
標題: 報牛津/劍橋 [打印本頁]

作者: acsw312sw    時間: 15-7-22 20:36     標題: 報牛津/劍橋

我個女九月讀F.5, 成績不錯, 下年想試報下牛津或者劍橋大學, 不過未決定邊間, 有沒有其他家長之前幫子女報過? 有甚麼準備功夫和貼士可分享? Thanks!

作者: wloi    時間: 15-7-22 20:47

本帖最後由 wloi 於 15-7-22 20:51 編輯
acsw312sw 發表於 15-7-22 20:36
我個女九月讀F.5, 成績不錯, 下年想試報下牛津或者劍橋大學, 不過未決定邊間, 有沒有其他家長之前幫子女報 ...

其實問自己學校的career teacher 最好。我大女當年都係學校代搞報 UCAS ...Oxbridge 係要早好多報,無記錯,一開學就要報。
要 personal statement , 考筆試,面試,再經過 pooling ...大學教授會來香港筆試同面試,.我大女只捱到 winter pool 就出局。

Oxbridge 由好多college 組成....揀邊間college 都好有技巧,揀得對,就會增加入讀機會。  我記得當年,成家人度到頭都大,類近研究馬經。
揀學術性的科目易d入,如果有專業成份的,例如 Law, Medicine 就競爭大。

不過都成4年前的事,唔知呢幾年有無改到個 admission process。

作者: mummy911    時間: 15-7-22 21:13     標題: 回覆:wloi 的帖子

本帖最後由 mummy911 於 15-7-22 21:14 編輯

請問報牛津或劍橋會用左其中一個 UCAS quota 嗎?還是重有5間可作選擇?謝謝。

作者: wloi    時間: 15-7-22 21:27

mummy911 發表於 15-7-22 21:13
請問報牛津或劍橋會用左其中一個 UCAS quota 嗎?還是重有5間可作選擇?謝謝。
係用其中一個 quota ...oxford 同cambridge ...兩間只准報一間,要排頭位。
作者: KITTY.WONG    時間: 15-7-22 21:51

回覆 wloi 的帖子


作者: wloi    時間: 15-7-22 22:36

KITTY.WONG 發表於 15-7-22 21:51
回覆 wloi 的帖子

我真係無印象係另外收錢定係UCAS 收一次。幾多錢亦無印象,太耐之前ge 事,我估你要上網自己research 下
作者: acsw312sw    時間: 15-7-23 00:47

回覆 wloi 的帖子

我個女間學校唔係太多人報Oxbridge, 所以我覺得學校career teacher未必太熟程序, 而且又要兼顧太多學生, 唔會有太多時間, 不過我都一定會去問下!
你地之前係點揀college架? 點知邊間易D入? 我個女讀理科, 可能報Engineering/sciences科.

作者: wloi    時間: 15-7-23 07:55

本帖最後由 wloi 於 15-7-23 17:29 編輯
acsw312sw 發表於 15-7-23 00:47
回覆 wloi 的帖子

我個女間學校唔係太多人報Oxbridge, 所以我覺得學校career teacher未必太熟程序, 而且又 ...

佢個時同我講,英國都有個類似小卒論壇咁ge forum ...佢時時上去同d 英國中學生discuss . 首先要睇邊間college 有offer 個degree ...睇下以前報名statistic ...同埋要揀下自己喜唔喜歡間college 的風格。

我女學校每年都有人報oxbrige ,而通常都有一個同學成功入讀  ...所以學校都好熟procedures 。

我估你可以搵留學agent 問意見。

作者: manning2014    時間: 15-7-23 11:21

回覆 acsw312sw 的帖子

If you are serious about it, can check out this forum about applying Oxbridge. They have a lot of useful information.


作者: bristol    時間: 15-7-23 14:43

回覆 acsw312sw 的帖子

如果小朋友想入牛津劍橋,而他不懂自已找資料,我估他也不懂去面試和寫Personal Statement,入學的機會不會太高。
作者: slamai    時間: 15-7-23 22:36

回覆 acsw312sw 的帖子

Is your daughter taking DSE, IB DP or other exam?
作者: Zenia    時間: 15-7-24 02:44

acsw312sw 發表於 15-7-23 00:47
回覆 wloi 的帖子

我個女間學校唔係太多人報Oxbridge, 所以我覺得學校career teacher未必太熟程序, 而且又 ...

