
標題: LAW [打印本頁]

作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-1-14 09:55     標題: LAW

讀Law除左Oxbridge, 你地會點排位?Tks!

作者: Lasalleboy    時間: 16-1-14 10:57     標題: 回覆:wesleypiano 的帖子


作者: kkddmom    時間: 16-1-14 13:29     標題: 回覆:LAW

How about Durham?

作者: wloi    時間: 16-1-14 13:58

作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-1-15 09:18     標題: 回覆:LAW


作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-1-15 09:19     標題: 回覆:LAW

唔要top five 呢?

作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-1-15 09:47

Apart from Oxbridge, UCL, KCL, LSE and Durham are also amongst the top tier law schools in UK.
作者: poonseelai    時間: 16-1-15 11:26     標題: 引用:唔要top+five+呢? +

原帖由 wesleypiano 於 16-01-15 發表
唔要top five 呢?
a friend’s son studied law in U of York, and is now taking PCLL at CU.

作者: HHHR    時間: 16-1-16 02:59

回覆 wesleypiano 的帖子

除咗Oxbridge外,top tier包括LSE, UCL, KCL, Nottingham, Durham, Bristol,2nd tier有Warwick, Queen Mary, Birmingham,本來仲有Manchester, Exeter,但剛不再獲新加坡政府承認,考慮回亞洲執業會有影響。其他可考慮York, SOAS, UEA, Leeds, Sheffield。
作者: Miss_Parker    時間: 16-2-6 13:55

回覆 HHHR 的帖子

How would you rank these law schools? Warwick, Lancaster, Newcastle, Southampton, Leicester. Lots of thanks.
作者: HHHR    時間: 16-2-6 22:13

回覆 Miss_Parker 的帖子

Warwick -->Newcastle-->Leicester-->Southampton / Lancaster
上述排名先考慮大學Law School在不同League Tables的排名,(請留意:是科目排名而不是大學排名,因為法律是很專門的學科),同時亦考慮有關大學是否屬於Russell Group (英國法律業界比較保守和注重傳統),亦參考了High Fliers Research和Chambers Student的英國僱主調查報告,經整體考慮分析才作出排名。

Warwick的排名遠高於其他4間,屬英國top law schools的2nd tier,可列入10大。

其次是Newcastle,同屬Russell Group大學,Law school不俗,可列入20大。

雖然Southampton是Russell Group大學,整體排名亦高於Leicester,但後者Law School的名聲比前者為佳,而且更重要的是在僱主調查中(特別是law firms和chambers)遠較前者優勝,故此把它放在第3。

Southampton是英國一間有名的大學,不少學科名列10大,可惜law school卻很一般。反之Lancaster雖然排名較後但law school名聲卻不錯,故此把兩者放在同一級。個人認為如果留在英國執業,我會選Lancaster,但回流亞洲可能不及Southampton多人認識。


作者: Miss_Parker    時間: 16-2-7 09:55

回覆 HHHR 的帖子

Thanks so much for the detailed information. It helps a lot
作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-4-21 08:59     標題: 回覆:LAW

想係summer 報D関於law嘅course,睇過各大uni都冇乜,有冇JM仔女們以前讀過,又好介紹?Tks

作者: HHHR    時間: 16-4-22 00:45

回覆 wesleypiano 的帖子

無聽過有英國大學law school有舉辦summer camp,一般都喺升學顧問公司攪嘅。
作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-4-22 10:36     標題: 引用:回覆+wesleypiano+的帖子 無聽過有英國大

原帖由 HHHR 於 16-04-22 發表
回覆 wesleypiano 的帖子

無聽過有英國大學law school有舉辦summer camp,一般都喺升學顧問公司攪嘅。 ...
LSE 有呀!Cambridge 3月都有個law conference for sixth form,但missed 左!但我其實想搵香港summer course!

作者: ssckid    時間: 16-4-22 11:59

wesleypiano 發表於 16-4-22 10:36
LSE 有呀!Cambridge 3月都有個law conference for sixth form,但missed 左!但我其實想搵香港summer cours ...
My son attended this course before but I am not sure if it will be running this summer: http://www.arch-education.com/sites/default/files/Final_ArchPembroke14_brochure_Single-web.pdf

作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-4-23 03:49     標題: 引用:Quote:wesleypiano+發表於+16-4-22+10:36+L

原帖由 ssckid 於 16-04-22 發表
My son attended this course before but I am not sure if it will be running this summer: http://www.a ...
Tks a lot, but I prefer join summer courses in HK!

作者: Florencehoho    時間: 16-4-23 04:19

I did my LLB degree at University of Birmingham, just graduated last summer. Currently doing LPC at BPP.
作者: slamai    時間: 16-4-25 16:28

Florencehoho 發表於 16-4-23 04:19
I did my LLB degree at University of Birmingham, just graduated last summer. Currently doing LPC at  ...
Congratulations! Have you got a training contract already? If so, do you mind sharing your personal experience?

