
標題: Anfield play session [打印本頁]

作者: 964000    時間: 14-10-7 09:13     標題: Anfield play session

今年有冇人報Anfield nursery or K1呀?收到play session的邀請未?
又有冇過來人分享play session的情況?係吾係多數都收?
作者: happyfleet    時間: 14-10-7 10:30     標題: 回覆:964000 的帖子


作者: 964000    時間: 14-10-7 16:45

happyfleet 發表於 14-10-7 10:30
Hi, 咁你現在Anfield讀嗎?
作者: py0803    時間: 14-10-7 19:41

回覆 964000 的帖子

我地上年參加既(kowloon tong campus), 好似playgroup咁, 入去玩, 會有老師同校長在場同家長傾下, 比你問下野, 跟住最後又會同小朋友唱下歌完結, 完全同interview是兩回事吧....
作者: happyfleet    時間: 14-10-7 22:14     標題: 引用:Quote:happyfleet+發表於+14-10-7+10:30+唱

原帖由 964000 於 14-10-07 發表
Hi, 咁你現在Anfield讀嗎?

作者: 964000    時間: 14-10-8 15:36

本帖最後由 964000 於 19-7-30 23:53 編輯
py0803 發表於 14-10-7 19:41
回覆 964000 的帖子

我地上年參加既(kowloon tong campus), 好似playgroup咁, 入去玩, 會有老師同校長在場 ...

作者: py0803    時間: 14-10-8 17:14     標題: 回覆:964000 的帖子

你有冇上佢地play group?如果有,機會大D囉…我女女有上開play group,所以play session表現唔太好都收左

作者: happyfleet    時間: 14-10-8 17:46     標題: 回覆:964000 的帖子


作者: 964000    時間: 14-10-8 19:00

py0803 發表於 14-10-8 17:14
你有冇上佢地play group?如果有,機會大D囉…我女女有上開play group,所以play session表現唔太好都收左

我只參加過toddlerobics, 無playgroup呀,吾知有無幫助
作者: 964000    時間: 14-10-8 19:01

本帖最後由 964000 於 19-7-30 23:54 編輯
happyfleet 發表於 14-10-8 17:46


作者: Babybaby2011    時間: 14-10-9 11:22     標題: 引用:Quote:py0803+發表於+14-10-8+17:14+你有冇

原帖由 964000 於 14-10-08 發表
我只參加過toddlerobics, 無playgroup呀,吾知有無幫助
我都只係上過 toddlerobics summer camp, 感覺一般所以無繼續上playgroup,亞仔play session表現ok, 仲比玩具校長,最後 pre-k 都收咗,開学前再讀 playgroup summer camp, 想睇真呢間学校係点,同是否適合亞仔讀,但final decision 無比亞仔讀。你報Hunghum or Kln Tong campus?

作者: 964000    時間: 14-10-9 12:59

Babybaby2011 發表於 14-10-9 11:22
我都只係上過 toddlerobics summer camp, 感覺一般所以無繼續上playgroup,亞仔play session表現ok, 仲比玩 ...
作者: fanfanbb    時間: 14-10-16 10:42

964000 發表於 14-10-7 09:13
今年有冇人報Anfield nursery or K1呀?收到play session的邀請未?
又有冇過來人分享play session的情況? ...

We attended the Whampoa PN play session last year, it's like a 30-minutes Play group, students played at a classroom for around 10-15 minutes then a circle time for about 10 minutes.  Teacher led the students to sing and dance.  Principal was there to mark kids performance.  

Quite enjoyable and good experience.

作者: Beida    時間: 14-10-17 00:30

So is tHe chance high ? As they seem not really assessing the kids. Anyone attended play session but not having offer eventually?
作者: 964000    時間: 14-10-20 00:45

本帖最後由 964000 於 14-10-20 00:45 編輯
Beida 發表於 14-10-17 00:30
So is tHe chance high ? As they seem not really assessing the kids. Anyone attended play session but ...

I don't know ah, I just received a email stating that they have too many applicants and they need to do many play sessions, so they cannot confirm acceptance until Mid-End NovHave you join the play session too?

作者: Beida    時間: 14-10-20 23:48

回覆 964000 的帖子

Yes, we went for play session at Kowloon Tong campus.  We also went the open day prior to that.  The teacher there said chance is high for play session.  I forgot to ask when they would announce results.
作者: lovecasey    時間: 14-10-21 07:38

回覆 Beida 的帖子

Is it k1 or pre-k? When was the play session?
作者: Beida    時間: 14-10-21 23:36

回覆 lovecasey 的帖子

It is K1
作者: Rachel710    時間: 14-10-22 01:55     標題: 引用:回覆+lovecasey+的帖子 It+is+K1+

原帖由 Beida 於 14-10-21 發表
回覆 lovecasey 的帖子

It is K1
Can u tell me when did u go to their play session? Thx!

作者: Beida    時間: 14-10-22 23:18

回覆 Rachel710 的帖子

Oct 14
作者: alicebear    時間: 14-10-23 02:04     標題: 回覆:Beida 的帖子

Hi Beida, thx for sharing. Can u explain what do they mean by chance is high for play session?