印象中,Cambridge Engineering 好過 Oxford。

作者: mamacharlotte    時間: 15-7-25 01:46

Many variables: college choice, personal statement, admission test, interview, other competitions...

作者: mamacharlotte    時間: 15-7-25 01:47

But if she's F5, at least time to prepare.
作者: chenlily    時間: 15-7-27 18:50

wloi 發表於 15-7-22 21:27
係用其中一個 quota ...oxford 同cambridge ...兩間只准報一間,要排頭位。

作者: acsw312sw    時間: 15-7-27 18:54     標題: 回覆:slamai 的帖子


作者: chenlily    時間: 15-7-27 18:57

If she is in F.5 only, she has time to prepare for the content on personal statement, for example, read more subject-related materials. You need to put more subject-related content in personal statement, no need to put in so much extra-curricular activities (unlike HK uni).
作者: slamai    時間: 15-7-27 23:48

本帖最後由 slamai 於 15-7-27 23:49 編輯

回覆 acsw312sw 的帖子

For DSE, 3 electives should be taken as none of the 4 core subjects will be counted (Core Maths will be counted for a Maths course though).  Find some intern opportunities related to the course to be applied to show your D's interests and experience so gained should reinforce her determination in pursuing this course as to be reflected in the personal statement.  Some courses offered by Cambridge are not offered by Oxford and vice versa.  Even for those courses offered by both, the programmes and electives, etc. are not the same.  Check such information from the respective websites first.
作者: mamacharlotte    時間: 15-7-30 03:24

本帖最後由 mamacharlotte 於 15-7-31 01:37 編輯
slamai 發表於 15-7-27 23:48
回覆 acsw312sw 的帖子

For DSE, 3 electives should be taken as none of the 4 core subjects will be c ...

Agree very much with what you said regarding PS and researches.
The most fundamental question here for your daughter is what subject does she plan to study? Cambridge offers Natural Sciences under the tripod system while Oxford offers individual science subjects. Plus Oxbridge each offer strange and slighly off mainstream science subjects like material sciences. It does get confusing because sciences are very diversified in the UK.

With a more specific direction, it would be easier for her to plan her activities and experiences. She has slightly more than a year to plan, compile out-of-textbook knowledge and experiences plus executing, which is reasonable.

Frankly speaking, if her school doesn't offer much help regarding UCAS applications, maybe she'd need to talk to alumni from her schools whos had experiences with application, any uncles/aunties or even professionals.
Oxbridge (even imperial now) is fiercely competitive (honestly though, HKU is just as competitive with so many people applying every year) but if you prepare well, magic does happen.

My friend's daughter got conditional offer from Oxford Law for 555 just this year. So hope is still there.

=) good luck!

作者: 4eyesDad    時間: 15-8-1 22:06

acsw312sw 發表於 15-7-23 00:47
回覆 wloi 的帖子

我個女間學校唔係太多人報Oxbridge, 所以我覺得學校career teacher未必太熟程序, 而且又 ...
邊間college易入D?真係睇你係乜水。最重要的是第一個決定,就是揀學科,然後揀Oxford or Cambridge, 最後揀college。當你的孩子有決定時,如有疑問,再來研究一下。
作者: chenlily    時間: 15-8-3 19:19

本帖最後由 chenlily 於 15-8-3 19:20 編輯


作者: 化骨龍太太    時間: 15-8-5 12:37

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作者: acsw312sw    時間: 15-11-26 00:58

作者: HKdevil    時間: 15-11-27 18:32     標題: 回覆:acsw312sw 的帖子

have u tried? I want to know too

作者: youngme    時間: 15-12-1 21:26

牛津與劍橋的網站都有很多報讀這兩件大學的資料。如,這兒是牛津網站過去的面試題目:http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/u ... interview-questions,包括你的女兒報讀的engineering sciences的題目。



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