作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-4-28 08:23     標題: 引用:I+did+my+LLB+degree+at+University+of+Bir

原帖由 Florencehoho 於 16-04-23 發表
I did my LLB degree at University of Birmingham, just graduated last summer. Currently doing LPC at  ...
Hi Florencehoho, 當初你拎什麼成績入brimgham? 介意分享嗎?因都幾鍾意你間大學!

作者: elbar    時間: 16-4-30 19:24

本帖最後由 elbar 於 16-4-30 19:25 編輯
HHHR 發表於 16-1-16 02:59
回覆 wesleypiano 的帖子

除咗Oxbridge外,top tier包括LSE, UCL, KCL, Nottingham, Durham, Bristol,2nd ...

Law Degrees Recognized by Singapore
Recognized Law Schools in the UK

Recognized Law Schools in Australia

Recognized Law Schools in New Zealand

作者: Rexxxxxx1227    時間: 16-5-2 22:56     標題: 回覆:Miss_Parker 的帖子

These are all second tier universities. Go for UCL LSE KCL Bristol Cardiff instead

作者: NoahArk    時間: 16-5-3 18:58     標題: 回覆:Rexxxxxx1227 的帖子

According to this (generally recognised as the most comprehensive survey), top UK and US law firms prefer graduates from (1) Oxford, (2) Cambridge, (3) Durham: http://www.chambersstudent.co.uk/where-to-start/newsletter/law-firms-preferred-universities

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-5-4 16:10

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作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-4 17:10

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

In order to maintain competitiveness in PCLL admission and for training contracts, you need to have a high 2:1 or first LL B degree from Kent.

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-5-4 18:17

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作者: Florencehoho    時間: 16-5-6 02:41

回覆 wesleypiano 的帖子

我係用bellerbys成績入架 overall 87%以上
作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-6 10:05

本帖最後由 Shootastar 於 16-5-6 10:09 編輯

回覆 kingkong 的帖子


I would like to go for higher ranking Us (if one has choice). Obtaining 2:1 is not too difficult in top ranking Us.

For your information, about 80% of Cambridge law graduates have 2:1 or first. In case of Oxford, about 65% to 70% of law graduates have 2:1 or better.

In case of KC, LSE and UCL, about 80% of their law graduates are of 2:1 or higher.

However, it is also good to settle at U of Kent, so long as you can obtain "high" 2:1 or first. "High" means the average marks of all law subjects are 65 or better. Usually you need average mark of 60 or better to obtain a "2:1". A low "2:1" from U of Kent is not competitive as far as admission to PCLL and training contract are concerned.

In short, do not worry about the name of the U so long as you have a high "2:1" or first. My two cents.

作者: HHHR    時間: 16-5-6 12:13

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

If your kid is aiming at coming back to HK / Asia to practise (I take this for granted as you asked about taking PCLL), a more renowned law school of a top UK university (the RG for example) will make things a bit easier. Please also refer to elbar's posting about the list of recognised UK law schools by the Singapore government. This is also worth considering.

Shootastar's comments are good, and it is true that if your kid get a first or 2:1 degree, it really doesn't matter too much. But since the legal profession, no matter in HK or in UK, is highly competitive in gaining a training contract, personally I still think it is worth considering getting a LLB from a more renowned university. Of course, very careful consideration must be given to whether your kid is capable of adapting to the highly competitive atmosphere at top law schools, and whether her/his public exam results can meet the requirements of the top law schools (usually AAA or A*AA). If a lower expectation is your option, personally I prefer Sheffield, York or Exeter to Kent.

作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-6 15:09

回覆 HHHR 的帖子

Can't agree with you more.

作者: manning2014    時間: 16-5-6 16:51

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

If your kid is intending to apply PCLL in HK and to practice in HK, first priority is studying in HK. Better chance (still need 2.1) to get admitted in HK. Otherwise, only the very top law schools (Oxbridge, LSE, UCL, Warwick) will stand better chance as local HK students.

2 recent real  cases. One's kid got low 2.1 from LSE (parent is a very senior government officer), other one  also got 2.1 from Kent (parent is a past  Law Society Chairman). Both of them didn't get admitted to PCLL in HK. They both went back to UK to do the LPC.

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-5-9 03:49

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作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-9 13:18

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

Not really. My son was fortunate enough that he completed all the conversion examinations at the time he graduated. He managed to be admitted to PCLL immediately after his LLB.

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-5-9 13:33

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作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-9 14:11

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

I think it is rumor that PCLL only admitted fresh LLB graduates. I know a number of friends whose kids were admitted to PCLL one year after LLB because various reasons - not yet passed all conversion examinations, doing the LLM or taking a gap year.

