
標題: Repeating k2 will or will not affect the chance of entering IS? [打印本頁]

作者: evawyma    時間: 16-2-6 01:16     標題: Repeating k2 will or will not affect the chance of entering IS?

本帖最後由 evawyma 於 16-2-6 01:17 編輯

My child was born in Nov 2011 and is studying in a local private kg now. She has applied several intl schools but the chance to get in this year is slim. We are now having an option of applying her to repeat k2 at the same local kg (she is average or below average in the class). I just worry if it would affect her chance of getting into intl sch as most of the intl school's application forms ask if the kid had repeated or jump grade before.

Does anyone know and can advise? Many thanks
作者: gatochat    時間: 16-2-6 01:22

As far as I know, most international schools grade children according to their age.  

so it looks like your child  has been applying for Y1 this year and hasn't been offered a place.  What you can do now is to stay on a waitlist (school depending) and wait for a place to free up in Y2 next year.

In that case, I wouldn't think it matters whether your child repeats a year at her current kindy.
作者: evawyma    時間: 16-2-6 01:27

回覆 gatochat 的帖子

Thanks a lot, gatochat!so far we have only got one interview from an intl sch and no offer yet (no foreign passport and no other adv). the rest just said would call us for interviews when there was an opening. Since most of them would require us to provide updated school reports, I wonder if they will query if we repeat k2 and can give them k2 sch reports twice only.
作者: 964000    時間: 16-2-6 07:42     標題: 回覆:Repeating k2 will or will not affect the chance of entering IS?

But if you repeat now, your age will become too old to apply for the same year 1 next year? Many IS like ESF cut off at 1Jan. So if you do K2 again now, you still need to apply for yr 2 from your age?

作者: fundad    時間: 16-2-6 08:24     標題: 回覆:Repeating k2 will or will not affect the chance of entering IS?

I heard before that some IS eg ESF allow those born in Nov/Dec to re-apply for Y1 next year if they consider your kids premature for admission this year.  Anyone can provide more information on this?

作者: Jane1983    時間: 16-2-6 11:35

要留意間間 IS cut-off吾同,如 ICS係8月底,識人個女9月生,由local 幼稚園轉過去都自然要repeat一年。
作者: cathygum    時間: 16-2-6 16:33     標題: 引用:I+heard+before+that+some+IS+eg+ESF+allow

原帖由 fundad 於 16-02-06 發表
I heard before that some IS eg ESF allow those born in Nov/Dec to re-apply for Y1 next year if they  ...
I don't know the other ESF schools but my son is a mid-Dec boy and QBS automatically put him in the Y2 waiting list once received our application. FYI please.

作者: cathygum    時間: 16-2-6 16:37     標題: 回覆:Repeating k2 will or will not affect the chance of entering IS?

My boy is born in Dec 2010

作者: fundad    時間: 16-2-6 17:22     標題: 回覆:cathygum 的帖子

You mean you apply this year for your son born in Dec 2010 and he is then placed in the waiting list for Y2?  So, it's different to what i have heard.  Maybe they are special cases.

作者: evawyma    時間: 16-2-6 18:50

many thanks for all the useful advice. I understand that different intl schools have different cut off dates and dont mind to let my kid repeating year 1 if she is admitted in an intl school. the problem is we dont have an offer yet and I wonder if she repeats K2 in a local school, will it affect her chance to get in an intl school next year?

I just received a reject letter from CAIS, we are not even on the waiting list So no more chance to get into an intl school this year. For ESF, I think they will automatically put us on the waiting list for Y2 if no vacancy for Y1. Dont know for the rest and not sure if they mind the applicants repeating K2......
作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-2-6 19:32     標題: 引用:many+thanks+for+all+the+useful+advice.+I

原帖由 evawyma 於 16-02-06 發表
many thanks for all the useful advice. I understand that different intl schools have different cut o ...
我相信除了學校未必有人可俾答案你, 平常心啦, 如重讀做大B考local school 優勢可能大D, IS 就照排 waiting

作者: Kayden    時間: 16-2-6 19:34

I think it wont affect your chance.
Maybe you try a few more school!
作者: maemae1111    時間: 16-2-6 19:54     標題: 回覆:evawyma 的帖子

you can try to apply ICS coz I don't think this school won't accept your application due to repeat K2. In fact, they would interview 大B first coz that's the case for my son.

作者: 964000    時間: 16-2-6 20:00     標題: 回覆:Repeating k2 will or will not affect the chance of entering IS?

I think if you are determine for IS, why not change to an IS kinder eg TT, or Anfield (Anfield even have k3) to optimise your chance for IS interviews later, rather than repeating in a local kinder.

作者: evawyma    時間: 16-2-7 01:07

回覆 maemae1111 的帖子

Maemae1111, Thanks a lot for your suggestion! You are right that there are a few intl schools such as ics and nord anglia which have earlier age cut off dates. My child will become a big b if enters these schools. In fact, I have applied ics k2 but no interview yet.
作者: evawyma    時間: 16-2-7 01:12

回覆 964000 的帖子

Thanks 964000. As my child's current kg has primary and secondary school backup, I don't want to take the risk of leaving it for a school with no primary / secondary school. Besides, my child is happy with her classmates and school (but not the class teacher), so I want to keep her status quo if there is no other better alternative.
作者: evawyma    時間: 16-2-7 01:14

回覆 poonseelai 的帖子

Thanks poonseelai. My husband also says the same to me. But really disappointed after receiving the reject letter from cais⋯⋯I don't know what should I do right now.
作者: steveycwu    時間: 16-2-8 10:19

Repeating the same grade level in the same school may not be a good idea for two reasons. First, your child may feel bored by repeating everything s/he has done in the past year. Second, it may send out a bad signal that it's required by the teacher due to slow development, although you voluntarily choose this option for your child's own good.

Yet, repeating the same level when you switch to a new school would be better. Your child will learn new things even staying in the same grade level. Other people would think it's a natural decision given your child was born in Nov. Just my two cent opinion.
作者: whitesky    時間: 16-2-8 11:36

I think staying in a local kindgarten will not increase her chance to get in an international school. If studying in an international school is your ultimate goal, I suggest you switch to a real international kindergarten and repeat the same grade.

You give one more year for her to grow more mature and improve her English proficiency in English environment, this will all benefit and increase her chance when she goes for international school interviews.

If you look for a train through IS, you can also consider Kingston, Anfield, KCIS, IFS, Yew Chung which doesn't need selective interviews in kindergarten level. Once she is in an international school, you can continue to apply other more preferable schools at your choice.

作者: Chaim    時間: 16-2-8 18:59     標題: 引用:I+think+staying+in+a+local+kindgarten+wi

原帖由 whitesky 於 16-02-08 發表
I think staying in a local kindgarten will not increase her chance to get in an international school ...
I agree with white sky.
I think IS seldom take kids from local kinder. It's probably not because of their screening but kids in local kinder naturally put English as second language. IS wants kids with English as first language. So having your kid in local kinder has slim chance of going to IS (unless u speak English with her so much that she treats it as first language).

作者: evawyma    時間: 16-2-9 23:44

回覆 Chaim 的帖子

Thanks whitesky and chaim! I shall think about your good points seriously over the holiday!

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