世界語言,學習英語变成essensial, 並非專業 擁有。而母語非英語的國家, 具有雙母語能力的新一代會更具競爭力。第一種母語是自已民族文化的語言,另一種母語是英語。 兩種語言都是因為身處環境而变成通用。 自己民族文化的母語就是 在自己民族服文化内交流, 英語就是要與全世界交流,因為互聯網科技與世界交流變得十分直接。 用自己母語在自己民族文化内交流就更不用說了。

作者: Artie    時間: 16-11-8 11:36

本帖最後由 Artie 於 16-11-8 11:46 編輯
poonseelai 發表於 16-11-8 07:45
Therefore I know some students will take eng A + french/spanish ab initio to avoid the chi language ...

The actual issue is not the Group 2 language. The issue is which 3 HLs a student take.
There is no HL for ab initio so taking ab initio for Group 2 means he has to take another HL of another Group.
The case you mentioned, if the boy has taken Chi B SL instead, he would have taken another HL (may be Math HL since he is a science student, or Group 3 in HL). That would solve the issue.If the school insist that he has to take Chi B HL (as this is determined by the actually ability of the student, some schools are strict), then he should have taken a fourth HL, so that he would have 3 HLs that are relevant to the program he applied.
Note that Chi (whether A or B) in HL is not quite a "relevant" subject for students wanting to study in a western country.

作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-8 11:49

Artie 發表於 16-11-8 11:36
The actual issue is not the Group 2 language. The issue is which 3 HLs a student take.
There is no  ...

明白,我相信申請UCL的孩子申請前已查清楚大學要求,假設只指定那兩科要HL, 那第三個HL選什麼就要考慮,該孩子學校無提供 Chi B SL, 如另一科選HL, 中文要修Chi A SL, 整體分數可能会低D, 又未必達到大學要求

作者: Artie    時間: 16-11-8 12:20

poonseelai 發表於 16-11-8 11:49
明白,我相信申請UCL的孩子申請前已查清楚大學要求,假設只指定那兩科要HL, 那第三個HL選什麼就要考慮,該 ...

As Chinese B SL is not available, would it also mean this school has really high chinese standard generally?
I do believe universities in other countries know a lot more about different schools in Hong Kong than we presumed.
Do you know which uni he went in the end?

作者: shadeslayer    時間: 16-11-8 13:04

poonseelai 發表於 16-11-8 11:49
明白,我相信申請UCL的孩子申請前已查清楚大學要求,假設只指定那兩科要HL, 那第三個HL選什麼就要考慮,該 ...

the student can still do Chi B HL and "another" 3 HLs.

作者: skmibb    時間: 16-11-8 13:37

Jane1983 發表於 16-11-8 08:13
回覆 minicooper0808 的帖子



作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-11-8 14:00

Artie 發表於 16-11-8 12:20
As Chinese B SL is not available, would it also mean this school has really high chinese standard  ...

最後入了那間就唔知,這個個案2-3年前,councellor講出來訊息是大學会看是否刻意捨難取易,亦聽過香港大學面試問考生為何選chi B instead of Chi A. 近年IBO亦有關注香港學生選讀中文水平情況

作者: minicooper0808    時間: 16-11-8 14:06

Choochootrain 發表於 16-11-8 00:28
只係4yrs old...如果你堅持只用廣東話同佢溝通,我唔信佢成年都講唔到廣東話囉...



作者: skmibb    時間: 16-11-8 15:03

minicooper0808 發表於 16-11-8 14:06
因為佢2歲時,語言慢左年幾,我地當時只可以選擇一種語言。佢讀國際幼稚園,全班小朋友同老師也只講英文, ...


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