The admission to PCLL is based on academic merit only (as posted in various websites of the PCLL providers). If you are not a local LLB or JD graduates, you need a high "2:1" or "first" if you are not from the 1st tier colleges (we are discusing UK colleges). If you are from the 1st tier colleges, a low "2:1" will do so long as the average of your core subjects are 56 or above.

作者: HHHR    時間: 16-5-9 18:25

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

My son took a few modules every time when he returned to HK (X'mas and summer vacation) starting from Year 1. He opined that it is a bit easier to handle, and can avoid clustering everything in final year, which will make life very stressful.

According to his experience, it should not be too difficult to get a pass with sufficient preparation.

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-5-9 22:36

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作者: HHHR    時間: 16-5-10 12:33

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

It's OK for you to ask for details as long as the questions are sensible and the information you want is not easily available in the Internet. That's what Education Kingdom is for. We are very willing to share as we have gone through the same difficult time some time ago.

Back to Conversion Exam. My son did not attend any tutorial classes in HK. He said as long as you pick those modules that you are currently studying in UK law school, everything will be fine since the concepts and knowledge are pretty much the same. The only difference is the cases. He only asked me to purchase reference books selected from the lists provided by the PCLL Conversion Exam Board. Everything turns out to be fine so far.

As for the entry requirements, according to the children of my friends and relatives who studied law in UK and have gained a place in PCLL program, it is true one really need a 'high 2:1' at least to gain a place. In addition, they all claimed that it would be better to get the LLB from a renowned UK university. In view of these, I would advise you and your son to consider getting a place from a RG university (Queen Mary is a good choice) through UCAS adjustment / clearing after the release of the public exam results.

作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-10 12:51

本帖最後由 Shootastar 於 16-5-10 13:36 編輯

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

My son did not take any course for the conversion examination. Probably, some of his classmates did who were willing to share with him of the note. Save for 3 top-up subjects, they are open book examinations. If you have the notes, then it is not difficult to get a pass (the result is only pass or fail) on that subject.

Apart from the notes, it is better that he has one or two recommended books on each subject for reference. If he does not have the materials, he can then attend the courses. However, such courses may not be necessary so long as you have the reference materials.

In order to compare the overseas students, it is an open secret that the PCLL providers will first consider the average marks of 6 core subjects - those subjects are compulsory in their LLB degree. I could not recall exactly the name of the core subjects, but something like, Contract, Tort, Administrative Law, Legal System, Criminal Law etc.

If your average mark of the 6 core subjects is 56 or above, the PCLL providers will consider your LLB degree, where you come from and whether your degree is a "high 2:1" or a "low 2:1".

For your information, if you are from a prestigeous college like Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, King's or LSE, the standard offer (in the year of my son's application) was only a high "2:2" (average mark for 8 subjects taken in the 2nd and 3rd year is 58 or above). Situation may change few years later but I do think that a low "2:1" from those colleges would be qualified for a spot in the PCLL class. For less famous colleges, I think that a "high 2:1" (meaning of average mark 65 or about) is competitive for a spot.

Last, I have to remind that some students of "2:1" LLB from the prestigeous colleges are still denied because they slip in the core subjects result. It is quite easy to happen as 4 to 5 core subjects are taught in the 1st year and the students may not get used to learning law in the first year.

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-5-10 21:15

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作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-11 00:19

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

Usually you will have a " first" if you have an average mark of 68 in the 2nd and 3rd year subjects."Slip" in first year means he has not obtained an average mark of 56 in the first year subjects.
Due to grade inflation in many law schools, the PCLL providers have a list of colleges which are known as giving high marks even though the students are not at that level.
That is why you need a high 2:1 in less privilegeous law colleges. If you are from 1st tier UK law colleges, a low "2:1" is still competitive because they do not practise grade inflation. My two cents.

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-5-11 21:15

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作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-5-20 10:24     標題: 回覆:LAW

大家知道如係英國決定讀law,係咪要考個咩試LNAT?例如讀醫之前要考個UKCAT,如2017入uni, 幾時考好?係英國考?

作者: EMILY03    時間: 16-5-20 12:00

wesleypiano 發表於 16-5-20 10:24
大家知道如係英國決定讀law,係咪要考個咩試LNAT?例如讀醫之前要考個UKCAT,如2017入uni, 幾時考好?係英國 ...
係香港考, 但不是間間大學需要, 可報咗UCAS 幾個月內考
作者: wesleypiano    時間: 16-5-20 12:19     標題: 引用:Quote:wesleypiano+發表於+16-5-20+10:24+

原帖由 EMILY03 於 16-05-20 發表
係香港考, 但不是間間大學需要, 可報咗UCAS 幾個月內考
Emily03,唔係讀law 一定要考架咩?香港邊度可以考?Tks!