作者: Beida    時間: 14-10-23 09:44

回覆 alicebear 的帖子

I was wondering if it is high chance if invited to play session.  As they don't assess much but just circle time.  
作者: Beida    時間: 14-10-23 09:46

High chance for getting an offer
作者: 964000    時間: 14-10-23 16:56

Do most people who apply will get chance for play session?
作者: Beida    時間: 14-11-13 14:41

I just called, they will only grant offer before end of this year.  So need to wait
作者: CapricornO    時間: 14-11-19 18:23

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 964000    時間: 14-11-19 21:31     標題: 引用:play+session時發覺有老師係印度口音(唔係

原帖由 CapricornO 於 14-11-19 發表
play session時發覺有老師係印度口音(唔係英式印度人),其實anfield hung hom 既teacher mix係點架? ...
我都遇過一個Indian老師,超好人我女超鐘意佢。其他見多是南亞,ABC, 都native accent, 教音樂的是白人。

作者: venisian    時間: 14-11-21 09:22

happyfleet 發表於 14-10-7 22:14

請問 N 班有幾多學生架?

作者: happyfleet    時間: 14-11-21 12:28     標題: 引用:Quote:happyfleet+發表於+14-10-7+22:14+N

原帖由 venisian 於 14-11-21 發表
請問 N 班有幾多學生架?

作者: ckml    時間: 14-11-24 09:58

I will attend a Play session tomorrow. it is for Pre-K - seems that they offered Play Session to others long time ago - maybe my boy's chance is slim ...
作者: lovecasey    時間: 14-11-24 10:37

回覆 ckml 的帖子

The offers being sent out is for whampao, I believe Kowloon tong hasn't started giving out offer yet
作者: ckml    時間: 14-11-24 13:39

回覆 lovecasey 的帖子

Many thanks !  the one I applied is Kln Tong  
作者: tingcarman    時間: 14-11-24 18:41

I will hv a play session tmr too
作者: ckml    時間: 14-11-26 12:52

回覆 tingcarman 的帖子

Hi tingcarman, what time slot did you have ? maybe we were in the same group (not sure if they held more than 1 play session) ...

mine was 1400 -1430 play session

How do you find the school ? I like it very much after the play session - I think the teachers are nice and the principal is super nice also

作者: cutiesti    時間: 14-11-26 13:14     標題: 回覆:ckml 的帖子

Hey I wonder how they access the students performance throughout the play session... Did u join the PG class?

作者: 964000    時間: 14-11-26 14:07     標題: 回覆:Anfield play session

本帖最後由 964000 於 19-7-30 23:56 編輯


作者: 貝珠    時間: 14-11-26 16:48     標題: 回覆:Anfield play session

I got am nursery offer finally.

I am still struggling as hunghom campus is quite far away from us. Anyone know if they have school bus to Ma on Shan.

作者: ckml    時間: 14-11-27 12:58

回覆 cutiesti 的帖子

haha i really have no idea. but i know some school also have similar assessment. i saw the principal did write down sth on her paper. i haven't joined their pg. you ?
作者: leebbb    時間: 14-11-27 15:31     標題: 回覆:Anfield play session

Kln tong campus has sent out some K1offers already

作者: Joeyhk    時間: 14-11-27 17:22     標題: 引用:Kln+tong+campus+has+sent+out+some+K1offe

原帖由 leebbb 於 14-11-27 發表
Kln tong campus has sent out some K1offers already
May I know when was your play session? Thanks.

作者: Beida    時間: 14-11-27 17:50

回覆 leebbb 的帖子

oh, have you got offer already? are you current PreK student?
I have heard nothing, meaning fail .  So disappointed

作者: lovecasey    時間: 14-11-27 18:15

回覆 Beida 的帖子

Pre k does not need interview , they go directly to k1,
作者: Beida    時間: 14-11-27 19:00

回覆 lovecasey 的帖子

Oh I see thanks sigh they don't take my daughter for pre K as she was born after May
作者: cutiesti    時間: 14-11-28 00:06

回覆 ckml 的帖子

I hv joined PG class ar!
作者: ckml    時間: 14-11-28 16:21

回覆 cutiesti 的帖子

you should have great chance in getting the offer - priority to their PG students ...
作者: Beida    時間: 14-11-28 17:20

How about PG just for saturday, any chances?
作者: cutiesti    時間: 14-11-28 17:43     標題: 回覆:Beida 的帖子

I Ll join weekdays PG class next Jan n now is toddler on sat!

作者: Beida    時間: 14-12-22 17:32

Finally got K1 offer
作者: 964000    時間: 14-12-22 18:30

Beida 發表於 14-12-22 17:32
Finally got K1 offer
Congrats, it is s good school
作者: sagesage    時間: 14-12-22 18:40     標題: 引用:Finally+got+K1+offer+

原帖由 Beida 於 14-12-22 發表
Finally got K1 offer
Is full day class or half day class?

作者: Beida    時間: 14-12-22 18:49

回覆 964000 的帖子

Thanks a good Christmas gift
作者: sagesage    時間: 14-12-22 18:56     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Beida+於+14-12-22+發表Final

原帖由 sagesage 於 14-12-22 發表
Is full day class or half day class?
l will also get k1offer, but from pm change to full day class!

作者: Beida    時間: 14-12-22 19:02

回覆 sagesage 的帖子

I see.  Congrats and hope both of us can successfully change
作者: sagesage    時間: 14-12-22 19:05     標題: 回覆:Beida 的帖子


作者: 964000    時間: 14-12-23 15:36     標題: 回覆:Anfield play session

Seems most people who attend the play sessions get an offer

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