作者: EMILY03    時間: 16-5-20 12:51

wesleypiano 發表於 16-5-20 12:19
Emily03,唔係讀law 一定要考架咩?香港邊度可以考?Tks!
不是間間大學需要, 睇你想考邊間, 自己上網查吓就搵到, 都考得好密, 有好多時間比你揀.
作者: optimist    時間: 16-5-20 13:14

本帖最後由 optimist 於 16-5-20 13:18 編輯

請問LSE Durham UCL KCL QMUL Warwick應如何取捨? 因為UCAS只可放5間, 要考慮有無LNAT,競爭,回港出路等另外可否建議AS UMS平均最少幾多%才值得一試Oxbridge law, 有真正機會而不是白撞? 没有英國護照係唔係蝕底?

作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-20 14:01

The requirements of LSE and UCL are more or less similar. I would choose one among these two colleges and the other 4 colleges.
作者: HHHR    時間: 16-5-20 21:45

回覆 optimist 的帖子




英國頂級法律學院唔睇UMS%。除公開考試成績外,interview, personal statement, cv, extra-curricular activities, law-related experience, reference都十分重要,但並沒有劃一的準則。所以你問有怎樣的成績才值得一試投考牛劍是沒有答案的,如真的有興趣一試,做好以上的東西。


作者: optimist    時間: 16-5-22 16:03


作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-23 10:48

回覆 optimist 的帖子

Oxbridge is the most difficult to get admission amongst all UK law schools.

It appears that Oxbridge's admission rate is about 10% while LSE is around 5% to 7%, the figure is misleading. There will be a selection procedure at the stage of making an application to Oxbridge. You need your school principal to support your application first. If you apply for LSE, you are free to do so by filling in LSE as your choice in the UCAS form.

作者: Shootastar    時間: 16-5-23 10:52

本帖最後由 Shootastar 於 16-5-23 12:09 編輯

回覆 optimist 的帖子

It is not easy to get admission from HKU or CU. It may be easier to get admission from CitiU.

My son was by snuffed by HKU several years ago though he was offered admission by 4 of the colleges you mentioned.

作者: elbar    時間: 16-5-23 11:42

本帖最後由 elbar 於 16-5-23 13:33 編輯
HHHR 發表於 16-5-20 21:45
回覆 optimist 的帖子

你所選的大學法律學院全是英國十大,競爭激烈,請小心考慮考生的承受能力。不單是公 ...


作者: slamai    時間: 16-5-23 11:52

optimist 發表於 16-5-20 13:14
請問LSE Durham UCL KCL QMUL Warwick應如何取捨? 因為UCAS只可放5間, 要考慮有無LNAT,競爭,回港出路等 ...
Apart from the academic aspect and LNAT, the location and student life, etc. of these law schools also differ.  If you ask specific questions, you may get more detailed advice.  If you want to try Oxbridge and are uncertain about your chance, it is advisable to choose Oxford with better GCSE/IGCSE results or Cambridge with better AS results.

作者: ssckid    時間: 16-5-25 11:47

本帖最後由 ssckid 於 16-5-25 14:25 編輯
optimist 發表於 16-5-22 16:03
謝謝兩位高人指點,因為怕翻唔到HK所以都唔敢報太後排名,反而可能會報HKU,CUHK,CityU做保險不過都要看放榜 ...

Please note that a student applying for Oxbridge has to sit for interviews which are difficult and tough. For Cambridge, there are two interviews. A student will be given an article to read and answer the questions raised by the interviewers. There will be many follow-up questions based on the student's answers. This can test the critical thinking and the flexibility of changing views of the student. There is no interview for LSE application.

You have to use LNAT for the application for Oxford but to take the Cambridge Law Test for Cambridge during the interview period.

作者: slamai    時間: 16-5-27 14:54

回覆 optimist 的帖子


The answer is obviously no.  Just refer to the link below:


教院幼兒教育課程 is more "competitive" than medic or law!

作者: optimist    時間: 16-5-30 17:02

回覆 elbar 的帖子

請問報澳洲大學讀law方唔方便回港?澳洲1月開學即是post A-level報?

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-6-16 09:23

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作者: HHHR    時間: 16-6-16 17:07

回覆 kingkong 的帖子

Dear kingkong,

It varies from one case to another. Please go to PCLL Conversion Examination website (http://www.pcea.com.hk/) to look for appropriate details.

作者: kingkong    時間: 16-6-17 00:10

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作者: npMaMa    時間: 16-7-15 17:01

Florencehoho 發表於 16-4-23 04:19
I did my LLB degree at University of Birmingham, just graduated last summer. Currently doing LPC at  ...
Florencehoho please check pm

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